Saturday, December 16, 2023

Satan Doubles Down On Doubly Blessed Prophet Bob Thiel!!!!!!!!!

I was going to post today about the Great Bwana to Africa thumping his little chest today while he claims he and he alone PREDICTED Dave Pack's recent income drop:

Related to that, Marc Cebrian posted the following comments at the anti-COG Banned by HWA site:

Nobody in The Restored Church of God responded to this inquiry, but I know they got it.

Oh boy, did they get it.

The buzz at Headquarters today must have been something to behold. …

During a 2023 Ministerial Conference not-for-brethren lecture, David C. Pack warned the field ministers that cuts were coming “if time went on.” But nobody anticipated a total severing of all financial assistance.

Actually, I did.

For years I have been writing that RCG would have a major financial crisis. Whether or not this one is that, we will see.

But more fun things arose this morning when it was apparent Satan was doubly ticked off at the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel. Even though Satan knows the Great Bwana was a figment of God and Jesus' imagination when they were creating pre-adamic humanoids as practice material, and how much they needed him to arise in the perilous end times to save the church and most of Africa from being Laodiceans, ol'Satan had other plans.

Satan struck early this morning disrupting access to the most magnificent web site the church has ever seen. Billions of people were denied access to the great truths the site supposedly holds:

Then, in a particularly vicious attack, Satan set up a fake Facebook page for the Great Bwana to Africa and 100 Caucasians. This was appallingly shocking and further PROOF that Artificial Intelligence is out to get the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel! Satan HATES his so-called work and is doing everything he can to stop the spread of the incredibly awesome writings of Bwana Bob.

Received several messages from contacts on Facebook who have suspected that friend requests that they received supposedly came from me were fake.

Well, they are fake.

While I receive Facebook friend requests multiple times per week, I have not sent out any Facebook friend requests myself to anyone for over a decade.

How can you tell that the request is fake?

For one, the faker has put a dove with an olive branch symbol over a globe on my picture. Notice:

That dove on a globe picture is not on my actual Facebook page.

Furthermore, while I have over 1,000 “Facebook Friends” on my actual page, the fake version of me only had 41 when I checked this morning.

The Bible warns against:

15 … idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie. (Revelation 22:15)

Jesus once said to some near Him:

44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.  (John 8:44-45)

Whoever is pretending to be me has the devil as his/her father.

Speaking of fakes and Facebook, yesterday I received a Facebook friend request from a name and photo I recognized in the Church of God, so I accepted the request. Then, when this person tried to push to sell me something today on the Sabbath, I realized that this, too, was a fake. So, I “unfriended” her (or him, as with a fake, it is hard to know who sent it). 

Satan is one crafty dude! Who would have imagined he would resort to using Facebook! TikTok maybe, but Facebook? Ghastly days! What is this world coming to? 


Anonymous said...

So Bob is upset over a dove of peace superimposed on his picture? His snarky response to that tells us all we need to know about him.

Anonymous said...


The idea of world peace infuriates Armstrongite leaders, specially the self appointed ones.

Anonymous said...

Yes! The COGlodytes prefer Whirled Peas.

Anonymous said...

Go Bob go!

Anonymous said...

This, the one and only true Prophet Master of Banned speaks to you now. Prediction for this next few weeks. Pretend Prophet Dr Bobby Thiel will soon announce massive growth in Malawi, Mozambique , Zambia? , Tanzania? Africa, let's just say stupidly 10,000 , but maybe 6,000, the spirit hasn't quite revealed. Dr Bobby will then take this as a sign from God that he is now the Fastest and Biggest Splinter COG on the Planet, when In fact the poor little Man in Black Face has been buried in a bottle for the last 10 years, somewhere in Africa; the Bob you see now isn't really Bob , but a Satanic entity occupying the Body of Thiel doing the African false Ministers bidding via Soul Transportation, yes I know Ex files could make a movie on this. Problem is the Great Prophet Dr Bobby has a problem , the Great Sosten L. Was Disfellowshipped from Dr Bob for adultery Year's ago , has Dr Bob Forgotten his WCG up bringing , Once a Minister is caught abusing his office, he is no longer allowed back in the Ministry, will Dr Bobby spin this by saying is is now proven Sosten was falsely accused? What story will Dr Bobby Thiel come up with to Justify these huge pretend numbers that magically appear at the moment CCOG in Malawi is non-existent, awe well it is the the World of Bobby Thiel 🤣

Anonymous said...

Most of Bob's enemies are driven by envy.

Tonto said...

This is classic!--- Fake Bobby Thiel gets FAKED! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Again, you misspelled "pity".

Anonymous said...

For a prophet, Bob is remarkably clueless.

James said...

Satan is NOT after Thiel. Bob works for him.

Anonymous said...

Satan works for the liars at GCI and their ilk.

Changes? What changes? We're not making changes. We're just explaining the old doctrines a new way.

Anonymous said...

Oh, man! Another comment to keep me from binge watching the revival of "The L Word"!

Did they ever actually say they were not making changes? My family that stuck with the original never told me that, although some did say that the way they handled it was a mess!

Anonymous said...

Well, we could send Hamas after Bob.

Anonymous said...

One wonders what any of these Armstrong franchisees would do if Satan actually did attack them!