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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query line upon line. Sort by date Show all posts

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Adult Sabbath School: "And women shall rule over them"

Dr. Making It Mean What It Never Meant Bob is once again misunderstanding and misapplying the classic WCG concept of how to study the Bible.  You know,  "Line up line, line upon line, here a little, there a little..."

In his "Kamala Harris selected for VP" comments Thiel says, as we would expect from Old School WCG....

"The 2020 presidential election is featuring people who are against many aspects of biblical morality.

The Bible itself warns that if the children of Israel sinned and did not repent, the following would happen:

"As for My people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them..."  Isaiah 3:12"

Bob goes on, as to be expected, that the Bible warns us the time would come when female rulers as well as those not racially Israelite would come on the scene.  No really. He says this.  "While Barack Obama may have been about 1/2 Israelite descent, Kamala Harris is less so."  No really, he said that.

Bob then goes on to tell us that "since the time of Margaret Thatcher" he has felt likely that the USA would end up with a woman President.  Horrified, he goes on to note that women already rule as Prime Ministers in Australia and New Zealand and UK and Canada have had their Queens. I'll spare us the part about his fears about "Aliens rising up."

The fact that modern female Prime Ministers seem to do a much better job than their male counterparts escapes him. 

You can read his foolish Bronze Age misapplication of Isaiah 3:12 here:

You can read the actual meaning and context of  "here a little, there a little, line upon line, precept upon precept" here:

But to the meaning of Isaiah 3:12. 

And while I would not endorse the Israelite Bronze Age view of women as weak and troublesome so as to use their womanhood an analogy about how the men, rulers and priests were acting, it is generally understood that the concept or supposed "prophecy" is of a time to come when just before Jesus returns, women would rise to political positions over the lost, yet found Israelite nations thousands of years into the future.  That is lame and dishonest to the text and intent. 

As for my people, children are their oppressors - This refers, doubtless, to their civil rulers. They who "ought" to have been their "protectors," oppressed them by grievous taxes and burdens. But whether this means that the rulers of the people were "literally" minors, or that they were so in "disposition and character," has been a question. The original word is in the singular number (מעולל me‛ôlēl), and means a "child," or an infant. It may, however, be taken collectively as a noun of multitude, or as denoting more than one. To whom reference is made here cannot easily be determined, but possibly to "Ahaz," who began to reign when he was twenty years old; 2 Kings 16:2. Or it may mean that the "character" of the princes and rulers was that of inexperienced children, unqualified for government.

Are their oppressors - literally, 'are their exactors,' or their "taxers" - the collectors of the revenue.

And women rule over them - This is not to be taken literally, but it means either that the rulers were under the influence of the "harem," or the females of the court; or that they were effeminate and destitute of vigor and manliness in counsel. The Septuagint and the Chaldee render this verse substantially alike: 'Thy exactors strip my people as they who gather the grapes strip the vineyard.'

They which lead thee - Hebrew "They who bless thee, or call thee blessed." (See the margin.) This refers, doubtless, to the public teachers, and the false prophets, who "blessed" or flattered the people, and who promised them safety in their sins.

Cause thee to err - Lead you astray; or lead you into sin and danger."

And destroy - Hebrew "Swallow up."

As for my people, {k} children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they who lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.

(k) Because the wicked people were more addicted to their princes than to the commandments of God, he shows that he would give them such princes, by whom they would have no help, but that they would be manifest tokens of his wrath, because they would be fools and effeminate.

Verse 12. - As for my people. Return is now made to the sins of the dwellers in Jerusalem, and the first thing noted is that the people suffer from the childishness and effeminacy of their rulers. The rulers are called "oppressors" by the way here, the sin of oppression being dwelt on later (vers. 14, 15). Here the emphatic words are "children," "women." Children (see ver. 4). The rulers are "children," or rather "babes" - foolish, capricious, cowardly. It is not clear that any prince in particular is meant; rather, by the plural form, the upper class generally seems to be intended, as in Isaiah 1:10, 17, 23, etc. Women; comp. Herod., 8:88, where Xerxes says that "his men have shown themselves women, and his women men;" and see also Virg., 'AEneid '-

"O vere Phrygia, neque enim Phryges." The rulers were womanly, i.e. weak, wavering, timid, impulsive, passionate, and are therefore called actual "women." There is no allusion to female sovereigns. They which lead thee cause thee to err; or, they which direct thee lead thee astray. Professing to point out the right path, they led men away from it. Destroy the way; literally, swallow it up, or obliterate it.

