Monday, July 12, 2021

Two of These Things Are Not Like the Other Ones

 One of these two books is worth your time...

Acceptance of Evolution is a DENIAL of Science!

"Well, actually human beings started in what is called Mesopotamia.

Africans did not invent religion.

God gave instructions to the first human beings, as well as intervened with others as we can see in books of the Bible, beginning with Genesis.

We do not know the skin color of the first people who invented tools. Since the Bible indicates that the inventor of musical instruments, Jubal (Genesis 4:21), was likely dark skinned (cf. Genesis 4:16-20), maybe the first tool inventor was dark skinned, but maybe not. The Bible is NOT a white supremacist text"

"Well, I want to unmask the lie that evolution is scientific.
It is not.
Acceptance of evolution is a denial of science."

Dr. Robert Thiel



Foundational Falsehoods of Creationism

"Religious fundamentalists and biblical literalists present any number of arguments that attempt to disprove evolution. Those with a sympathetic ear often fail to critically examine these creationist claims, leading to an ill-informed public and, perhaps more troubling, ill-advised public policy. As Aron Ra makes clear, however, every single argument deployed by creationists in their attacks on evolution is founded on fundamental scientific, religious, and historical falsehoods–all of them. 

Among their most popular claims is that evolution is a religion, that there are no transitional species, that there are no beneficial mutations, and that supposedly sacred scripture is the infallible word of God. Yet, as the evidence and data plainly show, each of these claims is demonstrably and unequivocally false. There is simply no truth to creationism whatsoever, and the entire enterprise rests on a foundation of falsehoods. This book explains and exposes the worst of these lies, and should be read by all who honestly care about following the evidence no matter where it might lead in pursuit of the truth."

and too...

One of these two videos is worth your time...

Childish Cartoons that would never make it past Sunday School


Refuting Dave Pack's (And by extension Robert Thiel)  Irrefutable Proof of God

"Such bold claims! I took the bait and had to dispute refute and absolutely disprove allegedly 
indisputable irrefutable absolute proof of God. Mirror this one quickly, kids. 
This guy likes to control and discussion to keep it one-sided and in his favor."
Aron Ra


Anonymous said...

Jesus replied, “Oh, you stubborn, faithless people! How long shall I bear with you? ......Mat 17:17 TLB

Anonymous said...

I remember the time when Aron Ra fried Dave Pack's ass. Maybe it is time we introduce him to Boblet Thiel. That will set off the self-righteous alarms big time. That video animation by Boblet has to be the poorest excuse for "proving" something that I have ever seen.

Anonymous said...

Poor Bob. He just can't do anything right. Talk about lack of scientific awareness!

True Christian said...

I think Mr. Bob Thiel has to have some scientific knowledge to be a doctor.

Anonymous said...

Thiel is just as bad as a supposed "scientist" as he is as a supposed "theologan."

nck said...

I read somewhere. "The Denial of Evolution is a form of White Supremacy."


Anonymous said...

It appears God uses Evolution to (slowly) get to the final objective: Man.

Civilization has also had to (slowly) evolve. Look at the sad 10,000yr rise & fall of slavery!

Armstrongism is a late form of slavery: Its advertising promised enlightenment, liberty, salvation, but recruits soon find themselves Galley-slaves chained to oars below deck.

Anonymous said...

apparently your greatest fear is that God does exist....

Anonymous said...

It's great to see how Aron Ra explained how the universe came into being from nothingness, including all the laws of physics and chemistry. He blew me away when he explained why the fundamental constants are just right to support life on earth. And how creatures and vegetation of mind boggling complexity came to exist. Ra is such a genius. Someone hand him a Nobel prize. Err, make that prizes.

Anonymous ` said...

Anonymous (5:52), you wrote "It's great to see how Aron Ra explained how the universe came into being from nothingness, including all the laws of physics and chemistry."

I scanned the video and found nothing about this. You must be referring to another video. To my knowledge scientists do not know how "the universe came into being from nothingness." Could you provide a citation on that, please. The best they have at this time is the Big Bang which postulates a dense, super-hot particle or section of a mass that expanded into our universe. Nobody has a theory that goes back to nothing.

