Sunday, December 10, 2023

Double Minded (Part 2)


Double Minded (Part 2)


David C. Pack kicked his own butt.


When “The Greatest Unending Story!” Parts 480 and 481 blessed the brethren of The Restored Church of God with critical end-time knowledge handed down from God to His only chosen vessel on the face of the earth, nobody could have imagined what a colossal Whoopsie-daisy that would become.


Parts 482 and 483 went full-on Sopranos by taking those fraudulent concepts for a late night, one-way drive into the New Jersey forest with a shovel and tarp in the back seat. Like Adriana, the RCG brethren are too numbed and confused as they stare blankly out the window to realize where they are headed and what is really happening to them.


The Restored Church of God hosts a nest of vipers where the Spirit of Error thrives due to the lack of accountability. Spineless, cowardly hirelings give consent to the continual slaughter of joy and faithfulness while their human idol inches his way closer to the throne of Jesus Christ.


When Dave gets something wrong, the latest version is always an improvement. He is also the only human being on the planet who can still be right even while being wrong. Do you think that is an exaggeration?


Part 482 – November 30, 2023

@ 31:27 But, two years to go, not one, is the first mistake I want to acknowledge. It simply slipped my mind, and the picture (once it got straightened out) got infinitely better. And I know I'm right because there's a giant thing WE missed.


James 1:8

A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.


Being double-minded is the least of David C. Pack’s problems.



The Kingdom of God Arrives on April 8, 2024!

No, wait. I meant to say December 21, 2023!


Part 480 – November 18, 2023

@ 29:26 Okay, so be comfortable with me telling you to put on your Thinking Caps. Now, we’re gonna ask hard questions about Abib 1. I told you I had more to say. But, there were still things gelling…But, I'd been battling things for a long, long time, and I determined that I was never gonna adjust this until I absolutely knew that I should. And I knew at that point there would come a point, and that point would be it where the Mystery of God was over and everything was plain.


What a silly, foolish man.


Dave had the brethren put on their thinking caps but left his on the table in the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium. He walked away from Abib 1 a few days after this. In the meantime, enjoy his misguided and error-laden enthusiasm.


@ 33:37 Because if the Kingdom of God (I’ll say again) if the Kingdom of God can be proven to arrive this April 8th, the night of this April 8th, then you’re going first before that.


“Proven” is another word that should be stricken from the lips of anyone in The Restored Church of God. Proofs, facts, and math are subject to perpetual change when tossed to and fro inside the head of David C. Pack. The only thing truly “proven” during the last eight years is that David C. Pack is a false teacher and blaspheming liar. That was established a long time ago and will never be overturned.


@ 1:05:00 So, it can't be the year. Or the disciples were confused, and God recorded it for us so we could be confused, too. Because we’re waiting for a year thatit’s impossible impossible that it’d start anytime but Abib 1. That’s why you guard Abib.


@ 57:19 But, that should tell you (if you couple it with Psalm 68) that we are waiting for the Kingdom of God this Abib. Not next Abib. Meaning you will meet Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the prophets and the apostles, and Mr. Armstrong, and everybody else you wanna see this Abib.


Due to stormy doctrinal weather conditions, that meeting had to be rescheduled. Dave uses the Christmas season to soft-land the significant timing change coming to the Kingdom of God's arrival.

Part 482 – November 30, 2023

@ 29:36 Is this pointing to the Christmas season when That Prophet is raised? It’s just a question. If so, we need serious proof. We need serious proof.


For the newcomers, That Prophet is Elijah the Prophet, who just so happens to be David C. Pack. He likes to preach about himself and insert that reminder into his messages.

@ 1:42:35 Do you follow me? Do you follow the timing? Those four fasts? Oh, that’s right. The four fasts that starts on Tevet 10. Three weeks from today. Tevet 10 has to be in the Kingdom. There is no possible way there’s no possible way that the Kingdom can come after Tevet 10.


Tevet 10 begins at sunset on Thursday, December 21. One bit of nuance for Part 482 is that Dave teaches the Kingdom of God comes BEFORE Tevet 10. During Part 483, he revises the timing to happen ON Tevet 10. Remember, according to Dave, unveiling the Mystery of God is a process of trial and error. Man, he really, really loves his error.