Sorry Bob

Your racist and sexist defects are clearly on display in, yet again, making the Bible mean what it never meant or could. 

Monday, June 3, 2024

Crackpot Prophet Claims Most Will Not Respond To His Gospel Because The Bible Said So


God's most highly favored and most important Church of God leader to ever walk this earth (pound sand, Herb!) is back again making excuses for his AI-translated booklets and articles. He doesn't care if they are riddled with mistakes and admits it. His logic is that even with all the mistakes, just because someone looked at his writings he has spread the so-called gospel even if they do nothing more with it than line the bottom of the birdcage. A life has been touched and he has done his job. The gospel has been spread and it is up to the person to accept it or not. Of course, God foretold this in sacred scripture, for these perilous end times, knowing that 99.99% of the world would reject the Great Bwana's message.

What useless crap!

As has been the case recently, we also received another 20 translations of our English booklet titled The Gospel of the Kingdom of God
Some of you may recall that I have never claimed that the translations were perfect. Instead, I have said that the following prophecy applies:

9 “Whom will he teach knowledge? And whom will he make to understand the message? Those just weaned from milk? Those just drawn from the breasts? 10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, Line upon line, line upon line, Here a little, there a little.”
11 For with stammering lips and another tongue He will speak to this people, 12 To whom He said, “This is the rest with which You may cause the weary to rest,” And, “This is the refreshing”; Yet they would not hear. (Isaiah 28:9-12) 
Notice that even having some language difficulties seems to have been prophesied. And, I have been saying that about our translations for many years.
We are to reach people in multiple languages as a witness before the end comes (Matthew 24:14), despite the fact that most will not respond in this age. And we know that there may be difficulties caused by translations.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Atmospheric Nonesense

"Wet weather and hurricanes are SOMETIMES used by God for judgment and correction. Hurricanes are consistent with prophecy"

"While many in the media believe that climate change is the cause, and to a degree it is, they fail to understand that behaviors that many in the West are promoting are factors.

God uses weather for various reasons, including to show people that this world will change.
Also to remind people that they need to change.

Hurricane Dorian is consistent with the following that Jesus foretold:
8 And there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be famines and troubles. These are the beginnings of sorrows. (Mark 13:8)

Major hurricanes are troubling. We are in the beginning of sorrows.
Weather events should serve as a wake-up call to all for repentance."

Wet weather?
  How Wet?
   Which times Bob?  

NO, a thousand times NO!  Bronze Age ignorance of weather and the gods behind them is not the explanation for weather, not then and certainly not today.  

No God uses seasonal weather to try to get our attention. Of if  it did or humans made up stories that suggested it did, , it never worked and is just more evidence that the gods are weak indeed and lousy communicators.

Of anything, hurricanes and deadly weather drives humans away from a God that would not hear their prayers for deliverance. Unanswered cries for help destroy faith, not build it. 

Gods were the ancient answer to the question "Wow..that was  a lot of wind and rain. ! What was that loud boom?  Did you see that flash?  Is that God?"  
"Why yes it is."

It was the same as when our parents told us thunder was God bowling....

An earthly story with a ridiculous heavenly meaning!

The people who wrote about the weather and the reasons for it in the Old Testament were concerned about Baal, the storm god of the day and Israel's tendency to want to go back and worship Baal.  YHVH was in fierce competition with Baal and eventually won over the hearts and minds of the Israelites through the various tales in Judges and Samuel, and took over the attributes of Baal.  However, neither 'god' is, in reality, the god over weather trying to convince humans to believe. 

" Baal was a western Semitic god of storms and the skies whose worship in Egypt was established by the 18th Dynasty. By 1400 B.C., he was an important god to the Canaanites and was mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as a competitor with God for the affections of the Israelites."

Bob, if you believe weather is a function of the gods, then you must admit you believe Baal has a part in it just as much as YHVH. While YHVH gets Baals attributes, the real Baal, who was just as real to Israel as YHVH nees to get some press too. 
However, both are ficticious with regard to weather. I know you can't admit that because it is such a part of your story and message to all humankind, but it is true nonetheless. 
You're a Bronze Age Weatherman.

