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Showing posts sorted by date for query dave pack. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday, May 27, 2024

Crackpot Prophet On Memorial Day, "Just Wars", And American Football

Here we are on Memorial Day, 2024, a day set aside to honor fallen soldiers who have fought for the freedoms we have and against tyranny both domestic and foreign. It started out as Decoration Day in 1917 and officially became Memorial Day in 1971.

So this brings us to today when our crackpot prophet has to weigh in with more of his stupidity. It's kind of odd some of the things he says and does considering he comes from a military family. But, like many self-appointed COG preachers, they talk the big talk siding with conservative values while never lifting one of their delicate fingers to ever serve the country or their fellow citizens. Thankfully in the early days of the church, we had a lot of men and a few women who had served in the military and did it proudly.

Many like to say the church was pacifist because Herbert Armstrong had a Quaker background but it probably went deeper than that as he thought himself too good and important to join the military. Joining the military would have meant he had to give up his ego and learn to work as one cohesive unit with the other men in his platoon.  Working hard in manual labor was not part of Herbert's thinking. Look at how he boasted about losing one job after another and sitting there watching his family suffer because he felt he was too important to do manual labor.

We are so blessed today in 2024 to have in our midst the GREATEST prophet God has ever sent into this world to deliver such amazing articles and videos unlike any the world has ever seen, until now. God apparently foresaw that Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, Gerald Weston, Vic Kubik, Jim Franks, Ron and Laura Weinland, David Hulme, and Alton Billingsley were going to be epic failures, so he preordained that the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel would rise up in the last dispensation to give a final warning to the church and the world. I guess with Bob we have never really understood that God was a great jokester and that he was pulling a fast one on us.

Here is some of the amazing stuff our Great Bwana thought was worth sharing with us on Memorial Day.

He starts by quoting a snippet from an article on the meaning of this day and how we should strive for peace and immediately has to get snarky mocking what was said. Are COG prophets ever happy about anything?

Today, many in the USA observe ‘Memorial Day.’ It was originally known as ‘Decoration Day.’ It started after the American Civil War to commemorate the Union and Confederate soldiers who died in the Civil War. By the 20th century, Memorial Day was extended to honor all Americans who have died while in the military service. 
A secular source posted the following:
May 29, 2023
On Memorial Day, we honor those who died in the service of our country. Let us do everything we can as a people and a nation to stop war and all its brutality.
A peaceful future without war and all its awfulness is the best way to honor our troops, even as we cherish the memory of the heroes who gave their all. The best way to honor sacrifice is to seek an end to war and militarism

The  Great Bwana then adds this:

While that would be great now, that type of peace will not happen until after Jesus, the Prince of Peace, returns. 
A reader sent me a link to the following article about it:

Memorial Day a time to question war

It is proper to pay respect to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for the rest of us. Memorial Day should also be a time of reflection on when it is moral for the United States to wage war and, if allowed, how this country should conduct war. 
War is awful. In these days of shallow, sanitized news coverage, the real horror of war rarely confronts us with the terrible death it levies against fellow humans, soldiers and civilians alike, and the maiming injuries, physical and psychological, it leaves behind in its wake… 
Over the centuries, religious leaders and moral philosophers have clarified moral principles for commencing a “just war.” Choices about war and peace involve not only military and political options, but also moral questions

The Great One then adds this about "just wars", something that was preached over and over in the pulpits of Armstrongism as a necessary evil at times. The Great Bwana blames the "just war" concept on Catholics.

The ‘just war’ concept, to a major degree, is based upon the writings of the Roman Catholic theologian Thomas Aquinas and was a term used by early followers of Martin Luther. In the 16th century, Martin Luther’s followers condemned those who did not believe that Christians were to be soldiers. Notice what the followers of Martin Luther declared in 1530:

Article XVI: Of Civil Affairs. Of Civil Affairs they teach that lawful civil ordinances are good works of God, and that it is right for Christians to bear civil office, to sit as judges, to judge matters by the Imperial and other existing laws, to award just punishments, to engage in just wars, to serve as soldiers...They condemn the Anabaptists who forbid these civil offices to Christians.

It should be noted that some of those called Anabaptists were in the Church of God. Martin Luther would have also condemned groups like the Continuing Church of God which hold to beliefs that he condemned on these matters. 

Martin Luther is in good company considering that even God condemns the improperly named "continuing" Church of "god", but that's another story.

Yet, from the beginning of the New Testament church true Christians (and even most of the heretical apostates) would not participate in carnal warfare.

Yet, Armstrongist ministers have been heard justifying "just wars" over the decades.