@ 1:43:15 There’s no possible way we can wait more than three weeks.


@ 1:44:34 Because once the Series is done, it’s a short distance and it’s got to be here before Tevet 10. Has to be.


@ 2:02:37 Now, we’ll address many verses proving all Israel rises first…I’m gonna just make it so it’s impossible to believe to ever shift away back to Abib. And I apologize for that.




Watch David C. Pack kick his own butt again.


Part 482 – November 30, 2023

@ 1:45:00 We can’t go more than twenty-one days because Tevet 10 is literally three weeks from tonight because it would be tonight. Dawn in Jerusalem. Now, you can’t possibly believe it’s Tevet 10.


Part 483 – December 2, 2023

@ 1:09:58 …so it’s the tenth day of Tevet to be “the selfsame day.” It has to be Tevet 10. It has to be Tevet 10 or Jeremiah lied. Or he’s a false prophet.


The revised Dave is so confident the Kingdom of God arrives ON Tevet 10 that he wagers Jeremiah’s legitimacy.


@ 1:08:37 Guess what Tevet 10 is dawn in Jerusalem. It is exactly the moment of the Winter Solstice this year. Next time that’ll happen is 19 years away. Tevet 10 lines up in 2023, I mean like, within two minutes, the best I can figure it out. It’s December 21st.


“Exactly the moment” is not the same as “within two minutes, the best I can figure it out.” Dave strains so desperately to warp reality into his narrative. He can even insert Elijah into this imaginary construct.


1:10:48 It underscores Elijah rises in Tevet. It’s the Winter Solstice.


@ 1:11:14 And Isaiah says Elijah rises in winter, like dead-on in winter in the north, for God to reset the universe 19 days away. Years ago, we talked about whether we might someday back into the date. Remember that? Well, we did.


James 1:8

A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.



The Sixth King Suffocation


Dave is convinced he has to identify the Sixth King of Revelation 17 before God does. It stems from his primal need to be right about something since the remainder of his life’s work is a giant stockpile of errors and missteps.


Part 480 – November 18, 2023

@ 59:58 In fact, on Tuesday, I'm gonna tell you the name of the Sixth King, and it will absolutely shock you. Not one of you, if you spend the next 72 hours trying to think of who it is, will get close. It’s nobody you could think of. And I’ll prove it in ten different ways. It’s nothing that I even saw.


It will shock everyone because they would have to crawl into the corrupted hellscape of Dave's head to find that fallacious information.


Will he prove it in the same ten different ways that the Plan of God had four Kingdoms? Or that the Kingdom would arrive on Abib 1? Or the ten different ways that Russian President Vladimir Putin was the Sixth King back in June?


Here is the power of hindsight. That tease Dave uttered is fascinating for reasons that would easily escape someone if they did not remember exactly what he said and what followed.


His big reveal during Part 481 is that Nebuchadnezzar will be the Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Kings. It means that Dave changed his mind between November 18 and November 21. Nebuchadnezzar was already the Sixth King before he said, “It’s nobody you could think of.”


Part 481 – November 21, 2023

@ 26:45 Now, we’re gonna get into a dramatic subject. We’re gonna talk about the Sixth King.


@ 30:06 Nebuchadnezzar carries 666. We know that. We’ve already heard that…Why? Why is he linked to three times six, not two?


@ 40:09 Let’s get a little more of the mind of wisdom if we could that God gives. I don’t give it.


Dave is unintentionally correct again. He does not give wisdom to anyone.

@ 40:15 God says he's wise and faithful. If I have any wisdom, it's because God gave it to me. This is a, I mean, this was the most complex thing I’ve ever battled. I came I wuh I went home on Saturday night and stayed up till 2:30[AM] pondering something I knew when I was giving the sermon I knew it that I had missed something literally Sabbath…


@ 54:55 So, God waited. First, He told me about five months ago, "Oh, wait a minute. The Sixth King is. He just is. He’s the guy in the jar. He’s wickedness in the jar who’s revealed in his season.”


God did not tell David C. Pack anything.


The Sixth King cannot be Nebuchadnezzar because he IS dead. He is not IS. He could be a WILL BE, but not IS. Dave could not see the most screaming-obvious problem with this theory at the time, partially because of his epic piss-poor reading comprehension skills.


