David C. Pack is becoming increasingly difficult to understand. “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 418)” on February 9 is another message you never want to hear twice.
Even after the last two articles were posted, I again listened to the first seven minutes because I wondered if I had heard him correctly. The wicked shall not understand. Am I just a wicked man who is not allowed to understand God's blessed knowledge?
Dave speaks like he has a handle on the situation. But, what he says and how he says it has the ideas of many conflicting voices. The molestation of words to hide biblical fraud and excuse prophetic error sounds like it came from Legion.
Habakkuk 2:2, “that he may TAKE HIS TIME that reads it.”
2 Timothy 2:15, “…need not to be ashamed, DIVIDE BUT GO SLOWER the word of truth.”
Maybe it is a good thing I cannot see it the way Dave teaches it. If anything, the man keeps me on my toes, considering my ways and striving to be extra careful with sharp observations.
We all must stand before the judgment seat of Christ. My words will justify or condemn me as much as Dave's. Our scales shall be measured equally.
If a pure language existed now, David C. Pack would never be able to pervert words like he does. Not only does he toy with Hebrew and Greek, squinting and turning sideways to make it say what he wants, but he mangles English without shame.
He stretches definitions, interweaving the actual meaning with his own assertions to give the illusion his point is correct. Language is saltwater taffy that David C. Pack pulls and twists to his own will. Much like the biblical math consisting of fickle numbers, words can be presented in any manipulative fashion necessary for a minister of righteousness to reveal his character.
David C. Pack is confusing because he is confused. He is deceiving because he is deceived. God is not guiding him, and history testifies to that.
The brethren of The Restored Church of God accept living in a perpetual state of starvation. They have grown accustomed to being spiritually malnourished. It is a sad thing to witness.
Breaking past the seven-minute barrier of Part 418, Dave accosted a third word so a new flimsy timeline could be manufactured.
Revelation 12:14, “…where she is NOURISHED for a time, and times, and a half a time…”
Before he could just get to it, he had to prove how qualified he was to proclaim such things. After all, everyone should take notice that David C. Pack doodies in the toilet, not in his pants.
@ 09:32 Now, let’s talk for a moment about the Book of Revelation. I wanna illustrate a point. I can virtually do this without turning through the book. So let me just do it. I can see the whole book in my mind without opening the Bible. I can virtually. Virtually the entire book.
And that is one of his major problems. The virtual version in his mind is different than the actual version everyone else has. Nobody adds to and takes away from the words of the prophecy of this book more than David C. Pack.
If he accepted the printed words by reading slowly and carefully, The Restored Church of God would not be in the current circumstance of chaos and confusion that rules the day.
For those interested in a three-minute synopsis of how David C. Pack understands Revelation, this clip is for you. Warning: Only Bible scholars and prophecy enthusiasts should partake.
@ 14:44 …and it’s an interesting example of another powerful word I so wish I had explored. It would have changed a lot.
So much for God's word being purified seven times. What a waste that was if it only applied to the original Hebrew and Greek. Too bad it all fell apart by the time it got to English.
Much like a relay race where the first three laps are perfect, but the last one blows it. If you cannot get to the finish line, then all the effort before it was wasted.
@ 14:52 And what I'm gonna do now is show you a side of our God none of us have ever understood. Ever understood. One of the greatest mysteries that the Bible contains, I'm gonna explain to you now, and you've never heard one word about it. And its own statement (yet again) of how the Series could hardly been over until this was explained.
He is really over-selling the importance of this “discovery” of his. Some will yawn when they hear it. I did.
I do not know what god Dave serves, but I already knew about this side of the True God. This word does not unlock any mysteries. The Series could have been over with Part 4, and everyone in RCG would have been much better off. This includes Dave.
@ 21:35 And here’s where a tremendous mistranslation lost one of the wonderful things about God. And this is gonna develop into something very powerful before we’re done.
It is not a mistranslation. Nothing about God was lost. Nothing powerful develops. Every part of this is false. It matters to Dave and Dave alone. He conjured these notions in the first place, so his ideas are what changed.
His whole build-up is that the "three and a half days" of Daniel 12:7 are not the same as in Revelation 12:14
. If only that short period would stop moving around in the Bible, Dave could crack the DaVinci Code and go on vacation.
@ 21:47 One word changes all. The word "nourished." "And they were nourished for three and a half days." Now, here's what that means. It means they were "cherished." The word means "to pamper." They were pampered. “To fatten.” It also can mean "rear them."
See? Yawn.
Maybe because my wicked heart has been darkened, “nourished” and “cherished” do not seem too far off from each other. If you cherish a child, you nourish, feed, pamper, and raise them. Just like the verse says.