Remember Bob the last time I told you that you were mistaken in your prophetic ramblings. You noted:

"Dennis Diehl, and many others, have ignored and/or despised the following instructions as to how to understand doctrine:
9 Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.
10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little: (Isaiah 28:9-10, KJV)"

And do you recall how I proved to you that Isaiah 28:9-10 is NOT a scripture on how to study the Bible with this commentary on the actual context and meaning?  Of course not!

Do you remember your response?
Me either.

You, and every other Church of God minister are badly mistaken to quote Isaiah 28 as a way one is expected to study the Bible and find truth.  Herbert Armstrong never got it right either.

You, like all other COG ministers, self appointed or otherwise never admit to being mistaken, often as you are. 

And so it is with weather and prophecy.

I forced myself to watch your video on Hurricanes and Prophecy
It is simply ignorance on display.   Nature has not gone crazy. Nature is nature responding to the conditions that arise to  everything from human stupidity to climate change. Weather has taken out humans since humans evolved and have existed. We live on an active planet in a violent solar system as part of ever bubbling and broiling Universe.

And the "Prophet" Amos relating mold and mildew to God's judgment is simply the ignorance of Amos on display  as well and a reflection of too many lonely nights herding sheep

You are wrong. Totally and completely wrong in using Old Testament scriptures to explain, for your own outdated and ignorant religious motives what is the natural outcome of conditions in the atmosphere and seasons of the year on this planet. Weather may indeed get "worse" over time but the reasons are not because your god is angry at being ignored and is desperately "TRYING" to get human attention.  SHOW UP GOD! That will get their attention. But cut out all the Middlemen who are confused, self absorbed, mistaken, ignorant and misinformed.  

Bob, you truly are the classic definition of being piously convicted and yet marginally informed.
And in short, it does not matter what the Bible says about weather. The Bible itself and it's actual Priestly authors were wrong about the origins and meaning of weather. 

So keep your powder dry. It's a wet world of weather out there!

Warm Regards
"Apostate Former WCG Minister"
Dennis Diehl

PS  I tried not to take this personally while flying to South Carolina to see the kids.  I thought maybe it was not just a cloud and a stern and rude, yet effective,  rebuke from the Cloud God.  But in  a few minutes, it was just a cloud.  :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

New COG Prophetess Arises: Meet Prophet Val

It's not often that the Churches of God are graced with female prophets.  What's that I said?  A female COG prophet?  Never!  God does not allow it.  Sure we have had a few women here and there that have popped up over the years claiming that they had a message from God.  However, none have ever been as bold as our new self appointed prophet.

Armstrongism's prophets have always been men.  HWA, GTA, Meredith, Flurry, Pack, Cox, Weinland, Waterhouse, etc.  These are men who self-appointed themselves to be the mouthpiece for God. God reveals himself through these men and the world had better sit up and listen.  Otherwise, you will be SPANKED!

Women are to be submissive to men and not rule over them.  They are not to speak in churches or instruct men.  They are to keep their heads covered while in church.  Or, so says Armstrongism ministers.  

Rejoice ye minions!  Your new oracle has arrived with a message from God proving to all doubters that she is an end time prophet:

It is written: One woman delivers the true word John1:1, Rev 12:5, Rev 12:13 that restores Acts 3:21 all things to the world before Christ’s return. She exposes the lies of Satan who has deceived the whole world Rev 12:9. She creates a new thing in the earth fulfilling God’s promise to Eve Gen 3:15, Jer 31:22, Isa 14:16. She is like Moses Acts 3:22, Num 12:3 and she is like Elijah Matt 17:11  her witness alone from the wilderness Rev 12:6  turns the hearts of the fathers to the children Mal 4:5-6 to prepare a people for the coming millennium before the great and dreadful day of the Lord Matt 17:3, Luke 9:30. Moses and Elijah are together with the word Matt 17:3. These three are in this woman. Woe on those who claim to be Christians but refuse to hear Acts 3:23 the true word of God commanded to be written and delivered to the world free of charge, as a witness and a warning Rev 12:12-13, at the heel of time.  This true word delivered turns the hearts of the fathers to the children of God by giving the truth that not one child of God will be put in a hell fire no matter what their sins. It never entered the heart or mind of God to do such a thing Jer 7:31, Jer 19:5. God created evil Isa 45:7 to teach his children the knowledge of good and evil Rom 8:7, Gen 3:22 so that at their resurrection they are ready to become a god Matt 22:29-30, Ps 82:6. Prove all things. Be a workman that needeth not to be ashamed. You cannot rightly judge this unless you read all that has been written. I am she. A true witness delivereth1 Pet 2:5, 1 Pet 2:9. souls… all souls are now delivered Pro 14:25,

Say hello to the Church of  God's new prophet:  Hello Val!