Then, being the Great Bwana that the Great Bwana is, this talk of  "just wars" and war itself deteriorates into Roman Colosseum gladiator battles and then into American football. WTH? Only in the mind of a warped COG prophet can "just war" be stretched to fit this mindless scenario.

Athenagoras, a professing Christian apologist, wrote around 170 A.D.:

What man of sound mind, therefore, will affirm, while such is our character, that we are murderers?…
Who does not reckon among the things of greatest interest the contests of gladiators and wild beasts, especially those which are given by you? But we, deeming that to see a man put to death is much the same as killing him, have abjured such spectacles (Athenagoras. A Plea for the Christians, Chapter XXXV). 
Even today, many Christians realize that watching brutal events intent on causing physical harm, such as real boxing and American football, is inappropriate.

Now, here is something from Theophilus of Antioch (who apparently was part of the Church of God) perhaps written about 180 A.D.:

Consider, therefore, whether those who teach such things can possibly live indifferently, and be commingled in unlawful intercourse, or, most impious of all, eat human flesh, especially when we are forbidden so much as to witness shows of gladiators, lest we become partakers and abettors of murders. But neither may we see the other spectacles, lest our eyes and ears be defiled, participating in the utterances there sung. Theophilus of Antioch. To Autolycus, Book III, Chapter XV.
So, true Christians did not believe that they were to fight nor even watch the violent sports that were popular in the second century.

The Great One ends with this:

So, as many remember the soldiers who died in warfare today, Christians can look forward to the time that there will be no more war nor pain of war.

Christians look forward to the day self-appointed lying false prophets leading the Church of God are eliminated and will no longer have any power to destroy followers' lives; physically, mentally, and spiritually. 

May that day speedily come!

Saturday, May 25, 2024

"...this theater of the absurd that we call Armstrongism "


The As Bereans Did site has a most excellent post up today about how we seem to be on an endless loop in Armstrongism that keeps repeating itself.

They start off with this observation: cannot read the articles at Banned and not get the impression that this has all happened before.

There is not a day I wonder why I still do this, yet almost every single day some Church of God leader or member says or does something so appallingly stupid that it cannot be left on the sidelines as if it was just an innocent COG thing. People are still being lied to and spiritually damaged by every single one of these larger groups that make up the face of the church today. They all try so hard to be little mini-me Herbert Armstrong clones and yet none of them can do it and never will.

The article says this:

How many times do you have to be lied to, fleeced, stepped on, and taken for a fool before you say "enough already"? How many times will Jesus not return next month before you say, "Huh, maybe this guy isn't a prophet after all, and I might do well to question other things he says,"? A 504th sermon? A 900th? How many more duplications of Ambassador College or the Plain Truth magazine or the World Tomorrow television program will it take before you say, "Huh, maybe that wasn't the best use of millions of dollars, and I might do well to question if this organization is really being led by the Spirit,"? How many self-aggrandizing leaders need to rise up, with their petty in-fighting and their posturing, before you say, "Huh, these people aren't any different than that Herbert Armstrong guy, and none of this looks like what I see in the New Testament,"?

Then there is this: 

If you're staying because of the Sabbath, I've written articles since day 1 recommending you try it over at the Church of God - Seventh Day. See for yourself that they aren't like this. They did the right thing and fired Herbert Armstrong in the 1930s. Here we are almost 100 years later and many still haven't learned that one simple lesson. 
What became of these men? What became of Herbert Armstrong, Garner Ted Armstrong, Rod Meredith, Gerald Waterhouse, Herman Hoeh, Gerald Flurry, Ron Weinland, Dave Pack, etc etc etc etc? Did their work pass through the fire or did it burn up? Do you suppose those wells gave fresh water or bitter?

All we have seen, at least in this latter-day dispensation of Armstrongism, is division, back-biting, self-aggrandizement, and superiority complexes as its major minor players thump their puffed-out little chests and bellow at us as to how great they are.

The article continues:

I want you to take an inventory of the past 100 years, an honest inventory, and ask if these are the fingerprints of Jesus you see. Was it Christ who got the prophecies wrong so many, many times? Was it Christ who caused church leaders to struggle for power and influence? Was it Christ causing these men to say "I am Elijah", "I am the Inkhorn", "I am the Two Witnesses"? Was it Christ who caused so many divisions? Was it Christ who misrepresented the facts of history and scripture over and over again? Was it Christ who ruined families financially?

Or maybe was it not Christ at all. Maybe, just maybe, is Jesus Christ to be found elsewhere?

