Thursday, March 21, 2013

Imprisoned Church of God Felon Still Says Jesus Is Returning May 19, 2013

Ron Weinland, potentially the first of many convicted Church of God leaders, is still claiming Jesus Christ is going to return on May 18, 2013.

The failed prophet had his second witless witness wife post the following on his March 18th blog posting:

Once God’s Church entered this prophetic day, the year of the Eternal, on Pentecost of 2012, Pentecost of 2013 seemed so far away. Our hearts had been set on the return of Christ to occur on May 27, 2012, but that did not happen. Then God quickly and mercifully revealed that His Son would not return until the following Pentecost of May 19, 2013.

The the king of idiotic prophecy uttered that Jesus Christ was returning on Pentecost last year, he had to back peddle really fast when nothing happened.  The failed prophet then claimed that the church had entered into a prophetic "day" in prophecy and would have one year left till his creature he claims is christ returns.

On Pentecost we learned why Christ had not yet returned, as we had entered a prophetic day in which God’s judgment would be executed. It would not be executed throughout that day, but within that day.

The only judgement that happened in this past year was that the Weinerdude found himself in court several times and then convicted for tax evasion.  The judgement handed down to him was 3 1/2 years in prison.

Like any great Church of God Apostle or Prophet the Weinerdude gives himself an out realizing he may just be full of gas once again.

Time will soon reveal if God will now bring such judgment upon the world within this time period of Passover to Pentecost or if there is more to be learned that has not yet been given for us to see. If we do not yet have a completely clear picture of the timing of these end-time events, then we will humble ourselves before God and seek to learn what we do not know. God’s people can see no more than what God gives to be seen, and God has given us much!

I can guarantee you right now that Jesus will NOT return on May 13th and that Weinerdude will still be in prison.  He will then claim they have another year because things were not ready.  Either the dumb brethren were doubtful or God has a purpose in delaying the return of Weinerdude's christ. We  have heard it all before. Idiot's all.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Bricket Wood England Campus: Setting For Scenes In New Movie "Plastic"

Like all the properties that the Worldwide Church of God originally owned, the Bricket Wood campus is being turned into a housing and wildlife estate.  While that work is still in progress the property is being used for filming, just like the Pasadena campus is.

A new movie is being filmed in Bricket Wood called "Plastic."  Part of it was filmed on the old Ambassador Campus.  I also found it interesting in the news article that "A Clockwork Orange" was filmed in the local woods.  I wonder if it was in the Ambassador woodlands.....too funny.

The spotlight shone brightly on Bricket Wood recently as production got underway on a feature film starring Downton Abbey’s Ed Speleers and Game of Thrones’ Alfie Allen.

Plastic, which has been described as a cross between Catch Me if You Can and The Italian Job, wrapped filming last month. Based on various true stories, the picture follows a gang of friends who manage to infiltrate one of the biggest credit card companies in the world and pull off “one of the biggest and most audacious diamond heists ever committed in British history”.

Producing the movie took its team and actors all over the world, with filming hotspots including Miami, Brunei and Manchester. But it was Bricket Wood which became the backbone of making the film and offered an ample canvas for a whole host of integral scenes for the fraud-based film.

Film crews set up camp in Hanstead Park – the site of the old HSBC training centre – which proved a fruitful location for production, with woods, an office block and a university-style building readily available. This is not the first time Bricket Wood has been on the silver screen; a scene in A Clockwork Orange is said to have been filmed in woodland near the village.

It is interesting that most of the movies being filmed on both campuses involve criminal activity in their film subjects.  I don't know much about life at Bricket Wood, but there was certainly enough criminal activity in Pasadena over the decades that would put these films to shame.  What a legacy we have left behind!

For more information on the redevelopment of the Bricket Wood Campus and it's future check this site out: Bricket Wood Portfolio.