Val also has this to say about the Bible  (KJV only, of course).

The Bible that must be studied the hard way of here a little and there a little for solving the hidden pieces of line upon line to rightly separate the word of love is the King James Version, the other versions have been altered for the convenience of man. God began this end time country with the King James Bible plus he provided study aids to go with this Bible. Other versions are helpful to more easily understand by today's language but the hidden things cannot clearly be seen in the other versions until you have solved the puzzles first in the King James Version. Satan is the author of confusion(1 Cor 14:33). He inspired several different Bible versions all with the deceptive notion of making us think that the word of God would be easier for us to understand. But actually the other versions hide the way for us to see truth by blocking our ability to study precept on precept, line upon line, here a little and there a little as God instructed us in Isa 28:9-10.
A warning to all of you scoffers.  If you reject Val you reject God!

Some preachers have taught that the woman of Revelation 12 is a church. I believed this too at the time. This is because no one could ever imagine God giving a woman the boldness in the Holy Spirit to stand against Satan’s lies alone to deliver the true word of God to the world from the wilderness of cyberspace, (Rev 12:5-6) it is indeed a tall order for one to do. But nothing is impossible for God to do. He will accomplish all his will, I am living proof.
The true word of God now delivered is proven by the true word that is rightly divided on this website (Luke 1:17). If you reject his almighty word of power now delivered, you reject him.

Val also seems to have been listening to Spanky Meredith a little too much:

I did not want to do this and I told God so in 2006. I wanted my Christian life to be easy. It had taken me a long time to finally have a church family. God spanked me hard for this attitude.

I was so very heart broken and deeply pained (Rev 12:2) when my church family shunned me as crazy because of the true word that was growing inside me. I could not understand how others professing the Holy Spirit could treat me so unkind, especially when what I was telling them was of God (love). I asked God why? He told me, it is because they are lukewarm. He said, “they have a form of godliness but they deny my power” (2 Tim 3:5). All prophecies will be fulfilled. I too now say “not my will but thine be done”. I write all that he inspires; I do not want any more spankings. (emphasis mine)

 Val claims she is now turning the hearts of the fathers to the children and the children's hearts to their fathers.   HWA was not capable of doing that. Meredith still has not.  Weinland has not.  Flurry is an abysmal failure at it since he has deliberately broken hundreds of families apart and destroyed parent/child relationships.  Satan is also preparing to swiftly attack her:

Some preachers have taught that the two wings of a great eagle is an airplane that they think will fly this church worth of people into the wilderness. This is not true; when Satan tries to destroy me (Rev 12:17) there will be no time for anyone to board a plane let alone a whole congregation to then take off into the air. The fact is his attack will be so swift that the earth has to open up to help me (Rev 12:16). As Elijah was taken into the air (2 Kings 2:1) so will happen for me (Rev 12:13-14). This website does turn the hearts of the fathers to the children by the word and will of God to prepare a people with his everlasting love for the coming millennial rule of Christ.

She also seems to have the disease of Meredithism - spanking.  She talks about spanking a lot!

How does our invisible Father get our mortal attention? It is through trials and spankings of which we all are partakers

Like all good prophets, Val has written a book. Not a real book, but a pdf book.  The Good Tale

You can checkout Val's mighty words of malarkey here:  Prophet Val

Thursday, November 23, 2023

How Dare ANYONE Criticize The Publication Of Bob Thiel's Book Into Over "1,000" Languages! HOW DARE YOU!

You know you are doing something right when even Greta agrees with you!

The Great Bwana to Africa and 100 Caucasians, the Chief Overlooker of the improperly named "continuing" Church of God, the greatest Church of God leader in the history of Christianity, the only doubly-blessed, self-appointed, non-ordained Church of God leader in modern history, the world-famous self-trained theologian, the worlds foremost authority on the Mayans, a proud supporter of Pakistani translation scams, an avid user of Artificial Intelligence, and the final witness to the Catholic Church has a new article up that bemoaning the fact that he gets criticized for publishing his poorly researched and outright heretical booklet on the so-called Kingdom of God that he believes the entire world needs to read.

Still stinging from the recent exposé on how he is using a fraudulent translation company run by a Pakistani man instead of a so-called Linda Jane who can't write proper sentences in English, the Great Bwana wants us to believe that all of his reported translations are accurate or nearly accurate.