Sadly, very few of the present-day COG groups are even actively looking for Jesus. Their personal interpretations of scripture, their assumed superior knowledge on all kinds of ultimately useless topics, their obsession with legalism, and their blatant narcissism prove that Christ is not part of the picture. 

Some are waking up and leaving the church and there are others seeking to replicate it every day.

That's why I continue to post stuff about Armstrongism and its absolutely CRAZY legacy. If they are going to be dumb enough to say, I am going to post it. The longed for glory-days-of-old that so many look fondly back at were days of zero accountability. Those days are over and many today actively hold their feet to the fire, whether it be this blog, As Bereans Did, The Painful Truth, and the numerous xCOG Facebook pages where people share personal stories of spiritual and physical abuse at the hands of the church.

Read the entire article here: What Will It Take?


Thursday, May 23, 2024

Dave Pack: Herbert Armstrong will be the first human being resurrected.

This was originally posted in 2017 and here we are in 2024 and the idiocy coming out of Dave's mouth continues unabbated. Not one single thing he has said has ever come true.

His claim below is also as ludicrous as his return of Jesus every other day now.

Dave Pack claims:

Mr. Armstrong literally will have the honor of being the first human being, at the end of the age, to be resurrected from the dead. Now, there have been other people resurrected in different ages, but I’m talking about resurrected from the dead to go on within Christ’s government to a position of enormous authority. I just find that easy to understand.

Isn't it wonderful to know Dave has the answer to EVERYTHING!

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Dave Pack: The Butterfly Defect


The Butterfly Defect 

Most sane people would decide to change their vocation after failing miserably for over twelve years. But not David C. Pack. The Kingdom to Israel did not arrive on May 8, 2024. It did not arrive on April 21. It did not arrive on April 8. Repeat that exercise until you travel back to August 30, 2013. Nothing David C. Pack has ever preached has happened. Not a single thing.

The Pastor General of The Restored Church of God fulfills the biblical definitions of a false prophet, false teacher, and false apostle. Yet, about 1,200 people on the planet still believe he deserves a paycheck funded from their labors. The brethren produce income to pay a prophetic fraud to produce nothing. They only have themselves to blame.

David C. Pack self-appointed himself an apostle, Joshua the High Priest, Elijah the Prophet, the Branch, the Messenger of the Covenant, the Faithful Priest, the Goodman of the House, and the Seventh Angel. Yet, cannot do anything right.

He is either a Jew descended from ancient King David or a Levite, depending upon his desired context. He is either Elijah the Prophet now or will be soon, depending on his desired context. He is either prophesying or only teaching, depending upon his desired context. He is either fulfilling prophecy or not fulfilling prophecy depending upon his desired context.

James 1:8
A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.

How does one embody this more perfectly than David C. Pack?


The only reliable thing about David C. Pack is that he is unreliable. Let the man speak for himself.

Part 512 – May 11, 2024
@ 00:11 Well, I didn’t keep my promise. I said I would be no more messages, but here we are.

The documented oath-breaker admits in his introductory words that nobody should believe anything he says. Iyar 1 failed to produce any of the hysteria he said would befall the world. His denial is so pure he did not mention Iyar 1 or the Kingdom no-show three days prior during Part 512.

If he does not mention something, it means it did not occur. If David C. Pack does not admit to failing, then David C. Pack did not fail. “Ignoring a problem makes it go away” is an essential RCG survival tactic.

The members of The Restored Church of God must be so accustomed to letting his words slip in and out of their short-term memory that it does not bother them when his opening ten seconds invalidates 92 minutes from Part 511.

During Part 512, Dave “undid” all of these statements from seven days prior.

Part 511 – May 4, 2024
@ 16:45 But, we’re we’re more on track than you might think.

@ 17:04 After I cover this subject, there's only one more to cover, and then we're done tonight. 'Cause this is the last message of the Series. And that's for sure.

@ 43:46 Now, it's so easy to understand. So easy to understand when the Kingdom of God comes. Of course, it’s the thousand years.

@ 1:08:02 I thought, “It’s Sivan 1.” ‘Cause I’m sitting here all the while thinking, “But, Father, I’m done with the Series. If this if the Series is supposta go right up to the Kingdom, what’s gonna happen ‘cause I’m telling you, this is the last message. I don’t have anything else to say. So, I could give you many, many more indicators of Sivan 1.

David C. Pack’s prayer was answered in 3…2…1…

@ 1:16:57 If I were you, I’d pray I got this all wrong and that we’re gonna have a quiet month of Iyar and wait till Sivan.

