Sunday, August 21, 2016

LCG Looks To Internet As Its Saviour and Mouthpiece

In Rod Meredith's recent member letter, after he had his expected sex obsessed gay/transgender fit, he made the following comments about LCG's "Internet television" audience.

In addition to working to grow our “Internet Television” audience, we also strive to increase the reach of our various other Internet and social media platforms. For example, many of you know that people nowadays—especially younger people—go to “YouTube” to watch videos and go to “Facebook” to talk to their friends and even to find the news. According to a May 26, 2016 Pew Research Center study titled, “News Use Across Social Media Platforms 2016,” an astounding 62 percent of adults “get news on social media.” The same study reports that this is up from 49 percent in 2012. As this report also notes, “Facebook is by far the largest social networking site reaching 67 percent of U.S. adults.” Similarly, many people now watch video every day on YouTube, which has well over one billion users, with a majority of those visitors coming from outside the United States. Because we must reach the whole world with the true Gospel, we continue to work hard to use all of these platforms and technologies. As of this writing, our English-language Facebook page now has more than 217,000 fans, our Spanish Facebook page has more than 46,000 fans and our French Facebook page has over 118,000 fans. And our English-language YouTube channel passed 12,700 subscribers and more than 6,700,000 views. Our Spanish YouTube channel passed 22,000 subscribers and more than 4,700,000 views. And our French YouTube channel has passed more than 2,400 subscribers and more than 540,000 views. Very importantly, through these efforts we are reaching people whom we may not reach otherwise, and many of those people are reading and “sharing” Tomorrow’s World articles, telecasts, webcasts, commentaries and booklets with their online friends. We sincerely thank God for blessing our Internet “reach” in these ways, but we know that we must reach the whole world, and so I do ask you to keep praying that He gives us much greater growth in the months and years to come.

Meredith was been fed some  reports that mentioned that young people now get their news and other information from the internet.  Meredith sees the internet use of these kids and their parents as his new platform to exploit.  For some silly reason Meredith has been fed a huge line that Youtube is the way to go. Can you imagine a teenager sitting down and watching a 1 1/2 hour sermon by Rod Meredith or a Herbert Armstrong return? No one, not even an adult will sit and watch a 1 1/2 hour sermon made by some incredibly boring and biblically challenged preacher.  Heck, even LCG members will not sit and watch these videos!

Youtube, while filled with lots of great videos, finds most of its use from cute dog/cat/baby 3minute videos.  The public has no interest in LCG videos.  Its only audience is its own members and COG members from other groups who continue to church hop for information as their own churches are imploding.

Even UCG, considered by many to be the more benign of the splinter groups, can't accomplish much of an internet reach.  10-20,000 "like's" on a video does NOT translate into a witness for their god or its message they claim to preach.  Graceless legalism sucks, and even the non-churched understand that!

Like most things in the Church of God it is already 10 - 15 years behind the times.  In trying to imitate everything that HWA did, they focused upon print magazines, in incredibly boring telecasts, Jelly videos,  whitewashed propaganda Feast videos, and spent time and millions of dollars building monuments to themselves instead of "witnessing" to the world.

Not a single Church of God out there has taken their message to the entire world.  Even Dave Pack with his superfantabulous website has been unable to do so.  Thiel has not, even if he claims a couple thousand members in Africa.  James Malm circles the drain due to the incredible anger and venom that drips from his graceless legalism. Gerald Flurry is more concerned about HWA idolatry, Irish dance and finding the Ark of the Covenant that he has lost touch with reality, if he even ever had it.

All of the Churches of God now look to the Internet to resurrect their message.  The problem is that the internet has DESTROYED the Church of God and relegated to an insignificant corner of the cyberweb.  As more and more web sites pop up with horror stories from these splinter groups of Armstrongism, and the numerous films and movies that have come out about abuse, the COG's sink deeper and deeper into irrelevance.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Rod Meredith turns Living Church of God over to Gerald Weston

