Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Is Imitation the Best Form of Flattery?

Bob Thiel, the "unofficial" Official spokesman for the Living Church of God, the world's foremost authority on prophecy and Mayan gibberish, has posted an article justifying the use by WCG and LCG of using the Psalms instead of Christian hymns for church singing.

My first reaction was to the picture of LCG's hymnal.  Why is it that none of the 700 some splinter groups can EVER come up with an ORIGINAL idea?  They took WCG's old purple hymnal, changed the color and added a picture of an old school house.  I guess that is very appropriate since that seems to be where many COG's meet.  I do think a Masonic Temple or Odd Fellows Hall would have made a better picture though. 

Why is it that none of these hundreds of splinter groups could come up with original names for their groups, magazines, colleges, etc.?  It's 2012, the old RCG/WCG is 70 plus years in the past and yet none of these groups have moved into the 21st century.  Ministers preach the same recycled sermons, evangelists preach the same things over and over and never open themselves up to new things.  The old guard still rule and the younger leaders are considered potential heretics.  The COG's have turned into tired, worn out, useless organizations that are strangling their members spirits.

 (Yes, I know it is their weird looking HQ building. Good taste in architecture is not a strong point of the splinter groups anymore.)

Chinese Buy Ambassador College Pasadena Hall of Ad With 2 Day Escrow

Harvest Rock, the weird charismatic personality sect that bought the Ambassador Auditorium had high hopes in buying the Hall of Administration so they could start a School of the Supernatural and a preschool.  They were constantly bragging on how the Holy Spirit was leading them to buy the Hall of Ad.

Apparently the Holy Spirit pulled a fast one on them and helped a consortium of Chinese to buy it with an offer of a two day escrow that left Harvest Rock flailing in the dust.  All of the prophesying, pogoing, and barking members never had the inspiration to know what was going on.

It is almost assured that condo's, a hotel or some other large complex will be built there.  There is no historical significance in preserving the building.  The inside is in fair condition and still actually contain some of the furnishings from the old WCG that are in that "Mad Men" style.  The biggest use of the building was a few years ago by the cable series Fringe where they made it into a museum.  Harvest Rock was renting rooms from Maranatha High School, then owners of the building.

I have to wonder how long it will be till Prophet Bob Thiel finds some prophetic reasoning behind the Chinese buying the building.  Crazy COG ministers decades ago used to claim that when Germany invaded the U.S. they would be so in awe of the magnificent buildings and grounds that they would make it their HQ for the destruction of the western United State.  Since that turned out to be an abject failure, now they will start claiming the Chinese will use the campus for their HQ when they invade the U.S.

Fun times are ahead!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Why Do Armstrongite Legalists Love "Wild Assed Tangents of Bibliotary?"

It has been ages since I was on the WCG Alumni group.  It used to be a lively place with the legalists wielding their KJV /Moffet Bibles against all of us heathens who were no longer sabbath keepers and who ate pork and shrimp.  

They love to throw scriptures and spittle around as proof that Sabbath keeping, clean and unclean meats and holy days are still required.

Checking it out tonight there was a comment with the following quote that the legalistic Armstrongites still refuse to answer to this day:

When exactly is sundown in Heaven?  If you think Jesus is still observing the Sabbath from Heaven, please tell us what time zone He is in? Would that be GMT?  Or EDT?  Or maybe you should set your watch for Jerusalem time?
Your problem is that you believe in the Gospel of Jesus++.  You can't just accept the fact that you don't need to add anything to His salvation at the Cross.  You have to add the O.C. rules of "Touch not, taste not, handle not!" thinking you are earning "legal brownie points" with your Maker.  But He doesn't care about your brownie point scoring system.  Because all your efforts at keeping the law are as filthy rags to Him.

Let that sink in before you decide when your "day" starts and you go off on yet another wild-assed tangent of biblioalatry, dressing yourself in those filthy rags of self righteousness and your idea of sun-up.

Jesus said that His yoke is easy and His burden is light.  You dare not add anything as a Pharisee to that, with all your O.C. laws and self-righteous fly swattings.

I love it!