He writes how disappointed he is that people DARE to criticize him:

We now have had that booklet translated into over 1,000 languages!

Based on what we have been told we expect to continue to receive about two dozen more languages/dialects per week for the next few months, and likely more thereafter.

Consider that along with the following:

2 Paul and Barnabas … 3 … passed through Phoenicia and Samaria, describing the conversion of the Gentiles; and they caused great joy to all the brethren. (Acts 15:2-3)

Yes, the fact that we are able to reach more Gentiles (and Israelites), because we have information on the gospel of the kingdom of God in more languages should cause great joy to all the Philadelphian brethren. 
However, there are critics who are not pleased with this. 

I hate to break it to the Great Bwana, but he is NO Paul or Barnabas, nor does he have a message that brings "great joy" to his followers. 

For those who thought the Great Bwana was wasting funds, he says you're denying Christ's commission to reach the world or you are just a bitter, sour, unhappy, joyless, jealous person who resents others being reached by his so-called ministry". Wut?????

The reality is that we are not wasting funds with this. Only those who do not want to accept the Jesus’ commissions to reach the world (Matthew 24:14, 28:19-20) or are not joyful that others can be reached (cf. Acts 15:3; Romans 11:25) would want to come to that conclusion.

Stung by the fact he is using a scam translation company with a fake woman named Linda James, he ASSURES us that they have told him they do NOT use artificial intelligence to translate his poorly researched theologically bankrupt booklet. Linda James says so!

Even if the translators do use Artificial Intelligence (which the translation manager has denied), we have not been financially scammed. We have used the same translation entity off and on for many years, and we do not pay for the translations until after they are received and in a format that makes our uploading of them easiest. They have always charged what we agreed to and we have always paid them for what they delivered.

The Great Bwana has been forced to admit that not all of the translations are accurate, but they are pretty close and he is ok with that.

Now, what about the quality of the translations? 
Because most of the translations we are receiving have not been translated by people who have a Church of God background, there are misunderstandings on certain points. 
Yet, they are still readable. Years back, I asked a Ukrainian man who received some of our literature in the Russian language if the translation (from the same source we are still using) was good, and he said that it was.

A couple of years later, while there were differences between how a Chinese CCOG member and a translator thought a few words should have been translated, the translation itself was still fine. 
I also had someone in India verify that one of the languages from there that we had was understandable. 
A year or so ago, a man I knew who was once part of the Worldwide, Global, and Living COGs (and is now not with any of them nor with the CCOG, but with a smaller COG group) went over our Armenian translation. He basically edited a few words because the literal translation from English into Armenian did not have quite the meaning as English-speakers understood. So, some edits were made. But, even without the edits, the basic concepts of the coming Kingdom of God were conveyed. 
So, yes, I have made several attempts to validate the translations (though there have been issues in a couple, like Serbian, that we had completely redone by someone we knew). 
That said, even among native speakers in CCOG, there are differences of opinions about how certain works in the Spanish language, for example, should be translated. 
So, “perfect” translations are very subjective and may not even be possible in many (or even all) cases.

Apparently, his god magically changes the words to his perceived truth as people read his books, if not then it is obvious the Great Bwana really doesn't care. In the Great Bwana's eyes, the people who read his books are exactly those in scripture:

9 “Whom will he teach knowledge? And whom will he make to understand the message? Those just weaned from milk? Those just drawn from the breasts? 10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, Line upon line, line upon line, Here a little, there a little.” 
11 For with stammering lips and another tongue He will speak to this people, 12 To whom He said, “This is the rest with which You may cause the weary to rest,” And, “This is the refreshing”; Yet they would not hear. (Isaiah 28:9-12) 
Notice that even having some language difficulties seems to have been prophesied. And, I have been saying that about our translations for many years.

The HUGE glaring difference between what the scripture talks about and what Bob THINKS it is about are worlds apart.  That rest to come is what Christians understand is the rest in Christ, the rest in the New Covenant, something you never hear Bob speak about, so it is quite obvious why people can't hear.