August 18, 2016
Dear Brethren and Co-Workers with Christ,
Greetings from Charlotte, NC! I just returned from about five days of peace and joy in our Living Youth Camp in Ohio. Present were about 342 campers and staff who were all filled with an exceeding sense of enthusiasm and dedication. It was very inspiring to see this tremendous warmth throughout each day of activities with Bible studies, swimming, water polo, softball, soccer, archery, etc. The unusual feeling of joy and unity among these young people was absolutely remarkable and very encouraging. Thank God for these camps! Thank God for His Holy Spirit and the chance for God’s young people to be together, work together and enjoy the true expression of brotherly love among themselves—with boys and girls taking their proper roles and deeply appreciating the differences of the opposite sex in a proper and Christian way. We had a couple of dances, a talent show and other activities where the young men and women were certainly able to show forth their talents as men and women of Jesus Christ.
Wow! What an incredible experience.
But very soon after my return here to Charlotte I was given a report with current news concerning our own city and some of the latest stirrings of “Satan’s Alternative Universe” as I have described it. It seems to be coming on our society very soon, and I think all of you should pay heed. For this Work of the living Christ is absolutely needed to “tell it like it is” and help people wake up to the reality of what is very quickly developing around them as the very end of this present sick society is coming soon. Here are some comments from an early report on the developments in the Charlotte schools:
“The new transgender-affirming policy allows students to select their own gender and then choose the bathroom (although that part is on hold for now), extracurricular activity, sport, etc., that best fits whatever label they happen to identify with at the moment…
If you’re confused about how this works, the school system has provided a handy ‘gender unicorn’ to explain everything. I wish I could say I made that up, but I did not… [It] comes accompanied by a chart, which illustrates how ‘gender identity,’ ‘gender presentation,’ romantic attraction, and sexual attraction (all different things, evidently) exist on a spectrum that stretches out unending into the infinite universe….
What’s happening to our children in these schools is a violation of their basic human rights. I’m not just talking about the female student whose rights are trampled when the sick perverts who come up with these policies force her to change or use the bathroom in front of a boy. That’s bad enough as it is. But to put these lies in their heads in the first place; to intentionally cause such terrible confusion in their minds and their hearts; to indoctrinate children into the most radical and fantastic and deranged ideas about sex and gender; to deprive them of the opportunity to learn even the very basic truths about life and about themselves—that is a violation of their rights. It is systematic child abuse, and it’s the primary reason why I could not, at this point, send my kids to public school” (, August 12, 2016).
When word of these things reached the public, school officials were quick to explain that some statements in the reports were taken out of context or were inaccurate. For example, high school sports teams will still be based on “biological gender.” But the fundamental facts—that our educators in Charlotte are being actively and specifically trained to begin incorporating this godless confusion in our schools—remain shamefully true!
Brethren, in light of the above report and literally dozens of examples like them, it is absolutely vital that we get God’s Work growing more than ever. For this sick world really desperately needs the warning message of Jesus Christ before the end comes. We are doing our best to grow and ask you all to help us to continue to grow in every way we can.
For example, the last few months have been especially encouraging as far as our Internet efforts go. Although we continue to thank God for the very strong responses we continue to receive on our numerous television stations around the world and we continue to make prayerful and smart decisions about adding or changing television stations as new opportunities arise, it is becoming more and more evident that the Internet “door” is continuing to become a more powerful and effective way to preach the Gospel. For example, we have been very encouraged to see that for many weeks now, the Tomorrow’s World telecast over “Internet TV” such as Roku, Amazon FireTV, Google TV and AppleTV have been producing responses comparable to some of our biggest and best “traditional” television stations. Many of these responses are from people who have either “cut the cord” and who do not watch cable TV or are from people who watch both cable television and also Internet television.
In addition to working to grow our “Internet Television” audience, we also strive to increase the reach of our various other Internet and social media platforms. For example, many of you know that people nowadays—especially younger people—go to “YouTube” to watch videos and go to “Facebook” to talk to their friends and even to find the news. According to a May 26, 2016 Pew Research Center study titled, “News Use Across Social Media Platforms 2016,” an astounding 62 percent of adults “get news on social media.” The same study reports that this is up from 49 percent in 2012. As this report also notes, “Facebook is by far the largest social networking site reaching 67 percent of U.S. adults.” Similarly, many people now watch video every day on YouTube, which has well over one billion users, with a majority of those visitors coming from outside the United States. Because we must reach the whole world with the true Gospel, we continue to work hard to use all of these platforms and technologies. As of this writing, our English-language Facebook page now has more than 217,000 fans, our Spanish Facebook page has more than 46,000 fans and our French Facebook page has over 118,000 fans. And our English-language YouTube channel passed 12,700 subscribers and more than 6,700,000 views. Our Spanish YouTube channel passed 22,000 subscribers and more than 4,700,000 views. And our French YouTube channel has passed more than 2,400 subscribers and more than 540,000 views. Very importantly, through these efforts we are reaching people whom we may not reach otherwise, and many of those people are reading and “sharing” Tomorrow’s World articles, telecasts, webcasts, commentaries and booklets with their online friends. We sincerely thank God for blessing our Internet “reach” in these ways, but we know that we must reach the whole world, and so I do ask you to keep praying that He gives us much greater growth in the months and years to come. 
Finally, brethren and co-workers, I have some BIG NEWS! Now that Mr. Gerald Weston has been here at Headquarters serving alongside of us for several weeks, and with my declining health and abilities, I have decided to appoint him to be the next Presiding Evangelist, Chairman of the Board and overall leader of God’s Church if I should die or be physically incapacitated. I have talked with Mr. Ames about this more than once, and Mr. Ames—one of the most dedicated and loyal men I have ever known—agrees with this. Both of us will continue in our present responsibilities as long as we are in health. But, in case of my death or incapacity, Mr. Weston will take over.
So I ask all of you brethren and co-workers to give him every support as you have me. I have known him for 51 years—since he first came to college in the autumn of 1965. He and his dedicated wife have been consistently loyal, doctrinally sound and extremely capable in feeding God’s people and building God’s Work.
I have described them extensively—including his ministerial background and all of his training—in previous member letters. But I would like all of you co-workers as well to realize that this is not an “untested” man. He has been involved in the ministry all over the United States, served as Regional Pastor out of Kansas City for a number of years and for thirteen years ran the largest single Work outside the United States, in Canada. From there he helped launch our operations into China and India and he has a truly “international” outlook. Here at Headquarters, he has fit in very well and in the last several weeks has won the deep respect and admiration of all who have worked with him. I have talked extensively to quite a number of our leaders here and brethren as well. So please give Mr. and Mrs. Weston your total support and know that Christ is the living Head of the Church of God. He has guided and will guide in this appointment. Meanwhile, let us all drive ourselves with the strength that God gives us to help fulfill the outstanding opportunities which we have to prepare for Tomorrow’s World. May God guide and bless each one of you as you go all out to support Christ’s Work and do your part in preparing the way for the coming Government of Christ on this earth.
With Christian love,
Roderick C. Meredith

