Showing posts with label #Continuing Church of God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Continuing Church of God. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Paulicians Would Have Been Continuing Church of God Members, If They Could Have

Our most highly esteemed prophet sent by God in this violent end times age is once again trying to prove his ties to 1/2/3 century Christianity. He needs that to validate his reason for starting up a splinter group — as if the Churches of God needed another one! The Great Bwana will find anything in history that he thinks matches his convoluted ideas and latches on to them as his proof.

“Paulicians” were a label that Alexandrian and Roman supporters apparently labeled certain opponents with. Apparently those who were labeled as Paulicians did not accept the authority of the Bishops of Rome, were opposed to Sunday as the designated day of worship, were opposed to idols, eschewed certain Roman rituals, seemingly had binitarian views of the Godhead, considered that those who took up the title Pontifex Maximus took a title that would be associated with Antichrist, kept Passover on the 14th, and they were persecuted. 
Many, because of persecution and economic pressures apparently compromised, and some apostasized to the point of engaging in carnal warfare. While those who did that were not truly part of the Church of God, there were apparently some of the faithful amongst those labeled as Paulicians. 
And that is how it is even today. While we in the Continuing Church of God, for example, are not Protestant, Roman and Eastern Orthodox Catholics tend to lump us in with the Protestants as we do not accept the various doctrinal compromises that the Greco-Roman Catholics have made. (for documentation, please see the free online book: Beliefs of the Original Catholic Church: Could a remnant group have continuing apostolic succession?). While we, like the Protestants claim, do believe in sola Scriptura, do not endorse the use of statues in worship, and eschew certain ritualistic aspects of the Greco-Romans, this does not make us Protestant any more than having Church of God doctrines made people “Paulicians.” 
But it could be properly stated that we in the Continuing Church of God count among our spiritual ancestors some who were called Paulicians. And we believe that we have faithfully been carrying out the original Christian faith as was practiced by the original apostles and their most faithful successors.

The Great Bwana to Africa and his 100 Caucasians are competing with the Baptists in claiming a direct link to the Paulicians. Their link to the Paulicians would be considered far more legitimate than some little Armstrongite upstart from America.

Another group of our Baptist ancestors were called Paulicians. That there were some radicals among them we do not deny. Nor do we deny that there are radicals among the people called Baptists today. We again maintain that among the Paulicians we find the true churches of Jesus Christ just as we find the true churches of our day among the people called Baptists. 
In my research of the Paulicians it was found that the charges of heresy against them came from two men, Photius and Siculus. A great number of historians have followed these two men. These two men were Roman Catholics and bitter enemies of the Paulicians. I tell you of these two men before giving the history of the Paulicians, so the student may beware of those church historians who follow the prejudices of these two "enemies of truth."

And then Baptists mention this:

Paulicians Were Baptists

In giving the principles of the Paulicians, Orchard quotes several authorities: "In these churches of the Paulicians, the sacraments of baptism and the Lord's Supper, they held to be peculiar to the communion of the faithful; i.e., to be restricted to believers" (Jones). 
"The Paulicians or Bogomilians baptized and re-baptized adults by immersion" (Robinson).
"It is evident", says Mosheim, "they rejected the baptism of infants. They were not charged with any error concerning baptism." 
"These people were called Acephali, or headless (from having no distinct order of clergy, or presiding person in their assemblies) and were hooted in councils for re-baptizing in private houses, says Robinson, and holding conventicles; and for calling the established church a worldly community, and re-baptizing such as joined their churches." Baptist History Homepage

The Great Bwana proof-texts history and church history as he does the Bible. Anything he can find that fits his confirmation bias is legitimate fodder for him to claim as his own. 

He conveniently misses the fact that they introduced the Demiurge god to Christianity.

Paulician, member of a dualistic Christian sect that originated in Armenia in the mid-7th century. It was influenced most directly by the dualism of Marcionism, a gnostic movement in early Christianity, and of Manichaeism, a gnostic religion founded in the 3rd century by the Persian prophet Mani. The identity of the Paul after whom the Paulicians are called is disputed, with sources commonly citing either St. Paul the Apostle or Paul of Samosata, bishop of Antioch.

