No Rush
David C. Pack’s strange drug analogy has done him no favors. During “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 418)” on February 9, he confessed that words are his heroin.
Part 418 – February 9, 2023
@ 01:41 I love words. I can't get enough of them…They are, I guess, my heroin.
Brad rolled his eyes at the back of the hall, no doubt.
David C. Pack loves to say words but is irritated when he hears them.
He manipulates words. He distorts words. He uses words as a weapon against critical thinking. He cannot be trusted with words. He lies and steals to support his habit. His own words are destroying his credibility. Wow. Maybe that smack parallel was dead on, after all.
Those who accurately publish the words of David C. Pack are perceived as enemies.
When David C. Pack says words, it means he was inspired by God.
When those exact words are exposed, it is inspired by the Devil.
Chew on that for a while.
During Part 418, Dave assaults THREE words to excuse his failure and prove the next iteration of his delusional prophetic construct. His typical maneuver is to find the most obscure definition in a Strong’s Concordance that will satiate his desire, then grasp that teat and suckle with all his might.
Habakkuk 2:2, “that he may RUN that reads it.”
2 Timothy 2:15, “…need not to be ashamed, RIGHTLY DIVIDING the word of truth.”
Revelation 12:14, “…where she is NOURISHED for a time, and times, and a half a time…”
David C. Pack abuses words as would a whorish junkie. His corruption is blatant and pathetic.
But it is more than that.
The man is caught lying. The Pastor General running The Restored Church of God lied. Watch.
Dave revises his perception of Habakkuk 2:2 by admitting to misunderstanding his own misunderstanding.
@ 02:00 We're gonna look at the word that has a very different meaning than the one under which we have been laboring.
The only “we” part of that is Dave and Team Incompetent at Headquarters.
@ 02:27 “…Write the vision and make it plain on tables that he may run that calls it out.” All right. "Run" is the Hebrew word ruts…And it means "especially to rush." And that was kind of what I saw. But I never looked to see all the ways the word is translated.
Because he never needed to before. The already-perverted interpretation of Habakkuk 2:2, repeated for years and years and years, is about to change. Be seated for this.
@ 02:55 And what the word primarily means is "break it down." Break it down. Now, that matches "make it plain." Break it down. Now it means "divide the picture speedily," and it means "guard it." Now, none of those have anything to do with the speed other than divide it, break it down, guard it. You could say, do it reasonably fast.
This is the most tortured, back-and-forth explanation Dave has uttered in recent memory. The war between his ears is real. The battle between reality and imagination is being fought on the ground, sea, air, and outer space.
He just said, "none of those have anything to do with the speed," but in the very next sentence, "do it reasonably fast." I never graduated from college, but my limited understanding of English causes me to associate “speed” with “fast.”
Perhaps Brad could utilize his keen science skills to explain to Dave how “speed” and “fast” relate. Or he could write me at to explain how they do not.
@ 03:24 And the word means "to stretch out." Stretch it out. Now that would be the opposite of really rushing or running. In other words, it's almost saying, "take your time."
WHAT!?! Dave just interpreted the word “run” to actually mean “take your time.”
Edward Winkfield was crying in his seat during this explanation. I wonder if he had to excuse himself to the bathroom so he could wipe the cold sweat from his brow. Did you take a good, long look in the mirror, Ed? If not, after Part 418, you need to.
Elijah is not supposed to “rush to call it out” any longer? Elijah is commanded to take his time? What?
Dave should have been chanting for the last seven years, "It's no rush to call it out. We've got time."
Dave proves he is the Mr. Magoo of words.
This is where his piss-poor reading comprehension skills drive past Hebrew and Greek to blow through the walls of basic English. He nodded off at the wheel with the needle still in his arm.
ruwts (H7323)
A primitive root; to run (for whatever reason, especially to rush): - break down, divide speedily, footman, guard, bring hastily, (make) run (away, through), post, stretch out.
There are 103 occurrences in the Old Testament, according to Strong's. This word was translated as "stretch out" once, which is why it was the LAST POSSIBLE meaning.
Princes shall come out of Egypt; Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands unto God.
That is so funny. That one time Dave needs “stretch out” to relate to speed, it does not. Dooh.
When you stretch out your hand, are you slowing it down or extending it? Yeah, well, Dave does not get that. He needs it to mean slow down, so slow down is what he asserts.
No. I have to take that back. This scenario is worse than that. Dave KNOWS what it really means but is willfully lying to everyone.
David C. Pack stood at the lectern in the Main Hall at The Restored Church of God Headquarters in Wadsworth on Thursday, February 9, 2023, and knowingly lied to the faces of the paid staff.
Care to challenge me on that, Brad? Dr. Ranney has my number.
Dave knows “stretch out” did not mean “take your time” but presented that anyway because the people in their seats did not have a laptop with eSword fired up. Only those who care enough to follow along with eSword and Strong’s Concordance would catch him.
Busted, bitch.
He knew this but pushed deeper into that thinking anyhow.