With a splash of unrelated victimhood in 3…2…1…

@ 1:17:03 That’d be fine with me ‘cause I’m in the crosshairs more than anybody.

But the Series is over. So, there is some comfort in that.

@ 1:30:57 I won’t revisit this plan. If we had to go on somehow, I won’t revisit the plan. If time went on, I’d allude to it in terms uh in in sermons and so forth about other subjects.

@ 1:31:12 But, the but but the or my ultra-marathon is over. 512 Parts and 930 hours are over. It’s over. There’s nothing else to tell you. 

@ 1:31:30 If we somehow got beyond May 8th, which doesn't seem possible, then wait through Iyar, hoping it is less than a month. Because the only picture I see is hell and had Habakkuk shrieking and crying that God would intervene.


David C. Pack and the cowardly hirelings at Headquarters hope that none of the brethren remember those words from a week ago. Why focus on the past when they have such incredible knowledge to be spewed on them this week?

Part 512 – May 11, 2024
@ 1:14:32 I’m not prophesying now. Nobody’ll ever get me to say that. I’m not. I’m teaching. But I’m teaching things no one ever saw.

Dave will eventually get himself to say that.

If history is our guide, no one ever saw it because it was never there in the first place. As an unordained non-prophet/non-psychic, I predict much of Part 512 will be undone in Part 513 because that has been the “grand pattern” of “The Greatest Unending Story!”

Now that RCG has established God's Spirit moves people through discomfort and inspires suspicion, which is proof of God's guidance, another fruit from the head of David C. Pack is misery.

@ 1:18:40 But people wanna throw stones sometimes at Mr. Pack can’t figure [chuckles] all of this out. I mean, I I get deeply frustrated with myself. I never get frustrated with God, but it just I thought, you know, maybe it would be good if we just went really deeply into how difficult some of this is so you could be just as periodically miserable as I am. I I mean, misery loves company. This some of this is hard.

God has a final end-time messenger who has all His authority to preach to His people, thus ending the Mystery of God. If prophecy is to be fulfilled by one chosen man, why does Dave’s god make everything so dang hard? Why do the words on the pages keep moving around? Why do verses fall out and back into the Bible? How come words mean something specific one day and then something else vague another day?

Because David C. Pack is stuck in a prophetic dismal swamp of his own making.


Proof that David C. Pack lives in a dark, sealed box sequestered away on The Restored Church of God Campus in 3…2…1…

@ 00:23 How many of you’ve heard of the what’s called “the butterfly effect?” [raised hands] Okay, you all have. I had actually not heard of it until recently. It was coined by a meteorologist named Edward Lorenz. …Discovered in the 1960s that tiny butterfly-scale changes to the starting point of his computer weather models (I’m reading the quote) resulted in anything from sunny skies to violent storms.

The moment Dave said this, 
it was obvious where he was headed. He found a tiny little whatever in the Bible and would blow it far out of proportion to excuse himself for botching the past six months. Oh boy, was that the strategy.

@ 02:15 Prophetically, what if two facts emerged that altered a host of other facts? Maybe we'll call it "Uh, Two Butterflies." What if they were so big I had to speak to all that they impacted after I’d so recently said we’re done?

Your human idol did not make a mistake, brethren. “Two facts emerged” that necessitated catastrophic cascading adjustments to the prophetic picture just when they thought it was so clear and easy.

Dave’s god has tricked him into playing a never-ending game of Biblical Jenga. The unstable tower of prophetic fantasies is constantly teetering on the verge of collapse, swayed about by every wind of doctrine and tossed to and fro that can only be stabilized by persistent denial and generous portions of uncomfortable sleeplessness.

Behold the legacy of “The Greatest Untold Story!” Who could have imagined so much needed to change because of a single word? Well, David C. Pack needed to find something special and, after much desperation, found his means of escape. His favorite whipping boys were called to the carpet again.

@ 03:30 First, perhaps our last big mistranslation came clear. I began to be suspicious because of some other things, and this mistranslation became a fact that alone altered not everything, but in [chuckles] it’s almost close.

Much to Dave's chagrin and secret delight, the word "also" is not in the Hebrew in Zechariah 11:8. He makes a big deal about how it changes so much when removing the word does not change anything. It does not change the meaning or context. The only thing different is how David C. Pack's astonishingly dreadful piss-poor reading comprehension skills comprehend the verse.

The implication is that "also” is not there; therefore, it would never be Iyar.

How the yellow-spine mollusks at Headquarters do not turn beet red with shame during Sabbath Services is a living testament to their resolve to accept anything their Pastor General says no matter how unsound and asinine. Your Pope is infallible, after all. Right, Ed?