The fundamental doctrine of the Paulicians was that there are two principles, an evil God, known as the Demiurge, and a good God; the former is the ruler of this world, the latter of the world to come. From this they deduced that Jesus did not take on human flesh because the good God could not have become human. They especially honoured the Gospel According to Luke and the Letters of St. Paul, rejecting the Letters of St. Peter and all of the Old Testament, except possibly the Septuagint. They also rejected all or most of the sacraments, as well as the worship and the hierarchy of the established church. Paulician

The Demiurge: 

The demiurge (Greek demiurgos,[1] “craftsman”[2]) is the being who created the world in Gnosticism. The Gnostics identified him with the god of the Old Testament. The Gnostic scriptures portray him as ignorant, malicious, and utterly inferior to the true God who sent Christ to earth to save humankind from the demiurge’s evil world. 
The demiurge is given many names in the Gnostic scriptures, but the three most common ones are Yaldabaoth (also spelled “Ialdabaoth”), Samael, and Saklas. “Saklas” comes from the Aramaic word for “fool,” and “Samael” is Aramaic for “Blind God” or “God of the Blind.”[3] The meaning of “Yaldabaoth” is uncertain. The Gnostic text On the Origin of the World fancifully translates it as “Youth, move over there,” but no word or string of words that sounds like “Yaldabaoth” meant that in any ancient Mediterranean language.[4] “Yaldabaoth” is somewhat close to “child of chaos” in Aramaic, but that’s still a stretch,[5] as is the intuitively plausible suggestion that it could be a condensed form of “Yahweh, Lord of Sabbaths.”[6] 
In the Gnostic creation myth, Heaven – which the Gnostics called the “Pleroma,” “Fullness” – was all that existed until a divine entity named Sophia tried to conceive on her own, without the involvement of her heavenly partner or the consent of God. Sophia gave birth to a son that was the product of the rebellious and profane desire that had arisen within her. 
This son of hers was the demiurge. The Gnostic text Reality of the Rulers describes “him” as an androgynous being, an “arrogant beast” that resembled an aborted fetus in both appearance and character.[7] The Secret Book of John adds that he had the body of a snake and the head of a lion, with eyes like lightning bolts.[8] (In ancient Greek philosophy, the lion was frequently a symbol of irrational passions. The Gnostics were steeped in the Greek philosophical tradition, so their description of the demiurge as having a lion’s head was probably intended to show that he was a being who couldn’t or wouldn’t control his base urges.[9] That certainly fits the demiurge’s personality as described in their texts.) 
When Sophia saw the horrifying, twisted being that had come from her, she was deeply ashamed and afraid. She disowned him and cast him out of Heaven. 
From his lonely position where his madness and conceit could go unchecked, the demiurge gave birth to the archons (“rulers”[10]), beings who were like him and could help him administer the material world. He then created the material world, which, like all creations, was a reflection of the personality of its creator. 
The demiurge then created Adam and Eve and imprisoned divine sparks from Heaven within them. He told them that he was the only god and issued the Ten Commandments, even though he himself broke each and every one of those commandments. For example, he lied when he claimed to be the only god and that Adam and Eve would die if they ate the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil; he insulted his mother and father by refusing to acknowledge their existence; he made a graven image of the divine when he modeled the material world on his corrupt and ignorant misunderstanding of Heaven; and he committed adultery by attempting to rape Eve.[11] The Gnostic Demiurge

The Great Bwana Bob may be closer to the Gnostic Christian heresies than any true Christian teaching he claims.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Did God Strike Down Radio Network Owner When He Canceled The Great Bwana's Radio Program?

Check this out from the Great Bwana. 

His magical god was working hard to punish the Wilkins Radio Network for daring to cancel the Great Bwana to Africa's radio program. The son of the owner has repented and is asking the Great Bwana to come back and continue to broadcast his heresies.


Speaking of name calling, last Summer a former disgruntled WCG member wrote a radio network (Wilkins) we were on and basically told them since we did not accept the Trinity of Emperor Theodosius of the 4th century, they should not broadcast our program. That network succumbed to that.

Interestingly, the owner of that network died in May. The new owner, which is his son Jacob, contacted me several times this week and has asked us to come back on their radio stations. He said that their own internal review of our program had been positive and we should not have been cancelled. He also said he would not listen to negative or name callers against us should any contact them again.

