The Jewish Hypocrisy
The Pastor General of The Restored Church of God can add hypocrite to his many attributes on display throughout his perpetual magnum vomitus. During “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 443)” on May 18, 2023, David C. Pack took the Jewish people in Jerusalem, Israel, to task.
Grandpa Dave paraphrased Isaiah 28 before launching into a two-minute rant about this wicked generation. Setting his sights on the Orthodox Jews, he lists examples of why God will punish them soon. To understand David C. Pack is to recognize the multi-faceted psychological expressions entertaining the brethren of The Restored Church of God.
This is not just Dave bitching about religious practices. What occurred during Part 443 was a compact opportunity to understand David C. Pack as he further revealed who and what he is.
The title of the article is not about hypocrisy committed by the Jewish people. As David C. Pack criticizes the Jewish people, he exposes his own hypocrisy.
Trust me, the end of this article has information you do not know. It is a big exclamation point.
There are many overlapping mechanisms at work inside Dave’s brain. These resources were helpful: Sam Woolfe, Good Therapy, and Psychology Today.
“If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part yourself.”
Hermann Hesse
Projection is a psychological defense mechanism in which individuals attribute characteristics they find unacceptable in themselves to another person.
With this concept, does the apple fall far from the tree? If you know David C. Pack’s history and spent twelve years listening to him, you understand the apple landed on his head. Bullseye.
The examples David C. Pack gives for why the Jewish people will suffer God's punishment are beyond screaming irony or extreme blindness, and the brethren should take note.
Part 443 – May 18, 2023
@ 1:43:23 The Ulthra Orthodox are threatening to destroy the Israeli government right now. They’re demanding two things: They're demanding to be on the dole. They believe they are never to work. They’re only to study the Bible all day long. You know, the guys with the tassels (the Hasidim) and the Ultra, Ultra-Orthodox. They send their wives out to work. They're lazy sloths, and you can’t tell them anything. Isaiah 51 says They can’t answer anything. And they will not go to war. So, there’s a tremendous rebellion going on in Israel right now. People are no longer gonna fight for these sloths. The Rabbis who know everything and know nothing. And they’re just called “the scorners that rule My people.” This people in Jerusalem. And their wisdom? “Rabbi Hillel says. Rabbi Shamah says. Well, Rabbi Gamaliel says.” And they quote each other. Sit around swallowing whole bottles of Vanity Pills in between breaths, and then they just talk and talk while their wives go out and provide for the home after the wives produce six to ten or twelve children, and they want the state to pay for all of that. Well, you know what? I have no problem with that. If they won’t work, as long as they never eat again. That’s what God says.
David C. Pack is pointing his boney finger at the Jewish people in Jerusalem, but he is looking in a mirror, pointing back at himself.
“They are never to work. They’re only to study the Bible all day long.”
The only job David C. Pack has had in The Restored Church of God for the past five years is to study his Bible seven days a week and spend the rest of the time telling the brethren what he thinks he knows.
Flashback Part 400 – October 22, 2022
@ 1:28:05 God says, “Six days shall you labor.” …That’s why I work all six days…Only, now that’s not really true. I work all day on the Sabbath, too, because I’m a Levite.
Flashback Part 420 – February 17, 2023
@ 1:26:02 Stunning understanding…I knew all the verses because 20,000 of hours of study will kinda do that for you.
Studying the Bible all day long signifies a lazy sloth in this wicked generation. Yet, Dave does that very thing and brags about it.
“You can’t tell them anything.”
Nobody in The Restored Church of God is allowed to “teach” David C. Pack. Nobody on the face of the earth corrects David C. Pack. Brethren who have made the mistake of “suggesting to Mr. Pack” anything get a talking to from a minister. I was once chastised after a Staff Meeting when I made a statement that “sounded like you were teaching Mr. Pack.” Another time, I was called into Bradford Schleifer’s office so he and Jeffrey Ambrose could warn me about “the tone” of a prophecy question I submitted. I never did that again.
Any comments outside of perceived “engaging conversation” with Grandpa Dave will be met with resistance. Sometimes by him. Usually by his enablers.
Flashback Part 163 – March 2, 2019
@ 39:50 I’ve studied prophecy, I am sure, by far, more than anybody who ever lived.
having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities
“And they will not go to war.”
Dave complains about the Orthodox Jews for not wanting to kill others?
