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You might want to re-think this. It is highly irreverent and disrespectful to our Lord and Savior.
Ya know, they really used to put down the rock n roll! Now, back in the psychedelic era, musicians used lysergic acid diethlymide together for a mind meld, during which they synchronized their playing as a band, and produced unique and pleasing instrumental sounds so that the hippies who bought their albums would have something deep and meditative to listen to.
This stuff Dave keeps coming up with is like a whole process going horribly wrong. I don't know what he's on, but it has caused a really bad trip, breaking members' minds, and causing depression and desparation. It must be horrible living in the Wadsworth commune, kind of like being trapped.
Dave has not saluted his African American members, or cited any of the lessons we can all learn from Black History month, either. At least he could have done that!
“ You might want to re-think this. It is highly irreverent and disrespectful to our Lord and Savior.”
I had thought about it, but this is from an RCG source (not Marc). This depiction of Jesus is not the “real” Jesus Armstrongism claims to follow because he has “long hair” which is a grievous sin in Armstrongism. Besides, people need to lighten up and look at how humor is used in the Bible. The self appointed sanctimonious turds now running COG’s leave us ripe with things to mock. It’s not our fault that we get to make fun of them. All any of them would have to do is shut their mouths, which they can’t.
... cited any of the lessons we can all learn from Black History month, either.
Dave has learned a lot from black history month. He has learned how to compensate for a lack of results with hype and false hope.
Mr. Pack is right like he always is.
Consider NOT posting any photo or pic captioned or labeled "Jesus" - Exodus 20:4
Pack takes the bread of life and turns it in to burnt toast crumbling word by word until the only thing left is ashes under the soles of his feet.
Luckily Jesus Christ did not look like this when he was human. By the way, why the need to have pictures of Jesus Christ? I envy the Muslims who manage to cut out any image of Prophet Mohammad, so much so that nobody knows how he looks like unlike Christians who break the Second Commandment defiantly. At least we learn in Armstrongism not to break this sacred Second Commandment.
These are not sermons being preached but idle useless talk. The is much about...
The greatest danger to Christianity and the actual teaching of scripture is without doubt PASTORS. Yep the very ministry that are supposed to spread the gospel are in many cases the greatest hindrance to the spreading of the gospel.
What do these initials stand for ?
I made the first comment and I am ready to ammend it. I don't like any picture of "Jesus," serious or in fun. No one knows what He looked like so every image is a lie, no matter what the purpose is. The ones that make Him look attractive are certainly lies because the scripture says something like "He had no form or comeliness that men should desire Him." I take that to mean He was average height and very plain looking... not handsome.
When I see pictures of Jesus that portray Him as looking very pleasant to the eye, I always wonder if it is some sort of portrayal of a manifestation of Satan.
I'm not uptight about this; I just think it is better not have images, and since this is the common portrayal of "Jesus"... it is better not to use it in mocking.
You are correct, Islam often has a strong iconoclastic bent (though historically the Muslims of Persia were less strict about depictions of the Prophet). Its fascinating how in their case, the prohibition against making images resulted in them producing such ornamented abstract designs and calligraphy.
The ancient Hebrews, assuming they followed said prohibitions, seem to have never come close to anything resembling high art.
7:16 ~ Raca! Thou fool!!!
The "beautiful Jesus" imagery that we all know at least in passing stems from the notion that as a "lamb without blemish", he was perfect in body as well as in his actions. In tamdem with his relative youth, Its hard for a commissioned artist to convey that visually to a particular region's audience, so you get the tall, handsome Jesus in European art, combined with attributes of the Byzantine Pantocrator depiction. Some of the earlier Christian art depicts him more like a Greco-Roman philosopher, with a Romanized appearance - again, as the ideal man according to the culture. The earliest known Christian art tends to depict him either in symbols or a symbolic "Good Shepherd", if I recall correctly.
(And I am not specifically talking about the hair. That first appeared in art of the 300s)
Dave Pack is the competitive type and tries so hard to compete in the world of religion, but yet two things he still lacks if he wants to be perfect: a new Rolls Royce and a jet airplane. If Dave wants to achieve the highest spiritual state possible in this life, he needs to get a new Rolls Royce and a jet airplane. Without a new Rolls Royce and a jet airplane, is Dave really even a preacher?
From Sabbath To Sunday AND From God To Idolatry
The Catholic hippie picture with this Blog post reminds me of the SDAs saying that people should keep the Sabbath rather than Sunday, while ignoring the commandment against idolatry and publishing Catholic hippie pictures everywhere. A paperback SDA book said that we should keep all ten of the Ten Commandments, meaning that we should observe the biblical, weekly, seventh-day Sabbath rather than Sunday. At the same time, though, the book ignored the commandment against idolatry and contained several Catholic hippie pictures, including a full page head and shoulders portrait of the Catholic hippie that the author of the paperback book worshipped.
I recall Dave Pack once saying that if you look into it, these pictures of “Jesus” actually came from some umpteenth century Italian artist painting a picture of his long-haired, swish-type, homosexual lover. This would be significant if true.
Too bad Dave did not bother to give the source for his discovery. The idea sounds plausible, but Dave is also now known for just making up some pretty wild and crazy stuff.
Certain COG ministers and leaders have a deep-seated interest in homosexuality. In COG history, those who spoke out the most against it were themselves, closet homosexuals. The church has always had many gay members, even in congregations with rampant homophobe ministers.
Didn't those redneck ministers know about beengay, the deep-heating ointment for repentant homosexuals?
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