This coming Sunday is known as “Super Bowl Sunday” in the USA. Most years, the American football (which is not the same as the sport called soccer in the USA) contest known as the Superbowl is the most watched television program in the USA. Over 100,000,000 are expected to intentionally (as opposed to perhaps seeing a news item about it) watch at least some of it this year according to various reports.
This year he has to drag in Apostle John who was against American Football, big time!
Tackle football fans WANT one team to repeatedly knock down players of the opposing team. They get a thrill and satisfaction from their team winning.
But for many tackles to happen, one or more players often get, at least slightly, injured and sometimes permanently so.
To encourage this as a fan and to be pleased when it happen simply is not good for Christians and is harmful for character development–including developing more of the love of God.
The Apostle John was inspired to write, “he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen? And this commandment we have from Him: that he who loves God must love his brother also (1 John 4:20-21).
Encouraging and celebrating violent physical contact (tackling) is not showing love towards players.
He is also perturbed this year that regular Church of God members will watch the game. The horrors!
Tackle football is a lust of the flesh and eyes. Those who claim to be Christian and endorse it are letting the pride of life deceive them.
How many who are in the COGs love the worldly sport of American tackle football and really do not care that it causes irreparable harm to its participants? Is it not another reason that some watch because of their lust for violence and/or for social acceptance?
This is not what loving Christians should do.
Since American football games, like the Super Bowl, intentionally inflict various hurts, the following scripture supports the idea that American football will not be allowed in the Millennium:
9 They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain,
For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LordAs the waters cover the sea. (Isaiah 11:9, NKJV)
While “love does no harm to a neighbor” (Romans 13:9), what do sports like American football do?
A while back, on the night before the Super Bowl, I saw portions of TBN’s Christian World News. Towards the end, they interviewed players on the teams in that scheduled Super Bowl game who professed Christ. The players, individually, basically stated that their faith was more important than winning the Super Bowl. But none said that they would renounce violence, not harm others, or not participate in the game because of its negative fruits.
Additionally, of the multitude of groups that profess Christ, it appears that only an actual or relative handful or so will tell their members that they should not be fans of American tackle football. Sometimes they will not denounce it because their leaders are fans, sometimes because they are afraid that they might lose members and/or money, and sometimes because of all of those reasons.Would Jesus want you to watch the Super Bowl? What about the Apostle Paul who warned against approving violence? The same Apostle Paul who said to imitate him as he imitated Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1). Would Jesus or the Apostle Paul watch the Superbowl as football fans rooting for one team to crush the other team?
“Perhaps,” some might answer. And still others may ridicule and/or dismiss what I have written.
However, if Jesus Himself did watch the Super Bowl, would He watch it and hope that one team would tackle and crash into members of the other team? Or might He watch it, if He did, so He could make social commentary against the violence and/or distorted priorities of the land?
Would Jesus take pleasure in humans damaging other humans for entertainment?
Thiel has been on the warpath against football for quite some time now. He is particularly galled that today is Super Bowl Sunday and over 100,000,000 people may INTENTIONALLY watch it!
Thiel writes:
Then in his next sentence, he has this to say:Today is known as “Super Bowl Sunday” in the USA. Most years, the American football (which is not the same as the sport called soccer in the USA) contest known as the Superbowl is the most watched television program in the USA. Between 100,000,000-200,000,000 are expected to intentionally (as opposed to perhaps seeing a news item about it) watch at least some of it today according to various reports.
Since most people in the USA have, at one time or another, made some hint of professing following Jesus, a relevant question may be:
Would Jesus want you to watch the Super Bowl?
Lest we forget, in Thiel speak whenever he talks about "professing" followers of Jesus he is talking about the "SO-CALLED" harlot daughters of the Catholic church. These unwashed UNCONVERTED masses are worthless fake Christians that follow Jesus instead of the law. Whenever Thiel throws around the "so-called" and the "hint of professing" style Christians he is ultimately trying to tell you that there are REAL "professing" Christians and "called" ones. Of course, the "called" ones can only be found in the Continuing Ed Church of God.
Thiel finds American football to be offensive because of the "violence" in it. He writes:
I think the root of the matter may lie deeper than the "violence" he wants to see. Did Thiel really want to be on the football team but was ultimately too unfit for it? That is the impression I have heard people had that were in LCG listening to his malarkey. Was he rejected and therefore humiliated in front of his peers? Many seem to think so.After seeing the injuries that some of my high school football-playing colleagues suffered, I could not reconcile the scriptures with American football. There are better ways for Christians to learn principles like teamwork from other sports or activities than watching actual violence such occurs in American tackle football.
