Monday, August 1, 2022

Dave Pack: Is he delusional or is he lying?


Holy Day Whoopsie-Daisy


David C. Pack continued his tradition of ruining the Sabbath for everyone at the Headquarters of The Restored Church of God this past weekend. Not only did the local brethren get to enjoy extended inaccurate biblical nonsense, but all the teens whose parents made them go to Ambassador Youth Camp had to rush past their dessert to sit through “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 385).”


@ 00:03 Well, as I often say, “Here we are again.” …it’s crucial and it will leave you with a sense of peace maybe you’ve not had before.


After listening to the whole message, I actually found it to be quite disturbing. And that was because I was trying to understand it. By the end of this, did anyone in the room have any inkling of peace?


I have planned on writing an article titled, “Is David C. Pack A Man Of His Word?” That question is rhetorical if you have any understanding of his long history of sayings and teachings. In recent weeks, I realized that he will tell you everything you need to hear to make a judgment about whether or not he speaks the truth.


The fact that he makes light of, "often…Here we are again,” clues you in on just how self-aware he might be. In Part 384, he ended with, “The series is over.” Did you believe him? I did not. And here we are.


Part 385 was delivered on July 30, 2022, to a captivated captured audience.


@ 03:20 I began to explore immediately after Tuesday, immediately. Actually, that night and then on into the morning, some things that didn’t sit right with me per Elul 15. Where 45 days would end at Elul 15. Well, since that’s now impossible, it may be interesting to know, first of all, before it was impossible, almost immediately after I’d spoken it, things began to hit me...


Things like reality and common sense, no doubt.


@ 03:58 I was led before the fact and the men around me know, I knew it immediately, literally that night, I was challenging some things that don’t sit right about that.


For those still attending RCG: If Mr. Pack goes home and does not believe his own message, why should you? If he cannot even let 24 hours pass without changing what he taught, why would you think he will ever be true about anything he preaches?


Dave mentions he was “led before” the deadline as if that is something to be proud of. It is the “right about something that was wrong” mental game that he plays with himself.


It has never crossed Dave’s mind that when he has new information, he should just sit on it for ONE MORE DAY before spewing it all over the church. So many wrong dates and goofy theories could have been averted if he had just waited one more day. Learning from your mistakes is for suckers.


He has admitted in the past that by the time he gets to the elevator, he already knows something is wrong. If only he had that feeling “hit” him when he came down from the third floor rather than when going back up, he could have saved himself so much embarrassment.


@ 05:04 Well, now you at least know Elul 15 is impossible.


Welcome to everyone else’s side of the table, Dave.


He dropped Elul 15 like a hot potato and returned to Trumpets being the Day of the Lord. A 45-day count from Trumpets gets you back to Av 15, but before you get all excited, this message is about to get more squishy.


Dave revisited the book of Daniel to discover what the words "until" and "to" meant. Reading comprehension has never been his strength. Of course, it was the translators at fault here. If only Dave had a time machine. He could go back and teach those lousy nincompoops exactly how they should have translated the Old Testament. He could also go back to a week ago and slap that Elul 15 gibberish right out of his own head.


While in Revelation 1, Dave dazzled the audience when he revealed, “I know what a trumpet sounds like.” The campers let out an audible gasp. Surely, they were all now grateful they were rushed through the food line so they could hear that revealing of incredible knowledge in person. Perhaps some lamented for all the unfortunate members not at Headquarters who would have to hear such things while sitting at home. Time and chance happens to us all.


You could not have guessed in a million years where he winds up going in this “landmark” (heh heh) message. 


@ 23:21 Why did Israel and the church count 50 to Pentecost, a Holy Day, for 3,500 years?...And we did it possibly in the wrong season toward the wrong Holy Day.


@ 24:35 …but is it possible that we were counting 50…through the wrong weeks toward the wrong Holy Day when we should be counting 50 in the weeks of the fall harvest that God put 'em in the spring for a purpose to hide them?


The answer is no.


@ 24:50 Why did He do that?


God did not do that, Dave. This is all you.


@ 25:03 What did it signal? It had to have a purpose. What purpose?


Out of all Dave's wild speculations, this takes the cake for wild speculations. What he goes on to explain is that the count to Pentecost is a type. God put the 50-day count to Pentecost in the Bible to “hide” that He actually wanted His Church to count 50 days to Trumpets. You know, without telling anyone throughout the entire book.


While it is too late for Brad to slip a copy of Children’s Bible Lessons – Level 1 “The Spring Feasts” into Dave’s briefcase while he was up at the Tammuz Cooking Table, he can still suggest pages 5 through 8 for refresher material before the next message.

Dave may not be good at math, but his Precise Speculation skills are top-notch. He would have proven himself to be very effective on the O.J. Simpson defense team. “If the count doesn’t fit, you must acquit.”


