Sunday, September 1, 2013

Dennis notes: Smuggly Lives!

Umm...Doc, Where have you been?

A Day Late and A Dollar Short: Newness - EDGE Magazine Online

Dr. Thiel wants us to notice what he said last week about Dave Pack's delusions.
August 2013 is now history.  The massive reunification that that David Pack, leader of the improperly named Restored Church of God (RCG) claimed should have happened did not.
This is no surprise.  Notice what I posted a just over a week ago at the News of Those Once Affiliated with GCG page"

"I have absolute confidence that David Pack is wrong about a lot of this and there is no possible way that any significant amount of Philadelphian remnant Christians will go to him and become part of his church by August 30, etc. I will be correct."

and this little piece of barfage...
"Either David Pack is right about that effectively all of God’s people will come to him on August 30, 2013 or I am right that they will not. Just because David Pack is not God’s apostle, does not mean that someone such as I do not have a prophetic role from God. Those in RCG, and elsewhere, need to consider how they should act and what they should do (see also How To Determine If Someone is a True Prophet of God). “Take heed, all you people!” (2 Chronicles 18:27).
Of course, I was right."

Arrogant Baby - i dont always drink milk but when i do i prefer
Hi...My name is Smuggly
Aside from the good folk at Banned HWA saying this for the past SIX MONTHS, Bob's use of "Notice of what I posted" and "I will be correct" is just the mini me version Dave Pack's personality and approach to "knowing."  Robert goes out of his way to say one way or the other that his readers need to either realize or admit that "HE" noticed this , that or the other reality before they did.  I suppose this is what Non-Prophets with a double portion of precisely nothing expect of themselves.

But no matter.  Bob Thiel has the very same self absorbed  tendencies as Dave Pack and like most, has no awareness of it.  He mistakes his own ego centric views for some sort of spiritual insight which it is not.  This trait among the "creame of the crud" for lack of a better concept theologically which I actually hate but it fits here, is unprofessional and misguided.  COG members get so used to it, they don't realize genuinely trained ministers and theologians would not survive five minutes with these attitudes about themselves infiltrating and infesting every comment about every topic they can come up with Biblically.  Episcopal Priests have their scriptures for the day and 12 minutes to stick to the topic, which they do very well.  I sense there are plenty of things they leave out, but they don't promote themselves, no not for a second.... 

I just returned from a second Episcopal service. Very formal and very predictable and I can't say it helps me with my own theological conflicts, but one thing is very clear.

Michigan Stained Glass Census

 It actually confirms them as I gaze upon the stained glass of a literal lamb on a cross which in my mind is the symbol of the end of the Age of Aries 2000 years ago when the SUN , in the constellation of Aries the Ram/Lamb moved out of the Easter Spring position at the crossing of the ecliptic and the celestial equator to be replaced by the two fish of Pisces, which is the Christian symbol of the last 2000 years.  Jesus the Lamb of God wasn't kidding when he is said to have said, "Behold I am with you always, even unto the end of the AGE,"  which was the Age of  Aries. .   Ok, Dennis...drop it! :)

Saint James Church: Eucharist Adoration

  But also, it  is obvious the Priests are not fools. They don't promote themselves or their own views of themselves or obscure passages and pet ideas.  They are educated and know more than they probably can actually say to a congregation about how things really are in theological studies.  My sense of the average congregant, who are very high end successful and a positive influence on the community is not all that Biblically literate. It does not seem to be a need. They don't harp on being the True Church and making snarky comments about "splinters and slivers."   The Priest certainly does not make a complete ass out himself by finding himself spoken of in the Bible as either "that Prophet", "A double portioned Prophet", or "Joshua the High Priest."  Pull any of that and you lose.

Slap my head - Newest images - page 1 | Meme Generator

In the COG and many fundamentalist churches, ignorance is almost proof of calling and being the true church.  I hear it all the time here on the radio.  Preachers making fun of going to college or some "fancy seminary" when all you need is the "Word of God!"  (Audience snickering..)  In Greenville, and up until the mid 70's, the Mill owners gave huge donations to local churches for Pastors to discourage kids from going to college.  They were needed in the mills and the clergy pointed them that way...Bastards.  I can't tell you how many radio sermons around here begin with, "Now I ain't the smartest pea in the pod," or "I don't got no fancy education but...."   Ignorance and mere Bible reading is a badge of honor around here and all the credentials you need to be God's man of faith and power..  Half the ministers who I ask just what their theological credentials are tell me, "I quit drankin'"   Really?  Great.......