Thiel then brings John the Baptist into the mix. Thiel cherishes his flesh too much to dare to play football:
Thiel then quotes Theophilus as the authority on refusing to watch football. Because football is violent in Thiel's eyes he thinks it is comparable to Christians being martyred in the Forum or gladiators fighting to death. What a moronic comparison. Of course, Christians did not attend events where people fought to their death. To compare football to that same kind of violence is stretching the point to absurdity.Also, notice what John the Baptist taught soldiers:
14 And the soldiers likewise demanded of him, saying, And what shall we do? And he said unto them, Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely; and be content with your wages. (Luke 3:14, KJVI could not reconcile loving my neighbor as myself and cherishing my flesh and not doing violence to any man by watching others do it in a football game. Nor the following:)
9…You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” 10 Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. (Romans 13:9-10, NKJV)
The New Testament also warns Christians against being violent or approving of those that are (Romans 1:28-32), while history records that early Christians would not watch violent sports. Notice one such report from Theophilus of Antioch perhaps written about 180 A.D.:
Consider, therefore, whether those who teach such things can possibly live indifferently, and be commingled in unlawful intercourse, or, most impious of all, eat human flesh, especially when we are forbidden so much as to witness shows of gladiators, lest we become partakers and abettors of murders. But neither may we see the other spectacles, lest our eyes and ears be defiled,
Then, Thiel just sinks further into his madness. Football is EVIL and so are the cheerleaders!
Since I do not actually watch American football, I do not know how many violent acts are likely at today’s Super Bowl, but the number is likely to be very high, and maybe even a lot more if thoughts of violence are included (cf. Matthew 5:21-22).
In my view, the tackle version of the sport of American football is evil (touch football I would not consider to be inherently evil–though attitude is still a possible factor there). Also, no Christian can really defend how professional football cheerleading females are publicly dressed and displayed–and presumably some of how they will be displayed at today’s Super Bowl game.
In the world Thiel is going to be King and Ruler over as God, he is not going to allow American football to be played.
Since American football games, like the Super Bowl, intentionally inflict various hurts, the following scripture supports the idea that American football will not be allowed in the Millennium:
9 They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain,
For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord
As the waters cover the sea. (Isaiah 11:9, NKJV)
Thiel concludes with this. When you look at it, it really makes sense to a follower of Armstrongism. The Jesus they think the world knows is this weak, effeminate, pussy-boy who is too delicate to play tackle football.
Say what?????????? Jesus is now a sports commentator?????Would Jesus want you to watch the Super Bowl? What about the Apostle Paul who warned against approving violence? The same Apostle Paul who said to imitate him as he imitated Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1). Would Jesus or the Apostle Paul watch the Superbowl as football fans routing for one team to crush the other team?
Perhaps, some might say. And some may ridicule and/or dismiss what I have written.
If Jesus Himself did watch the Super Bowl, would He watch it and hope that one team would tackle and crash into members of the other team? Or might He watch it, if He did, so He could make social commentary against the violence and/or distorted priorities.
Thiel needs to stop making such a fool out of himself with these worthless and idiotic promotions of personal opinion. Armstrongism is based purely upon personal opinion instead of having anything to do with Jesus or reality.
This is my second opportunity to make this comment, as this is a hot topic on the blogs. In the greater scheme of things, I've witnessed false prophecy do far greater damage in people's' lives than cause a couple of stiff muscles and bruises! Much could be said regarding the Christian warrior, and the training and stamina required to be one. I mean, even in the OT, what about Jacob's little wrestling match?
I'm a motorsports guy myself, but "they" say the same negative things about my people. Frankly, I'm somewhat glad these people stick their foot in their mouths in these ways. It turns people off towards anything further they have to say, thus preventing damage.
I think it would be a great thing if Jesus came down during halftime. Almost "every eye would see him." Perfect venue for the second coming.
Well..maybe too late. These days we'd only suspect a spectacular advertisement done as a hologram
PS Jesus as God of the OT did sit on the sidelines cheering for Team Israel to crush the opponent. He loves winning and plays rough
Considering the score I think maybe Jesus did hate this game!
