Saturday, August 10, 2024

Did God Strike Down Radio Network Owner When He Canceled The Great Bwana's Radio Program?

Check this out from the Great Bwana. 

His magical god was working hard to punish the Wilkins Radio Network for daring to cancel the Great Bwana to Africa's radio program. The son of the owner has repented and is asking the Great Bwana to come back and continue to broadcast his heresies.


Speaking of name calling, last Summer a former disgruntled WCG member wrote a radio network (Wilkins) we were on and basically told them since we did not accept the Trinity of Emperor Theodosius of the 4th century, they should not broadcast our program. That network succumbed to that.

Interestingly, the owner of that network died in May. The new owner, which is his son Jacob, contacted me several times this week and has asked us to come back on their radio stations. He said that their own internal review of our program had been positive and we should not have been cancelled. He also said he would not listen to negative or name callers against us should any contact them again.

When we spoke on Tuesday, I said I had interest, but needed to see whether we could afford to add them back as we replaced their network with others, plus have had to deal with expenses related to issues in Rwanda. Yesterday, Jacob Wilkins sent a proposal to go on some of their stations, which I am considering. Please pray about whether or not to go through this radio door that looks to be opened to us again.



Anonymous said...

His radio program is wanted back.
It’s simply revenue for the station.
They would undoubtedly broadcast Scientology if the price was right.
Ain’t anything to do with content or repentance, just the bottom line.

Feastgoer said...

A quick check of the network website shows at least a couple of stations already air Ronald Dart's "Born to Win." So COGs have an open door there.

Anonymous said...

Will Bob include all those bouncing rubber mantle-ship details there at Wilkins? Would they have room to hear how the "mantle" had a question mark betwixt the 3 guys Dean/Apartian/Meredith for the years 1986-2010?

"1986 - 2011 Aaron Dean 1986 -2011 or Roderick C. Meredith 20
or 1986 - 2010 Dibar Apartian 21
2011 - present Bob Thiel"

Is it humble or servant-like for Bob to keep announcing that he is up there in high rank the same way HWA chastised Rod for doing the same thing about competition, church office & high rank?

Is "one man" sometimes "3"? said...

How can Bob push the idea of "one man rule" part of the time (with him being "the one") while also pressing us to take in the idea of 3 guys shuffling the mantle betwixt them simultaneously/separately/some puzzling way in the years of 1986-2010?

"Mission of the Philadelphia Church Era by Herbert W. Armstrong given on December 17, 1983).
God has always, in dealing with humans, worked through ONE MAN at a time — one who believed God! Some in ancient Israel challenged this one-man leadership. Some, like-wise, have challenged it today!"

"If you eliminate false leaders like in RCG, COGPFK, and PCG, and eliminate groups that do not believe in ONE MAN rule like UCG, as well as those who seem to doubt it like COGWA and ICG, that only leaves CCOG or LCG--and LCG denies prophets, etc."

Was there "one man" rule in this hierarchy list for the years 1986-2010? Does 3 look like 1 ?

"1986 - 2011 Aaron Dean 1986 -2011 or Roderick C. Meredith 20
or 1986 - 2010 Dibar Apartian 21
2011 - present Bob Thiel"

Why would it be "grumbling" to seek this answer? Didn't HWA fuss at RCM for thinking too highly of himself? Why does Bob often compare himself to Moses, & then threaten those who don't readily accept him filling that role?

Bad timing said...

What bugs me beyond comfort is the time Bob says everyone dies "at the time which is best for them". How can suicide deaths be timed at when "it's best" for them? 

And for that matter, how can executions or even capital punishment/death sentence be the person's "time which is best for them"? Weren't the criminals supposed to have conducted life better, to where they'd have the chance to die of natural causes? (the true actual "best time", eh?)

Crime victims, & execution-style can those have occurred when "best" for the person? How can involuntary homicide of children have been done "when it's best"? When a shark gets someone at can that be "best"? How could covid or Spanish Flu or Bubonic Plague have been "best"? I don't like it when an otherwise decent teacher heaps up highest rank onto hisself whilst espousing such confounding blither & twaddle & yackety-yak :

"Why do they die when they do?
Because they die when it is best for them."

Lee T. Walker said...

Bad Timing:

While I tend to disrespect most Armstrongist ministers just on principle, I can appreciate the thinking that a person dies at a certain “right time.” It doesn’t nullify or choices or our efforts, but it respect the sovereignty of our Creator and Judge.

Lee T. Walker said...

Bad Timing:

Such a view is not exclusive to an Armstrongist kookbar. Even if I do not embrace such a view, I’ve always this from one of my favorite movies, “Gods and Generals.”

BaD TiMiNg said...

No one can fit all deaths into that movie's sentiment Mr. Lee Walker. 

A kid killed by a stray bullet in a drive by gang war shooting was not meant to go at that time, the goons shooting have no permission from God to spread out their lottery of death assignment roulette wheel that day or any day.

Deaths by suicide & violence fit nowhere in yours or Bob's grand scheme of honourably timed assignment of die at the time "which is best".

We are told to not kill each other, especially killing brethren. But look at what Terry Ratzmann did & what Steve Allwine did. Randy Gregory etc. & Amy Allwine did not need to die the way they did nor when they did, their killers were told by the bible & God to "not kill". Many deaths occur at the time which was never meant for, Mr. Walker.

They don't fit in those glory war movie clips.

Why don't we not argue here, & you can go ahead and be Bob's 8th U.S. feast attendee, along with the other 7?

Anonymous said...

Hey Lee, this is to both you, & Bob : no one is better off dead, than alive...despite you's 2 blathering on the contrary.

You can go support abortions too if you want, buster. And you can support dictators meting out executions, also...their victims...dying, at the time "which is best"? Bob covered everything, hey.

Anonymous said...

I guess if people want to see fentanyl or AIDS, as "God's Heat Seeking Missiles", there's nothing we "normal" folk (whatever that means) can do about it. The better elements of humanity have worked very hard, over the millennia, to prevent as much death as possible, the paradox being that the result of their work is killing our overpopulated planet.

Much of what we see aound us makes no sense at all! The human race is a very ineffective check and balance on itself.