@ 56:05 Why would not the same God use one king four times (counting his lifetime) until He doesn’t need him anymore and then destroy him?


@ 58:16 That guy [Nebuchadnezzar] had a personality was a natural fit to harbor the devil over and over.


Dave, you should be shaken to your core that people with certain personalities can harbor the devil.


After Part 481 concluded, the matter of the Sixth King was settled once and for all. Wait…no?


During Part 483, a few days later, Dave changed his mind again. He fell back on Russian President Vladimir Putin because he was out of ideas. How can you know this for sure?


Part 481 – November 21, 2023

@ 28:32 But, I did put this up there about five months ago ‘cause I knew there was a Sixth King. I just didn’t have I didn’t know exactly in what way he fit. Was he Putin? Was he somebody else?


Staring into the bowl of water until the middle of the night must not have brought Dave much clarity because, for Part 482, all he could do was stall when Nebuchadnezzar did not quite work out. Like so many times before, he will pretend to imply he knows more than he really does just to buy himself some time and attempt to save face.


Part 482 – November 30, 2023

@ 22:01 I'm gonna overwhelm you with proof, and I know some of you are gonna, “Well, what about the Sixth King?” We’ll get to him. Another big discovery.


But not today.


@ 1:13:50 For five months, I knew there were three kingdoms butch I was left with this constant conflict that would pull me back to a Fourth Kingdom because I couldn’t tell who rose when. And the Sixth Kingdom [King] was suffocating. Literally suffocating my ability and my team to understand how this played out.


If David C. Pack was literally being suffocated, maybe he should stop placing his head inside the prophetic plastic bag and panting wildly until he passes out. That would explain where he gets his goofy doctrinal ideas. Somewhere between disoriented unconsciousness and euphoric twilight is where David C. Pack manifests his greatest hits.


@ 02:03:10 The search for the Sixth King (as I said) became a suffocating factor in seeing God’s plan clearly. I found him. [chuckles] He’s not Nebuchadnezzar. But that Sixth King helped to demand four kingdoms. But I made quite a simple discovery about it. Actually, two. And a lot of miscellaneous questions will be answered…and hopefully, we'll be done then, and then we'll start our wait. Good night, everyone.


That is David C. Pack stalling. He was also not very confident in his fallback position as the Sixth King being Russian President Vladimir Putin. He ran out the clock and spent only five minutes on the topic. So much for proving it ten different ways, Dave.


Part 483 – December 2, 2023

@ 1:34:43 So, who is the Sixth King?


@ 1:35:05 It’s not hard. Turn over to Revelation 17. Let me show you. Show you what WE missed.


It was suffocating, but it is not hard now. Trust me, on my full non-authority as an unordained non-prophet/non-psychic, this will change again. There is no way on this little blue dot David C. Pack will ever be able to nail this down because he is not allowed to.


@ 1:35:11 If I’m gonna be faithful to God’s word, I have to be able to say I’m wrong.


Most mentally healthy human beings learn from past mistakes and strive to avoid repeating them. But that is not the David C. Pack way. He makes a mistake, finds something or someone else to blame, appears to admit fault, and then repeats the whole process over again. Addicts cannot get clean until they bottom out and decide for themselves they need to make a change. Dave is not on the path to sobriety.


@ 1:35:49 "And here's the mind which has wisdom." And I forgot this. I knew it, and I just forgot it. [chuckles] “The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits.” Nebuchadnezzar is the Seventh Mountain. He cannot be the Sixth and Seventh Mountain. They have to come from different countries.


Dave is more accurate when he is accidental about his word choices. He has absolutely forgotten the mind of wisdom he once seemed to possess.


@ 1:36:09 “That’s the first thing that struck me…The only other thing was the next verse, and it was enough.“And there are seven kings. Five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come.


@ 1:37:27 So, Nebuchadnezzar is 666 exactly was WE thought. I’ve had to reverse some things in this as we learned more. He was a monster in his lifetime.


@ 1:38:35 Vladimir means (one more time) "To rule with greatness. Peaceful ruler. Ruler of the world.” Putin means “the way, the path.” That’s fascinating. Except Putin, in French, means "Whore." Oh. That's interesting, too. So, he's of the Great Whore.