Bob Thiel wrote:
is absolutely false, because that particular verse applies AFTER Satan comes out of that pit AFTER 1,000 years and again deceives the entire world and people worldwide again learn war.
And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,
Thus saith the Lord GOD; It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think AN EVIL THOUGHT:"
"...Since American football games, like the Super Bowl, intentionally inflict various hurts, the following scripture supports the idea that American football will not be allowed in the Millennium:
:9 They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain, For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord As the waters cover the sea. (Isaiah 11:9, NKJV
I almost hate to even say this, but "self-proclaimed prophet" Bob Thiel's understanding of Isaiah 11:9
Now, learn football? I don't know, but Bob Thiel is mis-using that verse and applying that verse too soon...over 1,000 years too soon.
Revelation 20:7
:8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.
Where was Christ at the end of that 1,000 years? How come Satan is able to do all of that wickedness?
And Bob is concerned about football?
For Bob Thiel: perhaps you ought to be concerned about thoughts, evil thoughts, because that 1,000 year people will be like a human utopia with Satan in the pit, but an evil thought will come after that 1,000 years, AFTER Satan is loosed from the pit when Gog, the 7th Head of the Beast, comes on the world scene:
"7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,
8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.
Ezekiel 38:10
The context is all about Gog from the land of Magog and that context explains lots of evil to occur, but..............no mention of any "football evil"...
Actually, Thiel blew it. This was high profile! He had an opportunity to prophesy which team would win, and what the final score would be. But, he just wussed out and said the whole thing was Satanic. I mean, to hear him talk, you'd think the fans would all be chanting "nataS, nataS!"
Thiel can ramble all he wants. All I know is that when the Angel (Jesus) wrestled with Jacob all night, that this was no SISSY match. It was "no holds barred" and ROUGH.
Injury occurred and it was winner take all.
Manly, competitive, fierce, prideful and sweaty.
Not sure how Bob can "apologize" for the fact that God himself liked and engaged in a good manly contest.
Joe Moeller
Cody, WY
PS- Looks like the Chinese Year of the Horse did little to help the Denver Broncos!
The Cleveland Clowns, I mean Browns could have done better
than Denver in this one... Shame!!!
Doesn't he know that the term "Super Bowl" is trademarked and agressively protected by the NFL. Hope he's got a nice warchest for the lawsuit.
Of course, that would require that someone actually read his drivel. So, all good I guess. :)
I for one am glad Booby makes these silly statements. It just makes the rest if the COG's look like complete blithering idiots!
:9 They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain, For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord As the waters cover the sea. (Isaiah 11:9, NKJV
"Guess you could also interpret that to mean He is going to do away with all the churches and asshole ministers that are Lording it over everyone, destroying their families and throwing them out on their asses! Can't wait for the Kingdom!!
Last night, my fervent prayers were answered!
I prayed that Jesus would NOT descend into the stadium for a half-time show.
I was worried that the cameras would look up his robe as he descended, or even that Satan would create a mighty wind and blow his robe up to create a wardrobe malfunction.
But now, True Believers everywhere will KNOW that Jesus wanted the Seahawks to win!
PS, you mean the story in the Bible about "Jacob's little wrestling match" is as true as the ones about Noah's Ark, Jonah and the Great Fish, the Tower of Babel, the Garden of Eden, etc?
If so, that's great, and establishes Jesus as a person faster than NASCAR's Jimmie Johnson, and tougher than John Wayne. (Not to mention Dick Cheney who can shoot a person's face off when he hears a quail make a noise.)
"PS, you mean the story in the Bible about "Jacob's little wrestling match" is as true as the ones about Noah's Ark, Jonah and the Great Fish, the Tower of Babel, the Garden of Eden, etc?
I was thinking the same thing. Another fanciful tale somebody dreamed up to dazzle ignorant rubes with.
Anyone know whether the ACOGs over in the UK or Europe teach that soccer and rugby are Satanic?
Not being a football fan, I still find it hilarious that Thiels main "distinctive" for his group is whether or not to watch football.
As BB mentioned, Jacob's wrestling match is enough to disprove Ballerina Bob's dainty theory about avoiding sports that cause injury. The Angel appeared to Jacob, they wrestled, Jacob sustained a serious hip injury, and Jacob's name was changed to Israel.
Had the Angel appeared to Bob, Bob would have refused to wrestle, and Bob's name would have been changed to Nancy.