I have to say that I personally cringe at my own "theological education" at Ambassador, which I swear to you know who, I thought was a real seminary when I turned down going to Roberts Wesleyan Seminary in Rochester, to go there.  Now naive.  I know I was educated in Bible reading.  That's all Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, Ron Weinland and now Mini Non-Prophet Bob Thiel are educated in.  It's mostly what Baptists fundamentalists are educated in and certainly what Bob Jonesers down the street get.  It's why I got rid of the TV 12 years ago and upgraded myself so, even without credentials, I could live with myself when I spoke of things theological and get the background, history and even the problems with scripture half way understood and recognized so as not to mislead anyone or to be really able to give an answer of whatever is still left in me.

At any rate, wake up Dr. Thiel.  See if you can go an entire day without writing about how YOU understood this or that or YOU pointed something out before others saw it in your own mind.  Are we supposed to say "wow....he saw that coming.  He must be a prophet."?   If you don't, you're just another Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry or Ron Weinland in a not very convincing disguise seeking whom you may devour, which we already suspect even if you don't.

...and get a booster seat to at least be even with the book shelf when you major in minors giving sermons. 

Around Town | A Woman and Her Boys

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Will the Members of the Restored Church of God Hold David C Pack Accountable For His Lie?

It is now after 6:00 p.m. Wadsworth time.  All Restored Church of God services are over, even here on the West Coast.  No splinter group ministers died today.  Tens of thousands of COG members did not jump ship to join up with Dave.  Not a thing happened.

David C Pack is now ready to go down in Church of God history as a certified liar and false prophet in the vein of William Miller, Herbert Armstrong, Gerald Flurry and Ron Weinland.  1844, 1845, 1971, 1975, 2008, 2012, and 2013, all dates to live in COG infamy for lies uttered by theological depraved idiots.

The sad part is that Dave's cult members will stick by his side when he comes up with a new excuse.  They did that for William Miller, so much so that his followers became even more fervent in their end time prophecies.  They did it to Herbert Armstrong when he lied in 1971 and 1975.  They stood by Ron Weinland when his prophecies failed and they stood by Gerald Flurry when he lied about Petra two years ago. It only took a prison sentence for Ron to start losing members and ministers, while members have stuck by the side of the other leaders.

What will Dave Pack's members do?  Will any of them have the wherewithal to leave his cult now?  They know for a fact he lied to them.  He has stolen their money to build monuments to himself.  Will Dale Schurter grow a pair of balls and take personal responsibility and walk away publicly holding Dave accountable for his lie?

On Sunday morning, September 1, Dave is going to go about his business as if nothing happened.  He will of course have had his god talking to him over the last day or so telling him to not to respond to his critics.  His god will remind him that the average COG member is a sucker and will soon forget Dave ever uttered his false predictions.  People will quickly forget and send in more money when Dave asks.  They do this because in the back of their mind  Armstrongism has installed a tape that runs 24/7/365.  That tape says, "But, what IF he was right, but the timing is off.  I am under the government of God and must remain loyal or I will lose my salvation." 

That "what IF" is a big deal breaker for many.  They will see it as a test to see if they are loyal to the government of God.  Dave, ever the manipulator that he is, will take full advantage of that thinking.  With threats of being disloyal to the "government of God," to disloyalty to Dave himself, is the yoke that he will hang over his members.

Disloyalty is a heavy burden in Armstrongism.  The problem is, 9 times out of 10 it is disloyalty on the part of the ministers, evangelists, prophets, and leaders that is the issue.  Their disloyalty to the membership is appalling.  They use and abuse the members while never taking responsibility for anything.  Heck, when you have leaders like Dave Pack and Rod Meredith who claim that they have never committed a major sin, what is a bottom feeding member supposed to do? How do you question that...

Dennis Muses: In a multitude of actual counsel there could have been safety.....

2013 Making It Mean What It Never Meant Award

Awarded for the Most Ridiculous Theological Misreading and Misuse of Scripture for 2013

the golden turd photo: Golden Turd Golden-Turd-Award.jpg

Presented to David C Pack of the Restored Church of God for successfully making the obscure Minor Prophet Haggai mean what it never meant, could mean or ever will mean.