David C. Pack is not a man to be trusted. He seems incapable of speaking the truth anymore. Facts expose the lies David C. Pack shamelessly tells The Restored Church of God.
The Expanded Exhaustive Concordance is more detailed than the short summary in eSword. The heroin Dave loves so much is what discredits him.
ruwts (H7323)
1) Ruwts signifies moving very quickly or hastening, rather than running
2) It can mean to run
3) In a military sense, the charging into battle
There is even more along those lines, but you get the picture.
Despite all the evidence, Dave pushes on in an incredibly convoluted way to sell his point. Watch him twist and contort, trying his best not to show his hand. He knows he is performing verbal gymnastics.
@ 03:37 It involves “what you are going to explain, do it kinda quickly. But stretch it out. Be plain. Break it down. Be kind of fast but granular.” And I guess 418 messages with this one, it was stretched out. Now what's interesting is there is a speed element to it.
In one sentence, “stretch” means to “take your time.” In another sentence, “stretch” means to “extend it out.” Is this a multiple personality disorder expressing itself?
The man is not making any sense. That is not being snarky. He really makes no sense.
Stretch it out, but kinda quickly? The laws of physics just broke in Wadsworth.
Follow his logic string to get from “run” to “take your time.”
run --> rush --> break it down --> stretch it out --> take your time
In the mind of David C. Pack, to run means to take your time. As a fun exercise, go through the Bible and replace “run” with “take your time.” This creates plenty of humorous moments.
…three men stood by him: and when he [Abram] saw them, he TOOK HIS TIME to meet them from the tent door and bowed himself toward the ground.
They shall TAKE THEIR TIME like mighty men; they shall climb the wall like men of war…
…they shall seem like torches, they TAKE THEIR TIME like the lightnings.
David C. Pack’s fraud is so desperate even the Bible can no longer hide his trickery.
But it gets even worse.
@ 04:01 Turn over to Second Timothy for a moment. And let's notice something about God's ministers and what they're supposed to be able to do. In fact, we have to be able to do this.
David C. Pack is about to prove how incapable he and the hirelings at Headquarters are.
@ 04:42 Now, words are important, but people can get hung up on them. Start splitting hairs and straining at gnats and swallowing camels and can subvert people. Overthrow them.
This is precisely what the man is doing. Irony is banging on the door.
Watch Dave slide between truth and error. He smeared his body with Crisco, so he could glide from fact to fiction inside the same sentence leaving the audience unaware of which is which.
@ 04:55 But as a result of that, or therefore, because "study to show yourself approved under God a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." Now, the word “study” is spoudazō, remember. And that means "use speed." It means "use speed," but "rightly dividing" means "go slower." And it's the word orthotomeō.
“Rightly dividing” is used once and does not mean “go slower.”
orthotomeō (G3718)
From a compound of G3717 and the base of G5114; to make a straight cut, that is, (figuratively) to dissect(expound) correctly (the divine message): - rightly divide.
A valuable addition to the definition is found in the Expanded Exhaustive Concordance.
What is intended here is not “dividing” Scripture from Scripture, but teaching Scripture accurately, carefully discerning each nuance.
That is NOT what David C. Pack or the enablers at Headquarters of The Restored Church of God are doing. If they were, “The Greatest Untold Story!” Series would be long-dead, and Dave would be stuffing mailers for a living in his studio apartment in Akron.
Dave slipped in his own idea without tipping off the audience. That act was so appealing he does it again. Maybe the dopamine kick of dishonesty was already wearing off.
@ 05:26 Rightly divide it. Break it down. Divide it speedily. That's the Hebrew. And it means "make straight cuts." And it also means "dissect or expound correctly," but do it quickly.
He takes two disconnected verses and holds them up as supporting each other.
David C. Pack inserts his own distortions into the Hebrew and Greek words, then puts them into a verbal blender to create a malarkey shake of biblical sorcery.
How is this not walking in craftiness?
Speed has nothing to do with “rightly dividing.” But, the audience would not know that unless they fact-check him afterward.
@ 05:50 Now, they almost seem like opposites. If you're gonna get things right, go slow. "Haste makes waste and makes mistakes." But God's ministers are supposed to be able to, and they're told to, move fast and be right at the same time. And that's not always possible.
How is this not handling the word of God deceitfully? He is blaming the Bible for his shortcomings again. God was asking the “not always possible” of His ministers. That is not a god I would want to serve.
Dave molested “run” in Habakkuk and “rightly divide” in 2 Timothy just so he could arrive here:
@ 06:19 So, there was never any real rush, per se, that I thought pertained to a last message or two or five. It was "cover, maybe, a lot of material, but get it right." And hope I have done that.
David C. Pack will never get it right. That is a fool’s hope.
His explanations regarding those Hebrew and Greek words are nonsensical, illogical, and false. This is the twisted thinking of the guy running a church.
@ 06:38 The meaning was always entirely different than what we thought. It is not a statement about how the last messages I would be sorta running in here and delivering them and rushing through the material. So, it was not a signal at any point that we were near the end. We all know we are now.
