Monday, December 12, 2016

Dave Pack: Joe Tkach Sr. "HAD NOTHING GOING FOR HIM"

Dave Pack is no fan of Joseph Tkach Sr.  He sound just like Bitter Bob Thiel.

Mr. Armstrong died, and a rather crude, ignorant, poorly spoken man, whose sermons were prepared for him by others—all of them—poorly educated, terrible grammar…arose, and in no time, people sprinted from the truth, in ways they would have fought you to the death, practically, if you had told them six months before Mr. Armstrong died, that in five years or 10 years, you’ll have Christmas trees up. Scores of thousands of them—but they did.
I’ve looked at Mr. Armstrong’s successor…I knew him and talked to him many a time—ignorant, couldn’t write, couldn’t talk without reading. Most people don’t know that man never wrote one co-worker/donor letter in his life—he never wrote anything. I know the man who wrote it. I know the man who wrote everything. He never wrote an article. He never wrote a booklet. He never wrote a letter. He never wrote the notes to his own sermon. He’s the closest thing to having nothing going for him you ever knew.
My best friend was in his close circle. I heard all kinds of stuff, and yet he turned people…like taking candy from a baby. It’s easy to turn people. This guy wasn’t some master debater, some sorcerer, some spiritual David Copperfield who came along. HE HAD NOTHING GOING FOR HIM. No one could figure out why he was the Pastor General, and the answer is God wanted Herbert Armstrong to pick him, as a type of a somebody as bad as that, as weak, and foolish, and biblically ignorant as he was could turn tens of thousands of God’s people on a dime, and have them sprint over a cliff like lemmings on the way to the sea. Will you be instructed by that? The answer is they never changed their hearts. Now that will be a warning to all for the future……

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Dave Pack: The Plain Truth About Annie Green Springs Wine

Besides being a theological powerhouse, Dave Pack is also a fine wine connoisseur.  No Rothschild wine for this guy!  Only the best will do....

“Howl, you inhabitants of Maktesh, [a city] for all the merchant people are cut down; all they that bear silver are cut off. [That is, basically, the business owners and the bankers.] And it shall come to pass at that time, that I will search Jerusalem with candles…[to find any person who escaped]…and punish the men that settled on their lees…” (vs. 7-12).
Now here is what “lees” are…Lees is the sediment that appears at the bottom of a vat of mature wine. When you read the word “lees” in the Bible, it is associated with wines. It’s all the sediment. You, probably, have poured some quality wines out, and once in a while, there is a little bit of sediment at the bottom. That’s the lees, the lees of the wine that didn’t quite get filtered out. Annie Green Springs and some of these other cheap wines usually don’t have much lees in there, because they never settled. They, basically, were made at 2 o’clock and served at 3. Anyway…