When we spoke on Tuesday, I said I had interest, but needed to see whether we could afford to add them back as we replaced their network with others, plus have had to deal with expenses related to issues in Rwanda. Yesterday, Jacob Wilkins sent a proposal to go on some of their stations, which I am considering. Please pray about whether or not to go through this radio door that looks to be opened to us again.


Crackpot Prophet Blows A Gasket Being Called A Cult! Oh, Noes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Our resident self-appointed prophet to the last days Church of God movement isn't having a pleasant weekend, though this is nothing new since EVERYTHING in this world ticks off the beleaguered prophet.

Today, he has taken major umbrage on people calling his little group a cult and him a cult leader.

Cults and other Name Calling
What is a cult? What is a heretic? If the Continuing Church of God holds to the original faith once for all delivered to the saints (Jude 3) can it be a heretical cult? Was the Apostle Paul accused of being the ringleader of a cult? Did Jesus warn that people would insult His faithful followers? Do scholars teach that the Greco-Roman Catholic churches have or do not have the teachings of the first two centuries of the Christian church era? Does the ‘Parable of the Sower,’ recorded in Matthew, Mark, and Luke’s Gospel accounts warn that Satan the Devil will try to sway people away from the true faith? Was the original church trinitarian? Was the trinity formally adopted by the Council of Constantinople called by Emperor Theodosius in 381 according to the ‘Catechism of the Catholic Church’? Were early Christians actually binitarian (semi-Arian)? Should doctrine be based on the word of God, the Bible? Are there scriptural and historical reasons to consider the Continuing Church of God as faithful and not some changed cultic faith? Dr. Thiel deals with these issues and more.

It is a well-established FACT that the Great Bwana to Africa and the occasional 100 Caucasians are NOT practicing 1st century Christianity. Anyone who says they are doing this is a liar. 

The Great Bwana Bob has proven nothing in this mind dump of a sermon. Unable to be concise, he covers too many topics to try and prove his point. It just turns into another poorly made "sermon" as he flails and bounces about like the cheap harlot Samuel Kitchen calls him


I missed this fun from his weekly letter to his little group:

A month or so back, a supporter mentioned to me that one of his relatives was trying to dissuade him from the Continuing Church of God, because his relative was trying to tell him we were some type of weird or heretical cult. I suggested that he read an article I had written at that time. Later, I decided to change and expand it (see Is the true Church of God a Heretical Cult?). 
Anyway, it seemed like this might be a good time to make a sermon on that topic, so here is a link to the recommended sermon for this Sabbath: Cults and other Name Calling. Of course, by putting that out, critics who already call us a cult will probably harden their hearts and continue to say bad things about us and that message. But those relatively new to the faith, as well as for some of us who have been around for multiple decades, can benefit from understanding that such name calling is expected and has occurred throughout the entire Christian church age.

The Great Bwana to Africa and his occasional 100 Caucasians sure is a delicate little guy. He constantly gets offended at everything. 

Saturday, November 18, 2023

BREAKING EXPOSE (More Updates): Crackpot Prophet Bob Thiel, Linda Jane and the Translator Scam

A Linda Jane, from Huntsville, Alabama, USA, she says, acts, since at least 2015, as the "stateside" point of contact for unwary translation clients, mainly those requesting Asian languages for Christian materials. She even has a website to show (but, of course, with no address and no phone number): Teams of Translators / . The website shows very interesting characters.

From an anonymous source: Banned additions in red. Also, note that this is a compilation of three separate emails.


Bob has gotten huffy about those who've figured out that his many new translations are done via AI. He has denied that he uses AI for his translations. Well, it turns out that this is just another half-truth.

Bob is paying a shady service that at the very least makes false claims about its translators, using photos of other people deceptively and putting false names to those photos. It appears that Bob's translation service uses AI while claiming otherwise, and while making false claims about its "translators". I looked up the "Linda Jane" who Bob mentions in his 11/16 letter to the CCOG brethren, and it turns out that she's a scammer. Skip to Note 147 (posted below) here: Translator-Scammers-Notes

Banned: This is what Bob Thiel wrote in the November 16 Letter to the Brethren:

An anti-Church of God website, with no basis in fact, falsely posted that what we are receiving are Artificial Intelligence (AI) translations of our The Gospel of the Kingdom of God booklet.