Once Mr. Pack was officially laid off, Church Headquarters by law had to notify the U.S. draft board that he was no longer employed as a minister and was no longer under “4-D” status—meaning he became eligible to be drafted to fight in the Vietnam War…Of course, Mr. Pack did not intend to violate the laws of God, and held firm to his conscientious objector position…The board members, after a short deliberation, approved Mr. Pack’s status, perhaps partly due to his borderline height at 6’8”—and because his father was their friend. The men casually said, “Forget it.”
Pages 266 and 267 – The Authorized Biography of David C. Pack, Volume One
The Pastor General once informed the RCG staff that the church does not observe Veterans Day and we would never get that day off. We were not to show soldiers any respect because they were all murderers. He thundered, “You do not thank them for their service.”
Oddly enough, at other times, he has recalled fondly how his ancestors fought in the Civil War. David C. Pack will stand on both sides of an argument when it suits his needs. He can be Solider Pro or Soldier Con, depending upon his mood.
To “talk out of both sides of one’s mouth” means to change one’s advice or opinion depending on who one is talking to or what situation one finds oneself in.
“The Rabbis who know everything and know nothing.”
Flashback Part 202 – September 7, 2019
@ 1:49:52 I know literally, literally everything that happens from the time Christ drops outta that cloud 'til this thing rolls into the box. I've got the whole picture.
Flashback Part 174 – May 15, 2019
@ 00:18 It has become almost a tradition now. I enjoy telling you when things have been not correct…
Flashback Part 190 – June 29, 2019
@ 42:38 And I drew some conclusions there I should not have drawn.
Flashback Part 231 – January 21, 2020
@ 2:26:02 But my job is not to figure and scheme through things, and sometimes I've done that because I thought, I know we know the day, and I thought it was this or that…
Flashback Part 251 – April 29, 2020
@ 1:03:29 So the question becomes, and this is what confused me, and I am glad in a way it did. I can apologize when I’m wrong. But I’m glad I was confused.
Flashback Part 392 – September 10, 2022
@ 51:28 But if you think about it…I have no authority. I made an assumption. I have no authority to say that the First Kingdom, the 1335 has to be 15 days…
Flashback Part 221 – December 7, 2019
@ 1:39:25 On God's authority, I am right!
“The scorners that rule My people.”
a person who expresses contempt or disdain for someone or something
Flashback Part 376 – June 13, 2022
@ 01:01:43 A lot of the men in the Splinters who’re leading those groups are killers! I know them!
Flashback Part 400 – October 22, 2022
@ 1:28:25 The howling I would hear from some of you right in this room if I told you yer gonna work six days…I mean, you’d stone me…You’d take me out. Sorry, but you would.
Part 443 – May 18, 2023
@ 1:25:07 I've come to realize with young people today, and I've watched them sit in this room. There may be some now…I watch their eyes and dance. They think the old man doesn't read 'em…Watch the way some of 'em sit in their chairs.
“And they quote each other.”
When the brethren of The Restored Church of God pose hard questions to their ministers about the failed prophecies of David C. Pack, they all receive the same unsatisfying, scripted answers. The field ministers recite the CAD boilerplate text as best they can remember, adding their own color of hesitation, repetition, and stammering. They paraphrase what Dave has already said. They paraphrase what Brad has instructed during Field Ministry Development livestreams.
When Headquarters ministers read from the church literature, they quote David C. Pack.
In both ways, the ministry “quotes each other.”
On August 29, 2020, Edward L. Winkfield offered his boss a vile 87-minute love letter. This was before he was raised to the rank of Pastor. Showcases like this surely did not hurt his prospects for advancement.
This sermon, "Seeing the Father," is a disgusting regurgitation of the new knowledge David C. Pack had bestowed upon the church pertaining to the updated roles of the Father and Jesus Christ. It was loaded with Stepford Prime quoting his human idol as he rang the bell, rejoicing that this heresy signaled the transition to The Restored Church of Another god. Shame on you, Ed.
“Swallowing whole bottles of Vanity Pills.”
Flashback Part 172 – April 27, 2019
@ 1:22:40 I’m not the Apostle Paul, but…I’m sure I’ve pastored more people than he did.
Flashback Part 178 – June 8, 2019
@ 21:41 My whole life, I've dug into these things. I know prophecy better than any man alive. I’ve said it before, if you think I’m arrogant, as I like to say, Then pray for me.
Flashback Part 180 – June 16, 2019
@ 1:17:17 These are mysteries. Nobody understood any of this…I mean, I feel like I could write a new King James Bible better.
Flashback Part 435 – April 15, 2023
@ 1:03:07 And by the way, finally, finally, I understand why my last name is Passover. Jews all know that David Passover. In fact, it's David Passover, in a way, to start the year and end twice.
