Monday, November 12, 2012

Malm: Thanksgiving is a Sin and a Pagan Blot on TRUE Christianity

Apostle Malm is hard at work this morning on stripping one more thing away from Armstrongites that they can have fun at.  Only Church approved holidays listed in the Hebrew Scriptures are for the enjoyment of the TRUE Church of God members.

We must remove every sin and every pagan blot on our garments to prepare for the marriage of the Lamb.

The traditions of the Protestants including Puritans and Anglicans came mainly from Roman

Catholicism, the Roman Catholic church is the ancient Babylonian Mysteries traditions were adopted from paganism.

Sunday, Easter and even Thanksgiving are very ancient pagan holy days.
The web site article link above in his quote has this to say:

The Primitive Fertility Religions have been portrayed through “cute” stories which effectively HID the VILE, HIDEOUS MEANING behind them. This WORSHIP during the day of “Thanksgiving” is emphatically the Ancient Fertility Rites merely veneered with the so called “respectability” of Christianity! The fact remains, that it is still the Ancient Fertility Worship.

“But,” you say, “Weren’t our Pilgrim Father’s righteous?” The Pilgrims only served YHVH as far as they would. Definitely, the Pilgrims worshipped on Sunday and they definitely did not keep the Holy Feast Days as ordained in Leviticus 23. They did not keep the clean and unclean food laws as listed in Leviticus 11 and Deut. 14. As the Pilgrims studied the Bibles they had, they would have read of the Sabbath, Holy Feast Days and about the clean and unclean food laws for themselves. I ask you now, “Why did they not obey God by doing what he commanded in Ex 20, Lev. 11 & 23 and Deut. 14?”

Like so many Christian churches and denominations today, the Pilgrims wanted to do it their way and not YHVH’s way. Is it any wonder then, that the Pilgrims would be just as deceived as the churches and assemblies of today--chasing after Baptized Paganism? However, there has always been an advocate for the TRUTH through out all ages, not all our early fathers were deceived. As for me and my house we shall serve YHVH, says Joshua the successor of Moses. Can we say that with conviction?

May our Father in Heaven have great mercy on us as we continue to study the origins of these holidays which have sought to usurp the authority, praise and worship of our Heavenly Father, Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, Revelation 14:7.

I don't know anyone that worships a fertility god when they celebrate Thanksgiving.  One gets the impression from these mentally disturbed people that everyone is dancing around a maypole with garlands of corn, wheat and stuffing in our hair, dressed in our Puritan costumes. Many people, inside and outside of Armstrongism, regard the Church of God as a "joyless" belief system.  How true that is!

Apostle Malm then goes on to equate Thanksgiving with sacrificing virgins:

Actually the harvest feast was well known by these Indians and was a tradition practiced throughout the new world, as well as the old by the pagans.  Thanksgiving is a universal pagan tradition descended and spread from Babel worldwide.  Some of whom paid homage for the harvest by sacrificing young virgins.

I find it disgusting that Apostle Malm is also trying to stop us from sacrificing virgins on Thanksgiving day!  How perverse is that!!!!!!!!!  Whats wrong with a young nubile virgin covered in fruit, berries and some whipped cream on the dining room table?????   Sure the kiddies might need to leave the room when she is sacrificed, but come on!  Allow us to have some fun!  We can't do Christmas, Easter or Halloween, so at least let us have ONE day for some merriment!

Of course all of this has to be blamed on those damn pagans from England.  The Druids and Celts had an influence upon the Puritans who naturally brought over those beliefs to the new country.

“In England the ‘Harvest Home’ has been observed continuously for centuries. The custom was to select a harvest queen for this holiday. She was decorated with the grain of their fields and the fruit of their trees. On Thanksgiving Day she was paraded through the streets in a carriage drawn by white horses. This was a remnant of the Roman ceremonies in honor of Ceres…the Pilgrims brought the “Harvest in” to Massachusetts.’ (Little, Brown & Company, Boston, 1953. Pps. 159- 160).” [The harvest queen represented the Queen of Heaven, mentioned in the Bible as idolatrous and Semiramis.]

Marian Schibsly and Hanny Cohrsen in their book, Foreign Festival Customs and Dishes, states:

“Long before the Christian era, harvest gods were worshiped with curious and varied rites. Customs now in use at harvest festivals have their counterparts in pagan countries; in many cases their origin and their significance is shrouded in mists of antiquity. The American Thanksgiving Day is usually ascribed to the Massachusetts colony of pilgrims, who, in gratitude for their first harvest on American soil, devoted the day of December 13, 1621 to praise and rejoicing. [Actually ran 3 days]

Even you lost Israelites in Canada don't get off easy with Apostle Malm.  You are celebrating nothing more than Catholic filth when you keep Canadian Thanksgiving Day.