That is not the case.

Additionally, I again asked the translation leader about how the translations are done, and here is what she sent me on Tuesday: 

Dear Sir,

How are you? I hope you are doing well.

First of all, I am sorry to write a reply to your last email. I was busy with certain other projects.

Secondly, I already have mentioned, that we are connected through a large network of translators, proofreaders, teachers, preachers, Pastors and publishers around the world.

When you asked me to start translating “The Gospel of the Kingdom of God” into as many languages as possible, I immediately communicated with the network and we started working on it for as many languages as we could.

Thirdly, we got each and every work proofread through human efforts and whenever we got negative comments, we rejected that specific file and didn’t send you. So, be assured that these are purely human translations.

Fourthly, we have received hundreds of translations already that we haven’t yet sent you because Brother David Lewis works on these files, arranges them, converts them into PDF and then sends them to you. …

In Christ,

Linda Jane.

Anyway, it looks like we will receive hundreds more translations of our booklet in the future, so that means we may have over 1,000 different languages/dialects by the end of this calendar year. Perhaps one day 2,000 or more! 

Banned: This is Note 147 mentioned above:

Kishan Singh (from India). Photo used in the site belongs to to Gautam Adani, one of richest men in India... The scammers didn't even changed the photo filename... Linda has nice words about "Kishan": "Helping Hands for Handicapped in Rajasthan, organized by our Brother Kishan Singh". And about Napoleon Zaki, "we are support xxxx Ministry, run by our Brother Napoleon Zaki"Linda also has a "secretary" with a very funny name: Andrewson Chris. Photo used in the site belongs to Chris Coyier, a web designer and developer living in Milwaukee. Again, the scammers didn't even changed the photo filename...As for the payment, Linda stated to a US prospective client: "We will accept the bank wiring in Pakistan the most needed area for now to build three orphanages and 5 widows houses." A Napolean Zaki, the "Final Beneficiary", will, no doubt, build the "3 orphanages and the 5 widows houses"! 
Andrewson Chris /
Linda Jane / Jane Linda / / Ph: 001456545447 !!!
Napoleon Zaki / (profile on TC is private)
Yee Sum (Chinese Director) /


And there's a lot more at that website. Bob is in this way over his head. What a loser!

Notice that the woman running the translation service Bob is using is clearly doing something deceitful. Her website shows a photo of one of her translators, by the name of Kishan Singh, but the photo is actually of wealthy Indian industrialist Gautam Adani.

Banned: Kishan Singh's picture from Linda James website:

Banned: This is who Kishan Singh really is:

She appears to be taking people's money then running their "translations" through Google Translate and other similar services while pretending that she has a staff of native-language translators.

And Bob has been fooled again, just like he was fooled by his African witch-doctor "ministers."

Some prophet, eh?

Observers will also notice that on the website of Bob's translator, the photo of her secretary, Andrewson Chris is on the Web in a couple of other places as a photo of a Mac user named Chris Coyier.

Banned comment: Even the name Andrewson Chris doesn't make sense in real life, but to an AI translator, it does. Also, notice the words printed in red above, more poor translation.

This is the real Chris Coyier:

Bob is a fool.


Banned: This is who the Translator site is claiming is behind the fake translation site run by scammer Linda Jane:

Can you imagine a bunch of Pakistani Muslims translating Bob's so-called Christian book into dialects where Muslims in Pakistan and elsewhere live and do it accurately? What a farce Bob has turned into.

Linda Jane claims to charge between 3-5 cents per word to translate a book from English. 

This is what real translators charge per word. Notice what they say about these fake sites like Linda Janes:

The average cost of a professional translator can range anywhere from $0.10 to $0.30 per word, depending on the language pair being translated, the quality of the translation, the turnaround time, and other factors. Translation agencies may charge a flat fee, but freelance translators may charge by the hour or by the word. The cost of translation can vary depending on the language pair, with some language combinations being more expensive than others. And yes, you will find 100s of people calling themselves translators on Upwork and similar sites. They all will tell how great they are and will quote you like 10% of what any reasonable translation agency would chargé you but there’s a catch. They are not pros! They use public Google Translate to handle your job. Do you know what that means? GT terms and conditions for publicly available free service state that Google is free to use your data you input into GT for any purposes they see fit. It's the security and confidentiality, stupid! (As Bill Clinton would put it.)

