Sunday, March 2, 2025

United Church of God: Shabi Out? Already?


A reader here made this comment today:

I just recently watched UCGs "The Red Heifer and the Third Temple" short video from Mr. Shabi. I thought it was average or decent. But what he fails to do is mention that Christians have the temple within them through the Holy Spirit, and that Christ is ultimate sacrifice and our High Priest. Making a distinction between what is Christian and the practice of Judaism which has not accepted Christ. 
Instead the focus is on fulfilled prophecy. I am so glad that the bible gives us Paul's writings, which shows a man who was steeped in Judaism and we can see "somewhat" of his transformation into Christianity. The video just wants to show prophecy and doesn't make effort into or emphasis on Christ and His role now. Or how that old system/covenant is gone.

This was one of the comments to the above comment: 

"That may be Rick Shabi's last video. UCG Council of Elders scuttled him as President this past week."

If this is true, this sure didn't take long! He was named President in May of 2022, he succeeded Vic Kubik's oligarchy.

It might not be hard to see why, based on his comments from last December's Council of Elders meeting, 

Shabi and so many other COG leaders act like they are just now discovering that things are not healthy in their church. Seriously guys, you have had since 1995 to get your act together and you still can't.

Milford, Ohio

Monday, December 9, 2024

Chairman Tim Pebworth called the morning session to order at 9 a.m. Eastern. Paul Wasilkoff opened the meeting with a prayer. Eleven council members were present, and John Elliott joined via Zoom.

Mr. Pebworth began with a few personal opening comments. He then presented the August meeting minutes for approval, which were unanimously approved. He then reviewed the week’s agenda, which was also unanimously approved. Mr. Pebworth then turned the floor over to Rick Shabi for the President’s report.

President’s Report: Rick Shabi

Mr. Shabi opened his report by sharing some personal thoughts and several scriptures that he felt perfectly framed his experiences over the last two years in his current position and what he will discuss in his presentation.

Attend your herds! Members get called a lot of things by leaders and ministers, but this is a new one. 

    • Proverbs 27:23, “Be diligent to know the state of your flocks, and attend to your herds.”
    • Proverbs 24:27, “Prepare your outside work… and afterward build your house.”
    • Psalm 127:1, “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it…”
    • Ecclesiastes 9:10, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might…”
    • Ephesians 4:16, “from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.”
    • Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”
    • Matthew 28:19-20, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…”

As Mr. Shabi read each scripture, he commented on the value these biblical principles bring to the Church and the time it takes to implement them as God desires. He said there is much to learn; even though we are a small Church we have a significant, worldwide work. He mentioned that he has learned much from the travels that he, Steve Myers, and Darris McNeely have made through the many different environments worldwide, seeing firsthand where the brethren live, their needs, strengths, and challenges.

Thirty years of wandering around slapping each other on the back as if they were doing some mighty work. Division and discontent are their hallmarks. Just ask COGWA. Never mind though, they are still learning. They are learning to be humble and submissive.

Mr. Shabi mentioned that many things have already been accomplished, but in these travels, they have learned that there are many more areas of concern that we need to address. He noted that it’s apparent that we are still learning, but we know that God will teach and guide us in how He wants this work done. He commented that the only way to know where God wants us to focus our efforts is to let Him lead. In return, we must keep that humble spirit, submit to His will, and always trust Him.


Anonymous said...

And the post point is?
Shabi didn't preach about Jesus enough ? Or Shabi's mention of "many more areas of concern" brought his Presidency to a very abrupt end?

Or is this post gone fishing ?

Either way many sense trouble ahead.

Questeruk said...

The UCG President is appointed by the Council of Elders for a three year term. It is reviewed every three years.
That's the way it has been from the inception of UCG thirty years ago. The President in effect works for the Council.

Anonymous said...

"Submissive" is one of those code-words that reveals more than the speakers usually intend. In nature, in a pack of ravenous animals, the weaker animals express their submission to the stronger... until they themselves become stronger and can demand submission from the rest of the pack. Notice that 1 Peter tells slaves to be submissive to their masters, and wives to be submissive to their husbands. But It doesn't tell husbands to be submissive to their wives. Do a Bible study and you may be surprised to discover that it never tells us that Jesus was "submissive" to His Father. He obeyed His Father, and was of one will with His Father, but the relationship isn't described as "submission." Commentators often mistakenly call it that, but the Bible never does. Any man who preaches "submission" is telling you that he believes he has the right not just to lead and guide you, but to dominate you, a right Jesus Christ never gives to any of His followers.

