Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Twisted Dave Pack Continues To Move His Goal Post With Every Daily Failure




Last week, David C. Pack blessed members of The Restored Church of God with four “The Greatest Unending Story!” sermons.


Part 419 on February 14 explained the coming Kingdom of Dave ruled by Elijah for 13 ½ days preceding the Kingdom of God ruled by Jesus Christ starting on March 22, 2023.


Part 420 on February 17 laid out a series of nonsequiturs that felt more like prophetic pad than unveiling the Mystery of God. He changed the Kingdom of Dave from 13 ½ days to 14 ½ days. He also resurrected the Worldwide Church of God teaching that the voice of the teacher behind you means RCG members will be invisible in the coming days.


Part 421 on February 18 undid the 14 ½ days of The Kingdom of Dave period by expanding it to one month. God sees eleven races. The crown of England whatever. The Bible has “surrogate” dates to trick people. He locked Abib 1 to Adar 1. Adar 1 begins on February 22, 2023. That is today, FYI. 


After the meal, Part 422 revealed "a twist" that unlocked Abib 1 to Adar 1, rendering most of Part 421 pointless. The start of the Kingdom of Dave is Adar 1 on February 22, 2023…but don’t count on it.


Sunrise passed in Jerusalem. Sunrise passed in Wadsworth. Still, no disembodied voices thundering all over the world. The biggest Twist ever would have been for ANYTHING to happen today.



Covering the messages in sequence usually helps maintain the illusion of continuity from Team Prophetic Fraud at Headquarters, but timeliness trumps tradition. Otherwise, you would be reading about the splendor of Part 420.


Fully understanding Part 421 increases your appreciation of The Twist in Part 422.


Opening Part 421, Dave explains how the Man of Sin Nebuchadnezzar is the Assyrian sprinkled through the Old Testament. To the disappointment of some, the Assyrians are no longer the modern-day Germans.


Part 421 – February 18, 2023

@ 12:17 Therefore, the King of Assyria, Nebuchadnezzar, dies after the Seven Trumpet Plagues.


@ 12:54 But, it looks like (maybe) everybody is put to death and comes back and sees his outcome. That Daniel says, “I beheld till the body of the Little Horn” (or Beast) “was slain” (or destroyed) “and his body given to the burning flame,” (the Lake of Fire). Which we all know happens on Abib 1 [March 22, 2023].


Dave goes on for several minutes of SkipaPalooza: YawnFest 2023.


@ 14:03 We’re clearing things up and adding and just burst of marvelous knowledge.


I would love to show you my best Chris Hemsworth whispering squinty-face, “But, is it really?”



Dating is a challenge in The Restored Church of God, to say the least. With under 1450 adults to begin with, other huge factors diminish the probability percentages. 


1 – Single

2 – Baptized for at least six months

3 – Same race

4 – Same approximate age

5 – Unbound (limited divorces)


By the way, ministers always win the coin toss with the gray area judgment calls. Two Headquarters hirelings had their relationships "fast-tracked" within one year from the first date to the wedding night. How nice for them.


While attending RCG from July 2012 to March 2021, I dated ONE woman. One. She was attractive, tall, thin, intelligent, assertive, kind, and passionate. She is an all-around wonderful person. A classy lady and a good mother. We went on a few dates during the Feast and agreed we wanted to continue.


After returning to Headquarters, the moment I mentioned her name, I was commanded to stop talking to her while more-qualified married men determined IF we could date or not. Turns out, she was “bound” despite her field minister telling me she was not.


If you think dating is near-impossible in RCG today, it is a Netflix series compared to later.


@ 38:04 God sees, essentially, eleven races. Now, we never knew that, either. But, when you learn about the languages, you automatically learn that. And, if you're within the cluster illustration of Israel, then you get to marry, and you have to marry someone in that cluster.


The RCG dating pool just got much smaller. Whether this is applied before the Kingdom of Dave comes remains to be seen. Dating while invisible may either be better or worse. Hard to know.



Dave admits to stringing the brethren along about timing during Parts 418, 419, and 420. The next time he hints but does not say or suggests, "you can figure it out," it just means he is stalling and does not know.


@ 43:39 I would not get into dates (mostly) because I was still working through details.


Dishonest Dave cannot stomach being forthcoming with the brethren when it matters. Rather than explaining he is not sure because the picture is still coming into focus, he plays word games and gives the impression he knows when he does not know.


That is cowardly and is the same ploy a deceiver would opt in on. Narcissists need to hide their shortcomings by focusing on only their strengths. I wonder if there is a connection.



