Thursday, March 23, 2017

Improperly Named "Continuing" Church of God Struggles to Find Location in Florida for Days of UB

Poor Almost arrested, Elisha, Elijah, Amos, Habakkuk, Joshua, Mayan Authority, Doubly Blessed, Second Witless Witness, Catholicphobe, and the disappointing "son" of Rod Meredith admits in his March 16 letter to his 25 American "members" and 1,975 African "members" that he is struggling to find a venue in Florida for the  Old Covenant Days of Unleavened Bread that invalidate anything Jesus set about to accomplish.

Apparently one of the hotels he contacted was not interested in accommodating him or his improperly named "Continuing" Church of God in any manner whatsoever. Since prophet Thiel is god's mighty mouthpiece, will he call down a curse on this establishment much like WCG did at the Pocono's site in the 1970's?  How dare this establishment REFUSE to allow The Chosen One a platform to speak at!  For shame!
April 17 and 22 in Florida
As mentioned last week, my family and I expect to be in Florida for the Last Day of Unleavened Bread, which will be April 17, 2017. We also plan to be in Florida for Sabbath services on April 22, 2017.
Please pray that we may find an acceptable and reasonably priced location to hold services those two dates. The first facility we contacted in Stuart apparently was not interested, and we have since tried another place there. We are looking for something on the eastern side of that state, probably near West Palm Beach or Boca Raton. If you are in Florida and may wish to attend, please email me: 
The Chosen One also reports that he has to funnel much of his "income" into supporting his African "members" which has resulted in a drop in "viewers" to his Crooked Bookcase series of sermons that cover 10-20 different subjects every time he speaks.  Perhaps his viewers are dropping off because of the inane subjects being preached about that have no meaning whatsoever to his "viewership." As usual for a COG minister, it is the fault of the members in that income is down.  They are not diligent enough nor are proper "doers of the word."
Google reported that our campaign with them reached 3,104,839 computers last month. This is down from the previous month, but that is because a higher percentage of people responded and showed interest.  We could have reached more, but we have limited our budget to continue to provide support for the needs in Africa. We must be doers of the word and not hearers only (cf. James 1:22; 2:14-17) as we are diligently working to fulfill Matthew 24:14 and Matthew 28:19-20.
Perhaps The Chosen One, the apostle, prophet and end time witness, Bob Thiel, should join forces with the one and only TRUE church, the UCG, and share the Edgewater resort in Panama City.  Talk about a double blessing!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

UCG wants members to attend cheaper Feast sites so they can take care of the "vulnerable and disadvantaged" while the elite go to the high end resorts

Those fun and elite boys in Cincninatti are still up to their old tricks in making their followers toe-the-line when it comes to Feast registrations for the "elite" sites.  These are the sites that only the rich in the UCG attend.  God forbid if they had to fellowship with the lower class unwashed masses.

The telling things from the quote below that is from the Church of God News site is the comment from the boys in Cincinnati and how they do not want members who want to attend the Feast at the Edgewater in Panama City to find accommodations OUTSIDE the selected high rate hotel.  If the lower income members did that then the UCG would have to pay $20,000.00 a day.   Yes, you read that right, they booked a site that could potentially cost them $20,000.00 a day.  One large conference room in a resort hotel, not a large convention center like Tucson or St. Pete.  I am sure this will make Lil'Jimmy Meredith jealous as can be!

Notice how they try to "guilt trip" church members into going to the less desirable sites by making them feel guilty in not assisting the "vulnerable and disadvantaged."  Perhaps the ministry of the church should set the right example for once in their life and do what they expect the members to do.  They should be the ones assisting and working with the "vulnerable and disadvantaged" instead of indulging their privileged posteriors in high end resorts as they isolate themselves in "ministerial hospitality" suites.

The Planning Brochure for the Festival of Tabernacles 2017 is now online.Viktor Kubik writes: “Over the years we have greatly deregulated the assigning of entire churches to a specific Feast site because they were so large and we had to control attendance. But that has not been done in some time, and our current laissez faire system has worked well. 
However, at some of the less popular sites we do have shortages of able people to care for physical needs of the vulnerable and disadvantaged. God does care for them, and so should we. 
One of the most popular sites will be the Edgewater at Panama City, Florida. Charles Melear writes: “Sometimes a person can find a better deal for Feast housing by searching the Internet. But ... 
If every member did that, the rental for the Edgewater Beach Resort would be $162,000 and we wouldn’t be able to have the Feast there.” 
Over $20,000 per day for a meeting venue 
The venue is so expensive because of the lavish facilities provided at the Edgewater (and at many venues used by other corporate Churches of God).Those members who can afford to stay there can probably afford to pay more to enable the Church to pay less. Church of God News