The Great Bwana Bob Mzungu then brings in Isaiah through a quote in the New Testament to bolster his cause (which neither do):

We are to reach people in multiple languages as a witness before the end comes (Matthew 24:14), despite the fact that most will not respond in this age. And we know that there may be difficulties caused by translations. 
Now, please notice the version of Isaiah’s language statements in the New Testament:

21 In the law it is written: 
“With men of other tongues and other lips I will speak to this people; And yet, for all that, they will not hear Me,” says the Lord. (1 Corinthians 14:21) 
So the New Testament is clearly also prophesying that other languages would be used–and we in the Continuing Church of God have been doing so in more languages than any other COG has ever done.

Literally, Bob is not doing this kind of speaking nor does he have any men capable of doing it. 

Those that mock the Great Bwana's mission are nothing more than Satanic-inspired troublemakers:

We in the Continuing Church of God have been preparing for that as that is part of the short-work of Romans 9:28. 
Jesus gave the following commission:

19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:19-20) 
This involves working to reach people in multiple languages. Jesus’ statements in Matthew 24:14 and Matthew 28:19-20 are the major commissions of the faithful church. The “phil,” as in Philadelphian Christians, means fraternal love/affection, which in the biblical context includes supporting the proclamation of the gospel of the kingdom of God to all that we can. 
Satan does not want people reached in other languages.

Satan is always that big meanie out to stop self-appointed Church of God leaders from getting their messages out. 

Trying to cast doubt on God, His word, His ministry, His people, and His faithful church is something that Satan and his associates do. That is one of the reason that Satan is referred to in the Bible as “the accuser of the brethren” (Revelation 12:10). 
Sadly, many throughout church history have succumbed to his ways.

Actually, many more false prophets, false teachers, and false apostles have done this throughout church history, including what is happening through the improperly named "continuing" Church of God in this day and age.

The Great Bwana thinks so highly of his own message that it also has the potential to reach the lost sheep who are wandering aimlessly about because they do not have a REAL shepherd. 

This may also help us find the lost sheep, or more accurately, make it easier for the sheep to see the fact that we are witnessing to them and perhaps that the Father is also now looking for them (cf. John 4:23-24), in order to call them (John 6:44; Jude 1).

I can state for a fact that God currently looking for any lost sheep to add to the Great Bwana's church roster. The truth is, those people are not lost, the Shepherd has never abandoned them and knows exactly who they are and works with each of them to bring peace and rest to their lives. So why in the hell would Bob's deity bring them to him? 

After a whole lot of excuses, he drags Herbert Armstrong to reinforce his convoluted thinking:

Thus, the Bible is quite clear that the open door is the door to proclaim the Gospel. And I believe that God has opened up the door to develop literature in over 1000 languages to us, so we are also going through “the door of faith to the Gentiles.” 
Herbert W. Armstrong understood that the door was opened to proclaim the gospel:

Also a door was to be opened for this leader and/or the Philadelphia era of the Church to fulfill Matthew 24:14: ‘And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached to all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come’ (Mystery of the Ages, pp. 290-291).

HWA had the charisma and the wherewithal to keep people engaged. Bwana Bob does not and in fact repels people. 

He even manages to bring in Herman Hoeh to back his actions up with:

Perhaps it should be pointed out that the old Radio Church of God taught that, “Blindness is happened to Israel, not forever, but until the full number of Gentiles who are to be converted in this age comes into the Kingdom. (Hoeh H. The Coming UTOPIA… Wonderful World of Tomorrow. Plain Truth, March 1957, p. 6.

Hoeh would be shocked and appalled that Bwana Bob is claiming his comments are a foretaste of what would be happening in these perilous end times with and apply to him.

The end is rapidly approaching and "some church" needs to be fulfilling the commission. No guesses as to who that is:

Having materials in multiple languages are needed for the full number of Gentiles can be converted in this age! 
Yes, this age. 
We are closer to the end of this age and some church needs to be working on having numerous languages–and we in the CCOG are.

Only those truly converted true Christians in the one true church understand this unlike the bitter Laodiceans who mock him by throwing fiery darts at him.

Yes, those properly dedicated to God’s work will support the preparation for the gospel to reach others, as well as to not be turned aside by those who spew forth “the fiery darts of the wicked one.”

Never in the history of Christianity has there been a church like the improperly named "continuing:" Church of God:

Never before in the history of the Church of God has any group made so many languages/dialects of the good news of the coming kingdom of God available in anything close to the 1000+ languages we have and plan to increase.

