Sunday, May 6, 2012

Apostate Malm: Directions On How To Stay In A Hotel on the Sabbath/Holy Days

The apostate apostle is giving directions to his acolytes on how to stay in a hotel/motel, on a sabbath/holy day, during the Feast.  No more beds made or bathrooms cleaned on Malm's so called sabbath.  Nada!

An acolyte asks:

In relation to the correct calendar days and correct way of keeping the Sabbath holy, how and where do you and your family keep the Feast of Tabernacles? Are there any congregations in the COG’s that keep the correct days and believe in not buying and selling on the Sabbath? (as per Neh. 10, 13) If staying at hotels for the Feast (which has been our tradition for many years) is hiring a room and paying the hotel management for it (which would include the Sabbath/Holy days) is breaking the Sabbath then what is the proper way of residing in booths? Do you suggest camping, bringing tents or campers to a Feast site? What about meeting halls? Is renting hotel meeting rooms for weekly Sabbath services considered buying and selling on the Sabbath?

The emerging splinter group leader writes:

We would stay in a motel usually and sometimes camp. Staying in a motel is not a problem as we pay and get settled BEFORE any Sabbath or High Day, and we simply inform them that no service will be needed on Sabbaths or High Days; which usually delights them.
We do prefer a room with a Frdge and stove but if that is not possible a small cooler to keep a few perishables overnight on a Sabbath is helpful. If you are a fly in, a styrofoam cooler can be bought for a couple of dollars at the local market.
Right now this is a work in progress and while there are hundreds perhaps a thousand or more people faithful to the Sabbath etc, they are widely scattered worldwide and I have cautioned everyone to stay where they are until the fruits of their orgnization is very clear to them. That time is almost at hand. James

Obviously the future Pastor General feels he has quit a following, enough so that they will eventually need to break away from the apostate Churches of God and start their own Feast site.  One can only imagine what a downer this site would be like.  Sour, legalistic, know-it-all's clicking their tongues at every perceived infraction.  Imagine being a youth or teenager at this so called "festival" site!  How depressing!

Apostle Malm Hyperventilates In Horror! UCG Preaches Tkach Style Sermons This Weekend!

Apostate apostle Malm is hyperventilating today about a couple of sermons that happened in UCG this past weekend. There were fainting pastors, lots of Jesus love, and teaching on how the UCG is correcting the many errors of HWA and the past.  You can hear the sermons here:

These two sermons were so horrific that they are reminiscent of Joe Tkach's Christmas Ever sermon.

This is a Tkach moment; a veritable bombshell sermon, which I will be covering in depth along with other UCG writings; and yes you can download these two sermons. Please do download and keep them for a personal record of the day the apostasy came out of the closet.

These sermons were also so painful for the  preachers that one even fainted afterwards and had to be hauled off to the hospital:

The pressure on Eddington was trememdous as he tried to craft this in such a way that they would not lose the large numbers they did when they did it in WCG.

The apostate apostle has been on a holy terror against UCG  since before the break up with COGWA.  He has been having fits that UCG is placing  more emphasis on Jesus, grace and love, than on James sackcloth, ashes, chest beating, flagellation and law keeping.  Even if you are not religious, I have a feeling you know which group you would be attracted to!

UCG has been trying to move away from the legalistic bull that continues to whore it's self out in various Armstrongite splinter cults.  After 70 some years of lists, rules, regulations, legalistic do's and dont's, they realize that the membership of the COG does not have a personal relationship with the person they claim to follow.  If you asked the typical church member to name the laws of the Hebrew scriptures they can rattle them off for the next fifteen minutes.  But ask them to talk about Jesus and there suddenly is deafening silence.  What they might mention about Jesus tends to be tied to beatings, torture and death on a cross. Jesus had to die because everyone is a dirty, rotten, filthy scumbag, and are worthless pieces of human garbage.

Because of Armstrongism's absurd understanding on grace and love, the splinter cults spit and snarl at the mention of grace as if it was a four letter word.  To Malm and the rest of the legalistic pimps, it means nothing more than a license to sin.  Then, add the stupidity of apostate apostle Malm and his legalistic bastardization of the law and you quickly see there is no redeeming hope left.

Malm writes:

These folks have been working long and hard to reset the focus and attitude in UCG away from grace being forgiveness to repentant keepers of the law; and towards a grace covers all and Jesus want us to be united with each other in love.
They are perverting grace into a license to tolerate sin; and perverting unity with the Father thorugh internalizing his very nature by the keeping of his commandments, into a unity with each other through loving, patient gentle, understanding andtolerance of sin; as the prophets have foretold.
I have been trying to warn for the past year.

According to apostate apostle Malm the UCG is turning it's back on the law and moving towards grace and that filthy four letter word, love.  Imagine, if you possibly can, a Church of God filled with grace and love!  I know!  It's hard to do!

Here is what has ticked of the apostate apostle:

UCG NEWS:   The broadcast UCG sermons yesterday were shockers and I will be dissecting them as part of this weeks series on the doctrinal changes  in UCG.

Bill Eddington was obviously extremely  nervous and stressed  as he tried to put the new UCG over on the brethren; and he collapsed and fainted right after the sermon and was rushed to hospital by ambulance.

His sermon was a much more subtle “Dec 94 Tkach declaration” that doctrine was indeed being changed.

He clearly stated that they were reassessing the past teachings and correcting the mistaken teachings of the HWA WCG.  And he openly admitted that they had already succeeded in changing the spirit and attitude in UCG over the past twelve months. I have been warning of this all the while.

That change of attitude and focus was the preparation phase for the new teachings.

If this is all true I am sure there is going to be great fodder to write about and quote over the next week or so.  If UCG really is changing away from law to grace then I say more  power to them! Time will tell as to what they actually do, grace and love certainly trump Malm's bastardized law keeping any day!

Big Sandy COG Splinter Cult: "Walmart Is The Devil"

Is Walmart the devil? The day will come shortly when the rug will be jerked out from under our feet, and then where will we Christians buy our TV's, our shotgun shells and even our eggs and broccoli? Buyer beware! Christian support of the Edomite agenda is at our own economic peril. Walmart has unfairly, through jewish banking connection, forced small retailers to close, by the tens of thousands across America.

It's time for Christians to take back "buying and selling." It's time for Christian retailers to present alternatives to Walmart, a difficult task without the banking connection. China Mart must go! We American Moms and Pops, born of Christian Biblical stock, must wake up our neighbors to the economic train wreck about to happen. We must reclaim our heritage! We must present our collective alternatives to what the devil has given us as his last, best effort for conquering us economically.