Run. Just Run.
Last Tuesday failed. Last Friday failed. The Kingdom of God did not come. Jesus Christ did not return.
David C. Pack was wrong about prophecy. Again.
“The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 418)” provided a way for the brethren of The Restored Church of God to exercise more patience because words from three disconnected Bible passages pointed to a singular understanding: David C. Pack was the innocent victim of translation negligence.
He thought it meant this, and he thought it meant that. But what it all really meant was…whatever.
In order to keep the prophecy fraud machine firing on all cylinders was to tease a new dating showing how “on track” everything is.
Part 418 – February 9, 2023
@ 18:02 The flight [from Jerusalem to the Place of Safety] takes place at sundown on a Sunday night, ten days from the Day of the Lord. So, we would say March 12th before the Day of the Lord on the 22nd. If you wanna, just keep it real with a calendar.
Ha ha ha. Dave does not keep ANYTHING real.
The three and a half days of Daniel 7:12 are not the same as in Revelation 12:14
. This never explains why the 40-day count to Abib 1 suddenly dissolved.
The best way to address something you cannot address is to not address it. So, stop dwelling in the past.
Maybe the 40-day period was never REAL in the first place.
If you thought the tease at the 18-minute point was letting the cat out of the bag, it was not. That cat was still kicking and scratching all the way to the end of Part 418.
@ 1:31:46 …but with 40-plus days until Abib, you can now (possibly) guess when Christ comes with the First Kingdom. If not, okay. [Arrogant sniff]. But the only clue I’ll give is that next week, I’ll clear it up if you can’t (That’s kind of a clue that it iddn’t tonight. Okay?) and explain any last things we must still learn. There’s a bit more. Good night.
So, Dave is now avoiding an exact countdown for the landing page of Fine. Be that way.
The “clue” was the three and a half days in front of everything. Based on a March 22 / March 12 baseline, that means Dave will declare March 8ish or 9ish as the new day the All-Believing Zealots will go nuts on social media.
“Isn’t that so exciting! Nothing happened last week.
But it will next month. I can hardly wait!”
Part 419 is scheduled for today, February 14. Will there be biblical significance for Dave speaking on St. Valentine’s Day even though he never planned it that way? God just kinda worked it out? Is that a coincidence?
It will be interesting to see how much more his ideas have shifted in the five days since he last spoke.
The purpose of was to build awareness and accurately report on the teachings of The Restored Church of God and David C. Pack.
Not only do former and current members reach out, but I also have contact with prospective members and coworkers. They Google Dave and RCG and find this website higher in the search results each month. Ryan Denee knows that as “organic traffic.”
Word is getting out that things are not as rosy in Wadsworth as they want everyone to think.
Each article could be someone’s first. They may not yet be attending, but they are counseling with a minister just before the invite.
If someone wanted to make a significant financial impact on The Restored Church of God, it would be to stop the Common before it starts. New people would not always hear about it immediately unless they had significant wealth and the minister was under pressure from Headquarters.
The minister smells fresh blood and shows up with needles and IV tubes packed inside his Bible. He is ready to teach the new person how much "giving" is commanded of them. Their sacrifice will help The Work.
Where is The Work of RCG today? Have fun trying to find it.
Common keeps the Headquarters Campus afloat. It keeps new trees and gardens going in. It keeps the mortgages of the homes along Akron Road and Hartman Road from defaulting. Common is the lifeblood of The Restored Church of God.
New people with significant assets provide Common. It does not matter if they leave within months of discovering the prophetic “bait and switch” because the check has already cleared.
What RCG publishes in their literature and public sermons DO NOT reflect what they teach internally. The ministry is fully aware of this. David C. Pack is fully aware of this.
You cannot grift someone if they know it is a grift before you grift them.
Which is probably why Knave Dave is so pissed about this information getting out.
The new people are addressed during Part 418.
@ 07:43 This is heavier stuff. Particularly when you’re talking about prophecy. It’s heavier stuff.
@ 08:46 “…that they might go, fall backward, be broken, snared and taken.” God wrote one-third of the Bible prophecy so the people would not get it. But, somebody was supposed to come and carefully (and to a certain degree at times, quickly) straighten it all out.
Dave implies this is him, but the man cannot straighten a tie. History calls him a liar.
@ 09:16 Now, what we’re covering is complicated. Simple in the end, but the process is complicated. And if you’re newer in the church or you’re a prospective member, don’t be discouraged. Be patient.
If you are a newer or prospective member: RUN.
Run while you still can before you write your Common check.
If you do not know about Common yet, the day will come when your minister will point out the "excess wealth" you possess and how you need to "give it to God." Whether land, vehicles, homes, memorabilia or even retirement savings, they will come for it with pressure tactics and biblical guilt trips. Do not fall for it. It is not a doctrine of God but a fabrication of David C. Pack.
The squeeze will be on to see how many zeroes you can reduce in your bank portfolio for the "sake of the Work." When you ask what "Work" your money is going to, the answers will be vague. Once the money is in the general fund, it goes to whatever Dave wants. The horses do not feed themselves.
Yes, they have horses.
If you are saving up an inheritance for your children, forget it. That should go to Dave. The Kingdom of God will arrive soon, so you do not need it, and your children will not need it.
Just do not ask, “If the Kingdom is coming soon, then why do you need it?” After the uncomfortable pause, the minister will stammer about it being “a show of faith.”