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Tonto said...

Lets be frank and honest here. There are a lot of questions surrounding the origin of the universe, and the timeline of history, and how life came to be.

Whether one be of faith, or of the atheistic schools, the middle enlightened ground should probably be "We are not sure". Regardless of what school you may be of, one must confess that the fact that we are here , think and exist , is a profound improbability and a miracle.

We are in need of a "first cause" , again regardless of our view points. For me, the explanation of a divine overseer and designer is the most logical and simples in a "Occam's Razor" sense.

Anonymous said...

I was being sarcastic since Aron is pulled out regularly by Dennis to discredit the existence of God. Not all astrophysicists believe in the Big Bang. Some believe that other theories explain the evidence better. The Big Bang DESCRIBES the formation of the universe in it's first few seconds. It offers no explanation for the existence of the 'singularity' from which the universe sprang. Neither can it explain the different laws of physics and chemistry as the universe expanded. Or the source of our present laws of physics and chemistry. The Big Bang doesn't say much. Several times in the OT God says that He stretches out the heavens like a curtain. Which doesn't sound like dark matter to me.

DennisCDiehl said...

Anonymous said...
I was being sarcastic since Aron is pulled out regularly by Dennis

I specifically refer to Aron's expertise because he specifically took on our beloved Dave Pack and has 19 30 minute nicely done videos to show how little Dave knows and how badly he presents it. I am mostly interested in his material on Evolution and how badly Creationists like Dave, claims to know all about since he took Second Year Bible at AC which covered absolutely NOTHING. I suppose ultimately I don't really care what anyone believes but it fascinates me to ask why they believe that. Aron is a really good guy and knows his stuff. He and I met here in Portland awhile back.

Michael said...

"One of these two videos is worth your time...".

I wouldn't necessarily say the CCOG video is worthless, as it provided a large number of belly-laughs in a short 15-minute period :) One of those things that are healthy in small doses though you wouldn't them as a steady diet.

Michael said...

The cartoon video seems almost to be an exaggerated caricature of Creationist content. Are we sure it's not some sort of spoof? The pronunciations of "Eurkaryo-tees" and "Prokaryo-tees", and "Organ-ellies", and the numerous stuttered reading mistakes, just seem over the top.

Bob Petry said...

Wow, I watched the posted Ra video after Dennis mentioned him.

Wow, Aron Ra is the perfect atheist to prove the Bible is true, and that there is a Supreme Creator. Dennis should be thanked profoundly for bringing him to our attention.

Aron Ra should also be thanked for his perfect performance of exemplary examples of fulfilling 100’s of verses that describe how atheists are programmed by the Creator to do His instructions.

The Creator shows through Paul’s writings that the living proof for the Bible and the Creator is IN the ungodly, I.e. a-theist.

Thanks guys, a great job.

Retired Prof said...

Bob Petry mentions "100’s of verses that describe how atheists are programmed by the Creator to do His instructions."

Interesting. Could you cite some of these verses and explain the programming process they describe?

Trypho said...

My apology; I meant to post a comment here, but I had a finger problem and posted in on the LCG, Satan article. Sorry...

Bob Petry said...

Retired prof. Requested a posting of the info about atheists and Bible verses:

I would be glad to do so. However, I would request the same tolerance as Aron Ra requested in his book. He said in his words that he could prove evolution to your satisfaction but not in one small statement. He said it would take several sessions to do so, and didn’t want to be cut off in the middle before having the necessary time..

So, to be fair, ……..

Ok, now that we have fairness, I will begin posting info later today, unless I’m requested not to before then. I’m pretty sure if one follows along long enough to get the point, they will be more than pleasantly surprised.

Bob Petry said...

( The 2 xtra posts not intended, sorry)


The a-theist is an interesting person. He or she believes there is no proof the Bible is true, or that YHWH exists. Yet, if they were to look into the mirror, right there in front of their eyes is LIVING proof that both are true, beyond any doubt TRUE!

How could that be? It’s simple. Just put on your thinking cap and it becomes obvious. Paul, under inspiration, wrote around 2,000 years ago, note TWO THOUSAND YEARS AGO, that the proof needed was IN the a-theist. That is, those who do not believe in the Bible or the Creator. Again, how could that be?