Byker Bob said...

It is of no consequence whatsoever which particular individual opens up a can of corn that is way past its time and date stamp. The result will always be the same.

None of these groups have been able to rise to the status of the super-blessed stand out, the one doing such highly visible job of fulfilling the "great commission" that it would not only attract and unite all of the remnants, but also begin to grow at the old 30% per annum rate.

Armstrongism is pretty much burned as a credible tool or messenger for God. If God wishes to get out any sort of message to mankind, He's going to need an entirely fresh group with no track record of bad baggage, one that could be taken seriously.


Feastgoer said...

Yes, it's true. The notice went out on the same day of the Council of Elders' decision last Wednesday - before anything else was released about the quarterly meeting.

John said...

"Mr. Shabi mentioned......that there are many more areas of concern that we need to address......that we are still learning, but we know that God will teach and guide us in how He wants this work done......that the only way to know where God wants us to focus our efforts is to let Him lead..."
What may an area of concern? Was Rick Shabi "scuttled as the United Ass. President this past week?" If so, then how would that be of concern: in what ways. To whom? Why? Did the god of United "slip up," again?

What happened to those "good old days" when God supposedly put one individual in charge, and he remained in charge, until death (some say for example: HWA....JWTkach, Sr.)?

But the United Ass. is a man-made Association set up so that a President could be scuttled by a council of elders!? Who would set up an organization like that where the "man in charge" could just be simply voted in and out? Duh!

Those who formed the United Ass. demonstrated that they had no faith that God, the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob (Acts 3:13), Jesus' God/Father, could ever run an organization and work it through one man. Well, if God could not work through one man, then how did the organizers of the man-made United Ass. ever think that God could work/run a work through a dozen men, or whatever number of men make up their council? Doesn't that thinking sound dumb?

Notice that Shabi said: "..that the only way to know where God wants us to focus our efforts is to let Him lead..."

Oh, so God not only needs the assistance of a "dozen" men to vote (actually the leaders of United Ass. prefer to use the word "ballot" in lieu of "vote" when the Ass. was established in 1995 in Indianapolis: HWA wasn't into "voting," ) a President in/out of office, but God also needs the permission of a bunch of human beings to first "let Him lead."

Is that really "...the only way to know where God wants us to focus our efforts?"

God explained in detail what He knew (Acts 15:18; Heb 4:3) exactly how His Church would behave over an approximately 2,000 year period (Revelation 2-3, and elsewhere). God even showed some of Satan's involvement within His Church. So, why would God need anybody, or anything, "let Him lead?" That makes no sense.

Would God ever run His Church by a committee? One indivdual mentioned that: "God so love the world that He didn't send a committee."

Oh, Shabi still learning? Join the club! We'll all probably be learning forever.

Is Shabi out? Already? Was Shabi actually scuttled...removed/replaced?

And if God's Church were run by some committee, some council, a Pack, a Flurry, a Weston, a...(choose a name throughout the past 39 years)., then could/would it really be God's Church?

Time will tell...


Anonymous said...

Their meeting notes say he is out:

Anonymous said...

The President is always a council member, and as I recall UCG elects their council during their annual conference each spring. I want to say that's usually held in March or April.

Anonymous said...

Then who's going to justify the expense of sending President Shabi and two Beyond Today presenters and wives around the world for leadership training and conferences throughout 2024 to only go and replace him and state the church needs to go in a 'different direction' and then God gets the blame for it. To scare off any questioning.

Doesn't resonate as how God works compared to scripture at all.

Anonymous said...

So they (UCG Presidents) have a three year ministry or three and a half year ministry, who are they trying to fool. You bet they got a lot of learning to do. I mean we all do, but they have the same operating system as the 1960's. Anybody that wanted to go forward was shunned or ignored. They'll probably regurgitate the same ol' president or perhaps not. We shall see.

Anonymous said...

Many of these splinters, like their Herb mother church, are Pharisaic. God's not going to listen to, or bless their Counsel of Elders if their church culture is partial to evil or its evil members. Herb's church didn't fall apart for no reason.
Proverbs 15:29 "The Lord is far from the wicked, but he hears the prayer of the righteous.".

Anonymous said...

Too bad, Chemo-Shabi!

Anonymous said...

It is NO2HWA who used the word 'submisdive' NOT Rick Shabi.

Anonymous said...

For that big salary, he's got to hit the growth targets (same as in the business world)