The history of Thanksgiving in Canada can be traced back to the 1578 voyage of Martin Frobisher from England in search of the Northwest Passage. In this, his third, voyage to the Frobisher Bay area of Baffin Island in the present Canadian Territory of Nunavut, it was also the intention to start a small settlement and his fleet of 15 ships were so fitted out with men, materials and provisions for this purpose. However, the loss of one of his ships through contact with ice along with much of the building material was to prevent him from doing so.

The expedition was plagued by ice and freak storms which at times had scattered the fleet and on finding each other again at their anchorage in Frobisher Bay, “..Mayster Wolfall, [ Robert Wolfall ] a learned man, appointed by her Majesties Councell to be their minister and preacher, made unto them a godly sermon, exhorting them especially to be thankefull to God for their strange and miraculous deliverance in those so dangerous places,…” . They celebrated  Communio,n the Anglican service comparable to the Catholic Eucharist, and “The celebration of divine mystery was the first sign, scale, and confirmation of Christ’s name, death and passion ever known in all these quarters.

The first two Thanksgivings in the present day United States  [Another was an Anglican service in Canada]were actually Catholic. The Pilgrims can only claim a third one, a correction I suggest should be made in school history books.
Apostle Malm also wants Americans to know that the original Thanksgiving was NOT celebrated by the Puritans in New England, but was done first by the Spanish explorers.  Leave it to the illegal aliens to cause us more misery!

The first Thanksgivings  in the US were celebrated by Spanish explorers, not pilgrims. It is Florida that today proudly claims the first Thanksgiving, with a feast and celebration between the Spanish and Timucuan Indians on September 8, 1565, 56 years before the Mayflower landed at Plymouth in 1621. Therefore, St. Augustine – and not Jamestown – is the first permanent European settlement and oldest city in North America. Another correction for many  history books.

The second Thanksgiving in the US, the subject of this article, was in Texas. On January 26, 1598, a Spanish expedition set out from Mexico with the aim of founding a new kingdom. Three months later, after a long, dangerous trek forging a new trail northward, the now famous El Camino Real [The Royal Road], it crossed the Rio  Grande and set up camp south of present day El Paso, Texas. On April 30, a Mass of thanksgiving was said, and the valiant leader of the expedition. Don Juan de Oñate, took formal possession of the new land, called New Mexico, in the name of the Heavenly Lord, God Almighty, and the earthly lord King Philip II.

Then, after the Mass, the Franciscan priests blessed the food on tables abundant with fish, ducks and geese, and the 600-strong expedition of soldiers and colonists feasted. The celebration ended with a play enacting scenes of the native Indians hearing the first words of the Catholic Faith and receiving the Sacrament of Baptism.

Thanksgiving is a truly Catholic celebration because even before the Pilgrim Thanksgiving celebration on U.S. soil in 1621, on April 30, 1598, in Texas, Don Juan de Oñate had already declared officially a “Day of Thanksgiving,” commemorated with the holy sacrifice of the Mass.

 In regards to all this silliness the apostle writes:

"...I have a moral obligation to Cry Aloud and help the faithful virgin to remove ALL blemishes."

""   Apostle Malm gets to play with the virgins and we can't????"  No wonder his wife left him.

 I guess stamping out idiotic religiosity is not a priority.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Dennis on : " The Rest of the Story....Um...NO"

The Rest of the Story....Um...NO

Dennis Diehl - EzineArticles Expert AuthorWell actually there rarely is the rest of the story in some of the more controversial accounts in the New Testament of Church events. 

I've recently been reminded of the Apostle Paul's admission that he didn't always do the right thing and in fact could not do the right things so he didn't.  (Romans 7)  He hems and haws around making up a convoluted explanation of how , no matter, it is not really him that is doing it.  It is sin in him and sin that has a hold of him that does it.  Really?  Ok, great.   But that's where the story ends.  We never hear if anyone asked him to elaborate on just exactly what his sins and struggles were.  Did no one ask "So Paul, since you are the Apostle and we are to hang on your every word and perspective, just what exactly is it that you do that you should not do?  And what is it that you should do that you can't do?  We'd like a list."  

Of course, Paul just ends with a big oh well...Jesus took care of all this so no more questions please.   I bet lots of people asked him or others just what exactly he was getting at and it probably did affect their confidence in him.  I mean this is the same Paul that is bouncing people out of the congregation in I Corinthians 5-7 and making up lots of rules for who you can and who you can't hang around or even eat with.  But Paul never went on to say, "And you can't eat with me either because I can't do any better than they do."