Well, even further back it was written in Psalms 14:1, that the FOOL says in his heart there is no Elohim. Here’s the funny part. When those statements, Paul’s and Psalms, were written there were no such persons in recorded history like that. People were criticized then for not believing in a particular “god” not in NO “god.” So, according to Bible prophecy, sure enough, in “modern” times the a-theist spoken of by Psalms and Paul finally showed up. Right when predicted, in the “end” days, our days. Now, here’s what’s unique about the a-theist. They cannot do other than what the Bible says they will do, and what they ARE. It is impossible. By mental programming, they are caused to do exactly what the Scriptures say of them. What’s exciting about that is this: the verses were written thousands of years before the modern day militant a-theist showed up. But, like clockwork, and as described and as predicted, they are here now.

Retired Prof said...

Thanks, Bob Petry, for honoring my request to cite some verses illustrating your point.

Except you only pretended to. You did not cite the verse(s) where you say Paul said "the proof needed was IN the a-theist." As for Psalm 14:1, you should have quoted the whole verse, because there the psalmist shows you were talking out of your ass when you said there were no fools who said in their heart there is no God. The rest says "They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good." The psalmist must have had a bunch of people in mind.

You reneged on your plan to cite verses from Paul. Instead, you presented a paraphrase of some verse or another you said he wrote. How can the rest of us check to see whether your paraphrase is accurate or not?

Also, history disagrees with your contention that atheists never existed "in recorded history." A book review in *The Guardian* from 2016 has this to say about the issue: ‘In Battling the Gods, Tim Whitmarsh, professor of Greek culture at Cambridge University, lays out a series of examples showing that atheism existed in polytheistic ancient Greece. It is, according to its author, partly “an attempt to excavate ancient atheism from underneath the rubble heaped on it by millennia of Christian opprobrium”.’

I know. You've been steeped in the prophetic mindset that places your own generation at the focus of everything, so that you assume every rant set down in ancient writing must point to us. You've absorbed that message from the subculture you've been immersed in, so in a way you can't be blamed for adopting it.

And that brings up another feature of belief/unbelief it's important to note: everybody is born an atheist. Only after we learn to talk and listen to the stories, the casual remarks, the song lyrics, the sermons we grew up with do we adopt belief in whatever god or gods the people around us believe in . So we all started out as atheists, with no ideas about gods one way or another. The reason atheists get opprobrium heaped upon them is that, in order to return to their toddlerhood innocence, they have to reject an important aspect of their culture.

Bob Petry said...

Retired Prof.

Thank you for the example of how atheistic thought is programmed in such a way that the responses are so ingrained that is the only way that kind of mind can respond.

1. My comment. Was not my full response, just a beginning comment.
2, I did not say there were no atheists then. I said the ones who claimed there is no god weren’t in existence yet. Thus, the verses are in essence prophetic. The early folks who would not accept your god were the atheists then. Encyclopedia Brit. Says the Christians were atheists because they would not accept Roman gods. The modern militant atheist didn’t show up till the 18th cent. They were prime in the French Revolution, Read first half of Talisman by Graham Hancock, which covers this quite well.
3. Your immediate response of trying to put me down before getting too far into the proof is another proof that atheistic minds cannot do otherwise. It is programmed to work that way. You will see when we get to and through the first 200 verses.
4. I reneged on nothing, I haven’t even begun yet to present the verses.
5. Patience is a virtue.

Ok, next post begins my official presentation.

Already we can see how the 100’s of verses control the human mind as inserted as controls over that mind.

Bob Petry said...

Atheism of today is covered by hundreds of specific scriptures, written before modern atheism appeared. Modern atheism is, no gods. Ancient atheism was, not YOUR god. Thus atheism today proves daily the Bible is true and the Creator exists. And, it is impossible for atheists to disprove the Bible by doing the opposite of what the Bible prophesied they were programmed to do. They cannot do otherwise, even in the way they will respond to this post. Atheists today are living proof the Creator is in control.

