Monday, December 27, 2010

Come on UCG Ministers! Don't Let Paul Be By Himself Today!

Is COG Worldwide Association Looking To Buy the Denton TX Property?

The devious and manipulative minds of the men who have been plotting for several months to start a new COG organization seem to have lot's of plans in their pockets.  With the new group now formed and all that tithe money coming in they will need a new HQ presence to make themselves look legit - instead of a P.O. Box or a residence address.

Voila!  Problem solved! I can hear them now.... "Let's work on buying the Denton property that UCG turned down.  It's really part of God's plan for us!  God inspired UCG to turn down buying the property so that we could buy it and start building our HQ there!  God also inspired the inventors of the printing press so that gay King James could publish the Bible so we could have free access to the scriptures which would allow us  to preach the TRUE end time message."

From: “ ” < >
To: Andrew Jenkins <>; ; ARNOLD HAMPTON < >; ; Michael Moore < >
Cc: james haeffele < >; ; ; Richard Thompson <>; ; Jim Cannon < >; jimfranks < >
Sent: Fri, December 17, 2010 6:57:24 PM
Subject: New Org.
Greetings:  I wouild like to suggest that as soon as our new org is up and running as an International Church org that we make a bid on the property in Texas and make it our home office if it is still for sale.  Maybe we could put in a bid now.  How much would it take?

Dave Jenkins

UCG Now Suspending Members Who Click "Like" on Facebook Posts

Abigal Cartwright has this tale of legalistic horror on her web site.  Can the stupidity at UCG get any worse?

Member suspended for pressing "like" on a FB post

According to the member, "He (Mr. Dowd) called her up and told her that several people had contacted him and told him that she "like" 'd a post a fellow member put on his wall. It was the "Open Letter to Minister". He asked her if she still liked it. She said yes. He asked her if she still supported it. She said yes. That's when he lowered the boom."

Members Suspended For Clicking "Like" on Facebook