Washed, Sanctified, Justified, and Glorified in Jesus
Too many of the folks who profess to be disciples of Jesus Christ are ignorant of what his life, death, resurrection, and ascension accomplished for us. Unfortunately, a large number of Christians are operating under the mistaken assumption that their good works will save them from death and eternal damnation. Scripture, however, is explicit about the fact that this is accomplished for us by Jesus of Nazareth. Even so, some of these folks continue to believe that they have a significant role to play in their own salvation! Moreover, they falsely accuse those of us who do understand how we are saved of antinomianism - rejecting or doing away with any obligation on our part to be moral or righteous. They say that we effectively turn grace into a license to sin, but nothing could be further from the truth!
In this regard, one of their favorite proof texts is drawn from Paul's first letter to the saints at Corinth (which they twist and pervert in the same manner they do the rest of the Scriptures). In that epistle, the Apostle Paul upbraided Christ's disciples for squabbling among themselves, and even appealing to the secular courts to settle their disputes with each other (I Corinthians 6:1-8

Paul was pointing out that their current behavior did not reflect the reality of what Christ had done for them. He went on to remind them of what Christ had done for them. Paul said that Christ had washed or cleansed them of their sins, had sanctified them (made them Holy), and justified them (imputed his righteousness to them). In other words, he was pointing out that their sinful behavior was more of a reflection of their former sinful life than one that reflected what Christ had accomplished for them! Instead, they were acting like folks who had NOT been redeemed by Jesus - like folks who would NOT be a part of God's Kingdom. The apostle was effectively reiterating a principle which Christ had taught his disciples during his earthly ministry - good trees produce good fruit, and bad trees produce bad fruit.
Paul went on to remind them that they were now Christ's, and that the way that they lived their lives should reflect the fact that they had been given the gift of God's Holy Spirit. Hence, once again, things like practicing sexually immorality and engaging with prostitutes was inconsistent with the reality of their new life in Christ (I Corinthians 6:12-20

Likewise, in his epistle to Christ's disciples at Rome, Paul told them that Jesus Christ had freed them from the Law of sin and death and had given them the Holy Spirit to assist them in their new life (Romans 8:1-11

So, we see from Paul's perspective that Jesus Christ accomplished: 1. cleansing us of our sins, 2. making us Holy before God, 3. the imputation of Christ's righteousness to us, and 4. making us able to host God's Spirit. This is salvation through Jesus Christ! Now, we should also state that Paul makes clear that these things are accomplished by Christ both immediately and over the course of our lifetimes on this planet. Even so, it is God who decided that we would be called to Christ and saved - redeemed from sin and death and given eternal life with God. Yes, the wages of sin is DEATH, but eternal life is God's GIFT to us through Jesus Christ (Romans 6:23

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix
Thanks for the commentary and these are encouraging and precious teachings .
It wasn't until I left Armstrongism did I really understand the meaning of all of this. Sadly, these topics just push the buttons of Armstrongites to no end. They think that the rest of Christianity is as weak as they are and will immediately start sinning and then not have to worry about it because of grace, justification, and sanctification. That mental manipulation shows how ignorant the church was when they taught this to us.
"Unfortunately, a large number of Christians are operating under the mistaken assumption that their good works will save them from death and eternal damnation. Scripture, however, is explicit about the fact that this is accomplished for us by Jesus of Nazareth."
Which means we are in the clear! We can now go party like it's 1999! Grab all of the booze you want, as many pretty girls as you want (the wife can't object because there is no longer a commandment against adultery). If you run short of cash just ease on down to the 7-11 and when the clerk is distracted grab a handful from the till.
Man! Once saved Always saved! Can't beat that!! /s
This reads like a protestant sermon. You are righteous because Christ died for you. There are so many contradictions in this article.
So if you can't act like the sinful person you once were, does that mean you start obeying God's law? Christians are obligated to follow God's law? That contradicts everything Lonnie/Miller has ever written.
The unrighteous (lawbreakers) will not inherit the Kingdom. One can only conclude that those that obey God's law will be in the Kingdom, the others cast aside. Of course, that contradicts everything Lonnie/Miller stands for.
Of course we know that repentance is the key, and that it is a gift from God. He grants us the ability to repent of our sins (lawbreaking) and makes it possible to live according to His law (by the gift of the Holy Spirit). Eventually, everyone will have that opportunity.
For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins - Hebrews 10:26 ESV
Which means we are in the clear! We can now go party like it's 1999
he author of this article completely misunderstood the post. professed law keepers in these one true churches including the apostle himself have shown so many bad fruits we know their one true church and apostle claims are sheer lies
Proverbs 30:12
There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness.
