Monday, March 17, 2014

The Messianic-Kabbalist Pastor General Lope Columna Says Voyager 1 Spacecraft is Signalling a New Beginning of Revelations From God

Recently Voyager 1 moved into interstellar space on its endless journey to worlds beyond.  While it has many fascinating scientific discoveries yet to reveal, it has revealed a religions least in the mind of a former Armstrongite.


As the entry of Voyager 1 spacecraft to the Interstellar Space of the Universe signals a New Beginning of Space Exploration, so the entry (revelation) of the TRUE RELIGION with its TRUE GOSPEL to Earth signals the NEW BEGINNING OF GOD'S WONDERFUL WORK. The TRUE RELIGION, which is the religion of Jesus Christ, is never known by Man since his ejection from the Garden of Eden, until now!

In other words, the New Era of God's Heavenly Work on Earth, has just begun; in preparation for the glorious return of the King Messiah (Jesus Christ) to rule the whole Earth and the Universe!

So, God's Work in Heaven and on Earth, is now to function at Full Power! This is the "OUTPOURING" of God's Messianic Kabbalah revelations about His deep and high Secrets and Mysteries of His Kingdom, and all Creation as prophesied by the Prophet Joel (Joel 2:28-30)! 

This NEW BEGINNING OF GOD'S NEW WONDERFUL WORK is of much grandeur and significance than the physical (scientific) achievement of NASA and all of Mankind! But these two realms (Heaven and Earth) are now converging into one, and into one environment -- the Interstellar Space of God's Heavens!

Similar to the exit of Voyager 1 from the Solar System, this Greatest Revelation from Heaven started several years ago, but was finally made clear and completed only this September 2013, when the Great Mystery of God's Messianic Kabbalah Wisdom and the Great Mystery of Marriage were fused into one.

 And Church of God folk still claim that the Church of God is the most sane church on earth.

Global Church of God: Stoning Has Not Been Done Away With

Legalism does dangerous things to the theological bankrupt men of Armstrongism.  Norbert Link of the Global Church of God/Church of the Eternal God says:

Christians today are not to carry out the physical penalties of the Old Testament (such as stoning) against others.

On the other hand, no New Testament passage indicates that those Old Testament laws, as set forth in Leviticus 19:19 or Deuteronomy 22:11, are no longer binding.

If Norbert thinks stoning has not been done away with then almost every single COG leader and evangelist (and their children) would be dead right now because of their peccadillo's.