Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Banned's Most Ardent Follower Chuckles About Us In His Old Covenant Sermon

The most ardent reader of Banned and our favorite perpetually butthurt self-appointed prophet makes mention in his first sermon of his 'feast' about how he had to chuckle after reading Banned yesterday.

Feeling the burn over producing the WORST opening night Feast of Tabernacles video in Church of God history, he had the audacity to mention being made fun of.

The Great Bwana goes on to mention that his video has had more views than expected, but fails to mention that this "achievement" was thanks to the fact that readers from Banned watched the first couple minute of it before shutting it off either in disgust or utter amazement on how ridiculous it was. I fully expect Bwana Bob to thank Banned in his sermon tomorrow for helping the viewership numbers rise unexpectedly. A REAL leader would do that.

You too can chuckle along with Chuckles Thiel in this short clip below. Chag Sameach!


Anonymous said...

When Bob preaches with his endless smirk on his face he reminds me of this guy: https://tenor.com/view/mhmm-peter-strzok-smiling-gif-14743772

Anonymous said...

Don't flatter yourself Bob! Getting more visits to your sermons doesn't mean you getting better.

Remember Benjamin Britten, who said he listened to Brahms each year "to remind himself how bad he was". Imagine someone saying, "I listen to Bob every so often to see if he's as bad as people say — and usually find him worse."

DW said...

As I wrote in my comments yesterday, we used to watch ole'floppy for entertainment during cocktail and dinner parties. We laughed so hard at this fool of a prophlet, friends asked me to please put on the "Thielevision" so we could all chuckle at chuckles horrendous "sermons". I even mentioned that my friends and I should be thanked by "Dr" Thiel for at least 25-30 extra views per video of his sermons. You're welcome prophlet Bob.

As for his comments about Christians keeping the feast of tabernacles, for the 90th time, this is not a Christian thing. The Jews kept it, but we are New Testament Christians, saved by the blood of Christ. Paul tells us in Colossians 2:16-23 that no one should judge us Christians on what we eat or drink or what we do on yearly or monthly feasts and Sabbath....BECAUSE these were all but a shadow of things to come but the reality is the body of Christ. Got that, Bob? Those things WERE but a shadow. Christ IS the reality and fulfillment of those shadows. Paul goes on to say in the same passages, don't let any man tell you what to eat or drink or celebrate as a requirement of righteousness. Those are based on human precepts and doctrines, whose chief purpose is to indulge men's pride. Got that fake prophlet Bob? Men's (and little boy's) PRIDE!!

When will this guy repent and become a real Christian? I am not holding my breath. His arrogance knows no bounds and, frankly, repulses me even more than his flapping and flailing arms do.

Anonymous said...

The Feast of Tabernacles will be kept in the Kingdom so explain that away athiest.

Anonymous said...

No, it won't. Why would we be celebrating a shadow of the past when in a kingdom that is alive? Why would we be looking back at that time to an event in ancient times that foreshadowed an event to come, that is present. The logic of Armstrongism is appallingly bad.

RSK said...

"Athiest", lol

Anonymous said...

Why would we be looking back at that time to an event in ancient times that foreshadowed an event to come, that is present.

So you're saying we should forget Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection, because that happened in ancient times and foreshadowed an event to come? Interesting...

BP8 said...

Thanks DW 1140 for your expertise on "real" Christian practice. Out of the 41,000 Christian denominations world-wide, a handful might agree with you. The majority however, tolerate Sabbath and holyday observance based on their interpretation of Romans 14:5-6. Most commentaries also agree with this. I'm surprised you don't know that!

Anonymous said...

"So you're saying we should forget Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection, because that happened in ancient times and foreshadowed an event to come? Interesting..."

If in the kingdom your present reality is living in the presence of Christ himself why would you be memorializing a crucifixion that covered sin when the living Christ was resurrected and is dwelling among you in reality in the millennium? The sin is forgiven and blotted out to never be remembered. Why continue to look back at past sins?

Anonymous said...

I agree with DW. Bob is not a Christian and needs to repent of his lies and false teachings.

DW said...

BP8. I am well aware of different understandings based on Romans 14, however my comment said Paul wrote about doing those things for the purpose of "achieving" or "earning" your salvation. Or for earning your righteousness. That is my objection to any holy day or Sabbath keeping. If you want to keep those days, great, but they are not tied to our salvation. We cannot "earn" that by any means known to mankind. It is a free gift from God. He tells us our works are as filthy rags to Him. That is my main disagreement with Armstrongism or Adventism, Mormonism, JWs. They insist on law keeping and holy day observance in order to be saved. That nullifies the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus and to me, is blatant heresy.

Hoss said...

The Feast of Tabernacles will be kept in the Kingdom...
No it won't...
Yes it will...

Well, Zechariah 14:18 says If the Egyptian people do not go up and take part, they will have no rain. The LORD will bring on them the plague he inflicts on the nations that do not go up to celebrate the Festival of Tabernacles. [NIV]

A problem with interpreting "shadow" is that it is usually taken in the Greek sense (as in "Plato's Cave") and not in the Hebrew sense. In the Hebrew sense, a shadow is a "foreshadow" or a copy of something greater. The Book of Hebrews uses such comparisons, but it is usually misinterpreted by using Greek philosophy rather than Hebrew comparison.

And if a celebration is not meant to reflect on some past event, you've taken away almost every holiday there is...

Anonymous said...

If God had chosen the Phoenicians instead of the Israelites, we'd probably be keeping the Feast of Barnacles today!

Trooisto said...