 This evening marks the official end of these ridiculous speculations and analogies gone crazy and the dawn of a new day in the history of the Churches of God.  Truly, truly Sabbath, August 31, 2013 was-is-will be  a Sabbath like no other. 

It was on this day enlightenment came to a few more "I'm stuck in this seat and can't get up," brethren giving what they have not got in exchange for a  church that returns precious little to them but embarrassment, humiliation, fairy tales disguised as sermons, theological nonsense and large bills yet another small fundamentalist religious school and fabulous "Headquarters." 

I am pleased to present this award on behalf of thousands who have watched this theo-drama unfold over the past few months and hung in there to see it through.

The Bobs - Best of Online Activism

Let those with ears to hear and eyes to see just go ahead and use them at this time to free themselves once and for all from the religion pretending to be spirituality and human imagination and reasonings masking as Biblical insights and truth.

We wish Deacon David C Pack  no ill will but that he would repent and fill in his 35 question Ex-Apostle Rehire Forms as soon as possible.  It may take a few seconds to get an answer, so please be patient.


Lessons of the Year

Proverbs 11:14

Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of (Genuine) counselors there is safety.

1 Corinthians 13

New International Version (NIV)
13 If I speak in the tongues[a] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, (which Restored Church did not have, could not fathom and moveth not) but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast,[b] but do not have love, I gain nothing.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

(One might substitute "ministry" for the world "love" in the above)

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

 While disturbing at times, it's been an enjoyable adventure in seeing just how far aberrant theology can go. 



For those with a WCG background or now in COG splinters, it's very familiar.
Commenting on current events and how it supposedly ties in with biblical prophecy.
HWA invented his own style, and men like Herman Hoeh and Gene Hogberg perfected it.  Somehow the WCG biblical prophecy experts had insight into any news item at any time.
Falling of the Berlin wall, what does it mean, in biblical terms?
Iraq?  Iran?  Egypt?  There's a biblical app for that.

But look back on any such commentary and it's very clear how pointless such commentary always is.  Can anyone point to any "biblical" commentary on world events that has ever proved to be useful in any way?  At the time it is delivered in such a manner that it must be the most important thing you could ever read or hear.  In reality, of course, it is so much light and sound with nothing behind the screen.

The style is this.  You start with supposedly piercing questions.  "What does [xxx] mean in terms of the prophecies for this region?"  "How will this turn out?".  In other words, you lure the reader into thinking you've actually got answers to such questions.

In reality, of course, the article or sermon is not going to lead anywhere of any utility to you or anyone else.  It doesn't say anything you don't already know if you've even casually read a newspaper or blog, doesn't provide any useful information, or god forbid, actually commit to any view that this current event has anything to do with a 2500 year old prophecy, but it *appears* to create such an aura so that you almost feel that that's what the commentary has done.

What a load of crap!  But it does seem to work for a lot of people...

Let's look at a recent example, from the UCG site, a "Beyond Today daily" short presentation entitled "Attack on Syria?"

Now, anyone who remotely follows news events is aware that Syria is currently an extremely troubled country and that the US is poised to embark on some sort of military action.  But the UCG must have some unique, thought-provoking, biblical perspective on it all, right?
Presenter Darris McNeely has a voice full of gravitas, and begins thusly:

[Darris McNeely] Other news today that probably, or more current is taking place in Syria in the Middle East as drumbeats begin to heighten and increase. Will the United States take some type of military action along with other nations? What will be the impact of that, especially in the aftermath of revelations that the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has used chemical weapons against his own people? Graphic scenes and pictures have come out about that in recent days, and it has created quite an uproar, and it's an awful atrocity that has taken place. And now seems to be pushing American and other western involvement into this. And what does that mean? What will happen?

You see what he's done?  There's nothing new, just questions that everybody who cares would have.  But delivered properly, it sounds as if his perspective is unique and monumental.  Sure, what does it all mean and what will happen?  Wow, I'm about to receive some important insight into all of this!  I'd better listen to this guy.

But you're being conned.  You're not going to get any insight at all.  In fact, you're not even going to get any strong opinions one way or the other.  But you're going to *feel* as if you did, if you allow the gravitas to work its magic on you.