Oh, man. How to explain the subtlety of this detail in my next letter to the Russian Consulate is going to keep me up at night. But I think I am up to the challenge.


@ 1:39:20 And that’s it. If it's not Putin, well, then I wouldn't know who it is. I cannot tell youbut I can tell you "one is" (and you know the timing). He's somebody out there, and there's one guy that fits the bill. He’s even real short. Almost a type of the coming Little Horn.


Dave is really trying to hamstring me here. The last thing I need is to be flagged by the Russian government and placed under surveillance or misunderstood reprisal.


So, there it is. Mr. Vladimir Putin has been “proven” to be the Sixth King of Revelation 17 again because of the “who else could it be” argument.



James 1:8

A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.


"The Greatest Untold Story!" is an unstable eight-year saga that cannot and will not end because the author of it is unstable and double-minded. Parts 480-483 stand as a witness to the nature of David C. Pack and those silently consenting to normalized madness.


David C. Pack proves to the members of The Restored Church of God who and what he is through his own words and actions. This website is just a mirror with his Post-it notes all over it. No one needs to utilize personal attacks or lies to expose the biblical fraud perpetrated by David C. Pack because he does a pretty good job of doing that himself.


The brethren of The Restored Church of God are somewhat trapped but not helpless in their situation. They cannot absolve themselves of all responsibility for fleeing a blaspheming, lying, false prophet. God does not accept fear as an acceptable motivation for staying in the presence of wicked men.


David C. Pack is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways. Ignore the obvious to your own peril.

Marc Cebrian

See: Double Minded (Part 2)


Anonymous said...

I don't mean to sound crude but there is one thing obvious about what I just read and that is, Dave Pack is fucking nuts! There is no other way to describe him. How his emasculated boy toys in Wadsworth can sit there week after week agreeing to this is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

I'm very happy to see these updates, and hope they will continue, because they make me aware of the fact that the RCG farce is continuing, and that someone is actively working to help the victims.

That said, since this is a library, I no longer check out these particular reference materials on this topic to read each word as I once did. I sincerely hope that they are helping the poor souls that they are designed to help, and maybe by extension, the victims of all the other ACOG cults. They may be different from one another in certain ways, but at their core they are all the same. There is no "true" one. Actually there never was. HWA was not who he said he was, or the Millennium would have begun in 1975. It did not, Armstrongism failed and should have disbanded at that time, but it did not, and the continued farce is the result.

John said...

Dave Pack commented saying:

"...@ 1:35:49 "And here's the mind which has wisdom." And I forgot this. I knew it, and I just forgot it. [chuckles] “The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits.” Nebuchadnezzar is the Seventh Mountain. He cannot be the Sixth and Seventh Mountain. They have to come from different countries...

...@ 1:36:09 “That’s the first thing that struck me…The only other thing was the next verse, and it was enough.“And there are seven kings. Five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come.

@ 1:37:27 So, Nebuchadnezzar is 666 exactly was WE thought. I’ve had to reverse some things in this as we learned more. He was a monster in his lifetime....

...@ 1:39:20 And that’s it. If it's not Putin, well, then I wouldn't know who it is. I cannot tell you..."
Nebuchadnezzar, Putin, Pack have nothing to do with 666 or that "one is" head of the beast. Nebuchadnezzar was a monster in his lifetime?

"And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, [and] the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space." Revelation 17:10

Who inspired that to be written? Who wrote it? A man named John, inspired by God, who knew which empire was in existence at the time he penned that "one is:" and that was the the 6th head of the beast: none other than the Roman empire.

The 7th head? Gog, won't exist until Satan is loosed from the pit for a short space, a little season, and Jesus Christ will not be present to prevent Satan from once again allowing the smashing of Jerusalem (Zech 14), the ravishing of women, etc. and deceiving the entire world. It's going to be a busy time after that 1,000 years.

And for Doug Winnail driven by another spirit to preach another gospel (& all similar thinking hirelings who fled from the former WCG) looking for another Jesus to "very soon" return to begin some 1,000 year MMM reign on earth? It ain't happening, because if it did happen and that Jesus were in Jerusalem a 1,000 years later: would Jesus allow Satan to mess around with His City Jerusalem and ravish women, etc.?