It's a rather confusing picture.   After Paul turns the one poor soul over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, we don't know if the guy died and if he did , did he have any family that blamed Paul for being a bit too hard on the guy.  Later Paul lightens up a bit and encourages the Church (maybe after Paul got a dressing down for being such a hard ass,)  to not let this guy or someone else be overtaken with too much sorrow, but hey, letting Satan take you out can do that to a guy.  Seems no one got to Judas in time for betraying the Gospel Jesus but managed to get to Peter for denying him.  Whew....gotta save those Peters.

(aside: Darn....the Mormon guys were headed right for my door and turned around...)

Paul had a way of telling you stuff without really telling you stuff.  Recall he went to the third heaven but couldn't share the journey with us.  He had a thorn in the flesh, but could not tell us exactly what it was.  Did bad things but don't ask.  Didn't do the right things, but again don't ask. 

I bet lots of folk asked Paul lots of questions but we don't know the end of the story save for Paul evidently won out.  We don't even know exactly when or why Paul was executed in Rome.  Well I bet lots knew but perhaps the real reason was more embarrassing than inspiring.  We'll never know.  We didn't get to write the story.

My favorite is the story of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts .  Simply stated.  Two members said they would give the money from the sale of their property to the "Church."  When it sold, they held back and gave less.  Peter the Great gets really angry and "zap" you're both dead.  Let that be a lesson to the church.  Now...most of you realize I think this fairytale was a story meant to tell Paul and Luke's followers to ignore "Peter the Great."  Just as these two said they would do one thing and did another and thus died, so Peter said he'd do one thing, never leave Jesus, and did another, denied him.  Message:  Don't follow Peter.

But let's assume it's a real story and Peter really did strike these generous folk dead for holding back.  Do Roman's let you kill church members and never ask what is going on?  Do relatives who notice that mother, father, uncle, aunt, niece , nephew, grandma or grandpa went to church but were never seen again ask questions?  I'd think so!  Would not news get out of murder in the Church?  Would not some members leave because "well that was a bit extreme!?"  I'd think so!  But alas, we'd never know.  The left over members just took the warning and probably turned in all their stuff to the church as requested. 

In Acts 15 Mark and Paul have a falling out.  Paul won't have anything to do with him for past offenses or perhaps common senses that Paul didn't like.  You trying to tell Dave Pack maybe it's not a good idea to reinvent Ambassador College in the Winter spending millions we don't have on a place few will come to.   Other places say the problem was so bad that Paul didn't ever want anything to do with Mark, well at least not until Paul needed him for something at the end of his life.  But what was the problem?  Dunno!!  That part is not included.  It never is when someone has to win and someone has to lose.  Paul was not the kind who ever lost.

Saul/Paul says he oversaw the death and persecution of people in Jerusalem.  Did anyone ever come after the man when they found out he was now one of them?  Who didn't believe it?  What were the jokes about Paul the Apostle Now?  Dunno.  The losers don't write the story.

You can take this principle of there never being the rest or the other side of the story back to the OT as well.  Moses kills an what.   Hey, where is my dad?  So what.    Isaac almost gets his throat cut like a cow in sacrifice by DAD!   How did that set with him over the years?  How did being saved just in the nick of time affect his religious views of YHVH?  Did he go on mountain vacations with DAD anymore?  Did he trust DAD when asked to take a little walk with me son? How did, "your father did what!!!!?"  affect Sarah the mom?  

Anyone get offended at God for zapping Lot's wife for looking back at what was going on or how about how she may have felt when old Lot offered up her daughters to the crowd to be raped but please don't hurt my visitors?  I'd think dinner that night could have been a bit tense.  We' don't know do we.  Fairy tales are like that. 

I'm sure you can think of dozens of stories where we know what happened but we don't know the fall out and there had to be fall out big time.

And so it is today.  Humiliate someone just enough to look righteous but leave lots out .  Mark and embarrass people just enough to come out on top and show your authority, but show no real love and cover the damn thing up with the love so often professed.  A man should talk about his own failings and not let others dictate the terms. 

People with normal human failings can be pushed by Churches, scripture and the pristine leader types over the edge in despair.  Shunning or marking, disfellowshipping or "making an example of" can get someone killed or make the terrible person that is so different from the righteous ones end their lives in shame and guilt.  Guilt is "I did a bad thing," while shame is "I am a bad person?"   Both are fairly useless emotions and tools. 

I think I am finally ready to break out and start my own Church of God.  I have resisted for years but I think I have found my niche. 

I would like to announce the beginning of a new Church of God.  Church of God of the Exiled, Marked, Shunned, Marginalized and Thrown Away.  