Also, remember this, a-theism as we know it today is a very modern invention. Until modern times it was never, it appears, used as we use the term a-theism today. For example:

A. Ency. Brit. 11ed. Vol. 2, pps. 827-828 “The cry of the heathen populace in the Roman empire against the Christians was ‘Away with the ATHEISTS! To the lions with the Christians.”– Atheism Now, that’s a little curious. Christians were the a-theists then. So, the word had a different meaning.

B. “In other words, ‘atheism’ has been used generally by the orthodox to label adherents of one religion, or even of a single sect, for all beliefs which are different or even differently expressed.” –ibid.

1. How the A-theist PROVES the Bible TRUE
Ever wonder why the A-theist hates the Bible? Well, here are several dozen reasons. Could it have anything to do with a perfect description of them today? You think?

“Because the knowledge of Elohim may be seen IN them Elohim having made it clear to them.” Romans 1:19

Someone knew in advance, thousands of years ago, there would be a certain kind of individual today. Under inspiration they wrote about these individuals, way before they ever came on the scene.

In all historical records found, those mentioning the a-theist, or what we call a-theist today, never described an a-theist as one who denied the existence of all deities. A-theists then only denied the “gods” of others. In fact, the ancient peoples of Rome called Christians “a-theists.” Yet, today, following a modern trend set by the Greek philosophers, and others, the modern a-theist began to appear. Still, not till the modern era did the militant a-theist appear who actually denied the existence of ANY deity. This, is the a-theist described in the Bible. This modern day a-theist was foretold in the Bible thousands of years ago, before they ever existed in the modern form. AND, this is the a-theist one finds today posting on various blogs, on Huff. Post. and other Internet sites. So, we salute you, the a-theist today who, with every single post, proves beyond any doubt the Bible was and is accurate. You are the modern proof of the existence of YHWH and the proof the Bible is true, and does make accurate forecasts.

With that in mind, here are Biblical descriptions of the militant hard nosed unconverted a-theist we see today:

From the Book of Psalms:
Happy the man who never goes by the advice of the UNGODLY i.e. A-theist. Psa. 1:1
Not so the UNGODLY! No, they are like chaff swept away by the wind; i.e fantasies 1:4
… many are saying of me, ‘There is no help for him in Elohim.’ 3:2
Proud men, how long will you be so misguided, loving to deal in libels, eager on vain intrigues? 4:2
For in their talk there is not truth, their hearts are deep with mischief, their throats are open graves — smooth-tongued deceivers!. 5:9
the scoundrel is alive with malice, hatching mischief and deception;. 7:14
The UNGODLY are haughty and harry the downtrodden — 10:2
The UNGODLY boasts of his rapacity; the plunderer disowns, despises YHWH. 10:3
he thinks in his insolence, ‘Elohim never punishes’; 10:4
his thoughts amount to this, ‘There is no Elohim at all’; 10:4
he laughs at any who oppose him, thinking he can never fail, never come to grief. 10:6

By comparing these descriptions with a-theist writings and other media, it becomes obvious at once that the Bible has presented them accurately. And, don’t forget, these writings were written thousands of years ago, not yesterday.

Bob Petry said...

And he thinks, ‘Elohim has forgotten.’ ‘He hides his face.’ ‘He never sees.’ 10:11

[Why a-thests can't understand or receive miracles, etc.] For just is YHWH, he loves justice; so, the upright ALONE enjoy his favour.” 11:7

they talk with flattering lips and double minds. 12:2

men who declare, ‘We give rein to our tongue: our lips are our own: who calls us to account?’ 12:4

Profane men think, ‘There is no Elohim.’ 14:1

DEPRAVED their lives are and DETESTABLE, 14:1

He whose life is blameless, who does right, he whose words are from the heart — NO scandal on his tongue, to hurt his fellow, no INSULT heaped upon his neighbour; he has contempt for rogues, and honours those who reverence YHWH. 15:2-4
[how the believer differs from the a-theist.]
the ungodly…Their hearts are closed to pity, their words are insolent: 17:9-10

… so insolent in pride and scorn against the just! 31:18

An impious spirit inspires the UNGODLY man; 36:1

there is no fear of Elohim before his eyes. 36:1

He is flattering himself that his iniquity will never be found out. 36:2

His words are mischievous and deceitful, 36:3

He loathes not evil. 36:4

The GODLESS man makes plots against the good, gnashing his teeth at them, 37:12

The GODLESS man spies on the good, 37:32
[As in constantly trying to find things against believers and/or ministers.]

