Thursday, January 17, 2013

It's 2013 and UCG Still Cannot Figure Out the Purpose of the Church

While still on Worldwide Church of God payroll various ministers started meeting on the Pasadena campus to begin the formation of a breakaway COG.  Many of these men during the day were actively part of the WCG changes and disfellowshipped all kinds of people for not going along with the changes.  After destroying lives during the day they then would gather in various 360, 380 and 390 apartments to plot their new church. Most knew their jobs were at risk because of plummeting income (tithing was no longer commanded.)  In order to keep their lifestyle intact they needed another avenue of support.  What better way to ensure that than to boldly proclaim you were stepping out on faith in order to preserve the truth.  Gullible members would flock to them with their wallets open.

Once they had apostatized they set about establishing United Church of God.  Articles of incorporation were established, bylaws written and vision statements made.

UCG saw its self as a corporate church as

God’s purpose for His Church is to prepare those willing to live His way of righteousness and self-control to function as His instruments in the administration of salvation to humanity, and to demonstrate His wisdom to His spiritual creation.

Apparently Melvin Rhodes was not happy with this statement and sought to change it.  He could only garner two present council members to support a change causing it to be shelved.

The Council then shifted to the proposed amendment about the purpose statement for the Church (Article 3.1). Several Council members expressed the need for amending its wording. To advance the amendment to the annual conference ballot requires the support of at least four Council members, but it received only two. This amendment will now be sent to the GCE where it will need at least 25 percent support to be placed on the annual conference ballot.

Now, in 2013, Melvin Rhodes has been banished in disgrace and the measure is up for consideration to change again. 

Proposal for Council Response to a Proposed Amendment
In reference to a recently submitted, proposed amendment to Article 3.1 of the Constitution, some on the Council thought that a statement of concern was needed. On behalf of the Roles and Rules Committee Roc Corbett presented for Council’s consideration a proposed “statement of concern” as worded below.

Statement of Concern
Article 3.1 as currently worded does deserve some amending, and the Council agrees with the authors in this regard. We would like to thank the authors for bringing this to the attention of the Council and of the GCE. However, the wording in the proposed amendment is not a solution to the problem in the view of the Council. The proposal mixes concepts that are from the mission of the church rather than concisely defining the purpose for the church, therefore drifting from the intent of the Article as implied in the title.
The Council feels that the “Purpose of the Church” is such an important subject that it should be very well defined, and that the proposed amendment does not add clarity to this understanding.

You would think that with UCG being just a few years away from it's 20 anniversary of apostasy that they would have figured out the reason for their existence by now.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

E.W.King: Adam, Eve, Noah and Jesus Were PURE 100% White

It has always been vitally important in the Churches of God that Adam and Eve, Jesus, and all the rest of the biblical characters be lily white in complexion.  How else can you substantiate the myth of British Israelism.

For many decades interracial marriage was prohibited in the Church of God.  Blacks and whites did not mix freely in worship services and black members were relegated to one or two Feast sites. People wanting to join the church had their marriages broken up if they were of different races. Blacks could not dance with whites at church dances.  Particularly if it was a black man and a white woman.  Tongues really started wagging then!

Various Armstrongite splinter groups decry the interracial marriage change in the church.  E.W. King is one of these.

E. W. King says that Noah was the most pure white man ever.  100% white, in intermarriage in that genetic strain!  No sirree!

It could only be eating improper food, drinking excessively of alcoholic drinks, revelings (Gal. 5:21), rioting, violence. Marrying, to be evil, had to be as in Genesis 6:2, when men "took them wives of all which they chose." There was rampant and universal interracial marriage--so exceedingly universal that Noah, only, was unblemished or perfect in his generations--his ancestry. He was of the original white strain.

It is amply evident that by the time of Noah there were at least the three primary or major racial strains on earth, the white, yellow and black, although interracial marriage produced many racial mixtures. 

God does not reveal in the Bible the precise origin of the different races. It is evident that Adam and Eve were created white. God's chosen nation Israel was white. Jesus was white. But it is a fair conjecture that in mother Eve were created ovaries containing the yellow and black genes, as well as white, so that some of the children of Adam and Eve gave rise to black, yellow, as well as white. 
King wants you to know that white is the chosen race but but yet is not superior?

The one man God chose to PRESERVE the human race alive after the Flood was perfect in his generations--all his ancestry back to Adam was of the one strain, and undoubtedly that happened to be white--not that white is in any sense superior. 

Interbreeding and intermarriage is the same in Kings eyes.  It dilutes and corrupts the pure race.

If you are a livestock breeder, planning to enter your prize animals in a livestock show--perhaps at a state or county fair--you will be sure to enter only thoroughbred or pedigreed stock! Mixing the breed alters the characteristics. 
It is still the fervent desire of many Armstrongite groups that in their fantasy world tomorrow that the black races will all be shipped back to Africa where they will live together and the whites will stay in the U.S., England, New Zealand, Canada and a few other choice locations.

World Tomorrow Men Will Rule, Women Not So Much If At All

Remember how we were taught the story on how when we are resurrected as gods that we would be rulers of worlds?  Remember HWA's power charts on leadership?

Here is a reminder.  Pay attention to HWA's wording at the end.  Women get the short shift again which was conveniently glossed over in all my years in the organization.  Have you ever noticed that Armstrongism is all about power?  Power over others by forced rule.  Law vs grace. Law vs freedom.