For example, a Spanish translator may charge a higher rate than an English translator, because Spanish is considered a high-demand language. Translations between English and Spanish are typically more affordable than those between English and Chinese. The reason for this is that there are more English-Spanish translators available than English-Chinese translators, so there is more competition and lower prices. It is also important to consider the quality of the translation when determining how much to pay for a translator.

Similarly, a translator who specializes in medical documents may charge a higher rate than one who translates marketing materials. Or vice versa. The best way to get an accurate estimate of how much it will cost to hire a translator is to send the text to be translated, along with any instructions or context, to several different translation agencies or freelance translators and request quotes. The total cost will also depend on the length of the text; for example, a short document may only cost a few hundred dollars to translate, while a longer document could cost several thousand dollars. In general, though, it is usually more cost-effective to use a translation agency or team of translators rather than relying on Google Translate or other online services, which often produce inaccurate results.

High-quality translations are typically more expensive than literal translations, but they are worth the investment if your target audience is in a different region or speaks a different language. Finally, keep in mind that the price of translation is often based on the length of the source text. The longer the text, the higher the price will be. This is because it takes longer to translate a longer text, so translators need to be paid for their time.

Happy hunting!

Per-Word Rate

The per-word rate for hiring a translator can vary greatly, depending on the level of skill required. In general, a translator's experience and skill level increase their rate. Experienced translators have the advantage of higher rates because they can handle highly technical content with ease. When interviewing translation vendors, it is important to request a portfolio of samples and references of their work, including actual texts that the vendor has translated for their clients.

Although set-rate pricing is the traditional method, some clients still use a per-word rate. These rates are usually based on the number of words in the source document and the target language document. This way, clients can see the cost breakdown and know what to expect. Additionally, when using per-word pricing, it is crucial to choose a quality-oriented Language Services Provider (LSP) with the experience and expertise to ensure your documents are translated accurately. If you hire a novice linguist, you risk having your documents translated incorrectly or with an unprofessional appearance.


While hiring an in-house translator is usually less expensive, it is possible to find a professional who works on a freelance basis. Most freelance translators charge a per-word rate. This rate is usually lower than the hourly rate. The reason for this is that the freelancer is paid based on the number of words they translate.


The cost of hiring a translator varies depending on a number of factors including the language, region, and area of specialization. A minimum of $12 per word is recommended by the American Translators Association, but rates vary according to region and experience. You can also pay more if you need a rush translation. For example, a translator in Louisville, Kentucky, charges $.02 per word if a translation matches 100% of the original. For a 94% to 95 percent match, the rate increases to $.03 per word. If the translation matches only 65% of the words in the original language, the rate may be higher.


Translators advertise their services with confidence and charge appropriate rates. It is also important to list which languages they should translate, as some languages are more expensive than others. The cost of each language varies depending on the demand and supply curve.

Hourly Rate

If you are planning to hire a translator, you may need to determine the price of the project in advance. Translators usually quote their prices per word but use hourly rates, too, especially for revision, review and quality assurance tasks, as well as for Machine Translation Post-Editing (MTPE or PEMT). For instance, they may charge you $40 per word if the project will take three hours to complete. Of course, this can differ depending on the type of project and the deadline.


It is difficult to estimate how long a project will take since the language and the subject matter vary greatly. A translation of 5,000 words will take more time than a translation of 500 words. In addition, a translator's experience, education, and subject matter all play a role in the actual number of hours spent translating a project.


If you plan on hiring a translator for a specific project, you should first determine what kind of content you require. Oftentimes, highly technical content is difficult to translate and requires specialized vocabulary. This can be a problem even for native speakers. These types of projects require specialists who have experience in the language.

Languages That Cost More to Translate

There are certain languages that cost more to translate than others. For example, Norwegian, Swedish, and Icelandic are some of the more expensive languages to translate. While this may sound like an unfair comparison, these languages have much lower numbers of native speakers, which makes them more expensive to translate. Other languages that tend to cost more to translate are Portuguese, French, Japanese, and Italian.


