UCG's God is really getting angry. Forget all of today's doom and gloom climate change gurus and nincompoops and the fear they reign down. They are nothing compared to the god of UCG! He is coming back to whip all the sinners and those lazy Laodiceans and fry the earth with fire and brimstone.
UCG and other COG's eagerly look forward to this as vindication for the years they have cried wolf with their own tales of doom and gloom.
It would really frost the butts of COG false prophets if a Jonah/Ninevah scenario played out in the end times. Imagine if their angry god repents and preserves the earth. There would be great weeping and gnashing of teeth in COGland.
The Bible does say great climatic changes are coming. The reason: human beings reject God and His laws which govern life. The Earth’s inhabitants will be afraid and suffer because of forces beyond their control, and it will come not by climate change as man supposes, but from other means; and it will come because of sin. Isaiah 24:19-20says: “The earth is violently broken, the earth is split open, the earth is shaken exceedingly. The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall totter like a hut; its transgression shall be heavy upon it, and it will fall, and not rise again” (emphasis added).
Jesus Christ prophesied nearly two thousand years ago the signs of the end time: “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken” (Luke 21:24-26).
The apostle John wrote in Revelation 6:12-17:
“I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood. And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind. Then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place. And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks, 'Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?'”
Man will suffer the wrath of God because of his lack of willingness to change and repent. The really big issue has been the stubbornness of people having a mindset to disobey God and reject Him altogether. Romans 1:22-23states, “Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.”
The reality is many unknowingly worship Gaia and the Earth, and turn away from Almighty God Who created the Earth. Jesus instructed us to be aware of our spiritual condition in this evil time. He said, “But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man” (Luke 21:36). Jim Tuck
Interesting. So, their solution is not a smaller carbon footprint, but everyone repenting and turning to Armstrongism.
What a dichotomy! Global climate change is natural punishment by the laws God has set up over the iniverse, for man's poor stewardship of our planet. They are saying that what we read in the Bible is not the natural physical results of man's physical sins against the planet, but spiritually caused disasters to punish man"s spiritual sins.
The solution to one is for man to modify his greedy, wasteful behavior, to be conscious of sustainability, and for people to use more effective birth control.
The only thing you can do to prevent the second scenario is to send donations to the UCG, or to the ACOG of your choice.
The reality is many unknowingly worship Gaia and the Earth, and turn away from Almighty God Who created the Earth.
Honor and worship are two very distinct and separate things. God commands Christians to honor and be good stewards of His creation. The reality is that many unknowingly worship "God's ministers" and turn away from Almighty God Who gave them the responsibility to be good stewards of His creation.
Which is a bit funny, since illness is supposed to be the result of breaking "physical laws". Somehow the idea that physical laws could extend outside of biological organisms is foreign to them, I guess.
Well, Gary, you're the UCG ministurd Illuminati lizard person Marxist socialist fascist communist radical left RINO Muslim Chinese double agent, right? Maybe you can clarify. ;)
John was told to come up - Rev 4:1
. Well, he couldn't. He was physical. He didn't have access to Delta or a rocket. But, immediately he was "in the spirit" - Rev 4:2
. That enabled him to go up. Why? To see the spirit world. What he saw was spiritual phenomena (cf 2Kings 6:17
helps to understand?). It does look like there's a lot of attempts to "physicalize" the prophecies that appear to be of the spirit world in Revelation, by "ministers" who seem to have to come up themselves (!) with a fear gloom and doom rant to keep the extorted (by false doctrine) tithes coming.
Al Gore and Greta are the worst prophets ever. Nothing they predicted has some true. San Francisco should be under water by now. They might even be worse than HWA. Germany probably couldn't defeat Poland let alone the USA.
The dinosaurs must have really sinned, talk about climate change! 🤣🤣
Look at all the hostility online. It's obvious that the modern world is a giant web of conflicting hate groups that cannot stand each other. No wonder some people run for refuge in a cult.
The only intelligent thing Lenon ever said was "Religion is the opiate of the masses."
Religion is a crutch.
The only intelligent thing Marx ever said was "I am not a Marxist."
NO2HWA writes "it would really frost their butt's.....if a Jonah/Ninevah scenario played out...."
So the return of Jesus Christ is not anticipated by you in real life ? Only a smug person, living a very sheltered life would take such a smug mocking stance.
