Sunday, March 6, 2011

Why After 70 Years the COG's Still Have Zero Impact in the World

The following was posted as a comment on the "What's On Your Mind Today" entry.  The response by Douglas sums up perfectly;y what is wrong with Armstrongism and the myriad of Churches of God.  Even with WCG's 60 some year presence in Pasadena and all the 'good work's that it did, it was till looked upon by the community as weird. Living in Pasadena, you soon got in the habit when you picked up the Star News and saw an article about the Church you cringed, knowing that there would be some idiotic comment or story about something stupid that the church or a chruchmember had done or said.

Douglas Becker said...

Armstrongists don't seem to understand what fools they look like to the outside world: No one is going to consider them credible with their infighting, silly ideas, failed predictions, blatant heresy, abuse and generally bad behavior.

If the Armstrongists want credibility, they need to set boundaries, abandon their crazy ideas, rethink their positions, stop the narcissism, quit the greed, take responsibility, stop setting a terrible example, quit the abuse and generally get their act together. They seem to think that their behavior is isolated and no one that matters can see their evil doing.


The couple being stalked in the UCG got a restraining order from Superior Court. That Boy in the Box thing hit the newspapers. The Orthodox Jews aren't happy about British Israelism. The Church of God Seventh Day isn't going to consider keeping the Feasts because of the entirely accurate reports of drunkeness and alcoholic behavior at the Feast of Tabernacles. The Seventh Day Church of God calls Armstrongism idolatry. Failed prophecies make the venue look really ridiculous to the general populace. The "church wars" are nothing but entertainment for stable Christian Churches -- and as evidence of the lack of viability the entire Armstrongist community has. The values and behaviors are laughable and panned at every turn. Psychiatrists who have learned of their behavior evaluate the Armstrongists of having multiple mental disorders.

Congratulations on bringing darkness (and dorkness) to the (spiritual) Gentiles. Do you claim to be of God? It sure doesn't look like it to an objective eye.

Congratulations for setting a terrible example to the whole world.

The ACoGs are much like an obstreperous drunken couple arguing at a restaurant, seeming to believe that no one around them sees or hears them because they are so focused on each other in their anger. They should be aware that if they continue and the Manager returns, they may be ejected after paying for the damages they caused.
March 6, 2011 8:11 AM

Saturday, March 5, 2011

What's On Your Mind Today? UFO's, Atlantis, Robots, Food Riots?

Being part of the Worldwide Church of God or one of it's 700 splinter cults we were/are surrounded by every imaginable conspiracy theory there was.  Pasadena was filled with those who saw the Illuminati behind everything, the new world order, new money systems, Zionist Jews, Bilderbergers, and on and on the list can go.  When you free your mind from this silliness you see a world  filled with wonder about you.  However, those still entrenched in Armstrongite thought still think about these things.

On one of  the ultra far right HWA loving Yahoo sites these are the topics of discussion.  I must add that in hardly any of the 26,000 some entries do you find people discussing Jesus and his radical message.

This is just a sampling of the topics these people feel are important to their spiritual lives:

Germany's new generation of female political leaders

Germany is beginning to proclaim herself as a leader in Europe

Intermarriage in the US is destroying our bloodline

UFO flies over Temple Mount

First Gad, now Dan, build tunnel to Assyria - for future captives?

Google finds Atlantis!

A mysterious, pale green figure seen in televised news coverage of the Egyptian riots has prompted some viewers to ask, "Could this be the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse?"

Robot's are attacking us.

For what it's worth, my thoughts are that the Laodicean era started when Mr.
Armstrong died. Both Philadelphia and Laodicea continue today. Those of us in
Philadelphia are striving to"...hold that fast which thou hast..." Rev. 3:11.
The Laodicean attitude is the predominate one now.

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica is only legit encyclopedia

Hidden underground cities for 2012 survivors

Hidden underground military bases

The Georgia guide stones

Sociologists claim 225 of Russians are Israelites

There will be another Hitler someday

Super moon on March 19 will cause huge earthquakes and other extreme weather

Massive food riots this spring

Upcoming civil war in the USA that will cause the country to break apart.