Showing posts with label #Feast of Trumpets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Feast of Trumpets. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Feast of Trumpets Is Approaching And LCG Goes Into Fear Mode: Beware Of Those Rascally Germans!


Those rascally Germans, always stirring things up in COGland. When will they ever stop pestering the Churches of God? Living Church of God would have no reason to exist if it wasn't for Germany.

The fear factor is constantly alive and well in Armstrongism

We are now less than three weeks away from the Feast of Trumpets and as experience tells us, it will come quickly. Similarly, although we appear to be some years away, the day the Feast of Trumpets pictures will be here much more quickly than we might imagine. Germany is taking a turn to the right and cracking down on immigration. Events in Europe are setting the stage for the fulfillment of prophecies that we have known for decades must happen. Here in the United States, this is likely to be the most consequential election in memory, but who knows how it will turn out, what the fallout will be whichever candidate is elected, and most importantly, who God will choose, as He can turn elections in whichever direction He chooses. Leaders do make a difference, but anyone placing his trust in man and in our democratic approach to choosing our leaders is destined to be disappointed.—Gerald Weston