One of these two books is worth your time...
Acceptance of Evolution is a DENIAL of Science!
"Well, actually human beings started in what is called Mesopotamia.
Africans did not invent religion.
God gave instructions to the first human beings, as well as intervened with others as we can see in books of the Bible, beginning with Genesis.
We do not know the skin color of the first people who invented tools. Since the Bible indicates that the inventor of musical instruments, Jubal (Genesis 4:21
), was likely dark skinned (cf. Genesis 4:16-20
), maybe the first tool inventor was dark skinned, but maybe not. The Bible is NOT a white supremacist text"

"Well, I want to unmask the lie that evolution is scientific.
It is not.
Acceptance of evolution is a denial of science."
Dr. Robert Thiel
Foundational Falsehoods of Creationism
"Religious fundamentalists and biblical literalists present any number of arguments that attempt to disprove evolution. Those with a sympathetic ear often fail to critically examine these creationist claims, leading to an ill-informed public and, perhaps more troubling, ill-advised public policy. As Aron Ra makes clear, however, every single argument deployed by creationists in their attacks on evolution is founded on fundamental scientific, religious, and historical falsehoods–all of them.
Among their most popular claims is that evolution is a religion, that there are no transitional species, that there are no beneficial mutations, and that supposedly sacred scripture is the infallible word of God. Yet, as the evidence and data plainly show, each of these claims is demonstrably and unequivocally false. There is simply no truth to creationism whatsoever, and the entire enterprise rests on a foundation of falsehoods. This book explains and exposes the worst of these lies, and should be read by all who honestly care about following the evidence no matter where it might lead in pursuit of the truth."
and too...
One of these two videos is worth your time...
Childish Cartoons that would never make it past Sunday School
Refuting Dave Pack's (And by extension Robert Thiel) Irrefutable Proof of God
"Such bold claims! I took the bait and had to dispute refute and absolutely disprove allegedly
indisputable irrefutable absolute proof of God. Mirror this one quickly, kids.
This guy likes to control and discussion to keep it one-sided and in his favor."
Aron Ra