All these folks professing to be something when they're not. Have you read the entire bible on your own, word for word, instead of listening to these false teachers? The Kingdom of God is within you. God is within you. That means all of us. When you transgress you lose the spirit connection, it's like having the app you know. Question is, which god are you adhering to? The creator or the god of this world who deceives you to this day? We are the temple. HE dwells not in temples made with hands.
Anyone who would "party like its 1999," and "Grab all of the booze you want, as many pretty girls as you want (the wife can't object because there is no longer a commandment against adultery) - If you run short of cash just ease on down to the 7-11 and when the clerk is distracted grab a handful from the till" hasn't repented of their sins, accepted Jesus Christ, or received God's Spirit! You provided the perspective of someone who is unconverted.
The folks in the ACOG's are NOT keeping God's Law. They are trying to keep parts of a version of God's Law which was intended for the children of Israel - the terms of a covenant which has been replaced. Indeed, it is IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to keep that iteration in the here and now (including Jews) as there is no Temple, no altar, and no Levitical Priesthood!
Once again, the lives of Christ's disciples will reflect the reality of what he has done for them. They have accepted his gift and will be found doing their very best to love God and each other and practice the things which Christ taught. Finally, a written, individual commandment against idolatry, dishonoring parents, adultery, murder, stealing, lying, etc. is completely unnecessary for those who are truly following God's Law of Love. As the Apostle Paul wrote, love does no hurt or harm to anyone. Christians operate in the Spirit, NOT in the letter!
Yeah, the letter kills. Better watch out for those letters "d"s in dishonoring, idolatry, murder......they just might jump right off that stone they're inscribed on and strike you dead!
This is Christianity 101: Christ died for us!
Some excerpts from “What do you mean... SALVATION?” by HWA:
, "For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly"...
: "But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by His blood ...."
It is plain and simple. Here it is: "The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Rom. 6:23
Right here let me make very plain one thing the Bible teaches. A few persecutors have accused us of teaching "a salvation by works" — that is, that our "works" earn salvation. Let it be made clear and plain right here that your "works" — your evil works — do earn something — but it is not salvation — what they earn — the wages they earn — is death, and not salvation!
Further, let's get this point straight and plain right here — eternal life is not something you can earn, it is God's gift through Christ! That is the plain teaching of your Bible! You earn wages. The only wages you can earn is death. Your Bible says that. We say that. But our accusers actually teach the very thing they accuse us of teaching! — they teach that eternal life is the wages you earn by your works — even though it is eternal life in hell fire!
LAW-KEEPING Won't Justify!...
God so loved this world of sinners, cut off from Him, that He gave His only begotten Son! Remember, God gives eternal life through Christ!
Notice Romans 5:6
Therefore the life He gave on the cross was greater than the sum-total of all other human lives! That is the life that died for you — that paid your penalty for you!
Now, continue in Romans 5:8-10
NOTICE! "Being now justified." How? By your works — by your required obedience to God's Law? No! By the blood of CHRIST! If you have repented, and accepted Jesus Christ as personal Saviour you are already now justified!...
The law stood over you. It claimed your life — you were under it. It took Christ's life in payment instead of yours. The penalty stands paid! YOU ARE NO LONGER UNDER THE LAW. It no longer has claim over your life! You are now under grace — undeserved pardon. You are pardoned from paying the penalty, since Jesus Christ paid it for you! This is not your works. It is Christ's sacrifice. You are now acquitted — justified — the slate is wiped clean of a guilty past!
In other words — the barrier between you and God has now been removed! You are now, by Christ's sacrifice, given contact with GOD — reconciled to Him!...
You deserved only death. You didn't earn forgiveness — pardon from the death penalty. You received it by grace through Jesus Christ.
" Finally, a written, individual commandment against idolatry, dishonoring parents, adultery, murder, stealing, lying, etc. is completely unnecessary for those who are truly following God's Law of Love."
So, a written law is unnecessary because the Christian is already doing that? So Christians DO actually follow God's law. I think we can agree on that.
You have elected to be kind to Armstrong by quoting only something of what he wrote.
This man who reckoned he was a leader of the only one true church wrote a lot about his version of the way to salvation.
One illuminating article was An article setting out the doctrine is shown in the link:’ ARE THE TEN COMMANDMENTS IN THE LAWS OF MOSES.’
The article referred to states aA number of things and it contains clear errors as to the law of Moses,
- “…the Law of Moses stood only in meats and drinks and diverse washings’
- “.. It is only those who are willing to DO the Ten Commandments who shall enter in thru the gates into the City’ (Rev. 22:14
- “.. ‘… a Christian must continue to obey God's Law or he sins and falls from grace. So while obedience will not save us, yet we must obey the Commandments, to BE saved’
Armstrong acknowledged obedience to the law will not save a person, but then, inexplicably, makes an about turn - by stating the ten commandments ‘’must’ ’ be obeyed if we are to ‘”BE’ saved.