Are you only happy NO2HWA in real life when others have been wrong? It must be a dry life being so obnoxious.
And of course this is never an athiests blog.
False religion IS the opiate of the masses. We see it all around us everyday. Those climate change clowns know that man cannot change the climate of the earth but it is a good vehicle to push their agenda, which is straight from Satan.
It's a mess that only God Himself can straighten out, and He will.
The Only Possible Scenarios:
Climate warms. --> UCG stays lukewarm or cools.
Climate stays the same. --> UCG stays lukewarm or cools.
Climate cools. --> UCG stays lukewarm or cools.
CONCLUSION: There is no chance of warming in the UCG, only a possible cooling.
The illogic runs like this, "The world is in turmoil, therefore, you should believe our bizarre salvation by works ideology." What ties this all together is a really novel and implausible syllogism. But that observation is virtually a platitude it has been repeated in some form so many times.
The theme that stands out to me: Splinterworld believes that the threat to the United States will come from external sources, whereas, the way domestic events are developing, it looks more and more like threats will be internal. The USA is more divided over race, class and politics than ever with many little militias doing weekend war drills. Liz Cheney just stated that the USA is "sleepwalking into dictatorship." Doomsayers of all sorts including Bible thumpers do not fare well in dictatorships. Big Brother doesn't like Jeremiahs who talk bad about him and the future of his policies. They tend to end up in the gulag or worse.
The Seventh Day Adventist church supported Adolf Hitler back in the 1930s. As author Corrie Schroder states, "In the Adventist town of Friedensau, Germany 99.9% voted for the Nazi parliamentary state."
Schroder writes further,
"Nazi Germany was a horrible place for small denominational churches because there was no religious liberty. One small denomination that survived was the Seventh-day Adventist denomination. When Adolf Hitler rose to power in Germany, the German Seventh-day Adventist denomination (hereafter referred to as Adventists) believed it was time for a strong leader in Germany. Hitler seemed to be the best candidate because of “his personal dedication and his abstinence from tea, coffee, alcohol and meat, practices shared by the Adventists, [therefore] he was welcomed as a savior.”
But this obeisance did not succeed because, writes Schroder, "On November 26, 1933, the Nazi state banned the small denominational churches. Among those prohibited were the Seventh-day Adventists."
Now it is time for that famous quote by George Santayana. But I'll pass.
Our persistent grumpy pants writes:
"NO2HWA writes "it would really frost their butt's.....if a Jonah/Ninevah scenario played out...."
So the return of Jesus Christ is not anticipated by you in real life ? Only a smug person, living a very sheltered life would take such a smug mocking stance."
You have to be the most brain-dead person on here. You start typing before engaging your brain. Nowhere in No2's comments did he deny Christ's return but made a comment about what would happen if there was a Jonah/Ninevah-type scenario that would play out when nations repent? You are so busy flagellating yourself with the atheist comments you can't make clear decisions.
Thank you 8:00
Earlier in Jim Tuck's article he wrote: "...In ancient Greek mythology Gaia is considered the goddess of Earth. Gaia is worshipped among modern pagans as the spiritual embodiment of the earth..."
, because that verse will not be fulfilled until AFTER Satan is loosed from the bottomless pit?

and puts blame solely on humanity, again turning a blind eye to the principalities who cause sin (I John 3:8
; Eph 2:2
) says: "Because that, when they knew God, they glorified [him] not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened."

, etc.?
When the United Ass. was established in May 1995 221 hirelings of the former WCG voted to name their manmade organization as "United Church of God, an International Association:" aka ucGaia.
Subsequent to that establishment it was learned that these former hirelings could not use "ucgaia," so they dropped the first "a" and began using "ucgia" instead, and od so to this day.
Did Jim Tuck attend that Indianapolis Conference, or did he flee the former WCG at some later date? I don't know.
Anyway, that aside, why does Jim Tuck cite Isaiah 24:19-20
The hirelings of the former WCG continue to force future verses to work in our day and age, and it won't work. Time is telling. How much longer do we need to continue to hear that their "another Jesus" is very soon to return to mother Gaia, planet earth, to begin some 1,000 year reign? That kind of fits in with these former WCG hirelings crying "wolf with their own tales of doom and gloom."
Jim Tuck continues to blame/judge humanity when he writes: "...Man will suffer the wrath of God because of his lack of willingness to change and repent. The really big issue has been the stubbornness of people having a mindset to disobey God and reject Him altogether..."