I love this post! I am so glad you bring it back occasionally when Booby wets his little boy pants over the Super Bowl.
Bob objects to scantily clad female cheerleaders, but not to scantily clad male swimmers. He objects to men on the field blocking each other, but not to those same men engaging in a little grab-ass between plays.
Draw your own conclusions... in pink!
Bob Thiel is right about this guys because wise and Godly don't harm others and they would want to prevent injury to themselves as well.
"Had the Angel appeared to Bob, Bob would have refused to wrestle, and Bob's name would have been changed to Nancy."
Probably more like Bobbi, Bobalina, Bobette
If Bob Thiel had been Joshua, the Israelites would never have inherited the holy lands. Warriors do have their place in a theocracy. Activities and games that train warriors are actually beneficial to any culture. Sooner or later, something is worthy of defense.
Having read much of Bob's material over the years, mostly right here, I'd have to say that he most likely would have been a hippie back in the '60s, except that Armstrongism eschewed the hippies, while actually embracing many of their paradigms, such as pacifism, questioning the mainstream, natural foods, and non-conformity to style.
These ACOG knuckle heads are always squeezing the fun out of everything.
Hey Bob, to paraphrase Carly Simon, "You're so vain, you probly think this thread's about you!"
So, while you're here surreptitiously checking us out, what do you think about touch or tails football? We used to block really hard in touch football at church picnics. The guys were always nursing manly bruises on Monday mornings. Rod Meredith approved of touch football, and even participated in student games at AC outings in the '60s. Seemed as if he approved it as one of his antidotes against sixth mannism.
Anon 11:44 they aren't squeezing the fun out of everything they just want you be safe and not hurt I would thank them if I were you not to mention that they want you to follow Jesus by submitting to the laws and ways of almighty God nothing is greater than that.
"...they want you to follow Jesus by submitting to the laws and ways of almighty God nothing is greater than that."
Bob does not follow Jesus, so why lie that he is?
Incessantly irritating….
Desperately seeking attention……
Its PCG Flurry vs RCG Pack competing in THE TOILET BOWL!
Tonto I think it's very disrespectful to call them the toilet bowl Mr. Pack would win anyway since Mr. Pack is running a great ministry he has the best website and beautifully designed campus unlike Bob's doctor office headquarters.
Tonto, you need to think about how successful Pack and Flurry are and how much they've achieved, they're restoring what Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong taught. But the problem is discerning which has the true restoration of the worldwide church of God and which has not.
Dave Pack is mentally ill and not a Christian. His ministry is all about himself. Jesus has not part of Pack's cult.
I am not against rough contact sports like football per se. Just think in the next life there may be rough contact sports, and nobody will be upset by it because everyone will have immortal indestructible bodies. It's not the game itself, it is the fact that we are constructed of vulnerable protoplasm. Here below, I see sports as being sorted according to risk or injury. Almost every sport has some risk of injury that is greater than zero. And some sports are riskier than others.
With football you have a high risk of the following happening:
1. A competitive attitude that gets out of hand and becomes belligerence.
2. Risk of personal and permanent injury, either immediate or over a period of time.
3. The encouragement of the mistaken philosophy that violence produces good outcomes.
4. The encouragement of the mistaken idea that seeing people get whacked is entertaining.
The list could go on. Almost every sport has a risk level concerning the above points and others. Touch football has the same problems only the risk of these happenings is less.
Personally, I would be against my son playing football because the risk is unacceptable to me. For that reason, I do not watch the Superbowl. I'm not going to be entertained by something that I would not let a family member participate in. I do not watch halftime events because I regard it as junk entertainment. I do watch the commercials sometimes - I'm not a fanatic about this. I watch basketball - much lower risk profile - but it does have a risk profile. Getting up and eating breakfast has a risk profile.
I do not watch American football, but I do watch the Olympic Games. Where that threshold of unacceptability is for various sports differs between people. Take it as a test of your personal judgement. We will all answer for it. No waivers.
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Hey Byker Bob,
Great to see you posting. I was just thinking about you the other day, wondering how my biker friend was doing. I missed seeing tour posts, but understood your need for a little r&r. Have a great time watching the super bowl.
Jim AZ
Anon 12:33, I'm a grown ass man and don't need a damn babysitter!
Unfortunately, this is a repost from 2014ish. Bykers still gone.
Well, sockpuppet, we want you to use commas, but you never take that into consideration.
I do not watch halftime events because I regard it as junk entertainment.
