Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A Reader Responds About the COG False Prophets

A reader here responds that Herbert W Armstrong and the Church of God NEVER predicted anything was going to happen in 1975.  No tribulation, no famine, no pestilence, no war, no Petra.  Nothing   was ever predicted. We all just dreamed it up to discredit HWA, Meredith, and Waterhouse.  It apparently is all a figment of our imaginations.

I am not here to defend David C.Pack/Herbert W.Armstrong, nor bash them. However,I have read Mr . Armstrong's booklet '1975 In Prophecy',and nowhere in the booklet did he state definitively that the Great Tribulation would begin in that year. The booklet was written years before we and was an exposé on the advancement of science; and how these advancements could lead to a world that culminated in 1975. Whether you like Mr.Pack or Mr . Armstrong or not;is up to you, but I doubt any of those griping and complaining here have been as widely read or acknowledged as these two.

David C Pack: My Church is SOOOO Unified That There Is No Room For Division

David C Pack, the latest COG false prophet who's prophecy last week was an EPIC FAILURE, wrote an article for his propaganda rag, The Real Truth (sic) entitled, "The True Church—Identifying It – Part 1."  He posted this on August 30, apparently in anticipation of the world's greatest Church of God reunification ever to happen in history.

Dave, in his usual hyperventilating, "look at me" boasting, talks about the "one true church" and how it has supposedly existed through the centuries as a small insignificant little group with a certain name.  Just like Jesus who Pack (Joshua) claims to be, he too was being used by his god at an early age to receive the truth once delivered.  He was able to discern false churches from the true church.

Dave for some silly reason seems to think that he and he alone is the leader of the one true church.  As that leader, he is over the worlds most unified glorious work to ever grace the earth.  No other group of COG members are as unified as Dave's now fledgling little group.

He writes about the true remnant:

A crucial point, revealing the kind of unity to be seen in the true Church, emerges from Jesus’ earlier-referenced prayer of John 17. Notice: “And for their sakes I sanctify Myself, that they also might be sanctified [again, set apart] through the truth…That they all may be one; as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You, that they also may be one in Us: that the world may believe that You have sent Me. And the glory which You gave Me I have given them; that they may be one, even as We are one: I in them, and You in Me, that they may be made perfect in one…” (vs. 19, 21-23).

These are powerful statements! Christ intended that His Church be unified—“one”—bound together—no less than were He and His Father!

There is no room for disagreement in a Church that is this unified. These verses describe a perfect oneness through the truth—the same kind that the Father and Christ enjoy. It is this kind of unity that allows true Christians to be “in” them—be in Christ and in the Father (vs. 21).
 With Dave's arrogant comment above it is obvious as to why no minister or church member of RCG is speaking out against Dave's lies that he has told for the last month,  There is NO ROOM for disagreement in Dave's church.  Ministers and members alike know their ass is grass if they dare to criticize the Liar in Chief.

Monday, September 2, 2013

To Our Restored Church of God Readers

We know we have a quit a few RCG members who read this blog.  At least 45 have taken the poll on the sidebar.

We would like to know your opinions on what transpired this past weekend when Dave's prophecy failed.

Did you really believe Dave's 20 some letters detailing the great reunification of the Church of God?

When you saw that no one was jumping ship from the other COG's what was your impression of Dave?

How did you handle the situation?

How did other church members handle it?

Did Dave preach anything about it on Saturday?

What did your minister in your local church area preach about on Saturday?

Who are The Sixteen men that Dave claims who have been formulating this grand reunification over the last several months.

How do you think those men are reacting to this failure?

Will they apologize?

Will Dave Pack apologize?

Your names and email addresses will not be disclosed.

Contact us at 



Dale Schurter: Now That Dave Pack Has Been Proven A Liar And False Prophet, Why Does He Cover Up For The Liar?

It is now the final day for the great reunification of David C Pack's pipe dream for a united Church of God.

Pack predicted many weeks ago that by the end of August, tens of thousands of Church of God members would be flocking to his church for a great final reunification of the Church of God that would result in the world's most astounding witness ever to happen in human history.

So far, many COG's are reporting that they are NOT losing any members to Dave. Ministers have not jumped ship in droves bringing hundreds of members with them.  The three COG leaders have not died, and that includes Bob Thiel who was never considered one of thee three to begin with.  Bob is nothing more than a pimple on Dave's butt, an irritation perhaps, but irrelevant and unimportant.

In January of 2012, Dave Pack made a huge deal about Dale Schurter defecting from the United Church of God.  Dave, in his usual narcissistic over-the-top bullshit mode, hailed the defection as the greatest event in COG history.

Dale wrote a letter to the COG's membership hoping to influence people into joining Dave's personality cult.  No one did, thankfully. People saw though Dale's bullshit.

Dale wrote:

When we were led to the Restored Church of God, and did due diligence in our research, we confirmed to our satisfaction that the works and fruits of this organization were of God. Christ is the Head of this Church. We saw Christ at work through one He had called and appointed to finish the work --- to fulfill the prophecy of Revelation 10:11, which we should all know, “You must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.” This prophecy was on Mr. Armstrong’s mind, especially in his latter years.

The first time this was done was in the 20th century. This was the first time it was possible to fulfill such a commission. This was accomplished by God through His appointed leader and support team of the entire membership of the Worldwide Church of God. Now, just before the work of the two witnesses begins, the instruction is for His Church to repeat --- under the leadership He has appointed and sent (one sent from Him) --- yes, under another Apostle --- to “prophesy (preach, proclaim) again before many peoples, nations, tongues, and kings.”

We have found and confirmed to ourselves that the Restored Church of God is just what its name implies. And that Mr. David C. Pack is the one sent, an end time Apostle, through whom Jesus Christ, the head of the Church, is powerfully working.
 Now that Dave his been exposed as a liar and a false prophet, who predicted many things that did not come to pass, WHY are you still supporting the degenerate false prophet?  To continue to hitch your wagon to Dave's death train shows how theologically ignorant you are.  You would rather whore yourself out to a lying man that to follow the "christ" you claim to follow.

Shame on you and The Sixteen other ministers who are sitting there pretending that Dave is still 100% correct.  Shame! Shame!