Thursday, August 8, 2024

Bang'n With The Crackpot Prophet

No, not this one, 
but this one below 

It has always fascinated me how Armstrongist ministers and self-appointed leaders think they are the authority on every imaginable topic in the universe all because they think they have the inside track to a being they think is god. Nine times out of ten their responses are so far off the wall that they are nothing but comedy routines. 

The Great Bwana to Africa and the occasional 100 Caucaisans has a post up about the "purpose of life" and includes one of his lame-ass videos that makes a complete fool of him and his article, even if the article might have some truth to it.

I hate to post a link to his inane videos that will give him hits, but this is just too stupid to pass up.


Anonymous said...

OK, I accept that the universe had a Creator. But why should I then assume that some minor deity in the Canaanite pantheon decided to punch above his weight and create a universe? Isn't it equally likely, maybe more so, that the Chinese or Native American creation stories got it right, or that YHVH was blasphemously mis-credited with work that was actually performed by El or Baal? Bob, answer me that!

Anonymous said...

The depths of depravity that post writers and commentators on this blog, perhaps the same ones, go to repeatedly is very telling and the CORE reason why the churches of God are in the mess they are.

One day Christians will be free of these deprived minds that dwell amongst the people of God. Oh how loudly our hearts will leap for joy AWAY from the deprived dark ones THAT DWELL AMONGST US NOW. God speed that day.

NO2HWA said...

The COG's are a mess today because of the self-appointed men leading the various COG's. No one here is causing any COG to fail, only its leaders are doing that.

Anonymous said...

There 's so much you could say about Bob's animation, and none of it very positive. The one thing that screams bloody murder is that it's perfectly obvious from her halting manner that the female actor is talking above her head. It's perfectly onvious that she's struggling with the words and doesn't know what half of them even mean.

I would just bet that even Jack Chick could have done a better job treating this topic in one of his little comics.

Of course, we've just lived through nearly ten years in which our own presidents rambled and could not deliver a succinct message, so one wonders if this even matters.

Anonymous said...

‘Don’t confuse the mussings of scientists with science….’
Sorry Bob but…..
Big Bang is not scientific theory it is fact.
Perhaps a close look at the evidence available from renown scientists astronomers physicists like, Dr Stephen Meyer, Alan R Sandage, Denis Overbye, Edwin Hubble, Albert Einstein, Sir Arthur Eddington, Alexander Friedman, Father George Lemaitre, Sir Roger Penrose, John Wheeler, Sir Fred Hoyle, Dr Lee Wheeler, Chandra Wickramsingre, Arno Penzias, Robert Wilson or Robert Jastrow….many dedicated Christians and Jews……What they discovered did not negate their faith in God. Also recommended reading is Eric Metaxas and his fine book Is Atheism Dead?

Anonymous said...

God uses the big bang all the time on the other side of black holes. They likely spit out everything they sucked & compressed in their event horizons, back out into white holes/big bangs.

Anonymous said...

The word yahweh is much more than just a name for God. It's also a description. Picture kinking a garden hose, allowing the pressure to build and the releasing it. A burst of energy will happen. The big bang

Anonymous said...

I listened to part of the video. Some impressions stand out. I am not sure that scientists believe that the Big Bang Theory is an origins story in the sense of Genesis. I also do not believe that the view attributed to Hawking that there was nothing before the Big Bang is widely held. In my reading, admittedly narrow, I have never encountered it.

In fact, the Big Bang Theory specifically states that there was something before the Great Inflation. Nobody knows what it was. All we know is that all laws, matter and energy of the observable universe were at one time a tiny hot dense singularity. The term singularity is not intended to imply a little particle of something. It could have been a tiny piece of something much larger. The singularity that is the lead character in the Big Bang drama only produced the “observable” universe. At the point where observation ends, the universe continues, so we do not see to the boundary of the universe. So, it is safe to believe that there is also a non-observable universe that was produced from the Big Bang as well. But we can’t say much about it because we don’t know anything about it.

While laws of chemistry and physics, etc., may not have existed prior to the Great Inflation, there may have been other laws – laws that governed the way singularities behave. The Big Bang is not the beginning. It is the earliest stage that can be reached through scientific deduction and observation. Like David Bentley Hart, I believe that the really impressive discovery by science would concern the transition from nothing to something. You know, caterpillar sheds its skin to reveal a butterfly within. Where did the caterpillar come from?

I think the observations on the Big Bang Theory in this video need to be updated.


Anonymous said...

5.4 7 - Not all astrophysicists accept the big bang theory. Some believe that other models better explain the evidence.

Anonymous said...

Science, over the past hundred years, has provided an abundance of information which is very informative in reverse engineering of creation.