In some cases, the minister may point out how quickly God is working with you, which could indicate you are on a path toward the ministry. The greater your physical substance, the more likely you will be a minister. Funny how that seems to work out.
The world calls that “pay-for-play.”
Only an unbelieving, rebellious heart would ask, “If the Kingdom does not come when Mr. Pack says, will I get a refund?” And never bring up Deuteronomy 18. Not even in a casual conversation.
Newer people and prospective members in The Restored Church of God:
When your minister suggests you listen to the four-part sermon, “Christ’s Sayings: One Great Theme,” it is time to leave immediately. This is the Common series.
Do not walk. Run. Just run.
The Restored Church of God does not need you, but they need your money. They need your five or six-digit checks to keep the religious scam going. And they only need a few.
Tithe payers are the cushion for church operations, but Common keeps the Campus alive. If the Common stops, the Campus will eat itself to death.
@ 09:30 It won’t go much longer.
David C. Pack said that in June. July. August. September. October. November. December. January.
Newer people and prospective members, ask any brethren attending before August 2013 if that is true. Go ahead.
You will be met with laughs, a shameful smile, or a very awkward glare toward their shoes. Of course, it is not true.
Be warned: Do so at your own peril because someone will snitch you out, and your minister will have to have a serious discussion about sowing division. Watch that “nice guy” turn hellfire and brimstone on a dime.
David C. Pack is a false prophet. Read his own discontinued book “Is ‘That Prophet’ Alive Today?”
Contact if you would like a free copy.
What's true is that in about twenty or thirty years, loyalists will be saying that David C. Pack never made any false prophecies. And, because of the continued whitewashing that the long time members always give Armstrongism, a lot of younger people will believe them. Look at all those who say that in the old WCG there was never any child abuse, or alcoholism, or spanking of wives. We call that (drum roll!) Lyin' for Jesus (as they define Him).
Pack and his "legend" will be a long gone forgotten cast of nobodies, just like Dankenbrink, Malm, Westby, Rader, and many other wannabes in 25 years. Such is the nature of life.
I am also convinced that there will be a new cast of wannabes to replace them in the marketplace, as apparently, there is a spot in human nature to want to have an "idol in their midst" who acts as the shaman, guru, or "special one of God" to submit their will to and to be a sycophant towards.
The kid reminds me of Curly Howard, without the "woowoowoo" sound.
Pack's followers richly deserve to be brainwashed and robbed of all their tithe money. They can't admit they were wrong to follow Pack in the first place. Their moral arrogance and BULLHEADEDNESS is why they keep following that total looser. They are "the chosen ones!" Yeah right. What idiots.
What's wrong with spanking your wife?
Thru the years the leaders were the ones I wanted to slap but the lay members i could have punched.
100% Wrong All the time, every time. What a track record for a supposed prophet of god. The goof claims to have the inside track to all this revealed "only to him" knowledge. What a joke. What an embarrassment. When you gonna wake up to reality Davy C?
in order for the toddler to be an accurate representation of Dave Pack, he would need to be dancing around with a load of crap in his diaper.
If someone demanded all your wealth - at gunpoint, blackmail, extortion, whatever - authorities could deal with the perpetrator. If a pastor demanded all your wealth, threatening loss of salvation, then authorities appear helpless - it was the victim's choice.
The problem, in my view, specifically with this church is that it has completely lost its focus of those within the COG movement and overall Christianity at large.
It's leader has led the flock astray from it's original intent when it began in the late 90's. And he has done this in a very cunning way.
By proclaiming apostolic authority he has usurped Christ as the head of the Church. It is this man made position that gives him power to change doctrines. Very, very catholic in nature.
Whenever you give a flawed human this power very strange, heretical and blasphemous things will follow.
This has happened with this church. And it now has become just a cult led by an arrogant and deceived puppet of the devil that leads everyone within its walls away from Christ and His teachings.
Several years ago I had some business in Wadsworth, Ohio. I took the occasion to run out to the east side of that town to examine, as best I could, Pack’s “Headquarters” campus. But when I got there it was locked up, with a big closed gate at the entrance. I could pull off and look through the big gate and see the main building, toward the back, right.

But nothing else to see, so I turned around and drove home.
Two good, fortuitous things happened on that day. I left at home the Bible I use to read and study each day. Fortunately, it wasn’t in my car. It was safe.
The other good thing was that that gate was actually closed, and I could not drive down the lane to see more closely this so-wonderful campus.
The campus is magical. Had the gate been open, and had I driven down the lane onto the campus, and if I had my Bible in my car, something quite remarkable would have happened. It apparently happens to every Bible that in any way comes onto this fabulous church headquarters campus. Magical editing.
Apparently, going through those big gates with a Bible in hand, or in the car, causes some remarkable editing to take place. Some ink instantly gets evaporated, leaving only blank paper.
Of course, the verse that the magic gate on the east side of Wadsworth apparently erases is this:
Deuteronomy 18:22
If the prophet speaks in the Lord’s name but his prediction does not happen or come true, you will know that the Lord did not give that message. That prophet has spoken without my authority and need not be feared.
My Bible still has that verse. I don’t much fear this David C. Pack. Neither should the good folks who support his curious enterprise.
Best laugh of the day thanks!
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