Showing posts with label Church of God's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Church of God's. Show all posts

Thursday, August 13, 2020

The Fly in the Ointment: When disfellowshipped members don't stay silent

When a person leaves or is pushed out of one of the Armstrong Churches of God, those who remain expect them to tuck their tails between their legs and never have the audacity to speak or show their faces again. Unfortunately for them, many of us have not gone quietly into the night.

After all, leaving or disfellowshipping is supposed to remove the offending person from the church and cut them off from sowing any more mischief or discord within that body. The leadership of the church expects to be able to both characterize the person who has left and project the agenda and message of the church without hindrance going forward.

Imagine their consternation when someone whom they believe they have eliminated decides to challenge them. It must be infuriating for them to be confronted by someone whom they have labeled as being wrong. “NO, I’m not wrong – YOU are wrong!” That’s simply not supposed to happen. They are supposed to be able to control the narrative.

The thing that infuriates these folks more than any other is that one or more of these rejects would have the audacity to stand up against God’s anointed ones! It infuriates them, and they see Satan as being behind any and all such efforts. It is simply incomprehensible to them that one of their minions would regain their independence and stand on their own two feet again – to begin thinking for themselves once again.

Worse yet, they no longer have the means to control the access which these disgruntled folks have to the folks who have stayed behind – the internet has made that virtually impossible. It has to be frustrating to realize that there is absolutely no way to regulate what folks do in the privacy of their own homes. And with blogs, tweets, Facebook and e-mail everyone has a means now – a forum to reach the public. Yeah, the genie is out of the bottle, and there’s no stuffing him back down inside there!

Of course, from the perspective of those who have escaped these cults, the freedom to help others and make them aware of the hurts and harms that these cults have inflicted on so many is very appealing. We no longer have to suffer in silence and slink away into oblivion. We have a voice, and the cult’s leadership no longer has the ability to stifle, dismiss or suppress it!

Lonnie Hendrix

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Church of God Wikipedia Propaganda Machine

Silenced has a call to action in regards to the mountains of erroneous material that fills up many Wikipedia entries that pertain to the hundreds of Churches of God and Armstrongism.  Many have fairly accurate information in them, while others look like they have been written by the PR officers of the various splinter cults.  The biggest offenders are (which should not be a huge shock):

Radio Church of God/Worldwide Church of God

United Church of God

Philadelphia Church of God

Living Church of God

Terry Ratzmann

Roderick C. Meredith
Silenced writes:: Wow. Just…wow. Did he write this himself?

This includes one that is missing and SHOULD be written: Ron Weinland

Armstrongism has always done a white wash on its self over the decades.  In its eyes it has done no wrong, committed no evil, and has been the most glorious resurrection of the True Church in 1,900 years. The truth is, in many cases, that the Church of God has blatantly lied about it's history.  It has attempted to cover up murders, suicides, huge legal challenges, rapes, wife swapping, child molestations, stalkings,  embezzlement and more.  If you can name an evil present in the world it most likely can be found existing in Armstrongism.  One person some years ago even accused he Church of genocide with is vile medical prohibitions.  How many thousands have died over the decades because of church leaders deliberately banning medical intervention? 

It's time these liars be held accountable on Wikipedia!

So if any of you want to join the Wiki Truth Squad contact Silenced for more information