Thwarted and appalled be they who TAUNT me [David] with their SCOFFS. 40:15

…TAUNTING me all day with ‘Where is your Elohim?’ 42:10

…CRAFTY and MALIGNANT men. 43:1

[Here is what the a-theist avoids like the plague:] Elohim’s sacrifice is a soul with its evil crushed: a heart broken with penitence O Elohim, never wilt thou despise. 51:17

Why glory in your MALICE… 52:1

Evil you prefer to good, falsehood to honesty; 52:3

Profane men think, ‘There is no Elohim!’ Depraved their lives are and detestable, not one of them does right. 53:1

…from all their STORMING and CONFUSION from their DOUBLE TONGUES. 54:8

…his talk was smoother than butter, but his thoughts were of enmity; his words were softer than oil, yet sharp as a sword. 55:21

… lax lawless creatures with no reverence for Elohim. 55:19

… they are in league for evil… 56:6

Evil men go astray from the start, false and erring from their birth,.. 58:3

…their venom like a viper’s; they are deaf as any cobra,… 58:4

They snarl and snarl like dogs, 59:6

… there they are, blustering, arrogant, insults on their lips — for ‘Who’ they think ‘will hear us?’ 59:7

Each word they utter is a sin; so let their own PRIDE trap them, for all their PERJURY and FALSE talk. 59:12

… from GANGS of evil doers, whetting their tongue like a sword, and aiming BITTER WORDS like arrows, to shoot in secret at the honest man, shooting suddenly and unafraid. 64:2-4

They work out their DARK design, they talk of laying intrigues; for who, they think, will see them? 64:5
They have thought their plan out well, each with a CUNNING heart, each in his DEEP CRAFT. 64:5-6

Thwarted and appalled be they who TAUNT and SCOFF. 70:3

…the GODLESS… So they VAUNT them in their PRIDE, and FLAUNT them in rough INSOLENCE; VICE oozes from their very soul, their minds are RANK and RIOTOUS, their talk is MOCKING and MALICIOUS… 73:6-8

So people turn to them, and see no wrong in them, thinking, ‘What does Elohim care? 73:10-11

Remember how the impious SCOFF at thee all day long; \["thee" here = Elohim] 74:22

… for wicked men talk loud AGAINST me, FALSELY charging me; they beset me with their words of MALICE, they ATTACK me WANTONLY; they return ENMITY for love; 109:2-5

Why should ‘pagans’ SNEER, ‘Where is that Elohim of theirs?’ 115;2

…the UNGODLY who FORSAKE thy law. 119:53

…their minds are gross and dull..119:70

Insolent creatures, reckless of thy law,… 119:85

The UNGODLY are FAR FROM help, for they have no mind to thy laws. 119:155

…apostates…will not obey thy law. 119:

Jeff said...

I like some of Aron's stuff, but a lot of it just comes off as whining. "Help! Help! The Christians are oppressing me!"

He's guilty of the same tactics as the people he criticizes. Mostly overstating the certainty of his position, as if he has some sort of divine connection to the truth.

The takedown of DCPs videos was fantastic though. Thoroughly enjoined them. He should do stuff like that more often.

Bob Petry said...


Romans speaks about those who criticize others while doing the same things, or worse, themselves. Atheists are full of that habit.

If one understands their job, then one benefits from their diatribes against the Father and against the Bible, they are the Court Jesters the Father uses. Google history of the court jester, from ancient times and one will begin to see their worth and why they are used for this job.

Besides, it’s fun to laugh at them, one of their purposes. Kings and other rulers let their jesters criticize them, but within limits. So, YHWH does the same. Also jesters we’re court fools, causing fun and laughter while at the same time showing the audience how not to act. Wonderful education system, and the Father uses atheists to do the same for the Believer.