“They just talk and talk.”
“The Greatest Untold Story!” Series began 7 years and 6 months ago on November 14, 2015, when it was first called “The Greatest Story Never Told!”
At the end of Part 432 on April Fool’s Day, Dave noted the Series was 799 hours and 59 minutes long.
The 11 Parts since then added another 15 hours and 31 minutes.
The Greatest Untold Story!
90 Months
815 Hours, 30 Minutes
Over 20,000 Hours of Bible Study
David C. Pack Proven Right: 0
But, the Jewish rabbis have diarrhea of the mouth?
“The wives produce six to ten or twelve children.”
David C. Pack recently lamented the flat growth of The Restored Church of God, blaming the scarcity of families joining due to selfish couples. The Israeli-Jewish culture encourages prolific families to build up the population, but Dave frames this as proof of why God will punish them.
And yet…
Flashback Part 438 – April 27, 2023
@ 1:49:37 Ten, fifteen years ago, we’d have two-three families with two-three-four kids come with us. Sometimes in a day. But now, you never see families anymore. People don’t want children. They celebrate not having children.
Flashback Part 440 – May 3, 2023
@ 04:50 I remember when we would get 1-2-3 families every day come with us. Not even all stay, but they would come with us….Now we're lucky if we can get a handful of actual families: husband, wife, and children each year.
Sounds like Grandpa Dave was coveting those large families on the other side of the world and was rather annoyed they were not making the journey to Wadsworth, Ohio, to put another feather on his cap.
Which is the real David C. Pack? The one who wants large families or the one who thinks they are a sign of a wicked generation?
To be fair, he was more irritated by the money aspect. More dollars going to the “lazy sloths” rather than into the Campus tree and garden fund.
“They want the state to pay for all of that.”
The Israeli government subsidizes religiously-devoted Jewish families. They have a well-utilized welfare system that encourages increased childbirth rates. That should sound very familiar to folks in the United States. To agree or disagree with that system is not the point.
David C. Pack takes issue with this. The "lazy sloths" are living off the government teat. He is outraged.
During the COVID-19 shutdown of 2020, The Restored Church of God filed for government payroll assistance and was granted an interest-free loan of $542,100. That loan was later forgiven. RCG did not pay the United States government back.
This publicly available information is verifiable on two websites.
This is the same year the Ambassador Youth Camp was canceled after raising $100,000, which was not refunded to the kids or parents. It seems that 2020 was a very lucrative year for RCG. So, where did all that money go? To preach the Gospel? To feed the flock?
Note the date of April 10, 2020.
The Medina County Auditor website confirms that on May 22, 2020, The Restored Church of God received the title after purchasing a $105,000 property connected to the Campus.
This is one month after RCG received financial assistance from the Federal government to cover payroll. If they had the money to purchase a home, why did they not use those funds to cover employee expenses?
I contacted the Sonn Law Group, which specializes in PPP fraud, to find out if the information above warrants a phone call from one of their attorneys. I did not hear back from them. Perhaps if others were motivated, they might yield better results.
David C. Pack was incensed that Jewish families "want the state to pay for all of that." Yet, he was perfectly comfortable and giddy about the United States government giving him half a million dollars for free.
the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense
David C. Pack is his own worst enemy. The words that fall from his lips expose who and what he is.
Flashback Part 421 – February 18, 2023
@ 1:25:10 And you've heard my words. I’m not a liar. I’d say, “Brethren, I don’t have anything else.” Then, here would come a sermon, a sermon, a sermon, a sermon.
Flashback Part 422 – February 18, 2023
@ 35:33 I’m not a hypocrite. I can’t stand up here and undo what I said in the last message.
The Pastor General of The Restored Church of God is a proven liar and hypocrite. He owes the Jewish people in Israel a very long apology. They should expect that right after they reconcile with the Arabs.
Marc Cebrian
See: The Jewish Hypocrisy
Great --- Your Tax Money hard at work.
The Jews get a lot of money from America through various means, including interest free loans and the "Kosher Tax" on numerous items that people buy in the grocery store, etc. Jesus was not impressed with them either. He called their leaders snakes. Pack is a goof and probably has his facts all mixed up but at least he's not afraid to call a rat a rat.
So much disrespect towards the apostle.
The Ultra Orthodox Jews also want kosher electricity:
Easy misspelling error to make 7:49.. It’s spelled apostate.
I love and admire the Jews. As a people, they have certainly added value and enjoyment to all of our lives.
David Pack is not an apostle. He is a man with a vivid imagination, and delusions of grandeur fueled by Armstrongism.
