Today is Adar 2 on the Hebrew calendar, which is inside the "one month" leading to the return of Jesus Christ to bring the Day of the Lord on Abib 1 [Nissan], which is March 22, 2023.
David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God declared the seven-year-plus Series is over during the final “The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 422)” on February 18, 2023.
A prophetic clock ticks loudly for members of RCG as time draws on inside a 29 ½-day window until Abib 1. The entire world now anticipates hearing the disembodied voice of David C. Pack booming at sunrise to herald The Kingdom to Israel.
Instead of a cock crowing at dawn, the brethren anticipate the soothing voice of David C. Pack whispering in their ears, "Rise and shine, sleepyhead." The invisible Pastor General will be invading your bedrooms and showers in the days ahead.
Elijah the Prophet will rule this First Kingdom. David C. Pack is Elijah. Therefore, it is more accurate to label what comes before the Kingdom of God as…the Kingdom of Dave. He will not call it that, even though that is what he teaches.
Only an antichrist serpent more wicked (almost) than the devil would connect those dots and dare diminish the splendor of an apostle who doodies in the toilet, not in his pants.
Humankind is waiting for the arrival of The Kingdom of Dave to kick-start biblical events.
I am uncomfortable with this idea.
I am uncomfortable with David C. Pack as Elijah. I am uncomfortable that he will be invisible, as will all the baptized adults of The Restored Church of God. I am uncomfortable that the 1335 of Daniel started a few weeks ago. I am uncomfortable that “The Greatest Untold Story!” is knowledge from God that ends The Mystery of God.
I am not the only one uncomfortable.
Part 422 – February 18, 2023
@ 32:16 So, the Comforter, when it is uncomfortable, is telling you, Lookout. I’m always uncomfortable when I think I know the date.
David C. Pack has admitted his discomfort during past messages. He seems to always listen to that nagging feeling AFTER he teaches, rather than using it as a warning in advance.
His gut tells him it is wrong, but he does it anyway. Over and over again.
Flashback Part 403 – November 5, 2022
@ 04:18 We all know that when we're baptized, we receive the Comforter…But, sometimes you're in a situation where you're uncomfortable. To a certain degree, I've been very comfortable. But I've also been somewhat uncomfortable. The Mystery of God is close but not quite right.
Flashback Part 413 – January 4, 2023
@ 37:30 I just, I was haunted, we’ll say, by God’s Spirit guiding me…Just uncomfortable. Unsettled about, did we have Daniel 7 right?
He has also been bothered and unsettled throughout the Series. You get the idea. Preaching prophetic fraud can have that effect on someone.
In Part 422 this weekend, Dave admitted he is uncomfortable with date-setting, yet has done it 43 times since June of 2022. That is a lot of conscience searing.
Part 422 – February 18, 2023
@ 32:26 And yet, the Bible has a way of pulling people toward dates. And then it really locks you down when you know Abib 1. And I still know it.
This is more disassociation. The Bible is "pulling people," not "pulling me." Once you know the definitions of the relevant mental disorders, you cannot un-hear them in Dave's language.
He will often use this technique to soften any criticism, whether sourced internally or externally.
@ 32:36 I don’t know any of our ministers who are comfortable when we know a date.
And yet, they all keep their mouths shut about that and offer their docile agreement.
The enablers at Headquarters are ALL spineless cowards afraid to stick their necks out to stand up for what they know is right. It is a collection of compromised hirelings enjoying the comforts of the Headquarters Campus rather than pushing back when they see God’s word being handled deceitfully by a prophetic buffoon.
I have zero respect for the lot of them. Even the men I like personally. I have zero respect for the gaggle of uncomfortable pacifists sitting, nodding, smiling, and agreeing. Especially the one who stares off blankly because his wife is making pot roast tonight. Maybe he should start “caring” about prophecy.
It is sad to think all the uncompromising ministers who had any fight in them have already left.
Dave used Part 421 to prove Adar 1 and one month. But after the meal, he used Part 422 to undo that certainty because no man knows the day and the hour. Bait. Switch. Who cares if the All-Believing Zealots endured an emotional rollercoaster that night. That is just good theater.