Imagine the horror if Bob Thiel or Gerald Flurry were to have a wardrobe malfunction while speaking at the Feast of Tabernacles!
RSK, thanks for the update. I went back and now see Byker Bob’s post was from 2014.
Not being a sports fan, I don't INTENTIONALLY watch most sporting events when not under any 'social obligation'. One of the most ruthless games I've seen live was a FOT basketball game with the ministers...
Hoss, you should be thankful for your ministers.
That people will have indestructible bodies in the next life is an assumption. Satan was called a murderer from the beginning. If angels are indestructible, how can there be murder? Adam and Eve were originally immortal, but not indestructible.
Anon 6:33 PM Satan is called a murderer because he inspires murder on the earth.
I miss him too, Jim.
Dennis wrote, "PS Jesus as God of the OT did sit on the sidelines cheering for Team Israel to crush the opponent. He loves winning and plays rough"
I don't think you can cite an example of Yahweh ever "cheering" for anyone in the context of war. His position instead is: "As I live, says the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from their ways and live."
I know you were probably just in "Saturday Night Live" mode, but there are some people who may not recognize that.
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Anonymous 6:33 wrote, "That people will have indestructible bodies in the next life is an assumption."
I supposed that the saved could have destructible bodies that are protected and sustained by God for eternity. But then would we really be "partakers of the divine nature?" And besides we will be like Jesus, and he ascended with his body to the Third Heaven. He went awfully fast and awfully far through the Cosmos to get there - had to be some bad weather on the way. I wouldn't want my flesh to experience the cold dead vacuum of space.
And the Adversary had the spirit of murder in his heart when he abandoned being Lucifer and set out on his new course.
And you "Adam and Eve" statement overlooks the fact that they were to be sustained by access to the Tree of Life. They were not immortal in the beginning. They were run off from the Garden of Eden so they would not have access to the Tree and become immortal.
Are you a troll? Did I just get euchred?
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Well, you know God wasn't happy about touchdown Jesus and here's the 'Rest of the Story' (as Paul Harvey would say).
8.05 PM
it mentions leaves for the healing of the nations in the New Jerusalem. Please explain this?
No, you did not get trolled. Even if Adam and Eve had taken or kept taking from the tree of life, their state would have been that of immortality, but still subject to injury or death through physical murder.
In Revelation 22:2
All I'm saying is that it's a common and appealing assumption that people will have injure proof bodies in the next life. I don't believe that there is sufficient bible proof for this belief. We do not know for sure.
Wait a minute. Did not Yahshua not wrestle with Jacob all night before Jacob's name was changed to Israel?
Of all the evils and corruption one could cry aloud over, why do these jokers continue to waste their time with the Super Bowl, or Valentine's day, Christmas, etc? The reason? It's safe! No backlash, nobody really gets mad or gives a crap. Very different from the reaction we read about in John 7:7
Waiting for Bob to tell us whether it's OK to celebrate Groundhog Day, Arbor Day, or National Secretaries' Day.
their state would have been that of immortality, but still subject to injury or death through physical murder.
You're saying it is possible to kill God or an angel? That's frightening!
Waiting for Bob to tell us whether it is OK to celebrate Groundhog Day, Arbor Day, or National Secretaries' Day.
Duh. A secretary is one who is responsible for recording the words of his/her superior. Figuratively, the secretary is the word of that superior. As such, it is pagan and blasphemous to honor a secretary without honoring the Secretary, the Logos, who serves under God the Father.
David Hulme has a good group for himself.
Well, you know... any god who can be killed, should be killed.
Bob Thiel said: "...Since American football games, like the Super Bowl, intentionally inflict various hurts, the following scripture supports the idea that American football will not be allowed in the Millennium:

has nothing to do with his millennium. Isaiah, another story, is part of the fulfillment of God's seventh annual Holyday, aka. The Eighth Day. Bob Thiel uses Isaiah 11:9
, while turning a blind eye to all that Satan does after that 1,000 years to mess up this world with deception, war, etc., but that's another story. Bob Thiel is a false prophet, but what's with the ball? Why the big deal over a ball? Over some superbowl?
"To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation."
"The LORD of hosts hath sworn, saying, Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, [so] shall it stand:"
). Bob likes talking so much about "another Jesus" and football. The thought, the verses are:
"Behold, the LORD will carry thee away with a mighty captivity, and will surely cover thee.
