The apostate apostle is giving directions to his acolytes on how to stay in a hotel/motel, on a sabbath/holy day, during the Feast. No more beds made or bathrooms cleaned on Malm's so called sabbath. Nada!
An acolyte asks:
In relation to the correct calendar days and correct way of keeping the Sabbath holy, how and where do you and your family keep the Feast of Tabernacles? Are there any congregations in the COG’s that keep the correct days and believe in not buying and selling on the Sabbath? (as per Neh. 10, 13) If staying at hotels for the Feast (which has been our tradition for many years) is hiring a room and paying the hotel management for it (which would include the Sabbath/Holy days) is breaking the Sabbath then what is the proper way of residing in booths? Do you suggest camping, bringing tents or campers to a Feast site? What about meeting halls? Is renting hotel meeting rooms for weekly Sabbath services considered buying and selling on the Sabbath?
The emerging splinter group leader writes:
We would stay in a motel usually and sometimes camp. Staying in a motel is not a problem as we pay and get settled BEFORE any Sabbath or High Day, and we simply inform them that no service will be needed on Sabbaths or High Days; which usually delights them.
We do prefer a room with a Frdge and stove but if that is not possible a small cooler to keep a few perishables overnight on a Sabbath is helpful. If you are a fly in, a styrofoam cooler can be bought for a couple of dollars at the local market.
Right now this is a work in progress and while there are hundreds perhaps a thousand or more people faithful to the Sabbath etc, they are widely scattered worldwide and I have cautioned everyone to stay where they are until the fruits of their orgnization is very clear to them. That time is almost at hand. James
Obviously the future Pastor General feels he has quit a following, enough so that they will eventually need to break away from the apostate Churches of God and start their own Feast site. One can only imagine what a downer this site would be like. Sour, legalistic, know-it-all's clicking their tongues at every perceived infraction. Imagine being a youth or teenager at this so called "festival" site! How depressing!