Thursday, October 24, 2024

Greco-Roman COG Con-artist Takes Questions At Feast And Acts Like It Is A Big Deal

God sure knew what he was doing when he was forming the foundations of the earth so that in these perilous end times, a prophet would arise who would be filled with all the knowledge that true believers need to know.

Never has the church had such a magnificent prophet/apostle/Joshua/Elisha/Elijah in its midst who surpasses all revealed truth from Herbert Armstrong?.

Our most highly favored God to be, the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel had this to say about his question and answer session at the Feast on prophecy.

For this sermon, Dr. Thiel took written questions from people attending the Feast of Tabernacles in Galveston, Texas. He did not see the questions until he saw them while doing the sermon. Questions/topics addressed included whether or not there would be a future Zerubbabel and Joshua, the “teachers of Isaiah 30:20, the timing of the ‘Day of the Lord’ and the 6,000 years, if there is a relationship between the timing of Habakkuk 2:6-8 and Daniel 11:39, the sequence of Daniel 11 and the King of the North, Greco-Roman Catholic prophecies and Satan’s plan, why Muslims will turn against the King of the North, when Satan is cast out of heaven, Sabbath matters, whether Philadelphians would be subject to deadly persecution, the canon of the Bible, the short work, forgiveness, whether or not the serpent Eve saw looked like a snake, the timing of Matthew 24:29, having servants and maids in the Millennium, and the timing of Ephraim and Manasseh turning against Judah, plus comments related to the Beast, Islam, crosses, and the Antichrist. Dr. Thiel commented on each and every question that was submitted.


Anonymous said...

considering that Bob usually averages 10-15 people at a feast site, the chances are pretty high that he submitted over half the questions that he claimed to answer.

Anonymous said...

Dr Thiel commented on each and every question submitted………but did he answer them?
Or did he do a Kamala Harris…………………lol

Anonymous said...

I just read a splinter booklet on the eight day of the feast of Tabernacles, which raises many questions. What happens on Christ's return to those baptized members who failed to be the Bride of Christ. The "winners" will meet Christ in the clouds, but what happens to the non winners. Do they remain human until they die from old age? The booklet mentioned a second death but no third or fourth death. I assume this means that the millions from Gog and Magog who are killed trying to invade Jerusalem represents their final second death since they were resurrected back to life at the end of the millennium. So what physically happens to the remaining non winners who again failed to qualify for the kingdom. Are they vaporized on the spot or what? So where does the "weeping and gnashing of teeth" occur?
Your thoughts would be appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Oops, missed this question (b/c it's "out of season") : why's 14th "at even" the beginning of 14th in Ex 12:6 but end of 14th in v.18 ???!!

Anonymous said...

I have two questions for Bob: (1) Were questioners required to sign their names to their questions? (2) Did you answer all the questions you received, or did you ignore any that you found too challenging?

Tonto said...

"Credit for when credit is due department"... at least a couple of Thiel's followers know how to write.

Anonymous said...

Heh heh! And it's all about nonsense, anyway! Who even gives a flying ......... what the answers are???

Anonymous said...

Can't answer all 1:06:25 PM PDT's questions but make this comment: Tabernacles is 7 days; 8th day is a separate sabbath and is not the last great day "of the feast" of John 7:37. That day was by the Jewish calendar Tishri 21 and the 7th day of the feast. A careful reading of John 7:37 to 9:14 indicates the next day, Tishri 22, was the sabbath and the "8th" day. Tishri 23 is never a sabbath by the calendar.

Anonymous said...

There are many questions he must have a very good memory.
''..the timing of Ephraim and Manasseh turning against Judah..'' must be an interesting one I would like to know more about - effectively given worldwide theology the idea seem to be USA and UK act against the nation we call ''Israel''

Anonymous said...

They should have asked him why would Sasha and Terry lie and bare false witness, when they were in Africa on the Ground and witnessed so much first hand. In Moses time I think the testament of 2 witnesses could get you stoned. I think Saha and Terry had 5 or more plus official documents and the accused children all gave testimony, but in BOBS world the work of his Prophethood takes priority over corruption and evil

Anonymous said...

I'd suggest that the 2 or 3 people attending Bob's feast submit the same questions to AI.

It may not matter anyway if the Fourth Reich starts in a minute.

Anonymous said...

Next year they hope to know enough about the Bible to ask questions about the New Testament and Jesus.