@ 32:43 I repeat from before, we know from various verses we’re close, and this cannot change.
The newest picture is locked, and the Series is over.
@ 33:45 This is just the way I’m gonna be ‘cause there’s no more Series, no more sermons where I’m gonna come and tell ya anything differently than I do now.
David C. Pack is not a man of his word. Believe him to your shame. Part 423 will grace our inbox in the coming days.
@ 33:51 I cannot say these things tonight and then undo them. They can’t be undone…
Oh, yes, he can. Dave has been doing just that for ten years. Try to find the first thirty sermons in the Series in Member Services. What? They’re not there! Shocker.
@ 33:55 …because they’re coming off of rock-solid verses.
What is not so rock-solid is Dave’s private interpretation. Yes, the verses are there, and some are very specific. The conclusions of the matters are in question, not that the Bible says them.
@ 33:58 I know the entire pattern of God, all of it. You do, too. As long as you're honest with the scriptures. You do, too. But you cannot undo Zechariah 14:7, and that even Christ does not know the day.
No man knows the day and hour. True.
There is a day known to the Lord. True.
How Dave puts it all together. Not true. Or it is the Lake of Fire for me.
The blend of truth and error has always been the problem. Private interpretation has always been the problem. Being moved by the wrong spirit has always been the problem.
An angel of light would have SOME truth to deceive Bible readers. After all, Satan tempted Jesus Christ in the wilderness by quoting Scripture.
When Dave tells you the picture is complete, locked, and the Mystery of God is over, remember the past.
Flashback Part 379 – June 25, 2022
@ 1:10:12 “…and you should have confidence. You cannot break that. It cannot be broken. Now, it all starts June 29th at night…It’s all over by July 28th. God’s plan is now plain.
Flashback Part 380 – July 1, 2022
@ 1:26:38 If for some reason, it's not this picture, I will not bend it. I'll tell ya that now. Have to be an oracle. I’d have to have Gabriel in this ear and Michael in this ear telling me to change it in some way. And maybe Christ Himself for something.
Flashback Part 398 – October 10, 2022
@ 1:33:07 You should be deeply convicted that we are waiting for the exact same moment on the second day of the Feast of Tabernacles. That is beyond arguable. The Mystery of God is resolved.
Dr. Jaco Viljoen taught members of RCG to “let the past go” for good reason because history exposes David C. Pack as a fraud, a liar, a sorcerer, and a false prophet. To name a few.
Jaco should be ashamed of his grievous disservice committed against God's people.
Part 422 – February 18, 2023
@ 34:16 But I’m not gonna come back with more sermons. I don’t care we if have to wait another two weeks.
@ 35:02 Truly, the Series closes. I wanna say everything and leave it all on the table.
@ 35:33 I’m not a hypocrite. I can’t stand up here and undo what I said in the last message.
He did UNDO what he said in the last message. Adar 1, one month before Abib 1, was IT. Remember?
Part 421 – February 18, 2023
@ 1:27:38 What other day and hour could I possibly tell you if not Adar 1?
This is the same guy that undid his 14 ½-day Kingdom of Dave from Friday and changed it to an entire month. The day before. He can UNDO that, but he will not UNDO anything else? Believe what that man says to your own hurt, folks.
Now that the Series is over, The Restored Church of God can return to focusing on The Work.
Part 422 – February 18, 2023
@ 35:38 Or what I’ve said several times in this message about how short it has to be. But we have plans for the future. I've determined I'm going to be found so doing. It won't be the Series anymore.
It will not be a new World to Come, either. Only one person left at Headquarters knows how any of that equipment works. And that guy is now in Editorial. The Media Center Studio is a Museum of Church History. If it were just wrapped in plastic five years ago, it would save the ladies the hassle of continuing to dust and mop every week.
@ 35:49 All of our men think this way.
Who’s living in a fool’s paradise now?
Dave has no idea what “all of our men” really think. The highest-ranking chameleon keeps his true thoughts close to the vest, but maybe Ryan Denee might tell you what he really thinks if you are willing to close the door and keep your voice down.
Winter Socials. AYC Fundraisers. Nothing is ever put on pause in RCG. They fly under the biblical cover of "found so doing." But it really means Dave is full of malarkey, and they know it.