During Part 512, David C. Pack is the classic David C. Pack.

Basking in the ejaculatory ecstasy of his premature glory, Dave proclaims the illusion of assured divine knowledge without being bogged down by providing a shred of actual proof.

Remember, only fools trust the words of David C. Pack. He said so himself.

@ 00:11 Well, I didn’t keep my promise. I said I would be no more messages, but here we are.

That same unreliable narrator foretells a biblical chimera inflated with firm-fingered speculation and supported by because-I-say-so theology.

David C. Pack knows when the Kingdom to Israel will arrive.
But he will not tell anyone.

@ 07:04 What is what is the Seven Year Kingdom of “those days?” You’ve heard that term many times. What is it? Now, this gonna surprise you, and I don't mean to be cute after we've wrestled for a long, long time with this. But I know when the Seven-Year Kingdom begins. The very day. Absolutely. I know it. So do a few ministers who know what I do. Except, I gave them about 15 proofs. And I’ve got 50. I’ve got 50 proofs of when this happens.

Any list David C. Pack, Coffee Kid, and Pepper Boy create in the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium would prove more useful if they were written on toilet paper. That is one of the ways the brethren's money is being spent. Dave and his assistants are sitting around perpetually, writing down pointless lists.

@ 07:50 I absolutely know and know that I know and know that I know that I know. And those men, with a third of a maybe about 30% of what I know, said, “Open and shut.” In fact, some of them are so powerful that they could almost be enough by themself.

He absolutely knows but does not tell the members.

The Power of Presumption is alive and well at Headquarters. His emphatic convictions betray the reality of his perfect failure three days earlier when nothing biblical happened on May 8, 2024. To hear the man preach absolutes with such passion, you might think he was unaware Iyar 1 came and went without a peep.

@ 08:33 But, I can tell ya it’s 2024. I can [laughs] I know that.

Dave does not get specific but tells them it is this year. Then, he waits 90 minutes to dash any more of their hopes.

@ 1:39:59 I’ll just tell you this. The Kingdom date is not immediate.

This gives Dave a lot more breathing room to drag things out. More members cannot quit in a huff after a failed date if there is no failed date for Dave to preemptively adjust to huff about.

@ 1:24:30 If God wants me to, I’ll tell you the day it comes, this First Kingdom. ‘Cause I know absolutely as certain as I know my own name.

David Passover is certain about his own name. Take that with a grain of salt.

@ 1:40:14 But, I’m just gonna say this much because I feel duty bound since I I–I’ll just say one last time and and nobody gonna get it out of me. I know the date this comes. It’s impossible that it’s wrong. Impossible.

Raising your hand in that moment to ask, “As impossible as Iyar 1?” is the fast way out the door.

Know this for sure: It is impossible for him to be right.

David C. Pack is a biblical fraud. The man is a hypocritical blaspheming liar. He will never be correct about any date. The Holy Spirit does not inspire him to teach this. God will not use him to provide any accurate prophetic knowledge. THAT is impossible.

@ 1:41:57 If God wants me to tell you the date, and I'll tell you why, I'm not so sure of that. If He wants me to, I'll tell you. If He doesn’t—and I have my reasons.

David C. Pack has absolutely no idea what God wants. Zero. Nada. If Dave cannot discern the actual picture from the pages of the Bible or correctly interpret his discomfort, how could he possibly know when his god wants ANYTHING from him? He has bumped his head against the wall for over seven years, constantly bumbling in the dark, but now he would know when his god wants XYZ? Good luck, dude.

@ 1:42:38 So, Godspeed the the day I know about [laughs], and if I sound like I'm teasing you, I partly am. But, I just cannot tell you yet. I’m not gonna do it. Always did in the past. You must know something’s up that Mr. Pack is not doin’ it this time. He’s he’s breaking with tradition.

Believe it: Dave will spill the beans on this. No doubt about that. Maybe even today during Part 513. He declared before what he "wasn't gonna do" and then practically pissed himself with excitement to blurt it out. This latest impossible-to-be-wrong date will not remain a secret for long. And will prove to be wrong.

@ 1:42:58 I always told you when I had the wrong date. Now, I know I've got the right one, but I’m not gonna do it.

Oh, yes, he will. He will do it sooner than you think.


David C. Pack cannot preach, teach, or utter any date other than the wrong ones. History and the Bible guarantee that. Rest easy, everyone. Do not fear this man or his feeble, empty words. In the world of David C. Pack, the sky is always falling.

