Waffling Already
If you have ever wondered how an antichrist serpent more wicked (almost) than the devil thinks, indulge in this behind-the-scenes glimpse. Brad, take notes.
The wacky messages coming out of The Restored Church of God are so thick with deceptions, contradictions, lies, and foolishness that it became self-evident that shoving all that information into one article was inefficient.
Shorter, focused articles provide more content spread over days to make it easier to absorb the Horror Show going on behind the closed gates in Wadsworth.
When David C. Pack spoke for 1 hour and 56 minutes on February 2, giving “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 417)," it was apparent multiple postings would be necessary.
Yesterday’s Evil Men article covered the 1335 of Daniel and how members leaving RCG are committing spiritual suicide. Cheery.
The plan for today was to cover another mis-mistranslation and how the Three Shepherds of Zechariah 11 were identified, but not really…not at all, actually. Tomorrow would wrap up Part 417 with how adamant Dave was that the Series was over even though we all know it is not.
However, flexibility in the whistleblowing business is vital. I make it a policy not to alter my personal plans due to Dave Chaos, but when it comes to reporting on significant changes when I was already planning to write, making adjustments is necessary.
The finality of Part 417 was over-sold, which should have been a signal Dave was going to balk.
Part 417 – February 2, 2023
@ 00:46 First, we’re gonna build a final foundation. There are a number of truly fascinating things I’ve learned…But, the way to get to the final parts of the Mystery of God…is to confirm some things that would be very helpful…
@ 16:10 …you’re gonna have your mind blown when you understand something we just were not to see until the very end. The very last message is to make things plain.
@ 16:47 I hope you will find this the most-fascinating sermon in the entire Series. That would be my hope. If not, well, it’s definitely the last one because we’re running outta time.
Part 417 is the Last Most Super-Fantabulous of the Series. Not so fast. I have a six-page document with statements like that. And that is not all of them. Dave is not known for making measured statements.
@ 42:58 So, I haven’t spoken for about eleven days. I’ve had an opportunity just to let God show me these final things that I need to see.
On-The-Fencers and All-Believing Zealots:
According to your apostle, God showed him these final things. Final. God showed him. Remember this.
@ 1:47:39 But, you need patience.
@ 1:47:48 But, if you had to wait twelve days before a last message inside the 1335 that was called out, and then you knew it's plain. The Mystery of God is over.
For those who wonder if these quotes are fabricated, watch the guy explain how final this message is. You will giggle through if it does not make you angry.
@ 1:51:30 So, in conclusion, there’s certainly no more time for messages or emails. This time, you outta believe it. You should know that.
He chuckled. What does that tell you? David C. Pack does not believe his own words. He could not say it without laughing because he knew it was not true.
People of RCG, are you paying attention?
@ 1:51:38 Let’s imagine that I had an entire sermon that I wish I had time to give it. There wouldn’t be time. Here’s the other problem: I don’t have anything left to say. Nothing.
If only that were true. If David C. Pack ever uttered something we all sincerely wished in our heart of hearts was true and unbreakable, it would be that he has nothing left to say. But that is not the world we live in.
@ 1:51:49 So, we’d have to wait for me to come up with another message, then deliver it, and then wait for everybody to hear it, and by then, we're probably inside 40 days. Do you see my point? So, you don't have to worry. Would I send an email, a quick email, or something? Yes, I suppose. But I don't know what it'd be about. I have nothing to say.
The words of David C. Pack expose David C. Pack. They plague him. They attack him. They are his true enemies.
Dave could not get through the weekend holding to what he said two days earlier. Imagine brethren coming home from Sabbath Services to find this in Member Services:
Prophetic Update – February 4, 2023
Brethren, if we make it through Tuesday and our wait is somehow longer (as was speculated to be a possibility in Part 417), Mr. Pack plans to deliver a message mid-week. In the meantime, here are a few verses to consider that could explain a longer wait: (1) Matthew 24:22 says “except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.” (2) Mark 13:20
“except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect’s sake, whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened the days.” (3) Romans 9:28
“For He will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth.”
That frequent, uncomfortable feeling nagged Dave all day. He felt haunted again.
A part of David C. Pack knows he is a biblical fraud. The wrestling match inside his head is sweaty Olympic-grade. Not that flashy WWE theatrical stuff. No, this is a bone-on-bone vexation.
The biggest doubter of what David C. Pack teaches in The Restored Church of God is David C. Pack.
Brethren of RCG, are you paying attention?
Part 418 is coming this week. Magic 8 Ball had already revealed that yesterday morning.
Now that you know about last night’s Pathetic Update, return to Part 417 from TWO DAYS before those corrupted supper-time waffles were served on rcg.org.
If you think Dave was done selling the importance of Tuesday and the finality of it all, think again.
@ 1:52:16 You have heard everything I know. I can’t imagine something is more important than just waiting it out now. Or, so important that I need to give a five-minute sermonette. I can't think of anything.
@ 1:52:40 So, I just wanna say there’s certainly no more time for messages or probably emails.
Dave is repeating himself. The time stamps expose that. This is classic Dave over-explaining as if the more he repeats a concept, the more accurate it will become. Repeat something enough, and it will manifest into reality.