The Great Bwana has a word to say about those who mock him and even this letter he has written to his 100 Caucasians:

If you want God’s kingdom to come–which is something that Jesus said you should pray for (Matthew 6:10)–you would want to support the most cost-effective ways to reach as many as possible in the world as a witness. 
Satan and other critics do not want you to do so. They want you to turn aside, or at least delay, your support. 
Remember Jesus warned Philadelphian Christians to let “no one … take your crown” (Revelation 3:11)–and that include critics. 
Now, by posting about this, yes, I expect insults from critics who do not share the focus, vision, or the biblical priorities of the CCOG.

Well, no shit Sherlock! Those who are Christian know for a fact that you are NOT a true minister of God nor is your church a true church of God. That is an indisputable fact! Even those not part of any religious movement know for a fact that you are not a representative of the Christian God.

The Great Bwana ends with letting know that he "could be easily deceived" but not likely, but possible since all true leaders can be deceived:

And while I am not perfect, and can be deceived–which can happen to God’s leaders (e.g. Genesis 27, Joshua 9, 1 John 2)–we in the CCOG have the broadest radio presence of any COG I am aware of, have been the fastest growing x-WCG group in the 21st century, have restored the most truth in this century, have the signs that the Apostle Peter said the end time faithful would have in Acts 2:17-18, and have made available the good news of the kingdom of God in more languages than has ever been done since the start of the Christian church in Acts 2.

While all of those statements are true, there should be no denying that the last item is an absolute and indisputable fact. 
Yet, the following apply to many critics who are not interested in checking out the facts:

16 The lazy man is wiser in his own eyes
Than seven men who can answer sensibly. (Proverbs 26:16)

Frankly, the only indisputable FACT here is that Bob's booklet on the kingdom is not spiritually enriching nor truthful to anyone, especially to those easily deceived. 

I wonder when Bob will ever write a book about Jesus, grace, justification, and sanctification and what that means? That might be worth translating, unlike the worthless the junk he writes now.



Monday, April 29, 2013

Dennis On: "This Will Be Like Nothing I Have Ever Quite Taught This Way Before...."

"This Will Be Like Nothing I Have Ever Quite Taught This Way Before...."

The Bewildered Apostle asks:

" Why do no other leaders understand ANY of the awesome and incredibly detailed prophecy that I am about to present—the what, when, where and how this reunification will occur?"

Because you're making it up?

Because they have a strong feeling it is just cleverly hidden proof-texting  
that always comes back and points to Dave Pack?

Because you are not a likeable person in real life?

Because they have read the experiences of others 
and their shelf life with you seems limited?

Because the few who left one COG to align themselves with your COG 
seem to disappear into the void after they confess you?

Because you are arrogant in your presentation and demeanor?

Because you use the word "awesome" to often?

Because you have said three of them will die all on the same day 
and that will prove you to be awesome?

Because working with and for you may increase 
their Rolaids budget too much?

Because working with and for you may get between them
 and their meager savings?

Because saying "yes sir, whatever you say sir," 
makes them feel like shit not actually agreeing with you?

Because when their wives say, 
"You gonna let that guy tell you everything to do, think and believe?" 
and it will make them feel emasculated and weak?

Because they think you just make it up as you go?
...oh sorry, already said that. 

Because like your incredibly detailed sermon on 
"And Yes Brethren, I am an Apostle" 
will make their asses sore listening 4 hours to the incredible details 
and not actually see how those incredible details are connected in reality?

Because you love the kind of member and minister that says, 
"whatever you say" and they don't?

Because you are one of the most arrogant human beings ever
 not actually called to be "the leader" they have ever read or met? 

Because you have left a trail of tears and drama behind every place 
you have ever been or landed? 

Because it really is all about the numbers?

Because they know they would have to 
check their own brains at your door?

Because they have already learned that fair speeches 
with conviction and pizzaz do not truth make?

More Apostolic Opinage:

"So obviously, for God’s people to be together, ALL organizations but ONE must “go away,” meaning everyone must leave them to enter that ONE organization—the ONE Church that Christ built. Continue thinking at the most basic level. EVERY splinter leader would support this, but of course only if HE led that one organization."

Because when you say, "think at the most basic level," as you do, 
they know you mean, 
"Come on simpletons not as wise as me, this is not rocket science."?

Because they are pretty sure you are the one who will 
come out on top as the leader and that is a no-show?

Because when you say "every splinter leader would support this
...if HE lead that one organization,"
 really means, 
"They won't come to ME as the leader of Christ's one true church."?

