Friday, December 7, 2012

Pulpit Pimping For Dummies

Now you too can have a large home, luxury cars, gold, diamonds, travel to Europe and many other perks.  Let the rules that many mega-pastors use to help you gain money and a following.

You will learn to:

Take your ministry to the next level. Walk in divine prosperity. Get the break through you keep promising the sheeple. Drive the best cars, live in the biggest house, fly the best planes and patronize the best restaurants.

The Dummies guide tells you how to convince people to give you more money than they can afford to give you. But not only that, it teaches you how to make those people to think you are doing them a favor by taking the money. We give you the secrets for convincing people to pay you their tithes BEFORE they pay their rent or electric bill. Do you want to make people financially dependent on you? We’ll tell you how.

You want to be worshiped as if you are the Christ? The Dummies guide teaches you how to walk, talk, and threaten so that even the most stubborn (though stupid) sheeple will be willing to quote you rather than the Bible.
Are there people in your congregation who regularly disagree with you and base that disagreement on an accurate understanding of Scripture? The Dummies guide gives you foolproof instructions on how get them out of your congregation and how to make the sheeple believe they are being obedient to God when they turn their backs on the rebel.

There is even a section on how the Church of God operates:

There’s even a special Scumbag section that has tons of information on how the best of the scumbags get away with sexual harassment and abuse, spanking, raping, incest and just plain fooling around with some of the Gospel groupies. We tell you how to intimidate folks to keep silent, what Scriptures to use to keep the sheeple thinking they should feel bad about doubting whatever you tell them, and how to make sure you are repeating “touch not God’s anointed” often enough to be effective but not often enough to lessen the impact.

Pretty soon you too will be able to build a college, build the world's largest and best web site, and own a large home on a lake in a private gated compound. Know the perks that your COG leader used to get where he is today!

Apostle Malm Ready to 'Execute Correction?"

The apostle has been running a series of posts on the Psalms and how they illustrate that God is really pissed and is going to annihilate the wicked.

Today, the apostle had this to say:

One man took a stand for the Lord and executed the correction of Christ on a wicked and rebellious people who were committing fornication and adultery.  Today as the various COG Groups commit spiritual adultery by following the traditions of a man instead of the very Word of Almighty God; is there a Phinehas among the brethren to take a stand and save the people by turning them back to the Eternal?

Malm has been saying for a while that he is the ONLY one  preaching a warning to the wicked and fornicating Churches of God.  Is apostle Malm ready to "execute correction" in the name of the thing he calls "christ?" many Armstrongites get giddy at the prospect of the wicked being punished.  They want to see the people they call sinners be punished for their wickedness.  By seeing that happen it legitimizes their law keeping and makes them better than the others.  Since they have been trained for decades that they are "called out" they have always felt more enlightened than the pagans and sinners they spit on regularly.