Saturday, July 20, 2013

Friday, July 19, 2013

Davey Pack: Do NOT Miss My Next Two Articles!!!!!!!!!!!! Unexpected Miraculous Things To Soon Happen

Davey promises that he only has two articles left till the great reunification.  He wants you to pay close attention to these next articles.  They will be filled with "shocking" scenarios of "climatic" events to soon happen.

Finally, do NOT miss the final two Friday announcements! I will cover many other scriptures related to the Haggai prophecy that I have only broadly referenced up to now (most not at all). They clarify some central parts of the prophecy that have not yet even been touched upon. They include serious—and shocking!—climactic events within God’s plan to successfully reinstate thousands to His Church. God must GET THE ATTENTION of people who are largely now not paying attention—brethren who think they have no reason to pay attention. Surely by now, if you have been reading regularly, you realize that things miraculous are scheduled to occur. But what they are remain completely unexpected. There is SOBERING news inside the GOOD news of God’s awesome purpose for His people in the immediate days ahead.

Davey Pack Says His "christ" Is Going To Help Him In Unimaginable Ways

Imagine a "christ" that has been so weak and impotent over the centuries that it now has to come in a greater role than it ever had before.  It's like the dude forgot all about those people that were following him and now has to make up for lost time.  Of course Herbert had to lay the groundwork for this"christ" to come back to work in.

Third, many ministers and staff today in the splinters who make the right decision in the days and weeks to come will immediately be of enormous importance to the detailed FULL REORGANIZATION process that will follow in the wake of reunion until the whole “army of God” is marching together doing the Work in unity and rhythm. Yet again, we can anticipate Christ helping in uncounted ways during this process. In fact, a series of verses in the latter part of Zechariah 6 describe His coming greater role in His Church to complete what Mr. Armstrong called “the greatest Work” ever.