Dear Prophet Bob,

I’m glad to hear you are reading Banned.
Being able to chuckle over someone’s opposing view of you shows a self-respect and maturity that’s not often seen in Armstongism.
You don’t need to agree with the views of others to be able to profit from them.

If you really want to be special and standout as a true leader, a visionary, an Oracle among the COGs, while getting more views than other COG leaders, I have a winning tip for you.
Please consider being the only COG leader that preaches about justification during this Feast.

Justification is Jesus’ fulfillment of Atonement as shown in Romans 5:18 and the fulfillment of the Feast of Tabernacles, as in living in peace with God, as shown in Romans 5:1.

While all the lesser GOG leaders are blabbering about their weak version of the millennium, you could be the unique ONE teaching about the only way humanity can live at peace with God (Romans 5:1).
That would make you truly special and you want to be special; a prophet of God should stand out as being special – for something other than flouncing hand gestures.

Let Weston, Flurry, and Pack continue with the same renderings of the Old Testament verses that have been putting their COGlodytes into sermon comas for decades.

You can, like a real prophet of God, give the COGlodytes something brashly new; something startling yet straight out of the Bible.
It would be like you were the actual mouthpiece of God, giving voice to the Word about the topic of justification, as found in Holy Scripture.

I see this topic as a sure way to distinguish yourself as being used by God in ways the lesser COG leaders could only dream of, if they were only blessed with the gift of dreaming like you are.

Please Prophet Bob, don’t let this Feast, picturing the millennium, pass without turning your people on to how to live at peace with God.
The people desperately want to be righteous and at peace with God – it’s up to you to proclaim the way.

I will be praying for you to have a double blessing of courage, foresight, insight, and Holy Spirit to boldly speak the Word of God, as a real prophet should.

Anonymous said...

DW said...
BP8. I am well aware of different understandings based on Romans 14, however my comment said Paul wrote about doing those things for the purpose of "achieving" or "earning" your salvation. Or for earning your righteousness. That is my objection to any holy day or Sabbath keeping. If you want to keep those days, great, but they are not tied to our salvation. We cannot "earn" that by any means known to mankind. It is a free gift from God. He tells us our works are as filthy rags to Him. That is my main disagreement with Armstrongism or Adventism, Mormonism, JWs. They insist on law keeping and holy day observance in order to be saved. That nullifies the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus and to me, is blatant heresy.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at 3:34:00 PM PDT

Completely agree that our salvation (roots of the tree) isn't dependent on commandment keeping. But, I personally believe that our salvation is evidenced by our commandment keeping or sanctification (fruit of the tree). We cannot claim to be Christ followers (Christians) and yet reject the most basic commandments and embedded principles inherent to God's laws and Christ's own words and actions--all of which are in harmony. It's like US President Joe Biden who asserts he's a Catholic Christian, but he supports unborn children being murdered (abortion) or Victorian Premier Dan Andrews who claims he's Catholic Christianity supports Christian Andrew Thorburn being removed as CEO of a football organization simply because his Christianity differs with Dan Andrews version ie Dan Andrews claims his Christianity doesn't label the murder of unborn children (abortion) and same sex acts (sodomy) as sins.

Anonymous said...

They also insist that everyone should want eternal life, 3:34. However, no longer existing is the absolute ultimate in peace. The idea that it is possible to get rid of evil, or hatred is ridiculous. Once you know good, you automatically know its complete opposite, the flip side of the same coin, evil. The mythical exclusive existence of good is like the elusive sound of one hand clapping. For evil not to exist, its opposite cannot exist either. The only way to get rid of one, is to also get rid of the other. The absence of consciousness gets rid of both. And, that is the best reward that I can imagine!

BP8 said...

"In order to be saved"?

DW I think you are overstating this! I was in the COG for 30 years and never observed the Sabbath and holydays in order to be saved! Oh I'm not saying certain wacko ministers didn't imply that, but " officially" that wasn't the case. Ron Dart in particular had several sermons and articles on the ROLE of the law, which is to define sin, not to give salvation. Adventist Des Ford properly said it best that "the law is God's STANDARD of righteousness, never the METHOD of righteousness!

Continue your beef with the vanity of MEN, not the word of God!

Anonymous said...

"To work on the Sabbath, to defile it by your own pleasure-seeking, doing business, etc., is A MAJOR SIN, punishable by ETERNAL DEATH!"

"Salvation, however, is for EVERYONE that believes (in living faith, not dead faith) — to the Jew first, and, through Christ, also to the Gentile (Rom. 1:16). You can have no salvation unless you become, spiritually, a JEW! "

"You shall be saved by GRACE, but God does lay down conditions. You can comply, and receive glorious GRACE — or you can rebel, and pay the DEATH PENALTY — for eternity!"

- Herbert Armstrong, "Which Day Is The Christian Sabbath?"

Phinnpoy said...

Oh please, spare us a Herbie sermonette! Nobody in any of the ACOG's ever kept the sabbath as intended in the Old Covenant! Look up lunar sabbath and you'll see why. Hint: it can fall on any day of the week.

Anonymous said...

Read the comment above that. Yeah, sure it wasn't "officially" the case that WCG taught Sabbath keeping was necessary for salvation.

Anonymous said...

PhinnpoyWednesday, October 12, 2022 at 1:27:00 PM PDT
Oh please, spare us a Herbie sermonette! Nobody in any of the ACOG's ever kept the sabbath as intended in the Old Covenant! Look up lunar sabbath and you'll see why. Hint: it can fall on any day of the week.

Not according to scripture and the commandments you uncircumcised Philistine

Anonymous said...

Because Jesus still has stars of the nails on his hands. How dead art thou ?

Anonymous said...

““Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles?”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7:15-16‬ ‭RSV‬‬