Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Video of Dedication of Dagon's Temple in Edmond

I hesitate posting this so as to not give them more hits to their web site, but this video is appalling.  Not only is this the largest monument of idolatry ever built in modern times, it it is creepy in it's blatant imitation of HWA and WCG.

I have always been fascinated why none of  the 700 some splinter cults could ever come up with anything original when it came to names of their churches, look of the booklets, names of magazines, fake colleges, picture posing's like HWA, etc.  Even his unaccredited 'college' is named after HWA.  The House of Idolatry is named after HWA.

Having worked in Pasadena for three decades I am very familiar with the Ambassador Auditorium.  No expense was spared.  Six Pack has done the same.  The front look of the building is a direct imitation of the Ambassador.  The seating colors are identical, carpet colors identical.

He bought one of the Ambassador's old Steinway's and the two baccarat candelabras.  He also bought the old "Dedicated to God" gold letters from the Ambassador.  These now adorn his walls.

His video is an close imitation of videos description of the Ambassador.

Six Pack traipsed through the woods in Oregon and hauled a dirty old rock back so he could worship it and bow down to it.  How more idolatrous can this cult get????????

Six Pack spent 20 million dollars on the House of Idolatry.  Nine million was financed and the rest was given by the membership.  So in essence the members were conned out of over eleven million dollars.  Eleven million dollars is a lot for a church that is made up of less than 5,000 members.  Ageing members at that! Incidentally, eleven million is what it cost to build the Ambassador.   Money that these older folk should have spent on their retirement instead of financing a monument to HWA and Six Pack.

Their video boasts that 1/6th of the church membership was present for the dedication.  Multiply that by six and you have a church membership of less that five thousand.

The creepiest part is towards the end when they bring in David Wynne to dedicate the swan fountain that Six Pack hauled up from the old Big Sandy campus.

When they start mentioning HWA's name the people in attendance start shouting, whistling and clapping like a bunch of happy seals.  Creepy is not even the word for it!

Watch it at your own risk.  It is 24 minutes long.
there are two other videos related to Dagon's temple on the above page

UCG's New Council Members

The controlling council of UCG is now in place

 (barring any more resignations)

Melvin Rhodes (chairman)
Scott Ashley
Bob Berendt 
Aaron Dean 
William Eddington 
Roy Holladay
Victor Kubik 
Darris McNeely  
Mario Seiglie 
Robin Webber

Get ready for the fur to start flying!

Six Pack Flurry's New Tithing Campaign Video

Three More UCG Resignations

The domino's keep falling!

David Treybig, Michael Blackwell and David Baker are the latest resignations from the UCG ministry