Languages with more difficult language systems are more expensive to translate than others. For example, Japanese has a different writing system than English, which means that it is difficult to find translators who understand the Japanese writing style. In addition, the length of the document will also determine the price of a translation. A shorter document will take less time to translate, and therefore will cost less.


The price of a translation depends on several factors, including the type of project and the type of provider. The most common pricing methods are per hour or per word are used for calculations and quoting. But other methods are available as well, such as character, line, and page. The exact cost of a translation project will depend on many factors, including the size of the project and the amount of text it contains.


Another factor that affects the price of translation services is the level of expertise of the translators. Some translators are better than others, but if they are new to the language, you can expect the cost to be higher than if you were using a native speaker. In addition, the cost of living for a native speaker of a language can make translations more expensive. 

After reading this it should be quite obvious that Bob is paying exorbitant amounts of money to translate his book or he is blatantly lying about having over 1500 languages in print at this time. The cost has to be out of the roof if he is using real translators. But we all know he is not.

This website says this about the cost of book translations:

Generally, book translation cost ranges from $0.08 to $0.18 per word. If you have a 10,000-word, it will cost between $800 and $1,800 for translation. The cost may change depending on various factors that we will deeply express in the next part. gtelocalize

The Translation Company says this:

Per-word rate is the most common measurement for pricing in the translation industry. Translation services rates in 2023 range from $0.09 to $0.40 per word in the United States. These rates vary due to factors such as choice of language, volume, turnaround, and subject matter.

Banned comment: 

Anyone with half a brain can look at Linda James's translation website and see how poorly it is designed. "Linda" clearly is NOT an American and is most likely parked in Gaza, India or Pakistan pretending to speak American English. The wording and phrases are not standard American English and are more likely straight from an AI language translator.

As the person said above, Bob Thiel is a fool! Not only has he fallen prey to his African swindlers masquerading as Christian evangelists, but he has fallen for one of the biggest translation scams out there! And, all of this isn't even including his fake degree in Theology from a "seminary" in India that is housed in a double-wide trailer.

The really sad part in all of this is that some of those African followers are no doubt sincere Christians wanting to do what is right. The problem is that they are being led by religious frauds like Bob Thiel and his fake adulterous and witchcraft-practicing evangelists.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Prophet Bob Claiming Intense Pre-Passover Persecution - Satan is Angry and is stirring up LIARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Where would a good Church of God leader be without claiming Satan is angry around Passover and Feast of Tabernacles times? That is when persecution, at least what they think it is, seems to rear its ugly head to thwart the "work" of whichever COG leader there is mouthing off about it. Truly the modern-day COG movement is the most persecuted church on the face of the earth today. Forget the Iraqi and Indian Christians routinely slaughtered for their faith. They are just so-called "Christians". Only true Christians can be in Bob Thiel's little cult.

So this brings us to today when Bob released his weekend end letter to his rapidly dwindling flock. Satan is angry and persecuting Bob and his family!!!!!! Oh, noes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dear Brethren and Co-Workers in Christ: 
Greetings from Grover Beach, California. 
Some years there are more trials before Passover than others. 
For my family and the Continuing Church of God, this has been one of them. 
Recently, I dealt with many of the CCOG related matters in the sermon: Hierarchical Governance and Corruption. But some still have been “speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after themselves” (cf. Acts 20:30). 
Here is something from the Apostle Paul to consider:

15 To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled. 16 They profess to know God, but in works they deny Him, being abominable, disobedient, and disqualified for every good work. (Titus 1:15-16
There are many false witnesses (cf. Matthew 26:60) and there are lot of people who seem to prefer gossip to accepting facts (cf. Proverbs 26:16,22). 
Oddly, people claiming to be Christians even denounced the leadership of the Apostle John (3 John 9-10).

So of course, anyone who denounces Bob and his ineffective leadership is exactly like those in Apostle John's time. They are all liars and false witnesses. Pathetic! 

The claims coming out of Africa are not from one or two people with a grudge. It is multiple people in multiple countries and yet Bob turns a blind eye to it all. How could he ever claim to have been wrong? How humiliating for the one true prophet of the one true church to be wrong!