Entirely different than what HE thought. And yet, none of his conclusions are valid. The words do not mean what he now says they mean. That is not an opinion. The facts bear that out plainly.
Dave is the one who always sells the-end-is-nigh for whatever mathematical or metric-related reason. But, it is never HIS fault. The Bible is to blame. God is to blame. Those dirty, rotten, stinking translators screwed him again.
The “we weren’t then, but we are now” line is tired. Have pity on the misguided folks in RCG who still believe that after the previous 417 derps.
Wow. That was the first seven minutes of Part 418. Did I over-sell its madness?
The molestation of “nourished” in Revelation 12:14 is not so much a blatant lie as it is just stupid. Dave plays dumb with that word to get him into another timeline for prophetic disappointment. That will be covered in another article.
It is no exaggeration to say David C. Pack is deteriorating. We are witnessing the mental downfall of a devious, arrogant human being who resorts to falsifying definitions to buy more unwarranted credibility in the eyes of the members of The Restored Church of God.
His treachery is easier to spot because his desperation grows more frantic.
There is a massive conscience BBQ behind the closed gates in Wadsworth on Super Bowl Sunday.
The men at Headquarters know who and what David C. Pack is. Yet, they keep their mouths shut and continue to cash the checks. They see him lie, but they excuse it. It is sad to think that all the men with any integrity have already departed.
These enablers stand alongside a documented liar:
Bradford Schleifer - Edward Winkfield - Ryan Denee - Jaco Viljoen
Kenneth Orel - Carl Houk - Timothy Ranney - Salasi Jezhi
James Habboush - Andrew Holcombe - Frank Lydick - Raymond Garb
Brethren of RCG, “Why does your Pastor General lie to you in order to prove his truthfulness?”
You can ask any of those men, but remember…there is no rush.
Marc Cebrian
See: No Rush
Be still my beating heart! Here I was, thinking that since he mentioned "heroin" maybe he was becoming cool and getting into Lou Reed and stuff. False prophets are alas, teminally uncool. It's part of their sentence.
Pack is BULLHEADED. He is impervious to evidence and reason. He refuses to consider the obvious. His followers are just as BULLHEADED. They can't admit they made a huge mistake following Pack in the first place. Same goes for all the people who follow the book of fairy tales. They refuse to consider the evidence. They think they already know all they need to know. Most people are hopelessly BULLHEADED. The truth is like water off a duck's back.
You got to be careful using these New testament Greek vocabulary dictionaries and commentaries. Moulton Milligan said that his papari came from Egyptian tombs which contained mummified crocodiles, from the interior of the beast there came rolls and rolls of paper, The waste paper which came out of the crocodiles in the tomb was enough to make almost two full books, his lexical definitions are in his words based on trash from the beast and other rubbish. He even gave a lecture entitled "Egyptian Rubbish-Heaps and the Study of the New testament" The papyrus had come from rubbish from Egyptians who dump it outside of the town, shopping lists all sorts of pagan meanings are used to try define Bible words. Doesn't sound far from what dave does.
Just when I thought he could not get any crazier!
Ok, I want to bring up a point that will likely displease Marc, and perhaps some others, understandably. But it is a fair question, under the insane circumstances, so please just consider it. Where is Mrs, Pack in this? I'm sorry to bring spouses in, but God considers the "two flesh are as one" and bear each other's burdens as one unit. She does have some responsibility here. It may not be fair to her, but she signed up for better or worse, in sickness or in health. How is this not "worse" and "sickness"? Your husband is breaking down mentally for all the world to witness! Time to DO SOMETHING! Perhaps "rush to call" the doctor! Get him some help. Is there no one that actually loves him?
This is genuinely heartbreaking to witness. And infuriating.
You had me rolling on the floor Marc. I can't stop laughing. Great stuff. Funny, but accurate!
Can't wait for them to maake a movie about this nutcase.
I think Dave is a closet Buddhist.
When David C. Pack says words, it means he was inspired by God.
How many ministers across the COGs have presented themselves in messages this way - only to backtrack when members point out afterward that they misquoted verses or didn't get facts about current events right?
You're either "inspired" from start to finish, or you're not - aren't you?
Dave has not yet attracted the mass attention which would warrant a movie. Just a very small number of people have even heard of him. It'd have to hit national or international news either through an expose or some sort of disaster before a movie could be financially viable.
Do we actually even want this? It would just attract more mentally unstable people to RCG, paradoxically. Better the RCG should just die a quiet death with as few people knowing about it as possible.
Dave is packing 50+ years of HWA's false forecasts and RCM's "3 to 5 years" into a series of ludicrous short-term failures. In doing so, he saves his remaining congregants the agony of making regrettably poor long-term life choices.
The only way that I can see Dave getting a good Nelson Munchish "Ha-ha" is if everyone leaves him and he gets a good price on his Wadswoth holdings.
Agreed, unless she's afraid of him. And that's a distinct possibility. She likely suffers from Stockholm syndrome.
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