Apparently, Jim Tuck does not believe Paul's words saying: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places]." Eph 6:12
But, then, Jim cites Romans 1:22-23
The previous verse (Rom 1:21
Who knew God? Satan and his angels! They are without excuse.
What did Jesus say about humanity knowing God?
"O righteous Father, the world hath not known thee: but I have known thee, and these have known that thou hast sent me." John 17:25
Satan and his angels know about "...the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, [even] his eternal power and Godhead;" Human beings don't know about that or understand that; they weren't there!
Shall we believe Jesus' words of Jim Tuck's misuse of the scriptures?
Does Jim Tuck turn a blind eye to the grace of God, denying both Father and Son, by not treasuring the sacrifice of Jesus Christ with His shed blood as sufficient for one to be in God's Kingdom, because Jim thinks God sent His Son to give human beings opportunities to qualify and earn their way into God's Kingdom?
Is it possible that God had absolutely nothing to do with the establishment of the former ucGAIA, which still seems to be in a stagnant state of existence since 16 Jan 1986...while striving to duplicate a dead man's work (HWA)?
Is it possible that the United Ass. is still full of spiritual milk (law, clean/unclean food, $tithes$, annual Holydays, etc.) and junk food (e.g. false prophecies regarding Jesus Christ's return to earth, end time events after Satan exits pit, etc.), with very little strong spiritual meat (e.g. God's grace via 2 Cor 5:19
Time will tell...
"grumpy pants"
Ha! We have a few of those here.
I see all manner of things going on in the comments above. If one principle were believed and practiced, much of the chaotic thought patterns would be cleared up! Proverbs 15:22
tells us that wisdom comes from many counsellors. Armstrongism was sold to all of us as a single source solution which had all the answers. So, it's natural for those still infected to single out and trash alternative sources of information, rather than seeing those voices as simply presenting a part of the big picture. I've read comments in the past, such as, "Oh, is he your new guru now?" as if when we leave Armstrongism we compound our error by choosing yet another single source! That would not only be ludicrous, it is also the epitome of binary thinking! Either- or, only two choices. Sorry, I prefer the entire spectum!
, to me indicates that if we consider information from conflicting sides, we're going to find workable solutions, answers, and maybe even the truth which fall somewhere in the middle, which is typically out of reach for I-O thinkers. Increasingly, the path down the middle is narrowing, and becoming the rare road that nobody takes as they glom on to the poles. The resulting extremism is tearing us apart!
Of course Al or Greta are not the all-knowing gurus who will grace us with the perfect solution! No one human is! But, these people do present facts and ideas which should be considered and factored into our thoughts and discussions! Proverbs 15:22
I think one also has to view that particular period in Europe as not so much an anomaly as it was just a bigger, badder, stronger version of antisemitic Europe at work, which Protestantism had often been an accessory to.
Greta has it backwards. CO2 is not warming the Earth. Fluctuations in the sun warm the oceans, causing them to release CO2. 99% of the new CO2 comes from the oceans.
The reason people get into cults is because they heard a persuasive message but did not check into all possible rebuttals thoroughly. That's the same mistake 99.9% of the people make over and over and over and over. They do it for "climate change" and 99% of everything else they believe in.
Well worth listening to:
When he spoke about Jerry Falwell I resonated with thoughts of the WCG. You won't find this on Fox News.
Joining a cult actually feels good from a standpoint of belonging to something bigger and greater than yourself. But, alas! In the end it is not unlike urinating in your pants, which gives you that awesome warm feeling, until it gradually cools off and you begin to notice the pungent odors which evaporation has left behind.
Something mountain climbers or army training have to do at times....Or alcoholics...
I watched the documentary Kiss the Ground a while ago and it actually left me feeling hopeful by its positive message and the strategies it suggested. In contrast the government and its media lackeys suppresses such alternative views for the endlessly globalist climate cult doomsayers that demands everyone convert from fossil fuels to electricity and pay ever more taxes—ka-ching!—under the delusion that this will magically save the planet! Here’s a prediction that is 100% sure. The planet will still be around long after the likes of climate cult activists Gore, Greta, KCIII and their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren are dead and buried! So much for saving the planet—these warped kultists drunk on the klimate kool-aid can’t even save themselves let alone a planet they never created to begin with and in their smug hubris think they can “save!”
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