This is just an opinion, however, considering the time (although time had not been yet invented for man's reckoning) prior to the "Big Bang" as a zip file, then reversing the apex of E=MCsquared (sorry, best my ipad keyboard can do), slowing it back down, then energy and matter would spew re-emerge. Who is to say that this hasn't happened millions of times throughout eternity? We only know of "our" Big Bang. Regardless as to what has caused it, the concept of pulsing expansions and contractions is not an original idea with me. There is reason to postulate it, but not to "prove" it, since all evidence would be destroyed in each Big Bang.

Anonymous said...

Then your blog is a failure and a vanity project NO2HWA.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 2:39:53 PM PDT
Flippant comments such as yours are not good enough in this day and age.
You need to articulate your arguments as to why this blog is a failure and why you claim it is a vanity project. Publish your case and let’s see if it will stand up to scrutiny.

Lee T. Walker said...

I admit, one thing about The Big Bang Theory has always flummoxed me: How did Sheldon and Leonard not get found out to have blown up the elevator? :D

Anonymous said...

Here is what a.i. says about Sheldon, Leonard, & the elevator -->

"AI Overview
Learn more

In season three of The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon accidentally breaks the elevator while trying to save Leonard's life. Sheldon doesn't tell the landlord, police, or homeland security about the incident, which helps Leonard understand why he chooses to continue living with Sheldon despite his difficult personality. The broken elevator creates a strong bond between the two roommates, which is important because the show is centered around their friendship and shared apartment.

The Importance of the Broken Elevator in 'The Big Bang Theory' | The Female Gaze
Oct 3, 2021 — The reason behind the broken elevator helps us buy into the concept that Leonar...

The Female Gaze
This How The Elevator Got Broken " The Big Bang Theory " - Facebook
Jun 10, 2019 — Not only did Sheldon save my life, he didn't rap me out to the landlord or the...

Generative AI is experimental."

Lee T. Walker said...

Dude at 5:17pm, I mean, why didn’t the landlord put two and two together and figure out it was the two scientists who live on the same floor as the explosion?

5:17:00 PM PDT said...

Hi Lee, I have never watched an entire episode of Big Bang Theory. I've only seen very short snippets clips after we found out my stepdaughter likes the show.

But the Quora comments & A.I. are all showing me the elevator was never fixed for years, until the series finale. I might think the landlord left the elevator broken all that time as a kind of punishment to Sheldon & Leonard. Lkely he knew they were crafty enough to have been the ones to break it, and since they're so smart enough to do that, then he left it to them to also fix it, which they never did.

Ultimately maybe the landlord got tired of waiting & finally got it fixed by the time for the show's finale episode? (you know what that all makes me think of...God leaving Satan here just like the broken elevator [that Adam & Eve broke]...then humans are left to try "fixing" things too, but can't, till the final "finale"?)

from Quora app. :
"So that the characters can complain about the unavailability of the elevator and get frustrated about the fact that they have to walk three floors to reach their home or their friends home. A minor but dangerous explosion took place in the elevator and the elevator has not been repaired for service ever since."

"AI Overview
Learn more…Opens in new tab

In the Big Bang Theory series finale, when Penny opens the elevator doors and declares it fixed, the moment provides a bittersweet feeling of closure for viewers and a sense of satisfaction that the show is ending on a positive note. The broken elevator was a staple of the show, and the show's creators said it was a way to emphasize personal moments between the characters and lead to memorable conversations. The length of time the elevator was broken was never clear, with some episodes saying it had been broken for two years and others saying seven years."

Lee T. Walker said...

Most landlords would’ve gone for the money.

But you point out a question about why the landlord didn’t fix the elevator. He, of course, would’ve had insurance, and lack of elevator probably cost him a few tenants.

And there’s a whole Homeland Security aspect. An explosion goes off like that, and there’s no investigation about terrorism? I didn’t watch the show, either, just the same clips you are, but I do know there was a time when they had some dealings with the Air Force, and there were FBI security investigations of some of them. There’s even a fan theory that Penny is a government agent keeping an eye on them. (Isn’t it strange how she can afford an apartment in the same building as two scientists employed by a university?) [“Keeping an eye on her” JOKE OMITTED]

All that said, I think we’re backing into the answer. Everybody in California looks rich, even when they are not. Maybe it’s just a case of slumlord not caring enough to check or deal with the problem and like you said, maybe he’s hoping Sheldon will take it up as a project.

Thank you for the help.

5:17/COG blighter said...

THAT IS NEAT, Lee, you're welcome. Now I will have to actually scrounge up the episodes & take a good look. I am already now automatically suspicious of this "Penny". Glad this blog is "user friendly" in the big world of church-i-osity!

everybody...California...looks rich? well Bob did get his roof fixed...albeit ins. coverage a-plenty

hey when I watch John Hicks Youtubes of e-bike tours in CA 'hoods, the sidewalk shantyntowns & pee alleys do not look rich...

Anonymous said...

Jack Vale Pooter videos on youtube will be a much better use of your time. They mostly take place in SoCal Walmart stores, providing a good cross section view of life in Cali.

Besides, everyone needs a good laugh these days. Nothing will make your stomach ache more than tha laughter Jack evokes!!!