A Plea To RCG Parents
by Jessica Brown
After watching the video clips of David C. Pack’s “The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 443),” to say I am deeply disturbed is a serious understatement. His insensitive comments directed at the children of The Restored Church of God are horrifying.
David C. Pack screams and lashes out at the children and teens who do not believe his fraudulent teachings. He tells them they will be "ripped up" and "eaten by lions" by twisting scriptures in Jeremiah 5 to make it look like it somehow applies to them if they choose to leave RCG (and somehow, I Corinthians 7:14 no longer applies to them). He also mocks and scorns the kids for their supposed attitude problems.
Parents of RCG, how did this make you feel?
After watching that short clip, a barrage of intense emotions hit me all at once. I felt anger, disgust, sadness, disappointment…and fear for the children of RCG.
Why do I feel fear? Because I know that many of these kids are being traumatized by DCP's hateful comments and possibly by their own parents if the parents are in complete agreement with his awful remarks. And it makes me wonder if the parents who support DCP are talking to their children in the same manner DCP spoke to them in Part 443 on May 18, 2023.
I fear that these kids will become so damaged by the cruel remarks they hear regularly that they will turn from God altogether and renounce all Christians as evil and abusive. And sadly, that has become all too common in this world, where people don't seem to understand the concept of mercy, especially some who claim to be "Christian."
Parents of RCG, are you concerned about how your Pastor General's comments may affect your children's well-being?
Verbal abuse can have lifelong negative effects on a young person's developing mind. Children are like sponges as they absorb everything they hear, see, and experience. It shapes them into the adults they eventually will become. If children are being put down all the time and constantly being told things like they're worthless and going to get ripped apart by lions just because they are smart enough to see that the leader of their parent's church is a false teacher, what kind of adults will they become? They will either become severely depressed, angry, and fearful, develop health problems, or in the most extreme scenario, turn to illicit behaviors such as drug usage, alcoholism, and other destructive life choices. These are all well-known consequences of emotional abuse, and many documented studies outline these risks in detail.
The American Society for the Positive Care of Children has an insightful article offering a deeper understanding of what constitutes emotional and verbal abuse.
“Verbal assault (belittling, screaming, threats, blaming, sarcasm), unpredictable responses, continual negative moods, constant family discord, and chronically communicating conflicting messages are examples of ways parents may subject their children to verbal abuse.”
After reading that definition of verbal abuse, compare it to the statements made by David C. Pack directed toward the young people of The Restored Church of God.
David C. Pack – Part 443
“You are not under God's protection because you come to this church.”
“So let's talk about what God says He has in store for young people today who will be ripped up and eaten alive if they don't pay attention.”
“And the younger you are in this generation, the likely the more rotten you are inside.”
Parents of RCG, could you imagine Jesus Christ saying these things to the little ones who came to Him? Are these statements an example of what you want your teens to believe God is like?
I understand there are cases where children may need a hard "wake-up call" if they are heading down the wrong path and pose a danger to themselves and society. There are things one can do to help steer them in the right direction without outright abusing them. But children who simply are not willing to remain in a church that teaches lies to the members do NOT fall under the category of needing such chastisement. Actually, they are wise because they obey Biblical commands to FLEE from false teachers, whether they know about these scriptures or not.
Parents of The Restored Church of God, PLEASE consider the damage you are doing to the hearts of your children by allowing them to continually be exposed to the ramblings of a hateful, spiteful, and pride-filled false prophet.
Did you talk to your children about the comments in Part 443? Young people pay attention and absorb more than you might think. Did you agree with DCP? Did he rightfully divide the word of truth? Or did he handle the word of God deceitfully?
Please consider the genuine dangers that emotional abuse poses to your child's overall well-being and how deeply it could affect them when they become adults. And also, consider the fact that David C. Pack is NOT a man of his word. Nothing he teaches can ever come to pass, or the scriptures would collapse.
David C. Pack preaches while claiming God’s name and authority. Does he proclaim the God you worship?
Jesus Christ offered a severe warning to those who "offend one of these little ones who believe in me." It was so important it was repeated in Matthew 18:6, Mark 9:42
, and Luke 17:2
. Please do not ignore this.
Read the words of David C. Pack in “Is ‘That Prophet’ Alive Today? The Rise of False Prophets.” A slow and careful reading of this book alongside an open Bible may open your mind. (If you do not have a copy, please write exrcgwebsite@gmail.com.)
Dear parents of The Restored Church of God, please do not sacrifice your children for the sake of a man who has become the very person he warned about for years.
Please. Save your children from the devastating effects of emotional and spiritual trauma before it’s too late.
Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.
You can read Jessica Brown’s Exit Story here.
The good news is nobody takes this guy seriously outside of RCG. NOBODY. I showed these clips to my 16 year old and she just laughed it off as the rantings of a lunatic. I showed some other clips to my brother who has no affiliation with religion at all, let alone WCG groups, and he found it ridiculous that anyone would be in his church, let alone give him a dime of their money.
My brother thought the one thing, outside of the obvious phoniness, that was very strange with him was his hand gestures in all of his videos. They feel very contrived, practiced and manipulative. Hate so say it but he compared him to Hitler and Stalin based on the way he manipulates with gestures and the obvious socialist and millennial reign doctrines.
Have any of the RCG parents, or even 17 + year olds considered writing to the local newspaper? This should be made public, especially given that DCP threw vomit and spit all over the "church" about people taking money from the government, when he did the exact same thing! The Wadsworth citizens have every right to know who lives among them, particularly when that person is abusing his members and fellow Wadsworth citizens in every possible way.
The pen is mightier than the sword. Abuse needs to be rooted out, no matter the source (or in this case, especially because of the source).
I think he’s so angry because he knows he is such a failure. He’s the kind of person who needs to takes his problems out on someone, and why not the kids of RCG. What a total loser Dave!
He is angry because the average person recognizes him as Satan's mouthpiece rejecting his stupid topics & 0 revelation from God.
People with no relationship with God have nothing worthy to talk about so they create distractions through the religious pharisee spirit.
God doesn't talk that way, act that way.
Those are not God's hand gestures.
His voice is not God"s frequency.
He is one of Satan's puppets.
You can see demons looking out at you through his eyes.
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