Bwana Bob pathetically believes he is just like the old Worldwide Church of God that was routinely "persecuted" by false accusations, rebellions people under the sway of Satan

The old Worldwide Church of God faced various members and former members rebelling against it and making claims against it and its leadership. Trials and being spoken against are a long-used Satanic tactic–however, faithful Christians should be aware of Satan’s devices (2 Corinthians 2:11b).

As far as trials go, the Bible teaches:

12 Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; (1 Peter 4:12
28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28
2 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. (James 1:2-4
Fiery trials, including accusations by detractors, have happened throughout the entire church age. 
That said, hopefully you are preparing for Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread striving for perfection consistent with what Jesus commanded (Matthew 5:48).

Bob is NOTHING like the old Worldwide Church of God. That church refused to ordain him and Herbert Armstrong would have kicked Bob out of the church so fast his head would still be spinning once Bob committed apostasy and rebelled against the church. 

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Bob Thiel Calls Mulczowa Family and Deacons Liars


It did not take long for Bob to respond to the various videos from the Mulczowa family who spilled the beans on their adulterous family member.

I do not give a flying rat's ass what Bob thinks about me when he calls me all the things he says Paul said below, but to call Priscilla Mulczowa, her children, and two deacons as gossipers and liars is disgusting. Bob has sunk further than we ever imagined he would. It is like he wants us to believe that the entire family, the two deacons, and the woman who was lied to all sat down together and dreamed this all up. Not only that, he is essentially calling Sasha and Terry liars too. It's all rebellious people who refuse to submit to his authority. It's a church-government thing.

03/28/23 p.m. Various ones have been posting videos and other anti-CCOG materials online. Recently, I dealt with the related matters in the sermon: Hierarchical Governance and Corruption.

Beyond that, here is something from the Apostle Paul to consider:

15 To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled. 16 They profess to know God, but in works they deny Him, being abominable, disobedient, and disqualified for every good work. (Titus 1:15-16

There are many false witnesses (cf. Matthew 26:60) and there are lot of people who seem to prefer gossip to accepting facts (cf. Proverbs 26:16,22).

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

John Machemba Appeal to Bob Thiel - Then Fired


John Machemba another Deacon fired by Evans Ocheing 
for coming forward with the truth of Radson Mulozowa

Deacon Louis Wahela's Heartfelt Video To Bob Thiel That Was Ignored


Former Continuing Church of God Deacon Louis Wahela from Zomba

Evans Ocheing and Radson Fired him for coming forward with this video

Smash and discredit anybody willing to tell the truth

Continuing Church of God Pastor Deceived Me


Benjamin Radson Speaks - Youngest son


Benjamin, youngest son of Continuing Church of God pastor Radison.

Radison's Son Victor Tells Part Of His Story


Radsons oldest son- Victor Mulozowa

Favour Mulczowa Talks About Her Father, Radison


Favour, daughter of Continuing Church of God pastor Radison Mulczowa talks briefly about her father's affair and what has happened financially to her mother and family.

Adultery Scandal of Continuing Church of God Pastor In Malawi - ExWife Shares


Who would have ever imagined the greatest Church of God in human history led by the greatest man God has ever used would soon turn into a cesspool of adultery, witchcraft, theft of money, and numerous other disgusting things, all of which, Chief Overseer Bob Thiel, claims are not true. Seriously people, how can this be true when this is God's greatest work ever?????

It has long been established by Seventh Day Adventists, other Sabbatarian groups, and other Christian missionaries in Africa that this kind of corruption is common due to the fact that the "rich" Americans are far far away, and have little to do with daily life. Some of these African groups (not all do this) feed a steady stream of positive uplifting stories to their American charity overseers who then readily dump more cash, seeds, food, animals, computers, books, etc into their laps thinking they are helping get a gospel out. This is exactly what we have said here since day one when Bob started waxing eloquently about his glorious ministry in Africa. It also should be understood that there are certainly plenty of sincere Christians in Africa who want to do what is right and faithfully follow God, even those in some of Bob's groups, but their foundation of learning is debased by heretical teachings and outright lies by the Chief Overseer that leads them astray.

When you hear the shocking story of the woman above you will be appalled that arrogant and prideful Bob Thiel will sit in his place of privilege and continue to make excuses and let Evans Ocheing cover these things up.