@ 1:42:21 …as good as that is, it’s raging hell and ends in death for many of the saints, and half of 'em fall away and of those half, that that that that don't fall away, they hafta get killed.

@ 1:40:30 But, I’m just gonna tell ya the world will continue a while. You’re gonna hafta watch it.

@ 1:41:28 And the collapse of society. It’s gonna go a little while longer.

David C. Pack Newsflash: The world will continue for a little while. Nobody shocked.

David C. Pack is a know-nothing know-it-all. He preaches the same malarkey week after week for years and still expects the brain-dead among the members to get excited. That is a mental illness realized.

@ 1:34:21 If you don’t find yourself mumbling about this and talking in your sleep, then it was lost on you. This some of the most amazing understanding I ever heard. I mean, a week ago, I said we're done. Well, now you know we're not. We’re not even done today.

For those who may assumed David C. Pack has an ice-cold heart, witness his profound forgiveness. For himself.

@ 1:22:00 But, lemme just say that I can be forgiven, and you can, too, for believing this [Seven-Year Kingdom] is the Kingdom of God because it sure does look like it. It sure mimics the Kingdom of God in every way I always thought it would be, plus a bunch more. That oughta at least have you excited what whatever it is.

Should they be more or less excited than they were about Iyar 1 on Wednesday, May 8? How about being as excited about Abib 15 or Abib 1? What excitement level should sane, rational people keep experiencing since David C. Pack’s first prophetic failure on August 30, 2013?

Maybe Jaco Viljoen can write another hastily written email to explain that.


David C. Pack never heard of the Butterfly Effect until he needed to. His entire Prophetic Jenga construct centered on Iyar 1 came toppling down because he never realized “also” was not in Zechariah 11:8. As if that word mattered.

We can all learn from his lesson because little things carry big implications.

David C. Pack’s real Butterfly Defect is that on August 30, 2013, when Jesus Christ did not return to Wadsworth, Ohio, to center the Kingdom of God on The Restored Church of God Campus so that the members could be blessed with exousia to preach the true Gospel to the entire world, David C. Pack became a false prophet.

That tiny detail created massive ripple effects, turning calm biblical weather into a raging, destructive hurricane of blasphemy, causing personal devastation unto this day. What once appeared to be a beautiful butterfly of divine knowledge handed down to God’s people at the time of the end became a dead husk of spiritual corruption caught in a spider’s web of deceit and manipulation.

The Restored Church of God is spiritually bankrupt, devoid of love, and a haven for wicked arrogance.

David C. Pack’s Butterfly Defect forbids him from ever being right.

Marc Cebrian

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Yisrayl Hawkins Took Armstrongite Craziness To A New Level


It has been a while since we have featured Yisrayl Hawkins here. He was a former Church of God member who started the House of Yahweh in Abeline Texas. It is a sacred names group that is considered by most to be a borderline dangerous cult. Hawkins also died in 2021 and like Herbert Armstrong, his writings are regarded as sacred scripture worthy of being promulgated to the world as truth.

Hawkins was like Fred Coulter in that he produced his own version of the Bible that he claimed was corrupted by none other than those evil Catholics, the bogeymen of all things fearful in Armstrongism. His take on how the Bible was formed and its canonization is about as crazy as Bob Thiel's take on it all.

He changed the names of many of the names of the Bible to fit his sacred names nonsense.

These are all quotes from the latest cult magazine, The Prophetic Word.

ISAYAH 34:16 
Search out The Book of Yahweh, and read. Not one of these will be neglected.
For it is written: Yahweh is their shepherd; for His mouth has commanded it, and His spirit has gathered them. 
The Book of Yahweh is the complete writings of the inspired prophets of Yahweh and the apostles of Yahshua Messiah, all in one Book. However, many are unfamiliar with The Book of Yahweh because it was taken to Rome during the removal of The House of Yahweh (Temple) in Jerusalem, and hidden in Rome for over 1,500 years. Later, the Catholic Church was forced to let a rendition (King James version) of it out to the public but only with the true Names of the Creator, Yahweh and the Savior, Yahshua replaced with the titles Lord and God. 
Many hours of research went into restoring The Book of Yahweh, which was made available in 1987 by The House of Yahweh in Abilene, Texas. For more information about the history behind the conspiracy of the Catholic Church to take away the pure word of Yahweh, call, write or email The House of Yahweh.

The craziness continues:


In the 1970s, Yisrayl Hawkins spoke to his family about reestablishing The House of Yahweh; so, the decision was made to cast lots to determine if it was indeed Yahweh’s will for His Work to begin again. From that very lot casting the keeping of the weekly Sabbath and ordained Feasts at the homestead started. Shortly thereafter, what is now known as the pressroom was built on a ten acre plot on T&P Lane in Abilene TX.