:9 They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain,
For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord
As the waters cover the sea. Isaiah 11:9
What's the big deal about a ball?
And Bob Thiel's millennium is a Mickey Mouse millennium (MMM). Bob Thiel is a prophet falsely so-called. Isaiah 11:9
Who is Bob Thiel? False prophet? Yes, but who is he? Why blame and judge human beings over some ball or bowl as being so evil? Why is Bob imputing such sin upon fellow human beings?
Does God impute sin on all of these human beings? What kind of a Plan of Salvation is God running (Psalm 74:12
Here's Paul's advice for the Bob Thiel's, the Doug Winnail's, the former WCG hirelings of this world today:
2 Cor 5:19
Based upon that verse alone it appears that God plans to reconcile the entire world unto Himself, so where does Bob Thiel fit in. How is Bob going to help out in any way there? Does God need Bob's mouth, Bob's words, Bob's blame, judging and imputing of sin upon his own brothers and sisters?
For whatever it may be worth, God has a thought or two. Here's one thought:
Isaiah 14:24
If God is not going to impute sins, trespasses (even if football were one of them!??!), so shall it stand, whether Bob Thiel prophet falsely so-called, anybody, understands it or not. Time will tell when the accomplishment of that very reconciling is eventually fulfilled.
And here's another thought about a ball, from that same LORD just mentioned in Isaiah 14, and that LORD is not Jesus Christ or the Word (Acts 3:13
Isaiah 22:17
:18 He will surely violently turn and toss thee [like] a ball into a large country: there shalt thou die, and there the chariots of thy glory [shall be] the shame of thy lord’s house."
Now, how long will it take Bob Thiel, prophet falsely so-called, to figure out just who it is in this true prophecy that is going to be handled, violently, in the future (and not during Thiel's MMM) like a ball by the LORD?
Time will tell...
I suppose Ballerina Bob teaches that when Christ threw the moneychangers out of the temple, He did so by using gentle persuasion and flawless logic, not by physically ejecting them against their will.
When Jesus did that he probably worked up a sweat, something Bob has probably never done. He could never handle being so forceful.
Do end-time COG prophets sweat?
Quite a British question 6:36.
Rubbish God and Jesus are HOLY spirit. Satan is spirit but not Holy spirit. Are the Angels made of Holy spirit or spirit.
It's no wonder Bob's father had such a horrible time trying to butch him up. Even the military did not do much good. I can't imagine being such a weak-kneed delicate man-child that he is. It's no wonder Rod Meredith had so many issues with him.
The local paper ran an AP story on how Christian groups will spend millions on Super Bowl advertising - showing some players kneeling and another pointing upward in thanks for a touchdown.
A local (Protestant) minister mentioned Damar Hamlin's recovery as a genuine miracle and witness, and showed how the players and spectators were so "God-focused". He didn't highlight the obvious risk involved in playing - even if players are "God-focused". As the movie Concussion (2015) showed, Bob has a point - but he overplayed side issues a bit.
No, still not a sports fan...
It's a fake American British blog 10:53.
Oh no he's not. He posts under Anon.
Just waiting for the comments to come from viewers during the Super Bowl when they play the billion dollar ad for "He Gets Us" "campaign. Quite controversial, and will get a lot of talk, good and bad.
4:57…Thiel’s response will be that it’s not the real Jesus he claims to follow.
Prophecy for Todays Game??...

Isaiah 40:29-31
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even the youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall.... They will soar on the wings like EAGLES ; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint.
How is that controversial? Its just the usual Christian garbage we see every day.
That is not true pal you the focus of God's true church ( RCG) is to preach about the coming kingdom of God the solution to all mankind's problems it was never about to let Mr. Pack preach about himself.
Yeah, 7:17, they have a lot to say about private interpretations, but then they always fall back on the private "Armstrong" interpretation.
I was in a supermarket Friday wearing a K.C. Chiefs hat, and a man behind me said something about what he was sure I'd be watching Sunday.
"No," I told him - and went on to explain Dr. Thiel's teaching against U.S. football. How it is evil, how people get hurt, etc.
The man laughed at me. So did the female cashier at the checkout.
So much for sharing my faith.
The stupor bowl is worldly crap.
Off topic, but Bob made another jab at Banned and Tonto.
One goot thing about Bob Thiel. At least we know from his ministry to the Africans that he doesn't hate football because there's "too many colored people."
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