Interestingly, G5142 is not translated as “cherish” in the New Testament. It occurs eight times and four of which as “feed.” “Nourish” is three times.
This is no mistranslation. It is a David C. Pack fabrication. Or maybe it exposes bald stupidity.
This revelation in Revelation does NOT change our perception of God. This hid nothing. This changed nothing in the understanding of Revelation 12:14. But Dave goes on and on and on about how much it does. He shouts and points his way through illusion and vapor.
So, this word exposes his delusion rather than deception. But at this point, what is the difference?
People of The Restored Church of God, are you paying attention to your Pastor General? Do you hear what he is saying? How is any of this coming from God?
Daniel 7 and Revelation 12 describe two different "three and a half day" periods.
@ 22:43 That is utterly incompatible with three and a half days where God’s people are being shattered and destroyed and blown apart. It could never have been the same three and a half days. See why I wish I’d have looked up that word?
How about just reading the English, Dave? Maybe the virtual Book of Revelation in your head is not as trustworthy as the one on paper. Only a biblical nincompoop could read that verse and not understand what “nourish” means.
David C. Pack’s astonishing piss-poor reading comprehension skills are now legendary.
@ 22:59 But where it led me after this is what’s extraordinary.
For the next 69 minutes, Dave runs all over the place with this and that because a new piece of the puzzle was discovered. The end result is the same: error upon error upon error upon error. Yet, somehow this process will reach the status of truth in the end.
Is it possible to reach a truth based on lies? Like in algebra, where two negatives are multiplied to make a positive. Dave attacks the Bible the same way.
It is almost as if he spends the next 69 minutes convincing himself rather than the audience. Deep down, he knows he is a fraud but pushes through in hard-hearted denial. The rest of the message is more of a CYA exercise than bestowing knowledge upon God's people.
Dave attacks his own thinking with passion as if it came from some blasphemous outside source. He almost seems angry someone ever believed it. Oh yeah…he did.
@ 30:04 So then lemme just state again, The three and a half days here were never some kind of worse, really bad end at the ten of the ten days of the Great Tribulation. It had nothing to do with that. It’s so bad that they’ve gotta be there for the three and a half days that matches Daniel 12:7.
He repeats himself from eight minutes earlier to make it true.
In the end, all this tossing to and fro will amount to nothing for David C. Pack and the members of RCG. No matter how loud he shouts, no matter how fiercely he gestures, no matter how many Bible verses he staples together, he will never come to the correct conclusion about the return of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God.
"Nourish" really means "cherish," and the sky cracked open.
The brethren are in dire need of spiritual food that is not poisonous. The hirelings allow the sheep to remain famished. But the wolves are just fine, feasting upon them.
The people of The Restored Church of God are malnourished. The pen door is left open, yet they sit still, hoping the Good Shepherd will come along to take care of it for them.
How many will starve to death patiently waiting with false hope for David C. Pack to get timing figured out?
The sad answer is: All of them because David C. Pack will never be right.
Marc Cebrian
See: Mal-Nourished
Sorry Dave, I haven’t read Revelation since I left the Cogs 10 years ago. I had no problem keeping up with your dumb ass. You’re an idiot!
Dave is making mush of his members minds with all his deliberately hard to understand and contradictory statements.
Menticide: "effort to destroy the mind or the will of an individual or group of people."
Why do you give so much time to Dave Pack ? By dedicating a vast array of posts to him you only make him look more important than he ever has been.
He succeeds in having you go down the rabbit hole with him. That is not a spiritually healthy objective. No one else is doing this.
The apostles had been told by Jesus himself the correct thing to do. Shake off the dust and move forward without them.
Dave Pack has never had a fine, superior or amazing mind. He is not intelligent in any practical sense of the word. He's not even clever. He is theologically and biblically ignorant, arrogant self-absorbed, authoritarian, delusional and needs an intervention by The Enablers to save him and everyone he comes in contact with. The Illusionist, Dave Pack and his Mathematically Incorrect and definitely arguable Magic Shit Show is nearing the end of the road.
Was that too harsh?
I see Dave Pack as a man that deserves to be placed in a mental institution. He has driven off the cliff so to speak and there is no way that his mind going to come back unless he is awoken by Yahshua Himself.
The flock meanwhile, should distance themselves and literally leave the RCG and the sooner the better for it will take time to restore their minds. Who would have thought that a crazy man would ever lead a church of Elohim and be accepted by the flock?
Dave is 75, so the end can't be far off.
I wonder who will inherit his stuff?
Does Dave only preach his latest fantastical delusions each week? What are the sermonettes about?
Do the RCG congregations beyond HQ get "must play" copies of Dave's sermons? Or do the ministers give "decent" sermons, or do a Gerald Waterhouse about Dave?
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