Quietly taking big government handout while working over poor people for their last dime!
Judgment can not come quick enough for this horse's-ass it did for the odious parent cult - WCG.
His opulent property will be broken up and sold off like HWA's was!
I think the one who has gotten into the bottle of "vanity pills" as he said, is himself. This man is clearly the epitome of vanity, as is probably 80 percent of the men that came out of WWCG.
Nicely done Marc. Probably the best example of "projection" once could ever see. Dave is a Master of It and probably does not understand the term nor how it is expressed. He did this in a very obvious way, as well, in his factually failed series "Refuting the Irrefutable God". What magnifies it how sternly and with great authority Dave delivers it. It's hard to miss. Well, unless you are Dave...
“Over 20,000 Hours of Bible Study”
Do NOT mistake the ranting and raving and yelling and spitting of klepto-Dave Pack-of-lies for “Bible study.” It was 20,000 hours of your life wasted listening to satanic noise.
During the COVID epidemic, the PCG was also handed 2 million dollars from the government which was also "forgiven." Morally you can't get something for nothing. That money was taken from tax payers pockets.
Klepto-Dave Pack-of-lies started his Restored Cash Grab (RCG) Bait & Switch scam 24 years ago in May 1999.
TIME WASTED* = 24 years
TIME WASTED* = 24 years X 365 days/year X 24 hours/day = 210,240 hours
* Some people would honestly say, “Time much worse than merely wasted.” The time was all used to do evil.
A lot of businesses took advantage of the PPP loans during covid.
To my understanding as long as the RCG did not lay off anyone, and keep paying their employees, they could keep the loan.
Was not designed for that and probably violating the spirit of the program----a reason I never took advantage of the stimulus checks since I did not get laid off. Probably expect more from a religious enterprise.
I like the Jews. They are usually financially well off following God the best they know how. In fact, the Jews living here helped fund the military war efforts of George Washington's army. A letter was sent to the Jewish synagogue for financial help. They immediately responded. As the Bible says, "The nations bless the Jews His chosen people will be blessed. Because of this, we have been a lead nation. The world knows this.
If you follow history at all, you can easily see that the nations who are respectful to the Jews start to thrive starting from the time they welcome them. As soon as they do something evil to them, their economy goes south.
Wasn't it Dennis's brother who long ago called him 'shit for brains'?
It's ok to expose "The Jewish Hypocrisy".
Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law?

Gal 4:21
Mat 3:7
But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?
Mat 12:34
O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
Mat 23:33
Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?
Mat 23:27
“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness.
Elvis Presley, Star Trek's William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy are all jewish
Thanks 10:01 for the list. You have accurately described every single Church of God leader out there today. Never have we seen such a generation of vipers ruling over the churches. Their whitewashed headquarters are masks for degenerate men and their teachings. God is NOT pleased!
Anonymous said...
Wasn't it Dennis's brother who long ago called him 'shit for brains'?
It was my brother in law who Dave took aside after the new Pastor in Rochester, replacing Dave, ordained him a deacon. Dave took him aside at a YOU basketball game in Buffalo and said that "If I thought you should have been a Deacon, I would have ordained you one".
It was then that Ron said, "Well Dave, if I did not believe you had shit for brains, I'd care what you thought".
Offended that Ron would call him "Dave" instead of the expected "Mr Pack", Dave turned Ron in to the new pastor who just laughed it off.
Ron was a gem of a human being. Dave, not so much
PS The new pastor was Les Schmedes who was more the genuine human being than Dave could ever hope to be IMHO
DennisCDiehl at 12:46 PM said...“It was then that Ron said, 'Well Dave, if I did not believe you had shit for brains, I'd care what you thought'.”
The past 24 years have shown scientifically (by careful observation), beyond the shred of a reasonable doubt, that Dave Pack does indeed have dung for brains. Not sure about black flies, but there are definitely some demons in all that dung that Dave has instead of brains.
The really strange and tragic thing is that a few thousand people, some of them from the WCG, mistook all the demon-infested dung in Dave's head for the Holy Spirit working in a normal brain. Talk about religious confusion!
"Dave turned Ron in to the new pastor!...who just laughed it off"
I'm laughing it off right now!
Time Flies
If we are in the end times, and maybe even the end of the end times, there is no time to waste 24 years or more listening to Dave Pack.
I just love that goofy picture of Dave. I think that should become his official picture. It’s so appropriate.
That photo of Dave Pack is when he suddenly realised he was still wearing Kim Kardashian's underwear.
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