Yisrayl, having worked in a press shop in his youth, alongside seeing the mistranslations in the King James version of the bible, wanted to write a scriptural commentary like the ones he had read in bible college. Therefore, printing would become and continue as a mainstay in the Last Days’ Work of Yahweh.

During the early 1980s, Yisrayl edited the book he had written in 1976, which would be called The Mark of the Beast. His desire had always been to fulfill the Word of Yahweh, as taught to him from the womb. Yahweh’s Two Witnesses, Yaaqob and Yisrayl, had seen the name Yahweh at the very top of the title page of the 1611 King James version in the Hertel bible during the 1950s.

Yisrayl knew from scripture that the message of Yahweh must be preached to all the world (Mattithyah 24:14) and published throughout all nations (Yahchanan Mark 13:10). So while the work was slowly building, it was with those scriptures in mind that Yisrayl used the inspiration of Yahweh to create The Prophetic Word magazine (Yeremyah 23:36).

In all these Prophetic Word Magazines, Yisrayl Hawkins had a sense of urgency in warning the world of what rejecting Yahweh’s Laws will bring, and the peace obtained by accepting and following those same Laws 

And more:


The word Catholic means universal, showing they worship all Gods, bar none. However, they do not worship Yahweh because Yahweh is not a God. Yahweh is the Creator and is the only Being responsible for the creation of mankind. Yahweh is the only Being Who has a Plan for mankind. Notice:


Then Yahweh said: I will make man in My Image, according to My Likeness; they will have Authority over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over the cattle, and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.

Satan is female:


The serpent and her Gods are not in unity with Yahweh. They had high positions in the universe and left them. They were totally rebellious and undependable. For full details call, write, or email and ask how to acquire the sermons about the sons of Yahweh who left their first estate. 

The words in the Bible that refer to  God and Lord is a Catholic conspiracy.

Satan deceives the whole world? It’s shown in:


1 Now the serpent was more subtle and crafty than any beast of the field which Yahweh had made. And she said to the woman; Has Yahweh indeed said: You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

2 And the woman said to the serpent; We can eat the fruit of the trees of the garden;

3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, Yahweh has said: You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, or you will die.

4 And the serpent said to the woman; You will not surely die.

5 For He knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be as Gods (elohim), knowing righteousness and evil.

Does that seem at all like the Gods and Satan are in unity with Yahweh? Of course not! When the Roman Catholic Church removed the Name Yahweh and replaced it with the words God and Lord was that at Yahweh’s request? Of course not! 

And more craziness:

The whole world is worshipping Gods today because this religious system removed The Book of Yahweh from the whole world in 70 A.Y. (After Yahshua). At that time, they also murdered about three million Sabbath keepers, and removed the very stones of The House of Yahweh, which they called the Temple, because they hated Yahweh and Yahshua. 

Hawkins's abomination is forbidden reading at the Vatican... 

The Book of Yahweh was only introduced in English in 1987, but it’s still forbidden by the Vatican.  

The Vatican no more cares about Hawkins's abomination than it does about what Bob Thiel preaches. Armstrongite leaders think too highly of themselves. 

I just love it when Armstrongists think they are God's gift to the world and that their writings are so superfantabulous that it ticks off the Catholics (Yes, Bob I am also speaking of you).

The Sabbaths, written in your bible, are a sign between you and Yahweh. That sign is that those who keep these appointments—Yahweh’s Sabbaths and Feasts—belong to Yahweh and have been set apart for Yahweh’s Plan. Satan and the Gods do not want you to keep these appointments; that is, Satan, the Gods, the Coptic Catholics, who called themselves Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, and Herodians before they made their move to the seven hills of Rome where they took back the name Catholic. Catholic means universal, showing they worship all Gods and belong to the devil. Read this in your own bible and believe.

I YAHCHANAN 3:4, 7-8, 10

4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.

7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous.

8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.

10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!

You should now start understanding why the popes hate The Book of Yahweh so much and why they did not want it translated for the people. Six million Sabbath- keepers were murdered in Germany alone. Three million were murdered in Israyl in 70 A.Y. when the Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, and Herodians made their complete move to Rome.

Right on cue, Hawkins, like Bob Thiel, Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, and Ron Weinland believed he was one of the two witless witnesses. How many of these looney tunes does the church need in its midst? After all, Samuel Kitchen and Aaron Dean are the two witnesses so we should stop looking for others right now!