For the next 45 minutes, he builds a case proving The Kingdom of Dave is one month and will begin on Adar 1, February 22, 2023. Today.


@ 43:50 I’m gonna give you (basically) 16 proofs of how long the Kingdom of Israel is with a twist.


The Twist negates the 16 proofs after the meal, but when you first hear this, you do not know that.


The Three Shepherds of Zechariah 11 die in one month. God feeds the flock. The Synagogue of Satan. The Heavenly Signs. The Great Tribulation. They happen in the same period.


@ 59:40 They’re all in the month. But it cannot change the duration of the month.


At this point, the brethren of The Restored Church of God do not need David C. Pack to prove ANYTHING from their Bible. They will just take his word for it. He could have saved himself thirty more minutes and then broke for supper.


After all, they believe in a man and not their Bible. This is how Dave can pull all this off with 85ish bodies in the Main Hall. The proof is unnecessary because the Bible says what he needs it to say when he needs it to say it. When he needs to change conclusions, he does, and the Bible still supports him.


A verse can mean X until it needs to mean Y. Then it means Y until it means Z. And the people attending The Restored Church of God are totally fine with that continuing to give passive approval. They are paying David C. Pack to twist the Bible. And a twisted Bible is what they get.


When the human idol says, “the First Kingdom is 10 days,” the brethren accept it.


When the human idol says, “the First Kingdom is 13 1/2 days,” the brethren accept it.


When the human idol says, “the First Kingdom is 14 1/2 days,” the brethren accept it.


When the human idol says, "the First Kingdom is one month," the brethren accept it.


The human idol of The Restored Church of God twists the Bible, logic, and history into whichever corrupted form fills the need of the day. The twisting can only continue.


@ 59:45 I will die before I believe otherwise. I believe it as an article of faith as surely as I believe the Millennium.


David C. Pack’s assurances are as hollow as they are stupid. He might as well raise his right hand and say, “I swear to God.” After all, this is what he is doing. He is preaching under the guise of God’s name and authority but swears using different words. He is only fooling himself.


Flashback Part 194 – July 17, 2019

@ 1:33:00 …and that took a long time to put that together, and I am as certain of it as the rising of the sun.


It is a good thing no one holds Dave accountable for the words from his mouth. It might not go well with him if his tongue chooses his fate.


Flashback Part 197 – August 7, 2019

@ 1:34:10 I didn’t understand the announcement period. I understand all of that now…You couldn’t put a gun to my head and talk me out of it.


If only a verse talked about letting a yes be yes and no be no because beyond that…



Point 8 of 16 explains where previous teachings were wrong. Not 1, but 8. A blend of mental disorders cannot allow Dave to fully accept he is the cause of the error. See which words express cognitive dissonance, disassociation, and good old-fashioned denial.

Part 421 – February 18, 2023

@ 1:09:58 And the sacrifices stop at 1290, which is a kind of a round number of months. So, it’s God’s pattern. It’s the only length that we would know to dock. And I found no authority to add to it. Which I made the mistake of adding 13 ½, woulda been 14 ½ days to it. It woulda had the wrong number anyway.




“I found no authority” rather than “I had no authority.” The authority is disconnected from his actions. This dramatically diminishes his role in the "mistake" he made.


“It woulda had the wrong number” removes a chunk from Part 420 the day before. The day before. Notice “It woulda” instead of “I woulda.” He again disconnects the error from himself.


@ 1:10:23 But I found no authority. You cannot add to seven years or a thousand years. You cannot add to one month. It was just that simple.




He repeats the disconnected authority, doubling how far away it is from him. Then "you cannot add" instead of "I cannot add," which is the reality of what transpired. He even repeats, "You cannot add," to emphasize that the brethren of RCG have no authority to do this.


But no one in RCG is doing it but Dave himself. Somehow, his brain is disconnected from that reality.


He further disassociates from the mistake with a rushed excuse. It was not his fault, brethren.


@ 1:10:34 I was in a hurry. Couple weeks ago, and just learning about the 3 ½ days, and wudden’t sure if it sat out in front of it.


He was rushing to call malarkey out to make it plain. Another example of haste making mistakes.


He also taught it when he was not sure. That should catch the attention of RCG folks. What else does Dave teach he is not sure of but pushes through anyway? This is not the first time.


@ 1:10:42 You now know that I was at least right to tell you, no, it didn't, nor does the 10 days or 11 days, which it turned out to be anyway.


Confessing to a crime after you get caught does not hold the same moral weight as not committing the crime at all. Dave, yet again, finds a way to be right to soften the sting of being wrong. That is just crazy.


