Sunday, December 11, 2016

Dave Pack: Zombies: "’re forgetting the absolute avalanche, tsunami and earthquake, of additional details and knowledge we just got."

10 signs Dave Pack is a zombie

Now let’s have a little fun. Okay. We have to put a few things together. I haven’t gone too long yet. I don’t have a lot more to cover, but I have some, and I want to get a few things in.
……I can tell you, anybody who is upset because they wouldn’t know more details, you’re forgetting the absolute avalanche, tsunami and earthquake, of additional details and knowledge we just got.
Many great questions, I said a few weeks ago, will go away; a few small ones will remain. How God does everything on that day…It’s a challenge! It’s a challenge. Scores of thousands of spirits—of “just men made perfect”—have to come…Bearing all the personality and character development, and all that Mr. Armstrong taught about the spirit of man…have to come with Christ to be mergedback into bodies that, if they stood up ready for the resurrection without those spirits, would leave them basically just zombies. They would be people without “the spirit in man,” and we have a word for that—animals. They would be animals that look like people. But when Christ prepares His bride, He brings those spirits. So, that’s all part of the picture, and maybe it will elicit some questions for some later that we can cover in two weeks during the question and answer final part.

Dave Pack: I teach IMMUTABLE teachings like Peter and if people leave over that then they don't want to serve my god.

Immutable Awesomeness 

Dave says:

He told the people then that they were waiting for it. How could Peter say that if he believed it was after the Millennium? He told them they were waiting for it in their lifetime. Don’t fault Peter. I’ve told you that God’s apostles get things wrong. They can—but it’s usually timing. Mr. Armstrong didn’t say there is no New Heavens and New Earth; there is no New Jerusalem. He got the timing wrong. But I would say, we would all agree that he was a lot closer than Peter, who said it was going to come in the lifetime of that generation, because they thought they lived in the last days…
“Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless [despite the fact there’s all this tremendous heat, and destruction], we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwells righteousness” (vs. 12-13).
You cannot get around that. I’ve read that since I was 18 years old in college. How is that? But the Church taught otherwise. Brethren, I never left and said, “This can’t be God’s Church! They don’t even know when the New Heavens and the New Earth are.” I didn’t know either. I just looked at that and thought, is there some other day of the Lord, when these will pass away? Now I know. Now I understand. It wasn’t our time. We weren’t supposed to know it.
But you cannot get around these verses. They’re immutable. They’re impossible to get around. That’s why Christ keeps weaving into all of this, My Word stands forever. Don’t despise My Word. It’s purified seven times. Every word of God is pure, and so on and so forth…
“Wherefore, beloved…[a little motivation part here] seeing that you look for…[it means “wait for,” look it up] such things, be diligent that you may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless…[How ready are you at this point on the Sabbath, brethren, to hear that? Boy, oh boy. Be found without spot, blameless.]…And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation…[He wants us to make it. If the scoffers say, “I don’t know where He is. God is slack.” Forget that! God is giving people a chance to make it. He wants everybody to make it!]…even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him has written unto you;
“As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood…[God wrote certain things in Paul’s epistles, so that people would go there and foul it up, if they are unlearned and unstable]…which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest [which means “twist”] as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction” (vs. 14-16).
If people leave over this, they don’t want to serve God…They’re rebellious. They’re going to be out if they don’t repent. Let them go. I don’t know that any will leave. This is a big understanding. I repeat, it’s impossible to miss. It’s immutable. God has written it, as it were, in blood, stone, and steel. You can’t get around it with His Spirit revealing it to us. If they leave—saying “Mr. Armstrong didn’t teach this!”—then they’ve rejected his greatest teaching, which is, “Don’t believe me. Believe your Bible.” Hundreds of times I heard him say it.