Stars are Evil
Dave Pack: Preserver of Fringe Theology and the Age of Cosmological Ignorance.
Note: Moloch, Remphan and Chemosh do not actually exist. Saturn and Venus, on the other hand....
"I'm gonna tell you some fascinating things no one has ever understood and I am sure of it!"
David C Pack
“I know more about Christmas than anybody who’s ever lived. Period.”
“I I maybe there’s somebody who knows more about [Christmas] than I do,
“I’ve studied prophecy, I am sure, by far, more than anybody who ever lived.”
"I know prophecy better than any man alive."
“Look, maybe there’re people who know New Testament Church history better than I, but I but I I’ll bet there aren’t three in the last two thousand years,
but I doubt it.”
Stars ain't all that bad Dave...
"I know astro-theology like no Dave Pack ever could" :)
“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.”
NOTE: Lucifer, "the light bringer" also is given this title in scripture. It is the source of the idea that Jesus and Lucifer were brothers. Kinda like the good Horus (God of light) and the bad Set (God of Darkness) of Egyptian mythology.
“How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn!
NOTE: The story of the fall of Lucifer, the light (Sun) bringer, is simply the phenomenon, not understood back in the day when stars were spirits and Venus, as an inner planet rose and then "fell back to earth." made a great story explaining their world.
This rise and fall of Venus, especially in the morning prior to sunrise, is due to it being an inner planet. This phenomenon was the source of many a rich tale in antiquity.
Anyway...Merry Christmas from the world's greatest mind and expert on Christmas.
David C Pack
(And please don't forget that Jesus, for sure and it cannot be argued, returns next week on December 16th at 9:37 EST.
Unfortunately I have to work so I won't be available :)
Six is the number of man and Satan...
Then was Jesus's first miracle wrong? He only changed SIX water pots in John 2.
Are seraphim also wrong? They have six wings (Isaiah 6:2/Revelation 4:8).
Dave rants about a 5 or 6 pointed star. This is typically ACOG Pharisaic bull whereby they focus on useless trivia while ignoring fundamentals such as rights and justice. As if the church cult culture is no big deal.
And we're not 2 of the Apostles fisherman? Do they not rely on the stars for navigation? Fool.
He couldn't differentiate between his hind end and a whole in the ground!
''the Christmas spirit is utterly demonic and evil...''
and the stupidity he goes on with is defended by himself.
Judaism and Christianity are, in a sense, are perhaps just other forms of black magic like voodoo.
Oh Dave.... U missed the date, maybe.......should be Tebeth 3, 2025.......46th anniversary of the WCG receivership by CA.......
Oh, dave...You're so green with envy that the Salvation Army is raking in the big bucks. And they don't have to threaten anyone with taking away their salvation (as you do) to get people to be cheerful givers! To top it all off, THEY actually HELP over 27 million people a year!! Imagine that...helping people, instead of taking every last cent from the same people over and over again.
You have built yourself a little kingdom, on the backs of your slaves. You've staffed it with a "pack" of thieves, in your image. Your god must be very proud that you have become like him. He is the father of lies, and you follow in his footsteps.
7.38 AM, My suspicion is that Christ and God the Father sometimes read the comments on Banned, and think to themselves "I couldn't agree more" when reading your comment above.
Does Dave forget that Herbert Armstrong wore silver star of David cuff links?
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