As best as I understand , and based entirely on his words in this article, Armstrong’s doctrine concerning salvation and the law may be described thus:
we are saved by grace as a free gift. - but this is an initial gift only arising from our repentance - we must then actually obey / DO / KEEP the commandments - if we don’t we can no longer BE saved.
the capitalized BE is important corroborative evidence that supports this conclusion in my opinion.
Such doctrine on salvation by the worldwide churches does not accord with the bible, wherein we are taught that we can never achieve salvation by our deeds/works of the law.
Many find trouble with such statement but it’s discussed in so many places and we need to come to know it. There are many scriptures, - Romans chapter 3, and Jesus’s words in Matthew chapter 5., are important revelations.
Fact is the fake apostle did preach a salvation by works which included the teaching of one does not obey the test command being the fourth one is not a Christian in the one true church.
Please don’t try to selectively rewrite history to support a dedicated liar, false apostle which caused great harm to many.
“.. because the Christian is already doing that? So Christians DO actually follow God's law. I think we can agree on that.”
Your words have disregarded the lesson Jesus gave in Matthew chapter 5. Wherein as we dwell upon His words it dawns upon us that no person actually does follow the law to its utmost spiritual intent.
I say this because Jesus taught lust and anger are the equivalent of adultery and murder.
Herein lies the huge difference between Armstrongism and the new covenant teaching.
The false apostle taught one must” DO “ the law else one can’t BE saved. No better exemplified by DOING of the test command re sabbath by which means he defined himself as the only true leader and one true church.
The new covenant looks to Christ as the only means to salvation recognizing it is only by His deeds can we be justified and sanctified.
. Romans 10 and 11 further instruct. In ch 10 Paul states Moses described the righteousness which is of the law, “That the man which doeth those things shall live by them…”. They tried to establish their righteousness by this means - works of the law.
But, the answer does not require looking to heaven or to as it is right at hand - “But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach, For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation”. Romans 11 shows how of the Israelites but a remnant or small portion of Jews believed by grace.
There is no test commandment which is the nub of those who argue for obedience to law and the need to DO things. Thus there remains a yawning gap between your view of law DOING and the new covenant message. Not a meeting. at all, in my view.
Then why do you lie? You say you proclaim Jesus on a mysterious blog but one side of your mouth contradicts the other.
How many times has this issue been addressed? To me, Christ's words are plain on this:
"And as he was setting out on his journey, a man ran up and knelt before him and asked him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” 18 And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone. 19 You know the commandments: x‘Do not murder, Do not commit adultery, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Do not defraud, Honor your father and mother.’
: "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor sexual perverts, [10]v nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God."
Mark 10:17
Plus 1Cor 6:9
Hi 7:03
I am not trying to rewrite history. I believe what I quoted, with one reservation, to be true.
I am sorry to hear that it appears that HWA did you “great harm”.
Although I no longer attend an ACOG - over 15 years now and off and on before then - and don’t believe so much what HWA taught such as a literal three days and three nights and the reward of the saints is on the earth, for me my experience pre and post 1986 was overwhelming positive - I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.
"I am sorry to hear that it appears that HWA did you “great harm”."
This is like my former minister who loved to use the expression "real or imagined sins" from the pulpit. He would gas light his members about the very existence of sin. Likewise, HWA did not APPEAR, but did in fact do evil to many of his members. His "GREAT HARM" was in fact great harm. This is based on a large body of evidence, including the complaints of many on this blog.
If your experience was overwhelming positive, you were most likely a small fish that the ministers didn't bother with, or you were like the ministers and hence treated as one of their own.
my experience pre and post 1986 was overwhelming positive - I wouldn’t have missed it for the world
This statement shows a lot about you = with a polly anna view of life you sailed along not even understanding the lies hypocrisy and sheer evil of this fake leader, false teachings, and of a fake one true church.
That you failed to recognize it shows you agreed with their manipulation people - you've had the sense to work out 72 hours was just another con just but that you mention this but not recognize far more substantive matters shows unfortunately you haven't learned much else.
I won't respond to the verses you quote it will fall upon deaf ears given you failed to distinguish how the lives of professed law keepers was so different to the fruits Jesus spoke of.
Hi 8:21/11:05
Your response to me is not what I expect from a new covenant Christian — nastiness and ridicule are not fruits of the Spirit.
Hopefully you can find peace in your life.
"The false apostle taught one must” DO “ the law else one can’t BE saved. "
That is not true. Keeping the law will not save you. We don't keep the law to be saved, we keep it because we are being saved. We keep it out of love for our Creator. Obeying God's law IS love for God. Jesus is there to cover our shortcomings as long as we are trying to live according to His instructions. And He knows if we're true or not. God is not deceived by anyone putting on a show.
Anyone with no desire to live according to God's law has not the Holy Spirit and is not part of His Church.
I highly recommend a post by xHWA over at "As Bereans Did" for our friends who are still confused about this topic:
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