@ 25:24 But is it possible that there are 50 days or 49 days before a different Holy Day? Before Trumpets? We've already found 46 of 'em? Can we find four more? If we could find four more days that somehow are tied to the 46 we already have, then we'd have to count 49 to the 50th day and it would be Trumpets.


Dave spends more time speculating than Topol ever did.


If I were a rich man…Ya ba dibba dibba dibba dibba dibba dibba dum


@ 34:26 And I’m just gonna tell you if it’s not this year, then…we’re gonna wait ‘til about next July 28th and you can shut down your watch. It’s a waste of time because the Kingdom of God is coming on Trumpets.


@ 38:17 Now I can absolutely, absolutely explain where we find four days and that it’s impossible, I believe to get past next Sunday…Lock it! It won’t be any other way even if it were in another year. Impossible.




Dave must really hate when I do this:


Part 367 – May 14, 2022

@ 1:31:20 I am telling God’s people I believe the Kingdom of Israel and eternal life comes tomorrow night.If I’m wrong…I’m wrong by a whole year because I know the day it happens.


Part 375 – June 12, 2022

@ 29:48 …this is the year and everything lines up…let us look toward next Tuesday


Part 379 – June 25, 2022

@ 1:13:19 Because if it doesn’t happen this Wednesday…nothing’s gonna change. The Bible won’t change in a year. This picture won’t change in a year.



But that was then and this is now. Let the past go, brethren. Do not let it confuse you, brethren.


@ 37:46 No matter where we go and what we learn for the balance of the message,…you can just bank August 11th. But if we can find four more days, then you can bank August 7th. We don’t even get to next Sunday if something is found in front of that.


Everyone mark your calendars right now. With a pencil, of course. Do not be foolish.


For 4 ½ minutes, Dave explains that this verse is the key to finding the “four missing days” so he can get to a count of 50 preceding Trumpets.


Luke 12:49

I am come  to send   fire  on   the  earth;  and  what  will  I, if  it be already  kindled? 


I must be the wicked antichrist serpent he thinks me to be because I do not see four days in there.


The Bible does not mention four days. Dave does not go to verses where you can even count out four days. He just reads the verse and opens the filth spigot to spray prophetic sewage all over the church. 


He disregards the basic rules of Bible study. He disregards his own admonitions to be “exact” with the scriptures. He did something every minister warns lay members about. If you go looking for “something,” in the Bible, you will find “something.” Dave went hunting for “missing days” and pulled a Joseph Smith out of Luke 12.


For those that wonder if I am misrepresenting the explanation, click to hear some of the rationales.


Fire on the Earth

Note the key phrases: “…those sound a lot to me like…” “…like maybe…” “…you begin to find an indicator…” “…like maybe in four days…” “If so…”


@ 1:05:47 When Christ comes quickly with crowns as a…Bridegroom to the virgins, “I’m coming quickly. Let no man take your crown. Hold fast which you have,” is said to all the saints because Christ comes quickly. Well, that’s not 45 days. That’d be four days. Quickly…It’s just easy to see now.


This quote is a perfect example of how desperate David C. Pack has become. He is making things up and showing the church that is exactly what he is doing. “Easy to see” and yet it is not there.


He now has more in common with Simon Magus than he does with Herbert W. Armstrong.


Dave completely made up those four days. He twisted the words in Luke to fit his farcical narrative. Right before their eyes.


Imagined. Not real. Not true. Not provable. Not there. Like a magician with a card trick except he did not pull an ace out from behind their ears as Brad would do, but they actually walked away missing their wallets. That is how David C. Pack does his corner magic.


Those “missing four days” only exist in his mind. The next message this week will only stand to prove how “even more wrong” he actually is. Yet, the man is so blind that he cannot see it.



Is Dave delusional or is he lying? I ask myself that question more often these days. My meter is starting to tip the other way.


Reminder: David C. Pack tells you everything you need to hear to make a judgment call if he is true or not. He does not operate in a vacuum. He has a chorale of enablers supporting him.


The Emperor is naked!


Shame on you, Brad Schleifer.

Shame on you, Ed Winkfield.

Shame on you, Dr. Jaco Viljoen.

Shame on the rest of you “ministers” at Headquarters.


Shame on all of the broken hirelings for sitting idly by and letting this blatant perversion go out to the entire church with your bobbleheads left on automatic.


David C. Pack did not PROVE where the four missing days were. He only SAID where the four missing days were. Long gone from RCG is the phrase, “Don’t believe me, believe your Bible.”



As is his custom, Dave cannot take a firm stand on anything anymore.


@ 1:03:34 I wanna prepare you for what could happen before I speak again. I have an idea when this would happen. If it happens. But I also think it’s possible nothing will happen until we start to count 50 when Christ comes and He throws a nuclear weapon or a lot of them onto the planet.


As a non-prophet/non-psychic, I am going to make a public call on this one:


His additional message this week will not get him one inch closer to proving where those “missing four days” are.