For some reason, this technique is not as successful when you apply it to gain a million dollars and a hot wife. Dammit.
@ 1:53:43 I hope you found it as gripping to hear as I enjoyed speaking it. The Series is over. 417 messages on the 33rd anniversary of my arrival in this city.
This also means it was the 33rd anniversary of his first doodie in Wadsworth. David C. Pack’s valuable contributions to the community sewage system can now be traced back to a specific day. Note that for inclusion in Volume 3 of his biography.
What an arrogant and vain human being. Is any event too small in the man's life to hold some biblical significance?
For those who are off-put when I remind you David C. Pack is some great one because he doodies in the toilet and not in his pants, please remember that Part 417 was delivered on the 33rd anniversary of his moving to Wadsworth. Call the mayor.
@ 1:53:56 Godspeed next Tuesday night, which, I think, would be Tuesday morning. And yes, I'm always gonna tell you, brethren, I don't know the hour to start. I think I do this time, but I'm not gonna say that.
He does not want to get nailed to a time, but he JUST SAID it was Tuesday morning, February 7. His waffling brain is twitching in real-time at the lectern.
Dave wrestles with himself from one breath to the next. This is a significant examination of public mental decay. I do not revel in the steady decline of David C. Pack. He was once "my father in the gospel" but has since betrayed that gospel. And he has betrayed the reason he founded The Restored Church of God in 1999. Whether the cause of his deterioration is physical or spiritual, the results are the same.
@ 1:54:07 It could go all the way it could be not Tuesday morning here, meaning sundown in Jerusalem. It could. What if it went on into the evening? Whatever it is, it is. I think I I think I've told you as much as I can, but I don't know how you get past the morning. If it's 3 ½ days and you need 29 ½ days, and that's 33 days before 10, I don’t see how you get past Tuesday at about, what, 10:17 or something in the morning here. I just don’t see how you do it.
Derp. He sees a way past Tuesday now. He will see a way past Friday, February 10. And then past March 12. And then past March 22. And then into Passover and Unleavened Bread. And then past that into Pentecost. You heard it here first, folks.
The Restored Church of God served rotten waffles on Saturday night. The spiritual food there is tainted and makes people sick. Yet, they continue to endure. The teachings of David C. Pack do not pass the sniff test, yet they swallow it anyhow.
It is sour to the nose. Sour to the mouth. Sour to the gut. Sour to the heart. The seats of the Main Hall at Headquarters are drenched in vomit. It is incredible what people are willing to accept as they continue to sit in puke and let more spew into their faces.
David C. Pack is not a goodman. He is not a man of his word. He is not a man to be trusted. Those are not opinions. David C. Pack has consistently proven God is not guiding him. History records those facts, which should terrify anyone still giving him their money. You are paying him to vomit on you.
Why does an ex-member/ex-employee hear the words of David C. Pack, but members of The Restored Church of God do not? The man tells you everything you need to hear to know whether he is truthful. The words from his lips expose what spirit he serves.
Over and over and over again, he screams, "Do not trust me!" and yet the people abide. They stop their ears and refuse to accept the man as he is.
The brethren do not believe him when they should yet believe him when they should not. Wrong judgment proceedeth, all right. Big-time.
Members of The Restored Church of God: Your Pastor General could not make it through the weekend believing his own teachings. If you stood alongside your apostle on Thursday, he has taken a step away from YOU and has already changed his tune.
He is counting on you to continue to ignore his waffling. He teaches something and walks it back within days. He even says something and contradicts it in the following sentence.
Hear what David C. Pack says.
Tuesday will come and go. The 1335 clock will be reset. The plea for patience and tithe checks will continue into the vanishing point.
@ 43:01 I’ve had an opportunity just to let God show me these final things that I need to see.
The Pathetic Update Saturday proves God did not “show Dave these final things.” Was it a mistake? A misunderstanding? An assumption? Or was it a lie?
Regardless of how you want to classify that statement, every answer leads you to the undeniable fact it was not of God.
Not. Of. God.
Brethren, hear the words of David C. Pack. Do not waffle like he does.
You know its a pretty sad day when Sponge Bob makes more sense than Dave does.
The Waffle House Church of God?
Actually my family member made some Klondike pecan waffles with maple syrup and turkey bacon this morning even after hearing part 417 with no indigestion!! Eating it up!
Baiting again ??
Waffling is a British slang word. But of course this is NOT an American run blog and NEVER has been.
Well....His suit looks nice.
"Waffling is a British slang word. But of course this is NOT an American run blog and NEVER has been."
That has to be the dumbest thing on here today. Waffling is also a US slang word.
Pack is also a FLAT JACK!
Dave's obsession with dates is not spiritual. But then, he never did understand anything spiritual. He always struck me as a legalistic rabbinical technical analyst type.
No it's not. Deceiver.
The 3 shepherds, from Jeremiah 52: Zedekiah the king, Seraiah the chief priest, and Zephaniah the "second priest" - verse 24 ????
Wasn't there a product that had a character called Wallace The waffle wiffer? RCG members have plenty of experience wiffing waffled prophecy announcements.
Yeah, but it's more like from the standpoint of "Mi pedo es su pedo."
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