Showing posts with label Black Lives Matter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black Lives Matter. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Melvin Rhodes: The Age of Ignorance?


The Age of Ignorance?

Mel Rhodes has posted a piece that appears to be a rebuttal to my post "Faith of Our Fathers: A Racist Legacy." His post, "The Age of Ignorance," opens with a tribute to Handel's The Messiah (with which I have no problem). He wrote: "Today, we live in what can best be described as the age of ignorance.

Whatever the issues of the day, Black Lives Matter, slavery, and abortion, to name but three, a great deal of ignorance abounds. Gone is the grounding people once had in the Christian scriptures. Now, people spout their opinions, whatever they may be, exposing their ignorance on all topics.

The secularists may still appreciate the Hallelujah Chorus, for the inspiring music, but gone is the faith of their ancestors. It has been replaced solely by ignorance."

My first date with the mother of my children was on the occasion of a performance of The Messiah at the Von Braun Civic Center in Huntsville, Alabama. Then, as now, I felt inspired and appreciated the allusion to the fulfillment of God's plan for humankind as outlined in the Judeo-Christian Bible. Hence, my admiration for this composition could never be described as being secular in nature.

And, although the first two Hanoverian kings of Britain recognized Handel's talent, neither of them could fairly be characterized as "Christian" kings - unless we are using that term in the generic sense - as in, Donald Trump is a "Christian" president. George I was an adulterer who imprisoned his wife for seeking solace in the arms of another and had several children with his mistress.

Likewise, George II had several mistresses and was estranged from his father and heir (the Prince of Wales) for many years. Both George's were crude, vindictive men who spoke little English and used the British throne to further the interests of their principality in Germany (NCK objected to my characterization of it as a minor principality in the previous version of this post). Moreover, as far as the "Divine Right of Kings" is concerned, the only reason the Hanoverians ascended the British throne was that Parliament had barred the legitimate heir to the throne from the succession because he was a Roman Catholic!

In fact, the quotation from Dr. Roy Atwood is a perfect example of the kind of sentimental/nostalgic/fairytale history that I referenced in my post. For those who are interested in correcting the errors of their forefathers, the solution is relatively simple. It only requires a little intellectual curiosity, an open mind, a desire to be a better person and faith in God's ability to transform and forgive.

See Mr. Rhodes' post here

Lonnie Hendrix

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

BLM on the steps of the House of God

Herbert Armstrong is rolling in his grave right now.  Who would have ever imagined there would be Black Lives Matter events happening on the steps of his House to God?  One has to wonder what Armstrong's reaction would be to the current situation going on in the United States.  Of course, we know he would immediately blame Satan and then nonCOG members for not following the commands of his god. Because people are such degenerate sinners, God has to punish them.  We have let the gentiles take over. That's the well-worn mantra of the church leadership over the decades.

Anyway, the current owners of the auditorium, Harvest Rock Church, are calling for daily prayer meetings on the steps of the auditorium to address racism in our culture.

For eight days beginning on June 4, one for each minute of George Floyd ’s tragic death, Harvest Rock Church invited their diverse community and that of the city of Los Angeles to hold a one hour prayer at the steps of the Ambassador Auditorium in Pasadena, California at 12 PM PST each day. “As a faith community commissioned with the call of reconciliation, let us lead in doing this with one another in order that we can pray and love our city better,” described Pastor Gwen Gibbons.
The prayer meetings called for peaceful universal unity through the body of Jesus Christ in response to the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota who has become a symbol for racial injustice and police brutality. Members of the church’s community from diverse backgrounds have gathered daily on the steps of the church. Partakers opened up as they shared emotional stories of pain and suffering caused by racism and racial injustice. “Unity has been the foundation to every revival,” says Pastor Ché Ahn , senior pastor and founder of Harvest Rock Church. “We want to renounce racism, discrimination, and any form of prejudice,” the pastor added.

See the story here:


Saturday, June 13, 2020

Church of God International on Racial Tensions

CGI on Racial Tensions
Always timely, the Church of God International has moved on from the Coronavirus to a discussion of racial tensions in the United States. This time the topic is handled via a “web chat” featuring pastors Bill Watson and Adrian Davis. Unfortunately, like the previous offerings on the pandemic, this one rapidly assumes the characteristics of an apologetic for right-wing conspiracy theories.
In fact, before the dialogue even started, I was struck by the absence of CGI’s most prominent African American minister, Bronson James. One has to wonder why a black Canadian pastor was chosen for this topic instead of the most prominent black voice within their U.S. churches. Could it have anything to do with the fact that Pastor Davis agrees with Pastor Watson’s conspiracy theories about a Marxist-Globalist agenda?
As the conversation proceeds, we see that this is exactly what is at work in this presentation. Pastor Davis begins by proclaiming that President Barack Obama was/is a neo-Marxist. Davis moves on to suggest that there is a dark conspiracy at work to bring down America. There is no recognition that anyone might be motivated by a desire to make America better – to extend the promise of America to all of her citizens. Pastor Davis insists that protesters are being played by powerful interests who do not really care about them or their demands for justice.
Pastor Watson quickly agrees and introduces his favorite whipping boy, George Soros, into the mix. He then proceeds to declare that these are facts, not conspiracy theories! He suggests that Soros is funding all of this unrest and implies that he is doing so to bring down America. Pastor Watson even implies that Soros is paying and training people to protest and sew discord.
The pastors then unite to tag-team the Black Lives Matter movement. Pastor Watson plays the good cop by lifting some noble quotations from their mission statement, but Pastor Davis immediately sets him straight. Davis informs us that it is a false narrative that blacks are being oppressed. He goes on to point out that the movement is queer affirming and opposed to heteronormative thinking. He tells us that no self-respecting Christian should even consider supporting such a movement.
Pastor Watson then inaugurates a brief discussion about the destruction of Confederate memorials. He suggests that folks are trying to rewrite history and undermine our forefathers. There is no acknowledgment that the objects of these memorials were traitors to the United States and were fighting (at least in part) to defend the institution of slavery. The pastors then conclude this segment with the suggestion that the ultimate objective of these iconoclasts is the subversion of the U.S. Constitution!
So, according to the Church of God International, there is no real problem here. This is just a bunch of neo-Marxists and homosexuals intent on the destruction of America. All of these racial tensions are indicative of “spiritual drunkenness” that people with nefarious motives are using for their own dark ends. The implication is that systemic racism and racial injustice are just illusions – a false narrative that has been promulgated to bring down America.
In providing a platform for this kind of discussion, it is clear to me that the Church of God International has decided that their best hope for appealing to a larger audience will be found among folks who support Donald Trump. They have clearly identified themselves with one side in the “Culture War.” In keeping with the times, they have staked out a clear political identity for themselves – one that eschews the center and the left. The obvious question that this brings to mind: Is that what a Christian Church should be doing?
Miller Jones