Dave is going to walk back this 50-day count business long before Trumpets. Wait for it. He could flip the coin and it lands the other way where the count will shift to before Atonement or the Feast of Tabernacles or the Last Great Day. If he does that, he will owe me another sixty bucks.


All humor aside…


Amen to the Kingdom of God and Jesus Christ coming soon so all this wickedness can come to an end.


Marc Cebrian

See:  Holy Day Whoopsie-Daisy


Anonymous said...

The man needs help. He's desperately screaming for help. Somebody please get him competent medical help along with strong meds.

Anonymous said...

I can't even imagine the double whammy that RCG members are going through! They have to worry about Pack's nonsense in addition to the political horsecrap that's hitting the USA. A small group is concerned that Jesus might return each day, and, since nobody believes in compromise any more, the rest of us worry about the upcoming Civil War!

Anonymous said...

Marc, I’m not sure how you made it through the Bible studies with DP and the cooking table without flipping that table over on him. I’m waiting to hear one day someone snaps and flip it over on him.

Anonymous said...

Like Jesus did with the money changers in the temple! You have made my house a den of thieves. Even better if someone made a scourge of small cords overturned the tables and poured out the money from the cookie canister.

Anonymous said...

From the RCG members standpoint it matters not whether he is delusional or lying. The effect in their lives is the same either way.


Since we are now at the point of Marc having to lower his commentary and answer Dave with: no; God did not do that; use a pencil; there are no 4 days in the Bible; your making things up; your imagining; it is not real, then I am wondering if God has not cursed Dave.

Nebuchadnezzar suffered being reduced to a grazing animal in the wild. Has Dave been reduced to seeing the kingdom and predicting Christ's return through the eyes of a preschooler?

No one would blink an eye when a young exuberant child would mouth repeated superlatives with no basis or substance. An adult doing it is another story.

A few years ago Dave Pack made a double prediction. He was so sure of his calculated narrative, that he predicted the conclusion coming to fruition in a very short time period and then qualified that prediction with a statement. That statement was; "do you think God would let me get this wrong, do you not think that I know that if I get this wrong, everyone will run out of here like rabbits in a thunderstorm".

There was a double prediction failure on a certain day and apparently it never storms in Wadsworth, Ohio.

Tonto said...

It is easier to calculate "PI" to its last and final digit, than trying to decipher Pack's madness!

Tonto said...

It is easier to calculate "PI" to its last and final digit, than trying to decipher Pack's madness!

Anonymous said...

I don't think he's deluded. I believes that he knows that he's a gifted flim-flam man. Watching the 1967 movie "Flim-Flam man" about a professional con artist might help some members see through all his bull

Anonymous said...

AnonymousMonday, August 1, 2022 at 6:40:00 PM PDT
The man needs help. He's desperately screaming for help. Somebody please get him competent medical help along with strong meds.

You mean Marc…?? I agree

Anonymous said...

“Dave Pack: Is he delusional or is he lying?”

Yes! Yes!


DW said...

This man is totally and completely stark raving mad. This is gobbledygook on steroids. And may I ask, where is Jesus in all of this? Not where, as in physical location, but where is the Jesus of our salvation in this monstrosity of a series? How the hell is this getting people saved? If you don't have salvation, which has been given freely to whosoever (Jew or Gentile) believes, what good does any of this do? He just cannot see past his own self interest. What a selfish man. Whether this is intentional or unintentional, he is leading his members further away from God, not closer. He is starving them of the grace of Christ and feeding them a gross Satanic deception.

Ask yourself would God send a minister to feed His flock with character traits like Pack has? Where is the gospel in all of this? Where is the ONLY Gospel that saves (1st Corinthians 15:1-4), in this endless series of verbal gymnastics? How is this helping any of his members? If I bumped into you at Giant Eagle, and we got talking about "church", what would his ministers or members say if I asked them, how is someone saved? What would they be able to tell me about Jesus, other than He is forever breaking dates with His people and tends to be hard to pin down and a bit squishy about arrival times. What good does that do Jesus? How does that give Him the glory and worship He deserves? Who would want to believe in this jesus? It is these so called men of God that give religion a bad name. The members of RCG aren't blaming Pack for getting this totally wrong time and time again, so are they blaming God for the no shows? If Pack isn't to blame, who is? To me, this is the greatest disservice the lying false apostles/prophets do to the Name of God...and they do it IN the name of God. Shameful doesn't begin to cover it.

And did I hear him in that audio clip refer to himself yet again as Elijiah? So now he IS Elijiah?!? I wish he would make up his very sick mind.

Phinnpoy said...

I think Pack became delusional over the years. Based on what I've seen of him as the years went by, it's obvious his grip on reality became weaker and weaker. His current behaviors, imho, show a man who's on the verge of slipping into a complete psychosis. I only hope he can be committed before other people are hurt in a Jonestown way.

Anonymous said...

Seriously….look up Jerusalem Syndrome on YT….you won’t be disappointed