Copresenter Steve Myers brings in the Old Testament, because there's nothing like the mystique of an ancient text to create the right atmosphere.  But of course he won't say the scripture is necessarily relevant in any way, but let's let him qualify that himself:

"Well, those weapons of mass destruction have gotten the world's attention, and the Bible does focus on Syria in prophecy. And I can't help but think of some of those prophecies about Damascus, about Syria. There's one in Isaiah chapter 17 that talks about the burden against Damascus. And it talks about the fact in verse 1 of chapter 17. "Behold Damascus will cease from being a city, and it will be a ruinous heap" (Isaiah 17:1). Now I'm not saying that that's what's going to happen right at this very instance, but I hope that you'll notice what's going on in the Mid-East more than just saying, "My gas prices have gone up." Because so much is going on. And could it be that we're heading in that direction where end-time Bible prophecy is going to be fulfilled? It will happen. Where exactly are we?"

The great thing about Middle Eastern current events is that most of the regions and cities there have existed for thousands of years and were also around at the time scribes wrote the books of the Bible.  So you can find a verse that mentions a modern-day city, and it sounds awesome!

Somethings happens in Damascus, and so Steve says "I can't help but think of some of those prophecies about Damascus".  And when something happens in Athens I can't help but think of Herodotus writing about how king Xerxes burnt it to the ground.
But what does that have to do with any insight into this current event?  Answer: nothing, and in fact Steve clearly realizes this, because after going out of his way to quote a scripture as if it has some crucial connection, he quickly adds: " Now I'm not saying that that's what's going to happen right at this very instance...", so I guess the only point was to create a wow factor that "I can quote a biblical verse that refers to the ancient city that was still called Damascus, just like this one!"  And let us again state the obvious: "Because so much is going on."  OMG, talk about ROTFLMAO! 

Once you know the method and style, you could write commentary like this with your eyes closed.

Steve continues, "Could it be we're heading in that direction?"  Now, naturally he doesn't have the foggiest clue, but he's just asking, and it sounds so awesome to ask such a profound question.  Give it a try, you can do it too!  (It must be spoken with gravitas of course, this is important).

"Is the Australian economy on the eve of collapsing?"
"Are the prophecies of Egypt as the king of the south referring to the Muslim Brotherhood?"
"Could it be that Miley Cyrus' career is over?"

Dunno, maybe so, maybe not, but let's pretend I have special vision on it, and after all let's just see what happens! 
Indeed, it's usually best to just see what happens.  Amazingly, you can do this by reading the news every day.
Darris McNeely actually endorses this line of action:

"And will it happen? We'll have to wait and see. It likely, something is going to take place. What will be the impact of that? We don't know. Everyone is waiting right now to see exactly what will take place."

The above quote was not edited, that's what he really said! :-)

So, in summary, it seems that it would have saved a lot of time and space and trouble, to reduce the "commentary" to it's essential element, which is this: 

"A lot of things are happening in the news these days. Let's keep reading the news to see how they all turn out!"

But that's what everyone does anyway, so exactly what did service did this commentary provide? 
It's amazing that anyone, in or out of UCG, or any COG, would watch or read such a commentary with the hope of gaining any insight or useful information of any kind.

And not to pick on UCG, it's just not all that different from any other COG discussion of "world news and its connection to prophecy", past, present or future.
Such a waste of words, setting the reader up with obvious questions, and leaving them hanging with no answers of course, because there are none at this time.

Now, there are some things the presenters could have actually said that might have been useful, but that would not have supported the atmosphere they wanted to create, which is that by reading ancient texts with a COG interpretation you somehow get some special insight into what's going on in the current human drama.

To do this, it's necessary to always speak generalities, as McNeely does at the end of the presentation which leaves you with this unbelievably priceless statement:

"It's an important area to watch, an important event and twist that is taking place even as we speak and take note of this at this time."

I can't imagine listening to this presentation and not being left with the gnawing feeling: "Ok, something's happening somewhere as usual, but what exactly was your point, anyway?"

Of course, these commentaries always have to speak in generalities, because there is no choice.  Scribes living in the bronze age never dreamed of what the world would be like in 2013, and couldn't have cared less anyway.  They had their own issues to deal with.  Trying to comment on current events "in the light of biblical prophecy" is such an empty, useless exercise, and provides the modern individual no helpful service whatsoever in trying to understand or even know what's currently going on in the world.

No matter how much serious gravitas you put on it.
