Monday, September 26, 2011

Esteemed LCG Scientist Speaks Out

Who knew LCG had any scientists in their midst.  Take a guess as to who one of these scientists are.  It is none other than our esteemed Chiro/naturo/Eschatology-wizard/2012 authority/Author Bob Thiel!

He writes:

As a scientist, I have long known that proponents of evolution treat the subject more like a religious view than a scientific theory. This is somewhat also what the Ben Stein movie Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed revealed (see Ben Stein’s Expelled).

Which was?

Scientists who challenge too many claims associated with evolution are shunned by many academic institutions, as there is a tremendous amount of pressure at most “leading” academic institutions to squelch research that is not in support of evolution because it will affect their beliefs.

Evolution, as the explanation for the origin of life, is unscientific and false. It also requires students to accept a belief that violates other known laws of biological science, and it develops a scoffer’s attitude towards truth.

Perhaps I should add that when the world does not end in 2012, around December 22, 2012 I expect scoffers to abound related to prophecy (2 Peter 2-3).

This was all in response to a LCG article on the Tomorrow's World web site The Real God: Proofs and Promises, by Doug Winnail.  I had Winnail as a biology teacher while a student at Embarrassing College.  Talk about one INCREDIBLY boring man!

Winnail writes:

It may come as a shock to you, but our modern, sophisticated, well-educated world has been deceived when it comes to life's biggest questions! The truth about the real God has been perverted and suppressed—not just by atheistic philosophers and secular scientists, but by misguided theologians! This may sound like an outrageous statement, but it is exactly what the Bible revealed would happen, and it is verified by historical facts, as we will see in this booklet.

Winnail needs to look no further than LCG to find "misguided theologians!"  LCG is filled with theologically bankrupt "theologians."  I cannot call them real theologians because none of them have any real degrees in theology..

Winnail continues:

Today, many practice a superficial "consumer Christianity" or "cafeteria religion"—that is, people pick and choose what religious tenets they wish to believe and reject those teachings that do not appeal to their interests. For many people, religious beliefs are often personal, vague, generalized and casual. Levels of confidence and conviction are often rather low. Doctrinal specifics are usually fuzzy. Each person tends to believe what seems to be right in his or her own eyes. This is part of the legacy of the Protestant Reformation—where the individual, not the church or the Bible—becomes the sole authority (ibid., pp. 61–62). As one teenager responded when asked by a reporter about what she thought about God: "God is everywhere. God is in me. I am God." These are, as we shall see, sadly misinformed opinions!

Well if that's not calling the kettle black I don't know what is!  Look at the people who picked and chose what they wanted to believe when they helped for GCG (while on WCG payroll) so that Lord Meredith could move into his new church after WCG had finished defending him in court for his flapping loud mouth.

Doctrinal specifies have changed so many times in LCG it would take numerous posts to list them all.  Like all the various harlot daughters of the great mother church - WCG- LCG looks outside the Bible for much of it's authority.

Check out the article above if you want to read all about the evils of evolution and to be astounded at the awesomeness of LCG's mind boggling knowledge.

COGWA Using It's Own Church Members To Audit It's Books

COGWA has apparently chosen  McNeely and McNeely as it's auditors over it's church accounts. Melton McNeely is  a member of COGWA.

You can see his name listed here on those who left UCG: (about 40th elder down)

The Journal also mentions McNeely in 2004  Melton McNeely of UCG from Hawkins TX (where this auditing firm is also located).

You would  think they would have learned a lesson from having Stan Rader as a church auditor and the mess that it caused .  But no.  The COG's seem to conveniently be able to forget the past because they think they are far more enlightened today.

You Are All A Bunch of God-Hating Functionally Constipated Sleepy Sheepie Nicolatanes!!!!

For all of you that have dared to disagree with Apostle Malm, one of his acolytes has this to say about you!

COMMENT: In reply to your detractors, who pose the “who do you think you are…” challenges, we should see their contempt as exposing the defective orientation that it is.

It reflects the God-hated Nicolaitane condition, which allows only those ‘ordained’ to be authorized to speak in any capacity.

No, in fact, the general membership are obligated, and may we say ‘commanded’, to speak out and speak often among themselves. Malachi 3:16-18 says it as well as anything could. It is our acceptance of the “only the ministry can speak / if anyone speaks, he’s making himself out to be a minister”  mentality that exposes our biblical misalignment on this matter.
Not only does our ‘ministry’ impose that prohibition, but our membership seems also trained to have that same reaction.

The Nicolaitane establishments have done their job well in that department. We were often reminded of the “pray and pay” situation, with the failure to emphasize the obvious, but unspoken follow-up: “you have no say!” It is our failure to use the faculties God has given us that largely accounts for our functionally constipated condition.

The ‘body’ in concert could have prevented many of the apostasies and abuses, but we created way too many ‘sleepy sheepies’!!  We have more liability for our own demise than we choose to admit. The real question is, “who do they imagine THEY are?”

They facilitate a condition that Christ plainly states that He hates (Rev.2:6&15) and frustrate one that He greatly appreciates! (Mal 3:16)