Friday, August 19, 2016

Bob Thiel Does Not Take Too Kindly Being Called A False Prophet! The Good News Is...He Is Praying For All Of Us Here

Mock not Elisha the prophet!

Bob Thiel was not happy that we mocked his homemade video he made recently where he whined about Hillary and Trump and why he would NOT vote for either of them.

In the midst of his 1,800+ word tirade he has this about me and the rest of us that mock his false prophecies and false teachings:

The Banned by HWA website also regularly calls me a ‘false prophet.’  Its webmaster has claimed that I have made false prophecies (which is not true) and that nothing I have said came to pass (also not true; ; I even posted something earlier today which showed that something I wrote on September 13, 2015 came to pass this Summer–see Germany proposing a type of burqa ban). 
He and those at his site you cease and desist from such things, believe the Bible, and prayerfully study the article How To Determine If Someone is a True Prophet of God
Sadly, because many involved with the Banned by HWA website do not have a real love of the truth, they do not seem to care about their false assertions and conclusions. 
Anyway, the latest thing that I apparently did to get attention by the Banned by HWA website was to personally produce a video giving my personal opinions on why I would not vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton (you can watch 10 Reasons Not to Vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton).

Why do these buffoons take themselves so seriously?

Oh...some of you here are reprobates just like me! Never fear though...God's doubly blessed and mightest church leader since Ananias and Sapphira is praying for us!

The webmaster and some others at the Banned By HWA site remain in my prayers. 

The Creationist Mind