Our littlest crackpot prophet is back again mocking Christians for doing things he does not consider Christian, even though most of the stuff he does no 1st-century follower of Christ would ever recognize, but that's another subject.
He copied and pasted a list of things that Church of God Outreach Ministries posted about so-called Christians keeping things not in the Bible. One of the topics is concerning heaven. They state:
No—the saved do not go there. They remain in God’s care (as inert spirits) until Jesus returns, when they reign with him firmly on Earth. In the end, the Father comes from heaven to reside on Earth.
In the myths and legends of Armstrngism, Christ returns to earth where he reigns assisted by loyal Church of God ministers and members who persevered to the end when they are all turned into gods and goddesses, just like Jesus. God will return in a golden cube that plops down where Jersuelam once stood and all people will flow to it. 1,500 mile high and square. Why would anyone want to live elsewhere if you can live in a golden cube with God? That is a post all by itself!
In that magical kingdom, the world will be made right and children will play in parks with lions, tigers, and bears. People will be out hiking in the mountains and enjoying nature as it was meant to be. Various Church of God headquarters campuses will be museums of truth and beauty that will amaze people for centuries. It will be the epitome of the peaceable kingdom. There will be no war, no crime, no arguing, no guns, and nothing negative will ever see the light of day. The lion will dwell with the lamb and all will be glorious.
And then there is this version that COG excuse makers quickly gloss over:
When Christ returns the elements of the earth will melt. The heavens and planets will be destroyed with "fervent heat". Everything will be consumed by fire.
10 But when the Day of God’s Judgment does come, it will be unannounced, like a thief. The sky will collapse with a thunderous bang, everything disintegrating in a raging inferno, earth and all its works exposed to the scrutiny of Judgment.
11-13 Since everything here today might well be gone tomorrow, do you see how essential it is to live a holy life? Daily expect the Day of God, eager for its arrival. The galaxies will burn up and the elements melt down that day—but we’ll hardly notice. We’ll be looking the other way, ready for the promised new heavens and the promised new earth, all landscaped with righteousness. The Message Bible
10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a loud noise, and the elements will be destroyed with fire, and the earth and everything that is done on it will be disclosed.[a]
11 Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of persons ought you to be in leading lives of holiness and godliness, 12 waiting for and hastening[b] the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be set ablaze and destroyed and the elements will melt with fire? 13 But, in accordance with his promise, we wait for new heavens and a new earth, where righteousness is at home. NRSVUE
Perhaps Basil Wolverton got it right, after all!
What is that car in the drawing, a Suburu?
Is John going to have a MMM about the WMM?
we can always wait & see
how it will be
The Church of God, Jehovahs Witness, Millerite Millennium
A number of years back I came to know a very nice couple who turned out to be exJWs.
27 years as JWs.
He was a ‘ministerial servant’ or leader in a local JW hall.
What struck me was the discouraging of any independent thought and research and reasoning within the JW organisation.
That was discouraged with the fear of disfellowship. One followed the ‘party’ line. As they gave me an insight into their ex group I saw so many parallels between them and us, as an ex WWCoG member.
I utterly loathe the ‘Watchtower’ and JWs as an institution.
Made up of many sincere folks who will be ultimately disappointed and hurt by this group with its internal nightmarish North Korean systems.
Me thinks the Millennium will be rather different to what is commonly believed and preached.
The artist was not thinking an hour into the future. The people will be going through the park with gigantic "pooper scoopers" to make sure the next visitors aren't stepping in what the animals contribute to the environment. They may be tame, but they still need to poop!
Speaking of which, the next drawing in the time sequence could show hippies searching elephant patties for gigantig magic mushrooms. Come to think of it maybe they already did and the original drawing is their communal halucination!
And you write that the "Armstrong-ites" are mockers........beam...own eyes....
Problem is, 2:59, the Armstrongites grab the ol' end times mockers scripture as their own personal shield, but insist on mocking people who often exemplify better Christian values than themselves.
You pretend to hide but like to repeatedly pull up the veil of deceit and falsely accuse others of being less than Christian. Thinking your cutting to the bone when people laugh at your double life.
I write it again to you, tell it to my face because God knows those that are his.
How do you know who I am, or what I'm like? Do you have a demon or something?
To be fair, most of that comes from the bible. But the way that a crafty salesman pieced it together should be suspect, just based on the source. There are a number of ways that various denominations have interpreted the millennium. It IS interesting to see all the arguments, they all have their points, and their verses they take literally, and which ones they take allegorically. In the end, which ever version it is, doesn't change that you're supposed to be a good born again Christian till the end, and rebuke false prophets like HWA, and all the personality cults ran by narcissists. Even the Mormon church is right about SOME things, but that in no means that they're legitimate sources of knowledge of any sort.