COGEMSMTA for short.  Ok, that's not short.


Your sins must be great

 You must feel defective.

However, Your spirit must not be broken though tossed and torn a bit  (I feel a song coming on)

Your experience must have left you totally on the outs with the righteous and quite a bit with yourself

You must have suffered depression, anxiety and some mental disturbances for real wondering or knowing you have been turned over to Satan and that God loves you with a kind of hatred according to the minister, elders, deacons and loyal members who wish you no ill will and hope you repent.

You must still be a seeker of what's real and true.

No tithing, no church services, no hymns, no gurus, no need to save the world or preach until the incomes...I mean end comes.  

You must be yourself warts and all

You can only call me Dennis and we only talk here  or by phone if you want.  :)

Send for the free booklets...ok, we'll we can just talk..

"Being Authentic is Good Mental Health"
"I Know You Are But What Am I"
"Forgiving Oneself First"
(with more to follow)

And I don't care how badly you feel, how far you have "fallen", how thrown under a bus you were or how creative a sinner you became.  (All those guys that hurt you think and do all the same things.,-Your-Mom,-Dad,-Family,-and-YOU!&id=168861

Let's finish the stories and finish them well!

Welcome to the COGEMSMTA
Don't send nuttin' in!!!


Thiel: Baron Guttenberg Rejected! Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guttenberg getting troops ready for upcoming invasion
 of Arroyo Grande, California.

Poor Baron Guttenberg.  He was to give a speech recently and students walked out on him. Nothing special about that since students walk out on all kinds of speakers.  However this is different.  This has a Church of God connecting with Bob Thiel's bromance with the guy.  Thiel is so fascinated with Guttenberg that he is reading all kinds of prophetic nonsense into the life of Guttenberg.

Thiel writes:

Earlier this week, former German Defense Minister, Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, faced insults and rejection when he tried to make a presentation in the USA at Yale:
A group of about 15 German Ph.D. students staged a walkout Wednesday afternoon against a talk on “Myths of the Transatlantic Relations” by former German Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg.
Guttenberg — who had served as Germany’s defense minister from October 2009 to March 2011 — resigned after he was determined to have plagiarized a 2007 doctoral thesis in law…
“You’re not welcome here!” some protesters shouted as they left.
“I would say something about it if you could stay,” Guttenberg responded. “And also about shame, also about failure.”
“No, we actually have to work on our dissertations,” one protester responded, sarcastically. “We’re heading to the library.”

Here is the Church of God connection.  Talk about stretching ones thinking to make things fit end time scenarios!  The more Thiel writes this kind of idiotic nonsense the more he discredits himself.

Bible prophecy warns about a leader who was rejected who will rise up and lead Europe per Daniel 11:21-44. One verse to focus on is verse 21. Here are four translations of it from Catholic and Protestant sources:
21 And there shall stand up in his place one despised, and the kingly honour shall not be given him: and he shall come privately, and shall obtain the kingdom by fraud. (Daniel 11:21, Douay-Rheims)
21 “‘His place will be taken by a reject, a man spurned and passed over for advancement. He’ll surprise everyone, seemingly coming out of nowhere, and will seize the kingdom. (Daniel 11:21 from THE MESSAGE: The Bible in Contemporary Language © 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson. All rights reserved.)
21 And in his place shall stand up a contemptible person, to whom they had not given the honor of the kingdom: but he shall come in time of security, and shall obtain the kingdom by flatteries. (Daniel 11:21, ASV)
21 ‘And stood up on his station hath a despicable one, and they have not given unto him the honour of the kingdom, and he hath come in quietly, and hath strengthened the kingdom by flatteries. (Daniel 11:21, Young’s Literal Translation)

Interestingly, the Baron was considered to have had a major chance to become Chancellor of Germany before the plagiarism scandal. In a sense, he was “a man spurned and passed over for advancement” as THE MESSAGE version of Daniel 11:21 indicates.
Here are some comments from Barne’s Notes on Daniel 11:21:
The Hebrew word rendered “vile” – נבזה nı̂bezeh – properly means one despised or held in contempt, Isaiah 49:7; Psalm 22:6 (7). The meaning here is, that he was one who deserved to be despised, and who would be held in contempt – a man of a low, base, contemptible character. Vulgate, “despectus;” Greek ἐξουδενώθη exoudenōthē…
And obtain the kingdom by flatteries – חלקלקות chălaqelaqqôth – “lubricitates, blanditioe.” “The word,” says Elliott (Rev. iv. 133), “has a double sense, being applied both to the slipperiness of a path, and the slipperiness or flattering and deceit of the tongue.