And Nebuchadnezzar being a monster? Yes, he had an awesome experience for 7 years as a shadow/pattern, an example, of something else to happen in the future, but Nebuchadnezzar was also one of God's servants:

"And now have I given all these lands into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, My servant; and the beasts of the field have I given him also to serve him." Jeremiah 27:6

Dave Pack admitted he cannot identify the "one is," but yes there are seven kings. Five are fallen, and one is: and that "one is" was the Roman empire, but...

Time will tell...


DennisCDiehl said...

"Double minded" is being generous...

Anonymous said...

....."a year that, it’s impossible impossible that it’d start anytime but Abib 1. That’s why you guard Abib."
The beginning of the real, astronomical, Biblical year had been a confused issue in Herbertology. There's a sacred year? An agricultural year? Not Biblical. The FOT is at the end of the year, not the day as a year end before Abib/Nisan 1. The year beginning in Genesis 1 started in "autumn". Which is why the calendric rules of postponement are for Tishri 1, not Abib/Nisan 1? Ex 12:2 can be understood as ....."the chief of months; it shall be the most important month of the year to you".

Anonymous said...

Did you know that Napoleon wasn't short. He was the average height for that time period. The British press pushed that lie as part of the propaganda war. There was a French regiment where soldiers had to be at least 6 feet (1.8 meters) tall, so next to them Napoleon appeared short. The Brits jumped on this.

The W.A. said... shows "wh*re" in French actually is "Pute." Pronounced: "poot," since the e should be silent.

"Putain" is shown as an alternate.

But if English is THE official language of COGs - as in "At-one-ment" - why would God hide this revelation in French?

James said...

The closer someone is to the alter, the further away from God they are.

RSK said...

I got three paragraphs in and came to same conclusion.

Anonymous said...

"The closer someone is to the alter, the further away from God they are."

That is so true at every power level in society. According to a YouTube video on this, the problem is that those at high power levels are shielded from the natural consequences of their decision making. They're not penalized for their poor choices. By contrast a tradesman suffers loss for poor workmanship.
The result is goose professors, religious leaders, politicians, etc and wise tradesmen.

Anonymous said...

They can sit there.. because it’s easy money for them. All they have to do is sit there and say “Yes! You are so right Dave!”

Tonto said...

666 minded is more like it!

Anonymous said...

Dunno bout that, Ive seen a LOT of VPs get canned in my years.

Anonymous said...

scatter-brained. Emphasis on "skat"

Anonymous said...


The LGBTQ+ Mob

The utterly depraved LGBTQ+ mob is conditioning the people of the world to think that things like homosexuality and transvestitism that the God of the Holy Bible said are abominations are actually normal and acceptable behavior. The LGBTQ+ mob calls all of its own evil behavior “good,” and calls good, sensible people who reject it “evil.”


The deranged and vicious false prophet David Pack is conditioning his followers to think that him trying to steal from them virtually everything they have with his “common” theft scam, and coming up with weekly, wrong, prophetic date guesses that quickly fail, is normal and acceptable behavior. Dave calls all of his own evil behavior “good,” and calls good, sensible people who reject him “evil.”

Anonymous said...

Did you know that Napoleon wasn't short. He was the average height for that time period. The British press pushed that lie as part of the propaganda war. There was a French regiment where soldiers had to be at least 6 feet (1.8 meters) tall, so next to them Napoleon appeared short. The Brits jumped on this.

The Brits are always demonizing their enemies. In WW I they fabricated stories of German troops impaling babies on bayonettes and chopping off the hands of young boys. Churchill also deomized the Germans, and in WW II the BBC fabricated atrocity stories still widely believed today. Nothing is what the narratives claim they are.

Anonymous said...

It is possible that Dave is LGBQT+? That would explain a lot.

Anonymous said...

Who else could it be? Well, maybe a pathological liar like Biden.

Anonymous said...

All I can tell you, 12:32, is that the LGBQTABCDEFGHIJKMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ +-x%=?! extends into the animal kingdom as well. A lady I once dated actually had a gay dog!

Anonymous said...