He admits to a mistake but denies responsibility and makes excuses. Admit, but deny and excuse.


He made a mistake but was also correct at the same time. Wrong, but right.


@ 1:10:50 So, there’s no Bible authority to add to the month or subtract from it.


Authority he falsely took upon himself in God’s name and then has to walk it back.



After establishing the Kingdom of Dave is one month before the Day of the Lord on March 22, that means February 22. Adar 1. Today.


He hammers Adar 1 for the rest of the message.


@ 1:22:39 Of course, you have to wait. It always suggested a long way to a more far away date. Well, little did we know, but we did. Adar 1.


@ 1:26:24 Was it lucky coincidence, ready? What a lucky coincidence that all of this last knowledge ends two and half days before Adar…The Mystery of God is ended. It was made plain. Fast and granular.


Recall this following sentence after he reveals the post-supper Twist. Then, ask yourself if he was lying.


@ 1:27:38 What other day and hour could I possibly tell you if not Adar 1?


@ 1:33:27 But, we’ve had this tremendous this tremendous, big, extraordinary burst of knowledge. Think: That’s not proof that there’s more to come, but rather that the Mystery of God ended. You better hope it’s proof that it ended. I mean, what would I tell you about a one-month kingdom since it pretty much summarizes the Bible other than all the books and verses and chapters that tell ya how to live? What would I tell you?


Adar 1 starts the Kingdom of Dave. You better not doubt it.


@ 1:34:15 The Mystery of God’s over. Including the mystery about God, if you will. It’s not proof that there’s more to come.


Strong statements just before supper. It all sounds very final and precise.


And then they came back after a meal for Part 422.



Part 422 – February 18, 2023

@ 00:01 I told you that we were awaiting a twist.


Calling this a twist is as deceptive as it is false. A twist is when you find the butler was the killer because he was a secret illegitimate son. A twist is that the space aliens were NASA astronauts on a planet of giants. A twist is that the monsters were people in costumes.


What is presented in Part 422 is not a twist. It is a bait-and-switch that dissolved any timing point from Part 419 on. Dave revokes the need for hours of preaching this week.



David C. Pack’s expression of reality-disconnected mental disorders was covered in the last article.


This portion of the hypothetical questions already RCG history is still baffling.


@ 02:25 Imagine yourself waiting another year and another year and another year and another and another.


Nobody in The Restored Church of God needs to imagine this because they live it. And boy, are they living it today, February 22. Adar 1. I wonder how many high-level emergency ministerial meetings are happening across the street today.


He introduces his 37-minute "gotcha" with more certainty.


@ 02:51 The picture is set in stone. It is inarguable. I put it up there with believing the Sabbath or tithing or baptism by immersion or any other element of the truth that you know of.


At this point, the audience still believes wholeheartedly everything begins on Adar 1. Today.


But then Dave shifts into verses reversing all of that.


@ 09:57 How could Christ not know Abib 1 when the Bible says it so plainly it’s impossible for us to misunderstand it?


@ 10:56 No one could ever convince me it’s not Abib 1.


The Twist he teased during Sabbath Services is finally revealed after a lot of beating around the bush.


No man knows the day and the hour.


Mic drop. Fireworks. Cue the band.


What a massive circle for The Restored Church of God. The pendulum swings back from "you must know" to "you cannot know” from “you must know” to “you cannot know.” This week, you cannot know. Ah, but next time, you must know.


@ 21:00 Which would mean there’s no chance it’s Tuesday morning because that’s the day we all know.


@ 23:28 It might be the Sabbath. But, if it is, I'm not sure I could tell you. I don't think I have authority to tell you Christ would know. And I sure don’t have the authority to tell you I would know in light of reading Zechariah 14:7.


@ 34:16 But I’m not gonna come back with more sermons. I don't care we if have to wait another two weeks because God wants to get nearer the middle of Abib or even go through Abib and reset all the way back, and He wants the whole church to keep the Days of Unleavened Bread again.


Not Tuesday. It might be the Sabbath. This could drag into mid-April.


It is Adar 1 for sure, but maybe after Unleavened Bread. Would you call that a Twist?


Dave could have saved RCG from much grief over the past year had he remembered Jesus said no man knows the day and hour, only the Father. The comments sections on, Banned by HWA, and YouTube have that as the most-often repeated phrase.



Recall he said this before the meal:


Part 421 – February 18, 2023

@ 1:27:38 What other day and hour could I possibly tell you if not Adar 1?


The answer is: Many, including the Days of Unleavened Bread. Was that question a lie?