So much for leading by example. The next time there is a push for Common, see which artwork the minister sells to obey that command. There will not be a blank space on that wall when you revisit them.
@ 35:52 You know, I’m torn terribly. A lot. But I have to do this. I’ve missed Co-Worker Letters. I’d pick ’em back up. I’d be back in the television studio.
Uh oh. Did he hear me talking out loud?
My former editing partner just had his heart leap in his chest. It would be all on him to dredge the sunken Media Center ship and get her polished and ready right quick. Do not worry, dude. Dave does not even have a script. Consider all this just idle musings out loud. Pray, for the sake of your professional sanity, that the Kingdom of Dave comes on time.
But more certainly, the Series will trudge on, and Dave will be too busy to be bothered with anything besides opening his mouth to a paid audience. Remember that an unordained non-prophet/non-psychic said it first.
@ 36:09 I’ve gotta fix some literature. I’d have to do that. I would do that. And the other men around here would, too.
The idea of fixing the literature makes Edward Winkfield uncomfortable. His heart just leaped in his chest. That has been a long-term, back-burner project he has prayed fervently with bloody sweat on his knees that never needs to be taken on in any substantial way.
“Mr. Schleifer, are we really doing this?”
"Mr. Pack wants it, Ed. It’s a commission from the Apostle.”
The color would drain from his face. Members could spot Ed wandering the Campus trails for hours weeping with a shell-shocked look.
Fret not, Ed. This will not happen. In the coming days, the picture will change, and "The Greatest Unending Story!" will continue unending. This “Series is over” is just another tiny uncomfortable hiccup left to fade in the distance.
@ 37:24 So, let’s wait for however long it is. If somebody wants to leave, then they were never a part of this.
Brethren, do not think of them as sheep wandering off because that is just unbiblical and stupid.
Talk like this brings a tear to Gerald Flurry's eye. He had Dave beaten by decades with finding himself in the Bible and the harsh treatment of former brethren, but Dave has learned from his master well.
RCG has become PCG without the private jets and an auditorium.
David C. Pack is comfortable saying people leave because they were never sheep. He is comfortable calling anyone who quotes his own words back at him wicked and of the devil. He is comfortable saying people who leave RCG are committing suicide. He is comfortable with people being cast into the Lake of Fire because it will be “put to good use.”
David C. Pack is comfortable saying the Kingdom of Dave will begin any day now.
But I am not comfortable with any of that.
Marc Cebrain
See: Uncomfortable
So, the apostle Dave is done is he? No more sermons? He has absolutely nothing left to say, huh? Except the literature (that needs to be rewritten) is what Dave accuses others of stealing from him?! It was SOOOOO well written, accurate and professionally done that ALLLLLL the other guys want to get their grubby paws on it....that same perfect product wanted by those lazy Laodiceans, has to be rewritten? Only in the mind of his god and himself is Dave such a big, important man that the whole world is knocking down his doors to get in, grab the perfect literature and Bogart his website. What a maroon, as Bugs would say.
Considering the man has biblically committed the unpardonable sin of blaspheming the Holy Spirit, on one of his telecasts, I doubt the Holy Spirit will ever comply with the audible orders, given by an invisible man, for only sane people left to question why they hear a voice, but see no actual person speaking...and the duck ran away with the sheep. >"<:-o¿^_^ What can a sane person even say in response to this? Seek professional help!
I have run out of adjectives and emojis for crazy. This man is batshit insane and the only way one could understand anything that comes out of his mouth would be to suffer from the same delusions he does. There is a term in French called a "Folie a Deux", meaning a madness shared by two. Dave seems to have created a folie a 1450. Batshit crazy!!! Totally batshit crazy!!
If I had doody poopy kaka coming out of both ends I'd be uncomfortable too.
ALL of Pack's followers are senseless fools. Not ONE of them has the holy spirit. Not one of them has the spirit of a sound mind. Not one of them is converted. Not one. Where are the fruits of the spirit? They have the fruit of pigheaded self-satisfied stupidity. It is not of god.
There is a term in French called a "Folie a Deux", meaning a madness shared by two.