Anon, Saturday, January 27, 2024 at 11:35:00 AM PST, said:
will be fulfilled in the Day of the LORD after the millennium. God didn't lie to us.
"Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they [also] which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen."
take place, and not before in some MMM, which Doug Winnail and other xcog hirelings of the former WCG still believe in and teach, because they take most scriptures that apply to the Eighth Day and strive to shove them into their MMM! Events pictured by God’s 7th annual Holyday occur after God’s 6th annual Festival of Tabernacles.
"...What is that car in the drawing, a Suburu?
Is John going to have a MMM about the WMM?"
MMM (Mickey Mouse Millennium)?
Anon, 2 Peter 3:10-13
But, when will Christ return and establish God’s Kingdom on planet earth? At the beginning or the end of the millennium? The answer?
Revelation 1:7
When will every eye, including the eyes of Roman soldiers who pierced Christ, see Him?
A sermon transcript of a 23 August 1997 titled: “The Light,” described what the millennium would be like:
"...So these Roman soldiers that pierced Him are going to have to see Christ. That’s what the Bible says. So, this isn’t that time, is it? It already throws our old theory, Satan’s theory, out of whack! These soldiers did not come up in the first resurrection. This is NOT the “second coming” of Christ that we all had pictured in our heads: that He comes back, sets up some kingdom, rules some Mickey-mouse little kingdom for a while, and then gets beat out at the end as it is. No, that’s not the way it is..."
God’s Kingdom will be established on earth after 1,000 years (and short/little time/season) after the second resurrection occurs and those Roman soldiers see Christ, and no sooner.
When Christ comes to establish the Kingdom of God on earth, when all peeps will see Him, including whoever pierced Christ, will occur after the events of 2 Peter 3:10-13
Time will tell…
Anon, Saturday, January 27, 2024 at 3:06:00 PM PST, said:
“Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they [also] which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.”), will occur after the events of 2 Peter 3:10-13
take place, and not before in some MMM, which Doug Winnail and other xcog hirelings of the former WCG still believe in and teach, because they take most scriptures that apply to the Eighth Day and strive to shove them into their MMM! Events pictured by God’s 7th annual Holyday occur after God’s 6th annual Holyday, Festival of Tabernacles.
"...Me thinks the Millennium will be rather different to what is commonly believed and preached."
What will the millennium be like? I like what was described in a transcript of a 23 August 1997 sermon titled: The Light, and it described what the millennium would be like:
"...Well, what does the Feast of Tabernacles really picture when you think about it, when you don’t try to put a theory, a human interpretation, on God’s words? It pictures a very, very physical time, doesn’t it? When you go to the Feast, what is there? God has you save that second tithe; you go to the Feast with your family; you get out from the world with a lot of different Church people; you are all of the same thinking; you’re having a good time: having the best time, physically. We look forward to it all year. It is physical, isn’t it? Plenty of food, water, drink and money! We can go out to eat, do plenty of things with our children, and go to places we weren’t able to do the rest of the year. Families spend time together. It pictures peace: PEACE over the entire world. It pictures what the entire world at that time, those thousand years, is going to be like. It will be a good time with plenty for all. Isn’t that the way we’ve always kept the Feast: physically?
Now, people always tried to make the Feast into some spiritual time: “Oh, pray more, study more and do all of this more,” but it never did work; did it? Be honest. It didn’t work. It wasn’t supposed to work. This is picturing the people on this earth in a beautiful and wonderful, physical human utopia. It’s not the Garden of Eden yet, but there’s not going to be the murders and killings and thievery. That nature will have been taken away.
At this time God’s angels will be over those cities and nations: not Satan’s angels. Satan and his demons are over today’s cities and nations. Look at the mess we have today. Well, today you don’t see those bad angels, and you won’t see God’s angels either, but they will be there. They will be working, and they will make sure that those thousand years work exactly the way God wants them to: in peace and in harmony...the Church, the Firstfruits, is gone. God’s Spirit isn’t even going to be here for any of the people, but they will live a physical life...
...Do you know what the first thing is that will happen in the Millennium after the resurrection and the people are on their own? They will say: “The first thing we have to do is make sure everyone goes to bed with a full stomach!”
You know; there are 40,000 children who die every day on this earth because they don’t have enough food or medicine. Sanitary conditions are terrible, and children die. That will never happen. That is the first thing they will stop. Everyone will work together. People WILL be their brother’s keepers. What a marvelous time humanly speaking...
...One of the only verses I could find about the Millennium, other than the ones about the Holydays and the Feast of Tabernacles, is this one. It may apply and it may not, but I think it fits. It’s Amos 8:11-12
When Christ comes to establish the Kingdom of God on earth, when all peeps will see Him, including whoever pierced Christ (Rev 1:7
Time will tell…
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