Ocheing told Bob Thiel that Radison Mulczowa was a "true Minister of God in good standing'". Bob in his prideful glory thought Great! here is another leader I can add to my roster and increase my numbers. Never once vetted the type of man he was allowing to lead his followers. According to Radison's wife Priscilla, he was a Sunday preacher before signing on to Bob's ministry. In Armstrongism, this is certainly a BIG no-no! While being a "Sunday" preacher he was caught in adultery and money fraud in the church he was in charge of. Priscilla was the first one to start attending Bob's church and was ordained a Deaconess. Then this happened:

....once Radson saw how many people were coming into CCOG, because of his wife Priscilla, he suddenly said he believes Dr Thiel (aka $$$$$) so naturally Evans ordained him a Deacon, then Pastor...

Another source had this to say

...Thiel just accepts Evangelist Evans Ocheing word that Radson Mulozowa is a true Minister of God in good standing, when in reality he's whoring after scores of Women and most likely underage women to satisfy his lusts. He goes around villages showing the nice care that Dr Thiel gave him, to attract poor women and teens that have children and are starving, to get them to perform sexual acts and he is a known Satanist, that sacrifices his blood to the Dark Forces and also is worse than an infidel as he doesn't even support his own children. This Guy has a pending investigation of the Malawian Government for abuses of women and children and abuse of church funds for his own greed

And then there is this:

Radson the Pervert had free range pickings on the local teens and woman that try to feed their families. I mean the daily wage of those women is 50 cents a day. Radson is making hundreds a month. A sex sickos paradise granted by Dr Bob Thiel.

Bob sure knows how to pick them! 

Priscilla Mulozowa and Forester Abraham from Malawi source material 

Monday, March 27, 2023

Bob Thiel's So-called Evangelist And His Dangerous Trip Into The Congo

In January 2023 the Greatest Church of God leader in human history Bob Thiel, who incidentally leads the fastest-growing and most influential Church of God to ever exist in 2,000 years, particularly in these perilous end times, sent a letter to his faithful about the dangerous conditions that his so-called evangelist Evans Ocheing has to work under in the Congo.

Hunger in Malawi and War in the Congo 
There are hunger issues in Malawi partially because the government there apparently failed to supply subsidized fertilizer to farmers. We provided some assistance before and have also done so this week. 
In other African news, there is fighting in parts of the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. Kenya-based evangelist Evans Ochieng has been asked to go there and asked my advice under such circumstances. And I though some of you might be interested, so let me share basically what I suggested. 
My advice was to Evan Ochieng:Look up where the fighting is. 
See if he could enter the country and go where needs to without running into the fighting. 
Ask those in the Congo what they think is the safest way to do that. 
Pray and possibly fast about it. 
I also mentioned that Ezra faced a similar dilemma, but went forward on faith: 
21 Then I proclaimed a fast there at the river of Ahava, that we might humble ourselves before our God, to seek from Him the right way for us and our little ones and all our possessions. 22 For I was ashamed to request of the king an escort of soldiers and horsemen to help us against the enemy on the road, because we had spoken to the king, saying, “The hand of our God is upon all those for good who seek Him, but His power and His wrath are against all those who forsake Him.” 23 So we fasted and entreated our God for this, and He answered our prayer. ( Ezra 8:21-23
And brought up that Jesus said: 
16 “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. 17 But beware of men … (Matthew 10:16-17
This means we are to take reasonable precautions, but still proceed if it makes sense.
Brethren, please put this matter in your prayers as Evans Ochieng may try to go to the Congo this month.  Letter to the Brethren: January 12, 2023

We have long said that the snow job that Bob Thiel tries to pass off about Africa is just that, a snow job. Bob will do anything in his narcissistic power to give the impression his group is so superfantabulous that it is the fastest-growing COG in human history. It's not, at least not anymore.

We are also supposed to be impressed that his so-called evangelists are performing DANGEROUS trips into the Congo and elsewhere. While I am sure there are certain parts of the Congo that are dangerous, the photos and video leaked below by one of Bob's Ndhiwa Congregation members tells another story.

Comments after video and photos are his, not mine. 

Evans Ocheing Dangerous Congo mission/ Dining in the most expensive Hotel

Big Bwana Evans Ocheing looking important to impress the Ladies that visit him in the Congo