What? Now I need French to understand that Pack is a fool? Pretentious much? There is a term in English that will do perfectly well: bullsh*t.
----A prophetic clock ticks loudly for members of RCG as time draws on inside a 29 ½-day window until Abib 1. The entire world now anticipates hearing the disembodied voice of David C. Pack booming at sunrise to herald The Kingdom to Israel.
Davey, just skip over my house, and dont bother me. I like to sleep in. You can send a spam email or junk mail instead! :-)
"Jaco says yes, and I believe him
When we talk about the things I say
She hasn't got the faith or the guts to leave him
When they're standing in each other's way
You're tripping back now to places you've been to
You wonder what you're gonna find
You know you've been wrong but it won't be long
Before you leave 'em all far behind.
Cause it's the new Mother Nature taking over
It's the new splendid lady come to call
It's the new Mother Nature taking over
She's gettin' us all!
She's gettin' us all!"
New Mother Nature, the Guess Who, 1970
Yep, this was the music that I was tripping out to during Herbie's original disappointment and failure of 1972-75!
See also "Day After Day" by Shango, "Won't get Fooled Again" by the Who, "Somebody to Love" Jefferson Airplane, "Desolation Row" Bob Dylan, "Desperation" Steppenwolf, "Pride of Man" "Quicksilver Messenger Service, "Morning Dew" (various artists, including the Grateful Dead!) , and if you can wait that long, "In the year 2525" by Zager and Evans.
Oops! somewhere in all of that, my real name is embedded!
Thanks for the post BB. Good to know you are still out there.
Anon @ 1:04. Sorry to post something above your pay grade. The French term is an actual psychological disorder. It has been used for Bonnie/Clyde, Starkweather/Fairgate, Homolka/Bernardo and many other murderous couples. It seems to me that some of the members of RCG share Dave's fantasy, hence the expression.
Additionally, I used the good old fashioned English term batshit crazy. So, sir/madame, va te faire foutre! Deux fois!
The French term is an actual psychological disorder.
Irrelevant, and still pretentious.
That's beside the point. Some anonymous poster has declared that this is a British blog. We ought to be using English expressions rather than French!
Pack and his idiot followers are completely deluded about everything. So is everyone else. Everything is a lie. The very idea that we should have faith in any book, any person, any preacher, any savior, or any source is utterly retarded given how much lying there is from all sides. It is impossible to really know much of anything. All we have are opinions. It's stupid to base salvation on that. The whole idea of salvation on faith is irresponsible.
To the self-supposed French experts, I say va te faire foutre!, and praise Jesus!
No entirely appropriate.
We ?
Hey, the French word for idiot is idiot, so discussing Pack in French isnt that farfetched. :)
Why does a handy descriptive French term bother you? DW even provided the English meaning.
Are you triggered by “bona fide” or “quid pro quo”?
I agree that the use of foreign phrased can be overdone and move toward pretension…but a single usage when the English meaning is provided isn’t even close.
Psychologists and French-speakers will recognize the blunders earlier in this thread. What is occurring in RCG is most appropriately called a folie à plusieurs. There may be delusional pairs in RCG, but it is really more of a group psychosis.
Some anonymous poster has declared that this is a British blog. We ought to be using English expressions rather than French!
He's right! Forget "Folie a Deux. Current members of RCG are WANKERS.
Oh, should we be talking about crumpets and jam butties?
I asked the new CHAT GPT , online AI system to generate "a poem on how David Pack's prophecies have not come true"
Here is what it came up with in about 10 seconds...
David Pack, a man of God
With prophecies that once did laud
His followers did believe
And in his teachings did conceive
He spoke of wars and great distress
Of famine, plague, and great duress
Of earthly powers that would fall
And of the faithful who would call
But years have passed since he did speak
And yet his prophecies are still weak
For wars still rage across the land
And famine strikes with heavy hand
Plagues still ravage far and wide
And earthly powers still abide
The faithful wait, but hear no call
For Pack's prophecies have yet to enthrall
So let us learn from this mistake
And not put faith in prophecies fake
For truth is found in deeds and love
And in the grace that's from above.
Folie a plusieurs = ship of fools.
@ Glenn, 6:35. Back atcha, Buddy. Hope all is well with you!
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