Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"...there are just not very many people interested in 'holding fast'..."

Here is an admission by a splinter Church of God group that lays out once and for all that Armstrongism is dying off.  The comment that no one cares about HWA's so called truths is an understatement.

It is unfortunate that in this day and age there are just not very many people interested in “holding fast” to the truth and doctrines that God restored and revealed through His end-time apostle Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong. Yes, there are many “congregations” out there with various “Church of God” names, but the overwhelming majority of these do not hold fast to all of the true teachings (doctrine) of Jesus Christ.  Most are satisfied with settling in and attending these congregations and not being “disturbed” or having to change or repent of anything. I often call this their “comfort zones”. 

Like many of the splinter groups that seek to preserve all things Herb, prior to 1986, this group has taken it to a new extreme.  Their statement of beliefs and organization is from the radio Church of God,1948.  Talk about living the past!

They then make the following comment:

God did the GREATEST work that He ever did through a human instrument, here in the end time through Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong.

What an impotent little god this must be that sat by for close to 2,000 years doing nothing till Herb came on the scene. How disgusting and denigrating this is to the myriads of faithful men and women who died for their beliefs through the centuries.  So Herb was greater than Martin Luther?  Luther boldly proclaimed his beliefs in defiance of the established church while Herb could only go around talking about "a strong hand from someplace."  So which has had a greater impact upon the world?  Luther or Herb.......?

Their web site is filled with all things HWA.  If you ever wanted a temple of idolatry for HWA this is one of them.  They are just short of the 'eternal candle' that one failed web site had 'burning' on its page a couple of years back. Hold Fast

Monday, March 28, 2011

50% of COG Members In Petra Will Not Be Resurrected

The dung keeps getting deeper and deeper on Malm's blog.  He has a long post today on the two witnesses, the tribulation, 3 1/2 years, three and half days, 7 years, 1,290 days, and on and on and on.

He talks about the church fleeing to 'the place of safety' (Petra in Armstrongite mythology.)  There the true faithful COG members will be sheltered from the trials the rest of the world will be going through.

Then all of a sudden, POOF, the person standing next to you will be gone!

Gone off to heaven while you will be left standing there, shattered and devastated beyond belief.  Yet, don't be too discouraged because you are STILL a true COG member.  Just not one of the lucky ones.

Does he realize how incredibly STUPID he sounds?  Worse yet, what is the state of mind of those that believe this bullshit?

The answer to this question has two parts. The first part is the simple fact that many are called and few are chosen. And not everyone in the wilderness will be accounted worthy to have a part in the resurrection. When the resurrection comes, there will be many who are not ready, who are not worthy. They’ve gotten lax, they’ve gotten bored. They found life monotonous and routine in the wilderness and they just have gotten lazy and they are not ready, they are not prepared and they are not worthy and they will not be in the resurrection.
That is why Jesus said, there will be two women grinding at the mill. One taken and the other left and so on and so on. You know the scriptures, you can look them up. The fact is, probably half the people who are even in the wilderness will not be worthy to be resurrected. And when they see their friends  rising up around them, they will be struck with horror that they are still on the ground. They will be crushed in spirit and they will still be God’s people, they will still be God’s elect. But they are just not worthy to be a part of the Bride of Christ. They are not zealous enough, not ready, not properly prepared. Not having enough of the spirit doesn’t mean that there is no spirit at all.
People could have a small amount of spirit and not have been using it. And there is very little left and they just don’t have enough to have a part in the resurrection. So, they would need to continue on and being that they were in shock at seeing their friends and neighbors rising up around them. In absolute shock and horror, they would repent deeply and bitterly and would still need protection for the final 45 days. Protection from the beast, from the false prophet, protection from Satan and protection from the seven last plagues being poured out on the earth.
There is also the issue of little children not being qualified to be changed, yet certainly sanctified by faithful parents.  A loving God would not leave then unprotected!

Yes after the resurrection, there will still be some of God’s people who were not considered worthy to be changed and resurrected, to be a part of the first fruits at that time. But who will repent bitterly and who will still be protected by God up until the very coming of the kingdom.

Then the stupidity really shines forth when he starts talking about the little kids left behind when their parents are up in heaven rejoicing in the presence of God.  They won't care.  God's going to take care of them, no concerns, no sirree!  No concerns while they are basking in God's delight while their little ones are left in the desert wilderness of Petra.

The second part of the answer concerns who are God’s people, who is God’s church, who are God’s called out ones? And we are told in Holy Scripture that the conversion and the godliness and the commandment keeping of the parents sanctifies the children. As long as the children are willing to obey their parents, as long as the children are subject to their parents, they are sanctified by their parent’s conversion.

Therefore in the resurrection, little children who are not going to be part of the first fruits, who simply by reason of their youth don’t have the experience, don’t have the understanding, and are not ready to be a part of the first fruits; those little children are still God’s people. They are sanctified by their parents and by their parents faithfulness and shall be blessed with God’s protection in the wilderness until the actual establishment of the kingdom.
We need not be concerned or worry about our children. God will take care of them. How? Why those people who were not worthy to be part of the first fruits, who were lax, who have suddenly been horrified and become deeply repentant, they will take care of the children. And if not, God would send his holy angels to do so. For He would not allow our sanctified children to suffer.

 Then he gets into one of the favorite areas of Armstrongite mythology.  The conferring of offices of responsibility to the TRUE COG members who will be placed over the remaining heathens where they will be taught the teachings of Herbert Armstrong for 1,000 years.  Oy, hell looks better and better all the time!

Given how mean so many of the legalistic men have been in the COG's towards their wives, children and neighbors, I would not want to be in a world governed by any of these idiots!  Malm's god is just giddy with delight at the prospect of destroying humanity. 

When the last plagues have been poured out, Christ will then come with his saints to seize control of the governments of the world. Governments mostly destroyed and totally humbled. And having destroyed these governments and taking the beast and false prophet and throwing them into the lake of fire at the very end completing 1335 days.

Kirk Cameron SAVE US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

This Months Third False Prophet! Strike Three!

COGdom is banging out false prophets every day now. James Malm, the self appointed authority on ALL COG truth and end time prophet, over on the Shining Light blog is now speculating about the date of the end times.  According to this false prophet, the abomination of desolation will be in late September of this year:

Of course he dances around saying he does not predict exact dates.  Dance, dance, dance. IF, IF, IF.....

And I will tell you now that the end of the 1290 days is the resurrection from the dead on the 6th day of Unleavened Bread; and 45 days later brings us to the end of the 1335 days, which must fall  before the Feast of Pentecost. And on the feast of Pentecost, after those days Joel 2:28; God’s kingdom will be established. God’s spirit will be poured out on all flesh even calming the savage beast. And the Kingdom of God will be established and the millennium or thousand years of peace will start.

The proof of this will be in the fulfilling!  If we find the earliest possible sixth day of Unleavends and then count back from there 1,290 days and the abomination [final false prophet] is actually set up at that time; then we shall know that this concept is true.  Each year I have published the POSSIBLE date that the abomination might be set up. 
 I have NEVER published that any year is the set and established year that the abomination would be set up.  I only pubhlished that IF a certain year were to be the year, then the abomination could be set up accourding to the 1,290 day count; at a certain date.  This year that date would be in late September.  I am NOT saying that this is definitely the year; I AM saying that IF it were to be the year, then based on the count the abomination would be set up in late Sept.
One might go forward and calculate this possioble date for many years into the future, however if the abomination is set up according to the 1,290 day count; then this concept stands proved.