This was nefarious on Dave’s part. He knew he was misleading the brethren and chose to disregard concern for them because he “manipulates with callous indifference and shows no remorse for his behavior.” That is part of antisocial personality disorder and a trait of narcissists.


During the meal, David C. Pack let the brethren be excited and talk about the Kingdom of Dave mere days away when he was fully aware he would pop their balloon after dessert.


Is this how a faithful servant of God presents His knowledge to His people?


He built the brethren up and then pissed in their Corn Flakes.


He could have started with "no man knows" and then presented Adar 1 as an option to soften the enthusiasm. But he chose not to. It was a conscious, deliberate choice to mislead the audience.


Regardless of what mental disorders the man suffers, that is still cruel.


The twisted thinking of a twisted man about a twisted bible is preaching in a twisted manner about a twisted god supported by twisted hirelings.


The people of The Restored Church of God choose to remain despite being treated this way. Maybe they think they deserve it. Maybe they think they are at fault. They stay to their own hurt.


Today is Adar 1. David C. Pack’s invisible voice did not boom across the world at dawn. Not Jerusalem time. Not Wadsworth time. The fact nothing occurred was no twist.


Marc Cebrian

See: Twist-ed


Tonto said...

PACK SAID: We’re clearing things up and adding and just burst of marvelous knowledge.

Davey, your "burst of marvelous knowledge" sounds more like FLATULENCE rather than anything remotely incredible!

Anonymous said...

This is propaganda against the great Mr. Pack.

Anonymous said...

Here is Dave's obvious problem as explained by the Apostle Peter:
2 Peter 1:20-21 (NLT)
20 Above all, you must realize that no prophecy in Scripture ever came from the prophet’s own understanding,
21 or from human initiative. No, those prophets were moved by the Holy Spirit, and they spoke from God.

This applies to many others beside Pack, but he is the one who seems to claim and change from week to week.

Peter continues in this letter, showing this is nothing new, but in vs 3 he shows the basis for what they have done in the past and continue to do today!

2 Peter 2:1-3 (NLT)
1 But there were also false prophets in Israel, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will cleverly teach destructive heresies and even deny the Master who bought them. In this way, they will bring sudden destruction on themselves.
2 Many will follow their evil teaching and shameful immorality. And because of these teachers, the way of truth will be slandered.
3 In their greed they will make up clever lies to get hold of your money. But God condemned them long ago, and their destruction will not be delayed.

Anonymous said...

Here is the really serious question: Assuming God had ever had anything to do with Armstrongism, how could He hold anyone accountable, considering the abominable clown show that is the daily experience in all of the ACOGs? It was bad enough trying to figure everything out when the old man was still alive, but this is ridiculous. Anybody who can figure it out and get past all the absurdities deserves a lifetime supply of Royal Crown sody water, for sure!

DW said...

Well hello there, TC @6:17. Can you please give the "great Mr. Pack" a message for me? Can you tell him he is an idiot. And a cruel one at that.

Thanks TC!

Anonymous said...

With this approach to prophecy, Dave can string people along forever. It strikes me as a CIA experiment in manipulation to see just how stupid can people be and how to control them.

Mark Wolfe said...

At this point I think Dave should just start talking about the two trees.

Anonymous said...

Christ trained His disciples, then sent them out two by two, then physically vanished after His forty day stay following His resurrection. It's called giving His followers self responsibility. Dave's followers need to go to a less oppressive church, or be stay at home Christians. Contrary to what the ACOGs teach, the latter is not condemned by the bible since a Christian is one who follows Christ rather than one who attends services. It amounts to what works for each person.

Anonymous said...

No one in modern history understood the truth about the two trees more deeply than Herbert W. Armstrong. But Mr. Pack is growing in knowledge and grace.

RSK said...

You dont need the CIA. Meme creators do it every day.

Anonymous said...

Hate is what runs the establishment:

Tonto said...

I asked the new CHAT GPT , online AI system to generate "a poem on how David Pack's prophecies have not come true"
Here is what it came up with in about 10 seconds...

David Pack, a man of God
With prophecies that once did laud
His followers did believe
And in his teachings did conceive

He spoke of wars and great distress
Of famine, plague, and great duress
Of earthly powers that would fall
And of the faithful who would call

But years have passed since he did speak
And yet his prophecies are still weak
For wars still rage across the land
And famine strikes with heavy hand

Plagues still ravage far and wide
And earthly powers still abide
The faithful wait, but hear no call
For Pack's prophecies have yet to enthrall

So let us learn from this mistake
And not put faith in prophecies fake
For truth is found in deeds and love
And in the grace that's from above.