Because, as far as they and I remember, 
you never could work for anyone very long in your life 
before it all blew up and it seems you aren't happy, 
or ever have been unless you run everything 
and get the credit for the awesomeness of it all?

The Awesome Apostle thrills with:

"Next Friday I will start bringing the scriptural details of the prophecy revealing that all of God’s people will soon be back together. In time this will include exactly HOW and WHEN this will occur. The first elements of this “explaining” process will take three or four Friday announcements."

Perhaps they fear "the scriptural details of THE PROPHECY, 
will be a mish-mash of long winded explanations, analogies, 
types and bullshit badly woven together into a out of date garment?

Perhaps they understand you have mastered the art of making non-prophecy 
mean what it never meant and prophecy 'so called' 
apply to you when of course it does not?

Perhaps they are concerned yet another "HOW" and "WHEN"  
is just more not really that way or now yet ?

Because some even realize you are not actually a trained theologian 
but rather a spiffy Bible Reader who doesn't even know the context of
 "Line upon line, line upon line, here a little , there a little," 
which is NOT a formula for how to study the Bible?

(Hint: God is mocking with baby talk what the priests 
say and do in their drunken state.) 

Because they don't want to be brought back together 
under your leadership in the first place?

Because some think you will drag this out to August when ...well you know?

The Apostle predicts our reactions:

"The announcements of coming weeks and months will shock you beyond imagination!"

But what if they are already burned out on the overarching,
 awesome, incredible and amazing past stuff 
you proclaimed and can't get it up for more?

What if they can imagine more than you can imagine they can imagine?

What if they wonder if you know all the announcements already 
why not get to the point and save them some gas money?

What if after all this all most can come up with is 
"Man, this is a bunch of bull shit it I ever heard it."?

What if they decide they have been too hard on their pastors and leaders
 after meeting you and go back to them apologizing 
for being too judgmental and unhelpful but grateful to God 
they don't lead like you do or adopt so many titles as you need?

What if United and Living actually united and came alive?

What if being "shocked" is getting old and in hind sight, 
not all that shocking actually?

The Apostle Rejoices Over:

" Repentant ministers and many faithful splinter employees will carry on,
 serving solely in God’s Church."

What if ministers won't sign your terms of repentance forms?

What if faithful splinployees won't sign 
your terms of repentance forms?

What if repentant ministers figure out no one who ever repented into RCG 
ever got to speak or teach again publicly as far as we can tell.  
Did Dale Schurter die?

What if you can't find enough repentant splinployees to mow the grass, 
ride in the electric carts you like so much 
or polish your statue?

What if a repentant minister or fake board member 
finally wakes up someday soon and says, 
"Hell no you don't need a corporate Jet!"?

What if some repentant splinployee or treasurer 
advises Whitman Chocolates instead of Steuben???

And Finally Brethren:

"Make no mistake. The last three paragraphs are TRUE! 
Read them again, this time more carefully."

So you think we're too stupid to get it the first time?

(You'll have to give these next awesome sermons 
over a few times so we get it.)

What if we really don't want to make a mistake either 
so coming back to you makes no sense?

What if the way you spin the Old Testament in the coming weeks 
and proof text an idea you already accept 
as true turns out to not really be true?

What if we share tapes of your sermons with other theologians 
and get some input from them?

I guess we covered the arrogant part already...

I kinda like these observations, still valid today about questionable Apostles, in this case the Apostle Paul but don't take these as compliments.

Bishop John S. Spong (Episcopal Bishop of Newark)

"Paul's words are not the Words of God. They are the words of Paul- a vast difference." 

Carl Jung (Psychologist)

"Paul hardly ever allows the real Jesus of Nazareth to get a word in."

Albert Schweitzer

(Insert Apostle Dave for "he" and "Paul")

"Where possible he (Paul) avoids quoting the teaching of Jesus, in fact even mentioning it. If we had to rely on Paul, we should not know that Jesus taught in parables, had delivered the sermon on the mount, and had taught His disciples the 'Our Father.' Even where they are specially relevant, Paul passes over the words of the Lord."

David Hume

"When men are most sure and arrogant they are commonly most mistaken, giving views to passion without proper deliberation which alone can secure them from the grossest absurdities"

Because we're just gonna bet you have not bounced any 
of your prophetic ideas 
off real men (or anyone) who could really stand up and say, 
"that's the biggest load of BS I have ever heard.  
That's not what those scriptures are meant to mean. 
Have you considered a counselor"?