The Prophet Daniyl was shown two men preaching the prophecies in this prophesied generation. 
DANIYL 12:4-10
4 But you, O Daniyl, shut up the words, and seal the Book to the time of The End; many will run to and fro, and knowledge will be increased.
5 Then I, Daniyl, looked; and behold, there stood two others, one on this side of the bank of the river, and the other on that side of the bank of the river.
6 And said to the man clothed in linen, who on that future day is teaching: How long will it be to the end of these wonders?
7 Then I heard the man clothed in linen, who on that future day is teaching, when he held up his right hand and his left hand toward heaven, and vowed by Him Who lives forever, that: It will be for a time, times, and a half, when Yahweh will have accomplished pouring out His Power through His righteous people, all these things will be finished.
8 So I heard, but I did not understand. Then I said; O my ruler, what will be the end of these things?
9 But he said: Go your way, Daniyl, for the words are closed up and sealed until the time of The End.
10 Many will be purified, and made white, and tried; tested; but the wicked will do wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, but the wise will understand. 
Verses 5-6 – two others teaching. All other prophecies show these two as the Two Witnesses. Yahweh’s Prophet Isayah shows these two brothers are given their names by Yahweh. The younger of these two brothers was born August 28, 1934. 
Another prophecy shows the actions of these two brothers, whom Yahweh refers to as My Two Witnesses. The prophecies show the Two Witnesses will bring to the public The House of Yahweh in this same generation. 
1 But in the Last Days it will come to pass that the mountain; promotion, of The House of Yahweh will be established in the chief of the nations. It will be raised above all congregations; and all peoples will eventually flow to it. 
2 And many people will go and say; Come, and let us go up to the mountain; uplifting, of Yahweh, and to the House of the Father of Yaaqob, and He will teach us of His Ways, and we will walk in His Paths. Because the Laws will depart from Zion, and the Word of Yahweh from Yerusalem.

3 And He will judge between many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they will beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, nor will they learn war anymore.

Did you notice where The House of Yahweh would be established? This prophecy shows The House of Yahweh will not be established in the nation Israyl, but rather in the United States of America.


Is this a valid will for House of Yahweh leader? Yisrayl Hawkins leaves behind 30+ kids, 200 properties, $5 million in assets



Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Did Jesus Christ ever teach "follow your pastors" and to be pastor chasers!?

The following was on the Non Seventh-day Adventist - never to return Facebook page. Adventistism has the same issues that Armstrongism has, which isn't surprising since we all have the same bad roots in Millerism. 

Pastor chasing has been the face of the Church of God since its very creation. People chased HWA in the 1930's when they broke off from the Stansbury COG. Then, GTA took his groupies with him when he was finally kicked out of the WCG. 

Look at how people followed Rod Meredith from one failed church to the next, in spite of all the corruption that was on display. 

Then, we got to watch as the apostates Dave Pack and Bob Thiel broke off with their own groupies. However, with Bob, it is less about groupies following him than opportunists who saw a gullible American with money who needed his narcissistic ego stroked. One thing is for certain with his African followers, "pastor chasing" is big over there, all thanks to Adventistism and Armstrongism.

This is sure to set Bob Thiel and others off as this is in direct rebellion against their idea of church members kowtowing to their imagined church government power structure.

👉Millions of Christians have placed pastors in front of their lives, when the real Shepherd should be Jesus Christ.
👉Pastors are leaders who want followers. They also want your money. They want you to believe they know and understand truth. They want you to regard them as special. They want your endless lifelong support.
👉 If they were real shepherds, they would point you to Jesus Christ and not to themselves. If they were real shepherds they would follow Jesus Christ, instead of following man-made traditions themselves.
👉 The "clergy/laity" system is a man-made tradition of long standing. Do you know any "pastors" who refuse to have personal followers ⁉️
👉Did Jesus Christ ever teach "follow your pastors" and be pastor chasers ⁉️
👉The purpose driven church would lead you to believe that pastors are your infallible, inerrant spiritual leaders. They would also have you believe that you cannot live without your pastors.
👉The one great fear all church pastors of every persuasion have is that you will STOP following them and their teachings. The reason is because when Christians STOP following pastors, then pastors will lose their power, their prestige, their comfort zone, their free money, their pride, their position, their authority. When this happens, people will only have one chose left either they follow Jesus Christ, or they reject Jesus Christ
👉. Does anyone ever consider that chasing pastors is a rejection of Jesus Christ? Is it complete heresy to say that churches are idols of worship? Do we worship pastors and churches, or do we worship our heavenly Father in Spirit and in truth?

by Mungandi Mubita