The strident law keepers on Yahoo are trotting this silliness out in order to prepare themselves to be world class rulers.

it becomes plain that Abraham will be given a greater position of authority in God’s Kingdom than David - and that he will be over both Israelites and Gentiles. He is “father” of Gentile converts as well as Israelites. It is plainly indicates that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, will function as a team, with Abraham as chairman of the team, next under Christ in the coming world Government of God. Jesus Himself said, definitely, that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob shall be in that Kingdom (Luke 13:28 ). Joseph qualified in a special way, but we shall come back to him a little later.
under Christ as King of kings, and under Christ’s top team - will be Moses over all organized national and international government; and Elijah, over all organized church, religious and educational activity.

Apparently HWA saw nothing wrong with the fact that 2000 years have went by and humanity has increased in education and knowledge, yet Moses will be instructing the world how to run their governments according to the Egyptian style from 2,000+ years ago.  Elijah will be whipping churches and educational institutions into shape according to the methods of education 2,000+ years ago.  Since most were uneducated and illiterate, its sure going to make for an interesting world tomorrow!

King David, resurrected, immortal, under Moses, over all twelve nations of Israel. Jeremiah 30:9; Ezekiel 34:23-24; 37:24-25. Each of the original twelve apostles will be king, under David, over one of these then super-prosperous nations. Matthew 19:28. Under the apostles, each now king over a great nation, will be the rulers over districts, states, shires, counties or provinces, and over cities.
These will be the true COG members who qualified.  They treated people like crap all their lives, yet will be given cities to rule over.  Spare us please!

But what of all the Gentile nations? Who will be given top positions of rule over them? There is strong indication - not a definite, specific statement -but indication, according to principles and specific assignments that are revealed, that the Prophet Daniel will be made king over them all, directly under Moses
It seems evident, that Joseph will be made director of the world’s economy - its agriculture, its industry, its technology, and its commerce - as well as its money and monetary system. These systems will be on the international level, the same in every nation.

Joseph will be teaching the worlds economies how to function according to Egyptian desert life?

Job will be in charge of restoring the destroyed cities of the world.  Apparently this is because his entire family and household was destroyed and he had to rebuild it.  The lengths the Church went to "prove" this kind of malarkey is appalling!

Christ, Himself, will be ruling from Jerusalem. Stationed there with Christ, under immediate direction of Elijah, it is indicated, will be those changed to Spirit chosen by Christ to constitute the Headquarters Church. Revelation 3:12 indicates those of this " Philadelphia ” era will be pillars in that Headquarters Church. Next, in this all-important Headquarters Church organization, working with and directly under Elijah, it appears, will be the resurrected John the Baptist. He came “in the power and spirit of (Elijah)” Luke 1:17. Of him, Jesus said, “Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist ...” Matthew 11:11. He was the Elijah prophesied to come. Matthew 17:10 -13; and 11:7-11.
Jesus Christ is going to have his hands full if HQ leaders of the different COGs all converge on Jerusalem. The corruption, greed, back stabbing and outright criminal activity will make for one super colossal HQ!  Will  Jesus Christ be kept out of the loop like they did with HWA?

Someone may ask, “What about the women?” Yes, there were outstanding women- Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel. There were Miriam, Deborah, and others. Sarah is called the mother of righteous women in the New Testament I Peter 3:6. Deborah actually judged, or ruled  Israel for a time. Their status in the Kingdom will be the same as men. We would certainly suppose that women such as these will be given high position and great honor in the Kingdom. But we do not presume, in this present writing, to suggest what it shall be.
Poor, dumb women.  Its better to keep you barefoot and pregnant than to have you rule over the men of the church or the world.

Doesn't this stuff sound incredibly silly now that you are no longer part of the myths of Armstrongism?

Monday, January 14, 2013

Weinland Juror: Ron, Laura, Audra, Jeremy, Church Elders -YOU PEOPLE ARE REPULSIVE TRASH.

From: False Prophet Ron Weinland

bags juror #199 says:
The reason I spend a little time on the blog and continue to do so is the simple fact of trying to help bring Ron and the Weinland Clan all the way down. They need to be eliminated to a point where NOBODY IS SENDING THEM ANY MONEY.

What I saw in court was enough to make anyone sick. What he does is wRONg, wRONg, wRONg!!! As I stated to Mike before just get one person out and then another will follow and another. It will be an exhausting and tedious task but I am sure followers are looking at this blog. We have witnessed this. Some may be drive by rubber necking but they are looking and maybe thinking about trying to be rational and getting ready to put their running shoes on.

I think Ron himself may look at the blog. If not he may have others keeping an eye out. Who knows? What else does he have to do all day? He may need some intel so he can gear his sermons and cover himself a bit.????? He obviously knows this blog is out there and cast some type of voodoo magical spell on people here which has not worked. Better luck next time, ya fire breathing fool!! I think the average person would look if there was a blog about them.

I want to see a huge injustice fixed just as everyone else here does. The IRS could only fix part of Ron’s overall fraudulent scheme. The IRS may have been a crippling blow to Ron but who knows what amount of money he has stashed or what amount continues coming in. You can assume it is being closely watched. The overall opinion of Ron with the jurors? It would be fair to say that he is looked at as a con-artist scumbag that should have had more charges brought upon him and his Clan. My opinion is that they should ALL be sitting in prison. Wife, daughter, son, elders and ALL! YOU PEOPLE ARE REPULSIVE TRASH.