Friday, October 11, 2024

COG martyr unencumbered by a distracting wife and family faces the prospect of a lonely life

Imagine living a life so deluded by Armstrongism that you will give up relationships with others and deliberately live a lonely life.

God says in His Word, that it’s not good for a man to be alone.  
That a man needs a helpmeet.  
Ive prayed, and looked for a wife for 15 years now. I was told by one woman, who ended up being my friend, it seemed to her I was the one of the last who believe what believe. There didn’t seem to be anyone in my age group who believes what I believe, she keeps telling me. They all seem to be in “other churches”. 
She doesn’t understand why I am fighting so hard to keep my church alive. There doesn’t seem to be much for me here, she said.
My spiritual family are those of God’s Church.
I care about them. And yes, it is sometimes like me placing a letter in a bottle and tossing it into the ocean, hoping it reaches those in need of reaching. I don’t necessarily see who I am talking to, who I’m warning.
But I’ve determined that God and His Church comes first. God says to “seek first the Kingdom” then everything else will be provided for.
And so while I am a man who seeks to please and serve God, somewhere out there is a woman who seeks to please and serve God as well.
My body has weakened over the last few years. My youthfulness is turning to aches and pains as I age. And I am only 33 years old! My dad would laugh and say “it’s the years, it’s the mileage”.
But I’m learning I can’t do it all myself. I’ve learned more to rely on Jesus Christ for my strength, and ability to finish out the day, to walk by faith where I used to stride with self confidence only years ago!
It’s not good for a man to be alone. I’m alone because Christ has given me something to do and it requires no distractions! And Satan would certainly be hitting me harder if I had a wife and children. Right now he is hitting those close to me, in order to get to me. To isolate me, and to remove any help. So perhaps like Paul it so best to stay single. I don’t know. God’s help is more than enough. I trust His guidance and Headship.
And with God’s Church, it’s going to take all of us to focus, and to help each other. Satan has scattered the flock, because alone we can’t accomplish what we could accomplish if we were together! That’s what we need brethren. To repent and to be unified together all speaking the same thing! As one Worldwide Church of God! Samuel Kitchen


Anonymous said...

Samuel's desire to be God as God is God, but to be God under HWA as the higher-ranking God, is clearly stronger than his desire to do the difficult work of maintaining a real relationship rather than one based on fantasies of self-importance. It may be sad, but it's Samuel's own sad choice.

Byker Bob said...

Dunno. Maybe he should get into motorcycles.


Anonymous said...

Haha based on knowing BB for 20 years, his accumulated life experience and things I know about life.... That motorcycle advice is probably the best there is out there.... Nck

The COG Catholic said...

I like to see people being "real" and sharing what's inside them. I don't know much about this fellow, but I can sympathize with him on a human level.

Based on this writing alone, I sense he is sincere in his misdirected beliefs, but at least he is acting accordingly -- living what he believes. He's not a "Laodicean" Armstrongite.

It's just one of many examples of how Armstrongism is wicked. It harms people, wastes lives. May God intervene and save this young, misguided soul.

Phinnpoy said...

Fanaticism tends to draw its victims away from the ordinary duties and joys of life. The cause is all important. Family and friends only count if they can join the cause. If they oppose or hinder the cause they must be put aside.

Tonto said...

Didn't HWA have FLOG LOG??

Anonymous said...

I don't understand Tim's comment about if he had a wife Satan would hit him harder. If anything worship and marriage can go hand in hand and each enhance the other. I know a possibly stupid or perhaps messed up girl from highschool who has convinced herself that marriage takes up too much time, so she decides to be single so that she will be a freer agent for the Lord. Well I asked her, what is she trying to escape from, really. I also pointed out to her that if she is determined to be single, then why does she reach out so much for the things of marriage. Unless I'm missing something I sense a lot going on here in Tim Kitchen's message.

Byker Bob said...

Well, nck, riding certainly brings an entirely different focus into life. In addition to a sense of immediacy, and the absence of filters which a car normally provides, I've found that riding helps clear the head.


Anonymous said...

I know several intelligent and attractive women in cogwa and some good men that just continue to get older as the dating pool is so small and they don’t resonate with those in it. It’s sad.

Anonymous said...

Many single men in the church do not marry because they are led to become shallow snobs targeting power and money. Their attitude towards women and marriage is off key. They have no real respect or appreciation of women. Women are only sex objects or power objects to many of them.

They waste their youth trying to marry a 'dynasty elite female' and then waste their old age expecting a Chaplinsque marriage to magically happen, whilst not having any of Chaplin's work ethics or financial savvyness.

It's a tragedy made from ministerial support across all groups.

Anonymous said...

Yes sir! This is what I have seen doing it for people. nck

Anonymous said...

When I was baptized in WCG at 25, I remember my minister while laying his hands over my head, prayed that I be a good husband when I marry. I was determined to marry in the church but things did not turn out though I was in WCG for 15 years. I left WCG and at 45 married an outsider, a non Christian. I am blessed with a good wife, a son and a daughter who are now fine young adults. I still keep some good WCG teachings and we have no problems with our differing religious beliefs; they respect my beliefs as I respect theirs. I have been a good husband and father to my children; this goodness I attribute it to God who has been good to me all these years. God is right when He says it is not good for a man/woman to be alone and He provides a help meet for him/her. I hope this lonely man will find his help meet in due time as I was once like him.